Wolves| Taekook

By Jennyluvtaekook

241K 14.6K 2.7K

Jungkook, an alpha being tortured by his past was found wounded by Kim Taehyung in the woods. Kim Taehyung wa... More

Untitled Part 38


6.8K 448 86
By Jennyluvtaekook

"Jungkook, the dinner's ready" Taehyung spoke as he knocked on the door but received no response.

"He must be sleeping" He mumbled to himself. He called out once again, this time, louder but still received no response.

He pondered whether he should open the door or not because Jungkook had warned him not to, but the food downstairs would get cold if they don't go as soon as possible.

He was about to twist the knob but the door suddenly opened, making Taehyung jump, his heart leaping out of his chest. He looked at Jungkook who was glaring at him with his sleepy eyes and messy bed hair.

Taehyung wanted to laugh out really bad because of how cute and funny Jungkook was looking but he dared not otherwise his head would be on the ground. 

"T-the dinner's ready" Taehyung spoke in a scared voice and received no response. Jungkook just went downstairs and sat on the chair, taking the food on his plate.

Taehyung quietly sat in front of him and served himself. He peeked towards Jungkook trying to find some reaction on his face but there was none. Jungkook was just hogging over the food without even looking up.

Is this some alpha way to say that the food is delicious?

Taehyung shook his thoughts away as he ate the food with utter silence. The two didn't even exchange a word as Jungkook headed upstairs.

Taehyung sighed as he looked at the beige-colored couch. 

"It's just you and me, couch" He said and was about to plop on the couch when something got thrown over his head. He shrieked as he removed the "thing"  from his head.

He looked at it and was surprised that it was a blanket that was thrown on him.

He whipped his head back and shrieked again, backing off. A tall figure hovering behind him, glaring at him

"J-jungkook, you scared me. I thought you were some murderer" Taehyung said, taking a big puff of air.

"Huh? You think a murderer would want something from someone like you?" Jungkook mocked and Taehyung so badly wanted to rip Jungkook's hair to baldness, but he calmed himself down or else he would have nowhere to stay.

"Anyway, what is this?" Taehyung asked as he looked at the blanket.

"Ah, I see. You haven't been to a school too, otherwise, you would know this is a blanket" Jungkook rudely spoke and Taehyung's patience was ending but he calmed himself down once again.

"So this is for me? Thank you so much" Taehyung politely spoke and received ignorance in response.

"I'll be leaving early for the pack meeting. You stay here and don't go anywhere" Jungkook squinted his eyes, jabbing a finger inside Taehyung's chest who whimpered with pain.

"A-alright" He spoke as he backed away, rubbing his paining chest.

Jungkook glared at him before going upstairs. Taehyung sighed as he turned all the lights off and plopping on the couch.

He stared at the white ceiling, illuminating because of the street lights.

"What is wrong with him? He gets me a blanket and a pillow but then acts as if I'm a piece of trash" He mumbled to himself.

"But maybe that's exactly what I am to him?" Taehyung shrugged and fell into a deep sleep.


"Run! Run from me! You can never run away from me!" A monstrous voice chased the poor black-furred alpha who kept whimpering looking at his bleeding chest.

He kept running and running, his paws were aching and his eyes were bleeding tears, yet he didn't stop because if he stopped that monster would eat him alive.

He was injured in the heart. His heart had a hole that continuously bled. He wanted to stop and die, but he wants to find her. He needs to find her.

Suddenly, the dark was flooded by a bright light piercing through the alpha's eyes. He squinted to look properly but his eyes immediately widened when he saw her.

His heart was aching but there was a smile on his face as he looked at her. He dragged himself towards her and fell in front of her.

"Mom" He spoke, tears escaping his eyes, although happy ones. Her face was expressionless and the poor alpha tried his best to get some reaction out of her face but she stood there as cold as ice.

He suddenly flinched seeing her expressions change from stone-cold to terrified. She looked at him and immediately backed away, panting as she pointed at her.

"Y-you monster. You murderer. Stay away from me!" She spoke with a trembling voice but the alpha couldn't make out why his mother was saying such cruel words.

"You are a beast!" She started crying and before the alpha could reach her again, darkness engulfed him again.

"Mom! Mom!" He kept shouting but it was of no use. He had fallen back into the pit.

He heard the monster's voice again as he turned to look at him, but was met with darkness.

"You! What did you to my mother! Why is she calling me a monster?!" The alpha sobbed and sobbed, trying to look for the monster.

Suddenly a mirror appeared in front of him as he flinched back.

He looked in the mirror to see his bleeding, weak body, but he was horrified to see another wolf's reflection in the mirror. He looked exactly like him, but the only difference was that he had blue eyes.

And his mother's dead body in his mouth. The alpha howled in pain as he looked at his mother's dead figure.

"What did you do to her?! Why did you do this to her?!" He wailed but only heard a chuckle.

"Me? I did this to her? You're wrong, Jungkook. You are the one who did this. I am you, you are me" The monster evilly laughed and before Jungkook could run, the monster jumped on him.

"Noo!" The man bolted up, extending his hand in front of him. He was panting heavily as sweat dripped off his horrified face.

He cupped his face in his hands as he tried to calm himself. He quickly ran inside the bathroom and looked inside the mirror. He glared at his reflection before punching the already tattered mirror. He turned the tap on as he let his bleeding fist meet with the cold water. It stung, but this was his punishment. Every day, he would punish himself by hurting himself.

He took a long breath before heading for the shower. His clothes were still on him but he didn't even care one bit. He just wanted to cool his head down.

"This is why I hate sleeping. I just wish I turned insomniac" He sighed to himself as he let the cold shower run over his wounds.


Jungkook stepped down and suddenly flinched at the smell of eggs and bacon. He walked towards the kitchen to see Taehyung inside.

"What are you doing so early?" He asked making Taehyung shriek.

"What? A murderer again?" Jungkook mocked and Taehyung wanted to roll his eyes so badly but he chose to ignore the statement.

"The sunlight woke me up, so I decided to make you breakfast before you left" Taehyung smiled at Jungkook who said nothing.

He just sat on the dining table and waited for Taehyung to come with the breakfast, and when he came, Jungkook snatched the plate from Taehyung's hands and dug in.

Taehyung wanted to giggle at Jungkook's wolf behavior but he dared not to.

When Jungkook was done, Taehyung took his plate away. Jungkook stood up, wiping his mouth as he looked at Taehyung.

"I'll be arriving around lunchtime. Prepare it and do the other chores in the meantime" Jungkook ordered before leaving, making sure that he slammed the door real hard.

Taehyung sighed as he looked at Jungkook's retreating figure.

"Not even please, so strange" 

He gasped realizing something. When Jungkook was eating, he did notice his wounded fist but didn't pay much attention to it since he was still a bit sleepy.

"What happened?" Taehyung said to himself as he removed his apron.

"I'll make sure to bandage his fist when he comes back" 

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