I F*cked Up.(completed)

By CaptainJackSparrow16

185K 3.7K 807

No Description of course ;). More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 19

2.7K 58 21
By CaptainJackSparrow16

•Wedding Day part 2•

Jakes POV
I was standing waiting for Erika with Anthony by my side and Logan right behind him FaceTiming my dad so he could watch with all of his army friends. My heart was beating out of my chest because after me and Anthony had that conversation about me liking Erika I thought about and I spent so much time with her and she makes me so happy and I soon found out I do like her so yeah. This kiss what I've been scared of since I found out I liked Erika.

A: *whispers* bro you ready?

J: *whispers* I don't really have a choice do I?

L: shut up here they come

First came Sunny, then James who had no shame and was waving at everyone and was winking at my cousins, then Rocky, and finally Erika she looked gorgeous. Once she got here she stood in front of me and I took the veil off of her face. Then we double fist bumped.

J: let's get married.

Erika's POV
During the entire thing Jake kept making funny faces to keep me from getting mad because my freaking feet hurt from standing in heels in one place

Priest: Jake repeat after me

J: repeat after me

Priest: no not yet

J: no not yet

E: Jake

Priest: okay we'll do this a different way, do you Jake Paul take Erika Costell as your lawfully wedded wife?

J: I do

Priest: do you Erika Costell take Jake Paul as your lawfully wedded husband?

E: I do

Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride.

We both leaned in and kissed and man is she a good kisser. The kiss lasted a good 10 seconds not to long not to short. We pulled back did the whole smile thing and I heard a few cameras go off. People were clapping me and Erika walked down the aisle and left as soon as Erika found a seat she sat down.

E: oh my god, 1.) congratulations on getting married 2.) my feet are killing me I wanted to punch the nearest person

J: thanks and congrats to you too

I sat down next to Erika and she put her feet on my lap. I pulled her dress up just a little to find her feet and I took her shoes off.

E: thank you

S: sooooo what's it like being married?

J: well it's been about 3 minutes and all we've done is said congratulations and I took her shoes off soooo pretty good I guess.

R: um Alissa is coming and Anthony noticed how antsy you were so he's getting you some socks from the car so you don't have wear to shoes at the dinner thing just your socks.

Ja: this is gonna be fun.

E: I'm quite excited I never do anything rebellious. This is fun.

S: Jake you were making the priest so mad

A: I'm here with socks

E: thanks

Erika's POV
I put on the socks and stood up and Alissa was there right as I finished.

E: hey Liss

Alissa: Rocky why didn't you tell me that it was Erika Costell and Jake?

R: I didn't think it was important

Alissa: and how dare you, you sl-

E: oh don't you dare try to call me that after what you did to me. You have no claim on him, the only reason you're at this wedding is because I wanted Rocky here and maybe a little part of me wanted to see how you would react when I married the guy you've had a crush on since 5th grade.

Alissa: you said you'd never tell anyone!

E: you said you'd be a good friend but you weren't you slept around with my boyfriend!

J: Erika

E: go enjoy the party I need to take a breather.

Everyone went to the party except Jake who followed me to my dressing room.

I sat down and Jake sat down next to me then I laid down and put my head in his lap. Jake put his hand on my stomach. Even though there was no baby bump to rub he could still lay his hand there it always made me know that me and the baby are safe.

E: letting her come was a horrible idea it stressed me out and probably embarrassed you.

J: it didn't embarrass me. Right after you yelled at her I saw you let out a deep breath that was exactly what you needed to say to her all you have to do now is ignore her for the rest of the night.

E: do you right these down on cue cards or something because you always make me feel better with some type of speech that sounds like you wrote it down perfectly.

J: no I guess I just know what to say. Now sit up we are gonna go party and dance. I'm pretty sure Mr. Bianchi brought a homemade ice cream machine.

E: cool cause I wanted to taste cake and pickle ice cream and now I don't have to wait. *smiles*

We both got up and left to the ballroom/dinner room


J: oh my god

A: I'm sorry we tried to get him down but he said something about a back story so you guys just have to sit back and watch.

E: um okay.

J: I hope he hasn't had anything to drink

Me and Jake sat down and let Logan do his speech.

L: when Jake and Erika, Jerika came to me and our parents to tell us that they were getting married we thought that were crazy I mean Erikas 17 and Jake just turned 18 in January. But we saw how happy they made each other and how much fun they always had. Now I would just like to welcome the newest Paul to the family.

Everyone started clapping but my head was down because tears were falling from my eyes.

J: *whispering* why are you crying

E: *whispering* because it's not real and it won't be real for years

J: *whispering* look at me

I looked up at Jake

J: *whispering* you don't think you make me happy? Because you do, you don't think we have fun together? Because I do. The only thing not real about that speech is the beginning. So don't go and cry because James will get all mad at you for ruining his masterpiece.

E: *giggles* he would be pretty mad.


Jake looked at his phone

J: that is so weird

E: what

Jake showed me his phone and his mom texted him saying "kiss".

We leaned in and kissed and kissed and kissed.

A: alright lovebirds. Erika you've been hogging him all night I need to talk to him.

R: well when you're done it's the first grooms and brides dance.

A: okay

Ja: b•tch have you been crying? You could've ruined your makeup

J: I told you

E: just go


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