
By areyoucallingmealiar

11.4K 220 71

Estella Allen and Jacob Fisher were the perfect couple, at least that is how people saw them. The two have b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 20

266 3 1
By areyoucallingmealiar

About five minutes after Eli left to play soccer with his friends, I hear the front door open.

Both my parents are at work, and Isabella is spending the day at an amusement park with some friends, so I assume that is just Eli who forgot something.

When my bedroom door flips open, I realize how very wrong that assumption was.

Standing there was someone I haven't seen in months, someone I never wanted to see again.

I wish I could say it wasn't Jacob.

But I can't.

I don't even have time to react.

I am just being dragged from my room, down the stairs, and into his car.

Everything seems nonexistent.

He is going to do it.

He is going to kill her.

He can't kill her.

All I can do is cry, cry for not just myself, but for us both.

Not a single word is spoken the entire way to his house.

The only audible sound is my sobbing.

But that isn't anything new.

Per usual, he yanks me out of the car and drags me into his house.

I don't even care what he does to me.

I just want my daughter to be safe.

All I care about is her staying alive.

The fist thing he does is slap me across the face.

"Please." I beg. "I don't care what you do to me, break my arm, make my nose bleed, I don't care. Just leave her alone." I beg him.

"I know what you have been doing." He states.

"What? What have done?" I question.

At this point I am hormonal, pregnant, angry, and terrified.

Not the best combination.

"I know that you have been with Parker, going on dates, spending time together." He accuses me.

"I broke up with you. We are over. I am allowed to do what I want because you aren't in control of me anymore, this is my life, not yours, and I am going to live it as I want to. I am going to date who I want to, and I am going to have this child and I am going to raise her, and you, are never going anywhere near her." I go off.

"I am stronger than you, Estella, and you know that." He says, reminding me of all he has done to me in the past.

"You can hit me all you want, you can go ahead and rape me, you have already done it all. You can try and control me for the rest of my life, but you're never going to succeed. You have already broke me down as much as you can, so you aren't going to anymore. You have done everything you can, there is nothing more besides maybe killing me. So, just give it up, let me go, why do even want me so much?" I explode.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asks me.

"Why do you want me so much?" I fire back.

"The first day of freshman year, I saw you staring at Parker. I saw you looking at him, all I could wonder was why someone like you would like someone like him. Right when I saw you I knew that you were the one I wanted, he doesn't deserve you and he never will." He says.

"I am not some object, you cant just go and decide my worth, or that I'm yours, or that I can't be with him. I never wanted to be with you, I never liked being with you, and I never will be with you again. This is my life and my choice, so just move on like I have." I yell at him.

And at that, I open the front door.

I am not sure what part of me thought any of that would work.

It didn't.

Naturally, he pulls me back inside, and for what feels like an eternity, I am just getting repeatedly hit.

Once he gets bored, he walks out of the room, leaving me on the floor, in too much pain to move.

But he left her alone, he didn't touch her.

Now I just need to pray she is still okay.

I started my next book! I started the actual book last night, I wrote the prologue so long ago, but now I'm on chapter 2! This is my first time doing a duel POV, so I'm hoping that goes well. I'm so excited. And you might see a very important character in this book in that one, and one of the main characters for my next book is mentioned in this one 😶. Also I got a laptop for school! Online college here I come! 25 days away!

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