My Wife Is A Gangster(Mpreg)C...

By PrinceWayo

126K 7.6K 1.2K

All the pictures belong to rightful owner, I just own the fictional plot In this world, there was three kinds... More

Introduction and Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's note.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's note.
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's note
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Author's note
Chapter 35
Bas Fun fact
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 ( End)

Chapter 21

2.3K 151 18
By PrinceWayo

Author's POV.

Wayo having a good dreams and smiling while sleeping, it was already nine in the morning, while smiling, Wayo uncontrollably said. "P'Pha, I missed you." His voice was angelic from specific person.

Phana smirked upon hearing that from his mouth, he rubbed Wayo hair and he near his mouth to his ear to whisper something. "I missed you too my Wife." it's was a low voice but it's gave Wayo tingling sensation, Wayo uncontrollably smiled. He move closer to Phana, and reached out his hand to hug him. Wayo was laying down, while Phana still sitting at his side, Wayo hand reached at Phana crotch and he didn't notice it because he thought that he was dreaming, Phana startled by it.

And the thing is, it's giving him a hard time.. he tried to remove his hand slowly, then after removing it, Wayo's hand move again to his crotch, it's uncontrollable, because Phana was sitting at his side and his back at the top of the bed, making his lower part body near to Wayo's face. So when Wayo's hand moving, and tried to hug him it always at his dick.

Phana blushed hardly and he have a damn hard time! He then shake Wayo to woke him up, while Wayo's hand on his dick, he tried his best to control himself. "Yo, wake up already and take your breakfast." Yes, Phana already prepared a breakfast for him, and it was at the side of the table. Wayo rubbed his nose at Phana's pants and did not woke up yet. Then Phana added. "If you don't want to get up, I'm going to rape you." Wayo eye's suddenly open, then he looked at his hand where it touching, then he squeeze it few times to know if he was dreaming.

Finding that it wasn't a dream, Wayo was startled. "Shiiya!" He removed his hand and move a bit far from Phana.

"Enjoying touching my dick?" Phana asked.

"Touching your ass! Why.. why.. are you.. here!" Wayo voice rise a bit, and shattered.

"I'm here to take you back home." Phana smiling said.

"Why? I'm here to visit my friends coz I missed them." Wayo simply said, looking at his surroundings, and noticed that he and Phana are alone in the same room.

Phana brows knitted. "Are you sure you're not running from me?"

"Who..whos.. running! I am not!" his voice tone a bit rise.

"Coming here at three am in the morning, with clothes, are you sure you just visiting here?" Phana teasingly asked. Wayo looked away, he then lowered his head and play with his fingers, Phana deeply sighed. He reached out his hand to hold Wayo's hand. Wayo was startled by sudden touch. He looked at his eyes and same as Phana. "Look here, I'm sorry.. please go home with me. I'm sincerely sorry for being rude to you. please.. na.. na.." Phana gave him a pity look.

Wayo, blushed and tried to avoid his look. "What are you talking about, like I said, I didn't run away, I'm here 'coz I missed my friends." playing his fingers, while Phana hand to top of his hand. Wayo added. "Beside, you're quite busy, I'm lonely at home. I don't have friend to talked."

Phana looked down, he take his hand to his cheek and gave a pitiful eyes. "I'm sorry na.. na.. I know I'm being jerk to you, but I have a reason why."

Wayo looked at his eyes and asked. "Then why?"

"Well.." letting go his hands, Phana play his fingers and added. "I'm not sure to this, but I'm holding myself not to devour you."

Wayo uncontrollably laughed. "What the hell are you saying."

"Whats so funny, I'm being serious here, I trying to hold back myself, because of you." Phana said.

"Because of me?" Wayo smiling said.

"Yeah! because of you! it's your fault for being too damn sexy even you're already pregnant! it's your fault for being so damn beautiful, to make myself uncontrolled my eagerness to enter you.!" Phana blurred out.

Wayo blushed, and looked away. "That's a stupid reason, I'm your wife you should talked about it to me, and not to make yourself away from me."

"I'm afraid to hurt you if I can't control myself."

"Still, you should talked about it to me! Because of your stupid reason you make me think that you didn't like me anymore because I am not good enough for you." Wayo blurred out, but he realized that it was out of his character, he blushed and looked away, Phana stunned by him, he smirked.

"I'm sorry na.. please forgive na na.." Phana lay down his head at Wayo's shoulder, and bugging him.

"Er.. alright, stop it already." Wayo looked at his side, without Phana noticed, he smile widely.

Phana smiling said. "Thank you. your the best wife ever!"

Wayo hit him at his forehead and said. "I told you not to call me wife stupid."

"But you said that you're my wife earlier." Phana teased him.

Wayo blushed hardly, he looked away. "Alright, just don't do it again, and if.. if.. you.." Phana looked at him and waited for hin to finish his talking. "Well.. I'm.. your.. partner.. so.. I can help you.. with your thing.. I.. still.. have mouth." Wayo embarrassingly said.

Phana face was priceless, he was stunned and happy so much, he smiled widely. "What did you say! you mean it right!"

Wayo, was more embarrassed now, it was his out of characters, he felt shy but happy inside him. "Yes! don't make me repeat it or else, I'm going to forget what I said."

"It's enough for me, thank you my wife.. I love you." Phana was very happy. He suddenly kissed Wayo cheek that makes Wayo blushed and hold his cheek with his palm. Phana stand up, and prepared his things to bring him back home, while Wayo watched his back. Phana suddenly remembered that Wayo still haven't taking a breakfast. "Ohh, here.. I make this for you." He gave a light meal. Wayo was happily inside him, for a long time, finally.. he will taste Phana personally handcrafted. taking a mouthful of rice suddenly Phana said. "Right, you said earlier, while you're sleeping, you mumbled that you missed me so much." Phana said, Wayo was startled and spit out the food inside his mouth to Phana's face, Phana face was full of dirt came from Wayo's mouth.

"I'm sorry." Wayo said, he then wipe out it for him. "Don't think too much, I don't remember I say it." Wayo denied it.

"Atleast, I know to myself that you said it without a doubt." Phana teased him more, Wayo stopped wiping his face and throw the towel to his face.



Going back to his home, Wayo a bit shy and embarrassed, he remember that he said he will help Phana using his mouth, making him blushed hardly, Phana was focused at the road while driving, Wayo stared at him, looking at his face and examined it, Phana was really good looking, but today his face was a bit stressed, it's obviously he didn't sleep at all. worried about it, Wayo felt sas inside him.

"What am I handsome?" Phana suddenly said.

"Well, you didn't sleep much this few days, your eyes..." Wayo couldn't say that he was worried about him.

"I didn't sleep because I hated myself for being jerk to you. How can I sleep when my wife was mad at me." Phana explained.

"Well.. later.. you.. should... sleep at the bed and rest earlier.. I.. I'll sleep beside you too." Wayo said and looked away, why he always say cheezy words that out of his character, he was messed up.

Phana smirked and said. "Yes my lovely wife, I will!"..

At their home, Wayo and Phana was already at bed, Phana was indeed sleepy, he looked up at Wayo and smile. Wayo suddenly touch his belly, he said. "Our babies kicking, they're excited to come out."

Phana was happy, he place his hand to his belly and feel it, the babies indeed kicking, Phana was happy and looked back and forth between his wife and babies. "It must be hard for you to carry them both at once."

"It's okay.. I can do it. Why don't you sleep already.."

"Lets sleep together, here." He patted his side then Wayo uncontrollably follow it, he lay down beside him and looked face the other side, Phana hugged him from his back and a minute later, he fall asleep, same as Wayo.



At the middle of the night, Pete(Saint) Walking home late, he then found that there's a small guy standing at the edge of the bridge, he was looks like going to jump, Pete run towards him and found that he was familiar face. "Excuse me, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Don't come near me." He was startled.

"Ai'Ae right?" Pete remember his face.

Ae panicked. "Don't come near me." Pete stopped walking towards him and said.

"What's your problem? it's dangerous there, you should go down."

"I'm so messed up, I.. I betray my friend.. I did something so bad."

"Ae khup, I don't think you're That bad, if you're, then why are you there standing at the edge and wanted to pay off your sins, I think whoever your friend that you did bad, he will forgive you. just apologize to him sincerely." Pete explained.

"But.. I don't think he can forgive me."

"I'm sure he will if you personally apologize and admit that to him." Pete walked again towards him slowly, Ae did not say anything and think about it. Then when Pete was near to him, he grabbed his wrist. "Ae khup, please don't do this, your mistake will not paid if you do this, if you do wrong it's not right to do another wrong, why don't you make your wrongdoings to the right direction?" He helped him to get down. Ae looked at his eyes.

"Right, can you help me to do the right things?"

"Of course, I'll help you then." ..


to be continued.

sorry, I know I was terrible author, for not giving an update, I was exhausted. now I'm at province and taking my vacation, I'm trying my best to gave a update, please bare with it for a meantime. forgave me na na!

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