Drummer Girl.

By cakemesomemashton

6.7K 193 75

17 year old Tzeital had lived in South Africa her whole life, everything she knew was there. Her friends, fam... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.

Chapter 7.

292 7 5
By cakemesomemashton

Monday morning.

Liz wanted me to stay home another day, just so she knew I'd be safe and back on my feet. She left me ready made meals and protein shakes downstairs, I have to eat and drink them all by the time she got home from work.

I'm off to work darling, stay in and relax! I want to see that all gone by the time I get home missy! Make sure Luke, Poppy and Ash aren't late for school! By the way, your car is back outside. Love you xxx

I turned over and nudged Ash.

"Give me 10 minute mum!" He moaned.

"Ashton, this is your girlfriend, not your mother, I highly suggest you wake up before you're late for school!"

"Is this what marriage is like?!" Ash turned over to me. His hair was all messy, but he still looked so hot to me!

I cuddled up to him, my hands cupping his face as I have him little kisses around his neck. I loved this boy.

"Babe, don't be a tease! I've told you!" He giggled.


"Irwin, you awake?" Luke yelled through.


"You're driving!" Luke added.

"No shit!" Well other than myself, Ash was the only other one of us who could drive.

He rolled out of bed and into the shower, he returned stark naked. I haven't ever blushed so much. I had to hide my face under the blankets!

"Tz, stop starring at me!" Ash chuckled like a little girl!

He got dressed. Luke and Poppy walked in.

"You going to be okay Tz? I'll stay with you if you like... It won't be the same facing Emily without you" Poppy offered.

"Life goes on, I'll be by your side tomorrow" I assured her.

Ash gave me a kiss, and they all left.

I walked down stairs and brought up everything Liz had left out for me. There was a lot, but I know I had to drink and eat it all.

The thought crossed to me, as much as I missed me mum and dad, I didn't want to be up there with them. I wanted them to be down here with me!

It was now 4:00pm. Everyone should be home around now? I had ate and drank everything, not wanting to disappoint Liz of course.

Her words rang out through me head "I couldn't handle losing you too!" It made me shiver!

I guess I haven't really spoken to her about the death of my mum. I mean my mum and Liz grew up together, they was best friends their whole lives!

All five of them barged through the door, talking and joking around. Then all crashed on to my bed.

The all kept talking, not saying a word to me. Ash just grabbed my hand and carried on talking. I couldn't even make out what they was all saying, there conversations just crossed over each others. Whatever.

"Ah, Tz!" Calum finally spoke to me.

I sat back up, everyone now looking at me. "What?"

"We missed you today! Emily tried to sit in your seat at lunch and flirt with Ash!"

"I thought we said we wasn't going to tell her!" Ash snapped at him!

I didn't even look at Ash! They wasn't going to tell me. How could they not tell me that! I crossed my arms and sat back.

"C'mon Tz!" Ash muttered.

I stood up and walked out the room, going down stairs. I was so mad. Not particularly with Ash and everyone but with that bitch. She wouldn't give up! What was I going to do!

I went into the kitchen. Opened the cupboards and searched through, finding some white chocolate chip cookies, my favourite! I started to munch on them.

"Well, you've got your appetite back!" Liz practically said with glee.

"Yeah, thanks for everything Liz! I mean it, I'd probably be dead if wasn't for you looking after me. Mum made a good choice having you as a friend, you're exactly alike!" I told her.

Liz was scarily like mum. They acted the same, sounded the same and even dressed quite similar!

Liz hugged me. "Why are you down here by yourself?"

I told her about the Emily situation.

"Emily Kelly? Kelly?! Dear god! There was a girl when me and your mum was at school called Sophie Kelly! Me and your mum hated her! She would always try and spark up fights and was quite flighty!" Liz mentioned.

Hmm, was that her mum? I'll ask Luke.

"What should I do Liz?! I can't loose Ash! And I don't want to get kicked out of school for fighting!" I sobbed to her. We was still hugging.

"Well, I know Ashton isn't going anywhere! Trust me on that one!" She hummed a bit. "I don't like violence Tzetial. Never have, but you have to do what you have to do. Just maybe not on school grounds!".

Was Liz telling me to fight her?

"I had to do that with Sophie, and she did end up stopping! By the way, don't tell Luke I told you that, sons shouldn't know that their mothers, but a mother daughter relationship, it's fine" she looked down and smiled.

I smiled back. I was lucky, I had a replacement mother almost. I had lost my mum and dad, but gained a new mother and brother! Actually four brothers and a sister!

"Thanks Liz, I love you!" I grabbed the cookies and went back upstairs.

I knew what I had to do, this would finish tomorrow. For good.

I sat back down next to Ash, and grabbed my phone. "Luke give me your phone" he passed it. I searched through his contacts to find Emily. Ha ha. It was under 'that bitch'. I stood and went over to the window.

This ends tomorrow. After school come straight to my house. We're finishing this once and for all. And after, you will leave my brother, his girlfriend and my boyfriend alone and friend alone! I said down the phone.

Deal. She returned. Ending the call.

"Tz?" I ignored everyone.

"So did we get any homework?" Changing the subject. Sticking a cookie in mouth.

Luke hugged me. "Thanks sis" he whispered.

Luke was my best friend for a reason. He knew exactly what happen.

After an hour everyone left. I had an early dinner, and got into the shower. By the time I got into bed it was 8:30pm. Earlier thank I thought! I had a big day ahead of me.

I texted Ash.

Night babe, love you xxx

Ash replied:

Love you more xxx

Just before I fell asleep Luke popped his head round the corner of the door, "Don't leave my side tomorrow, I will meet you by all your lessons, we have the same! I'm telling Ash too. Night sis, love ya"

"Love ya too" I returned.

Within seconds I was asleep.

Waking up to Luke. He was sitting at the bottom of my bed, this was a change?

"Luke what's wrong?" I sat up to him.

"Oh nothing, I just woke up a bit early" he put his hand in my ankle. Something was bothering him, I could tell.

"Luke, look at me?" He just kept he's head facing straight. "Luke! What's wrong?"

"This whole thing with Emily, I know what you're planning... You shouldn't have to do this. What if by chance she got the upper hand? I can't get involved with girls fighting!"

I slapped his shoulder and he turned to me. "Ow!"

"Stop being stupid Luke! I know you'd do this for me. This is a no brainer! I'm doing this, for you. For Pops. For all of us!" I got up pushing him out the room. "Get dressed!".

Getting to school with everyone made me realise I need a bigger car... And that I had the best friends in the world.

I love you Tz xxx

My morning text from Liz, short and sweet she knew exactly what I needed to hear.

The day flew by, no sign of Emily all day. Luke and Ash was like bodyguards, Calum and Mikey watched Poppy around. Before I knew it the day was over, we all jumped in the car. I had tunnel vision. This was gonna happen I had to stay in the zone.

We came up the drive. Emily and her little minions was waiting, sitting on our wall... Good thing Liz wasn't home.

I got out first, followed by the boys and Poppy. My adrenaline was going crazy! I went straight for her.

"You might want to wait a second there South Africa". She said. What did she mean?

At that moment 4 boys came walking up, they was a lot older than us. Like 22? They was men?

"What's this about?" I called over to her.

"So this is the girl?" One of the boys said. He laughed to the others.

Ash walked to my side holding my hand.

"Yeah babe, that's her" Emily laughed with them.

I stared at Ash. I was now scared. Really scared. He gulped and squeezed my hand.

"I won't let anything happen to you" Ash whispered to me. I took a deep breath.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You. And your little friend." One of them shot at me.

I turned to Poppy. She was by the car about 2 metres away from Luke. Her face dropped as one of the boys began to walk towards her, grabbing her around her shoulders.

"Luke don't move!" I screamed at him!

I ran at Emily, taking her straight to the ground.

"Babe help!" She screamed.

"Tell him to get off Poppy and I will let you go" I held her down.

"Ah let go of me!" Poppy?! The boy had flung her over his shoulder, she was kicking and screaming as he chucked her in his car. She was kicking the windows and the door, but it was no use!

I hit Emily. Her blood splashed up my arm.

"Time for you to come with us blondey" I felt two arms come around.

"Ash! Ash!" I was screaming! As I was flung into the back with Poppy.

Emily got up and walked away with her group of girls. Those four boys was facing Luke, Ashton, Calum and Mikey.

Me and Poppy was screaming!

All of the sudden Calum hit one of them, sending him to the ground. He ran over to us and tried to get the door open. He couldn't do it! What was these doors and windows made out of fucking concrete!

I could see Ash, Luke and Mikey going crazy at these, men. Each blow they took broke my heart.

Ash was getting the better of the one that through me in the car, but as he was only 6ft, and this boy was about 10, he was struggling.

Calum still couldn't get the door open. I could see the panic on his face!

Call Liz I thought! Wait. Where is my phone! "Poppy where is your phone!" They was both gone from our person.

"Calum get Liz!" Poppy screamed. But he clearly couldn't hear.

The two front doors and the door on the other side away from the house opened. Those boys jumped in and began to drive.

Ash ran after the car, but they sped away. Fast. He had no chance.

Me and Poppy clung to each other. I nodded at her, as if to say, stay calm. What had I gotten us into.

"So how old are you girls?" The one in the driver seat spoke. We stayed quiet.

He laughed. Then they all did.

"What do you want" I said, quiet calmly.



"Emily said you girls would be fun to... Hang with!" He laughed again.

"How old are you" Poppy then questioned.


"We're underage!" Poppy then shouted. "You guys will get into a lot of trouble!"

"You don't know what we're going to yet?!" The boy sounded quite disgusted at Poppy's accusation.

"I didn't realise grown men liked to get involved with college arguments, especially with girls" I fronted.

The car stopped, outside this huge block of flats.

"Don't scream, not do anything and we'll be nice, stay calm and quiet, this will all be over" they opened the doors, grabbing me and Poppy out.

They opened this huge door to the apartments and we began to walk up the stairs. We was suddenly met by this familiar whistle.

I looked to see the face of Mr. Marlor.

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