Breathless ✓

By Selenaedward22

467K 15.4K 1.7K

Victoria Forbes, a young aspiring doctor, trudges through yet another ordinary day-a recurring pattern in her... More

Description ✔
Prologue ✔
One ✔
Two ✔
Three ✔
Four ✔
Five ✔
Six ✔
Seven ✔
Eight ✔
Nine ✔
Ten ✔
Eleven ✔
Twelve ✔
Fourteen ✔
Fifteen ✔
Sixteen ✔
Seventeen ✔
Eighteen ✔
Ninteen ✔
Twenty ✔
Twenty-One ✔
Twenty-Two ✔
Christian's pov ✔
Twenty-Three ✔
Twenty - Four ✔
Twenty-Five ✔
Twenty - Six ✔
Twenty - Seven ✔
Twenty - Eight ✔
Twenty - Nine ✔
Thirty ✔
Thirty - One ✔
Thirty - Two ✔
Thirty - Three ✔
Thirty - Four ✔
Thirty - Five ✔
Thirty - Six ✔
Thirty - Seven ✔
Thirty - Eight ✔
Thirty - Nine ✔
Forty ✔
Forty - One ✔
Forty - Two ✔
Forty - Three ✔
Forty - Four ✔
Actually rewriting BREATHLESS

Thirteen ✔

7.5K 300 35
By Selenaedward22

The following days were quite peaceful in comparison to what had happened before. I went back to work the next day, covering every line of fatigue with cosmetics, hoping no one would catch on to my problems and become worried; or worse, start asking questions.

Questions I don't have an answer for.

The truth is that, even if my body decides to grant me some sleep, my mind has other plans. Releasing monsters that exist with the sole purpose of breaking all that is still whole in my mind, plunging my thoughts into darkness until I fear the very act of closing my eyes.

The only thing that had given me some sense of satisfaction was the absence of water and medicine on my nightstand.

"Vic?" A voice breaks into my thoughts, filtering through the fog that took up permanent residency there. "Victoria? Have you been listening to a single word I've said?"

I jump when a hand appears in front of my face, waving frantically. Snapping my eyes to my annoyed looking friend, I send her a sheepish smile. "Sorry Sam, my mind was just somewhere else."

My gaze lowers to the papers strewn across the front desk of the hospital lobby, patient information, appointment dates, and pretty much everything that can give someone a headache.

"I can see that, girl. You were totally out of it." She raises a questioning eyebrow, concern seeping into her forest green eyes. "You okay there?"

I hesitate for a second, not knowing how much I'm willing to give away. On the one hand, Samantha has been one of my only friends for as long as I can remember. She doesn't know much about my life but we've had a lasting friendship nonetheless. On the other hand, however, I know that even if I wanted to tell her the truth, I would never be able to. Not really. Not about myself, nor about what happened the previous week.

"I'm just really tired." I say, a yawn breaking past my lips as confirmation. "Had a long week."

Plus it was close to twelve o'clock at night, a quiet time in the hospital which sadly still requires open and alert eyes.

But it isn't entirely false either, I had a long week because a mysterious man collapsed in front of my car, slept in my bed and then I've been spending so much time with him. I don't know what to think of that. All my thoughts seemed to revolve around those few hours, nitpicking at everything that occurred as if there might be some clue as to what the frick actually happened.

I came up blank every single time. 

"Mhmm, sure." Her voice takes on a mischievous tone that I don't like, not one bit. "You can't fool me, darlin'. "That look on your face says it all."

I sigh, eyeing her carefully. "What look?"

A smile spreads across her lips, lighting up her whole face and adding to the unease in my stomach.

"Oh, nothing, just that look of a completely love sick-- ah!" A screeching laugh bursts from her chest as I throw my body against hers, pushing her small frame to the side.

My own laughter soon joins hers as we tumble from our spinny chairs onto the floor. Lying in a heap of laughter, wheezing on the ground. Tears burn my eyes, and for once they're not of the bad kind.

"What was that for?" Sam says, shooting a playful glare in my direction and extending her hands for me to take. "That wasn't very professional, Ms. Forbes." She mocks and we burst into another fit of giggles.

The moment is interrupted by a small beeping noise sounds from the desk, accompanied by a flashing red light, letting us know that a patient is calling.

"Room 113."

"I'll get it." I say before Sam can volunteer, knowing she hates going up alone.

She quickly sobers up, straightening the blue nurse's gown and running a hand through her short, sandy blonde hair. Her professional front is back before I can even blink and she sits straight, sending me a grateful smile.

"Thanks, Vic," her chirpy voice calls after me as I push open the heavy double doors that lead to the inner part of the ward. "And don't think this subject is buried. I know something's up and I will find out what it is."

I sigh, a small smile lifting the corners of my lips. Sam is amazing, but this time her theory is as far off as the west is from the east.

Letting the doors slide shut behind me, I squint as the bright fluorescent lights pierce my already aching eyes. The silence hanging in the air is deafening and I quicken my pace slightly, wanting to get back to my desk as fast as possible.

It isn't often that we get called to a room at this hour, and usually it is either a false alarm or a prank, but we are still required to take it as seriously as we would if it was a true emergency.

Stepping into the large elevator, I press the button for the third floor and watch as it lights up a bright green colour. Just like Sam, I never appreciated the idea of standing in a confined space, hanging far above the ground with no security or assurance that it was safe.

It didn't feel safe.

But I was grateful nevertheless, God knows what would happen if I had to take the stairs. My legs would surely give in if I had to climb three flights of this ten floor building.

The sharp ding of the elevator cuts through the silence, shortly followed by the metal doors sliding open. I step over the threshold into a dimly lit hallway, the only light source being at the other end of the ward.


A shiver crawls across my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake and causing my stride to steadily increase. A rock settles in the pit of my stomach, unease eating at my mind.

Calm down Victoria. You've done this a million times before.

Then what's different this time?

I don't know, that's the worst part. I have no clue why the air is humming with tension, why my body is coiled tight or why my legs want nothing more than to run back down all three flights of stairs; to Sam, to safety.

Taking a deep breath, I scold my irrational thoughts and push them down to the best of my ability. No need getting all riled up over nothing.

My calming heart, however, immediately jumps back into its hammering rhythm when I open the door to room 113.


It's not supposed to be dark. Patients' rooms are never completely dark.

I freeze halfway into the room. The entire space is smothered in a dense shadow and I fumble to find the lightswitch. Cursing under my breath when my sharp pain shoots up my leg, followed by something clattering to the floor. I finally find what I'm looking for and the stark light invades my vision.

"Goodness gracious..." I squint slightly to see a medicine cart at my side, that explains the throbbing in my left toe.

I'm about to declare this whole thing as a false alarm and get my butt back downstairs, when a deep voice stops me in my tracks.

"Not so fast, young lady." I spin around so fast that the floor sways beneath me. A tall man is leaning against the empty hospital bed, a lazy smile resting on his features. His pitch black hair is cropped short in a military style, and his dark brown eyes remind me so much of... Christian? "Or should I call you Victoria. Victoria Forbes, is it not?"

Oh hell no.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" My voice sounds hoarse even to my own ears.

How did you find me?

Though I'm too afraid to voice that last part.

"Now, Ms. Forbes, no need to be afraid. I'm just here to deliver a message." He smirks, a cocky look flashing into his eyes. "And to answer your questions, my name is Francis." We lock gazes, "and I came in through the door."

Ignoring the blatant amusement in his expression, I gather enough courage to find my lost voice.

"W-who sent you?" I ask even though I know exactly what the answer will be.

He raises a perfectly arched brow, that smile never faltering.

"Right," he sighs, ignoring my question. "Let's get this over with." He hands me a white, blank envelope. "Take this, keep your mouth shut about what happened or you'll regret it yadda yadda yadda. Got it?"

I stared at him, eyes bulging from their sockets. Was he threatening me?

Mouth shut about what?


I have no comprehension as to what possessed my mouth to utter that word, but it most certainly was not me. I cannot be held accountable for my own death.

"Right, good. I'll just get going...-" He pauses, a look of confusion crossing his face. "What did you say?"

"No." I repeat that fatal word once again. 

He sighs, annoyance seeping through his smile. "Look Vicky, can I call you Vicky? I've come a long way to do this, my fiancée is waiting for me at home. Do me a favour, take the money and keep your mouth shut. That's all I'm asking."

"Keep my mouth shut about what?!" I exclaim. 

Francis narrows his eyes, a twinge of irritation surfacing on his otherwise composed demeanor. "Rico, darling. Rico sent me," he says, enunciating each word as if he were addressing a child. "And you, my dear, are not in a position to ask questions. Now, take the damn envelope and let's be done with it."

"Who is Rico?" I'm so confused.

Francis chuckles, clearly amused by my confusion. "Well, Vicky, let's just say that Rico is a mutual acquaintance of ours. He's concerned about some loose ends that might be flapping around, and he thought it wise to send me for a little chat. You need to keep your trap shut about Christian."

I glare at him, my mind racing to catch up with the unexpected turn of events. "Loose ends? What are you talking about? And why would I keep my mouth shut about Christian?"

Francis leans in, his tone turning more serious. "You see, Vicky, Christian is an important man, and he wouldn't want any unnecessary attention drawn to him. So, Rico thought it would be best if you just go about your life and not make a fuss. Understand?"

I clench my fists, the confusion turning into anger. "Understand? No, I don't understand! Christian is my friend. What kind of trouble is he in? And why are you here, threatening me on his behalf?"

Francis sighs, running a hand through his short black hair. "Look, sweetheart, I don't have time for this. Just take the envelope, forget you ever saw me, and everyone goes about their day. It's that simple."

I take a step back, shaking my head. "No, it's not that simple. I won't let you intimidate me into silence. If Christian is in trouble, I need to know. I won't be a pawn in whatever game you guys are playing."

Francis glares at me, frustration evident in his eyes. "You're making a big mistake, Vicky. This is your only chance to walk away from all of this unscathed."

I muster every ounce of courage I have and meet his gaze defiantly. "I won't be part of some shady business without knowing the truth. Tell me what's going on with Christian, or I swear I'll go to the authorities."

He smirks, seemingly unshaken by my threat. "You're brave, I'll give you that. But remember, not everything is as black and white as it seems. You might want to reconsider."

As he turns to leave, the pieces of the puzzle start falling into place. My heart pounds in my chest as I realize that Christian, who I thought was simply dealing with some personal matters, might be involved in something much darker. And now, someone has been sent to ensure my silence.

My hands tremble as I fumble with my phone, quickly dialing Christian's number. The seconds feel like an eternity as I wait for him to answer, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

"Victoria?" Christian's voice crackles through the line.

"Christian, we need to talk," I say, my words rushed and urgent. "Someone named Francis just showed up, threatened me, and mentioned you. He claimed it's about some envelope, and he wants me to keep quiet. What's going on?"

Christian's tone is a mix of frustration and concern. "Vicky, listen, this is complicated. I'm in a situation I never wanted you to be a part of, but I can't explain everything right now. Francis is part of a group I'm dealing with, and they think they're protecting me by keeping things under wraps."

I pace back and forth, the weight of the situation pressing down on me. "Protecting you from what? And why bring me into this? I need answers, Christian. I won't be kept in the dark."

Christian lets out a heavy sigh. "It's about some sensitive information, something they believe puts me in danger. I thought I could handle it on my own, but now they're involving you, and I can't undo that. I need you to trust me, Vicky. I'm doing everything I can to keep you safe."

My frustration boils over. "Safe? Francis threatened me, Christian! That's not keeping me safe. I can't just sit back and let whatever this is unfold without knowing the truth. If you trust me, you need to start being honest with me."

There's a moment of silence on the other end of the line. When Christian finally speaks, his voice is strained. "I'll tell you when you get home. I'll be there to pick you from the hospital after a couple hours."

I hesitate, torn between the fear of the unknown and the need for answers. "Fine, but this better be good, Christian. I deserve to know what's happening."

I hang up, my mind buzzing with a mix of apprehension and determination. The hospital lobby is quiet as I wait, my thoughts racing faster than the second hand on the clock. Christian arrives in a nondescript car, his expression tense as he opens the passenger door for me.

The drive is silent, tension filling the confined space. I steal glances at Christian, who appears lost in his thoughts, occasionally clenching and unclenching his jaw. The weight of the situation is palpable, hanging thick in the air.

As we pull into the driveway, Christian turns off the engine but makes no move to exit the car. I break the silence, my patience wearing thin. "Well, Christian, we're here. Are you going to start explaining, or are you going to keep me in the dark?"

He takes a deep breath and gestures for me to sit. "Vicky, I'm sorry for all of this. I never wanted you to be dragged into my mess. I've been dealing with some complicated business, and it's put me in a precarious position."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Complicated business? That's the best you can give me? I just had some guy threaten me, Christian. I need more than vague explanations."

He sighs, choosing his words carefully. "Look, I'm part of a situation that involves a dangerous group. They believe I have something they want, and they'll stop at nothing to get it. Francis and his people are here to keep an eye on things, but they clearly went too far."

I shake my head, still not satisfied with the explanation. "What do they want? What do you have that's worth all this trouble?"

Christian hesitates, a conflicted expression on his face. "I can't tell you everything, Vicky. It's for your safety. But I promise, once this is over, I'll explain everything. Right now, we need to play along with their game to keep you safe."

I'm torn between anger and a lingering fear. "You're asking me to trust you blindly, Christian. I need more than promises. I need to understand why I'm in the middle of this."

He reaches for my hand, his eyes pleading. "Vicky, I care about you more than anything. I didn't want you involved, but I can't change that now. Please, trust me a little longer. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you."

Reluctantly, I nod, unsure of whether I'm making the right choice. "Fine, but the moment this is over, you tell me everything. No more secrets, Christian."

He nods solemnly, and with that, we embark on a path filled with uncertainty, danger, and the promise of revelations yet to come.


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