Woso one-shots

By Arsenalwomensfan

46.3K 448 69

Hiya. I created this one-shot book to celebrate ships of Women's football players. Yes, I am British so I use... More

I'll Wait For You (Macson)
It's All Over (Kyanna)
Yes! (Macson)
Runaway Bride (Presston)
What Are You Drinking? (O'Solo)
It's Always Been You (Kyanna)
Blame It On The Alcohol (Dewis)
Where Is She (Leah and Jordan)
I'm Not Wearing A Dress (Samton)
I Could Punch You Right Now (DVD and Beth Mead)
Winter Wonderland (Lisa Evans & Vivianne Miedema)
Welcome Home, My Love (Lucy & Keira)
I Need to Tell You Something (Jordan Nobbs and Leah Williamson)
Happy New Year!! (Fran Kirby and Maren Mjelde)
Im Not Wearing a Dress Part II (Samton)
What About Us? (Beth and Daan)
Pancakes (Future Daan and Beth)
That Could Be Me (Ingrid Engen & Lieke Martens)
That Could Be Me (Ingrid Engen and Lieke Martens alt ending)
Perfect (Jordan Nobbs and Leah Williamson)
I Love You (Fran Kirby and Maren Mjelde)
Broken (Leah Williamson
You're My World (Ruesha Littlejohn and Katie McCabe)

From The First Sight (Talex)

1.7K 20 5
By Arsenalwomensfan

Warning. There will be violence and triggering. Please, don't read if you are easily triggered.

When she saw her, she knew there was something there. She didn't know what it was, but something drew her to the stunning girl with those brown eyes that looked so luring, that strong jaw she wanted to run her fingers along. Tobin Heath is all that Alex Morgan could think about.
"Alex, listen to me!" Alex moved her focus onto her boyfriend, Servando. 
"What are you think about?" Servando asked 
"Not much really" Servando looked behind him to see that Alex was, in fact, staring at Tobin. 
"Tobin Heath, really? Are you a dyke or something? Whatever let's go" Servando roughly pulled Alex along. Tobin caught Alex's glaze and smiled to herself, cheeks red.

The next time they saw each other Tobin was at her locker, talking to Alex's teammates, Ashlyn Harris and Allie Long. Alex walked up to Tobin. Tobin turned towards Alex and smiled.
"Alex Morgan, Queen of football. What can I do for you?" Tobin said. Kelley O'Hara shoulder bumped Alex closer to Tobin. 
"Tobin Heath, I formally invite you to join us at our table for lunch today" Alex said. 
"I would love to" Tobin replied, Alex smiled. 
"Really?" Alex asked.
"yeah" Tobin said. 
"Okay, cool. See you later then" Alex walked away with Kelley.
"Get it Tobs" Ashlyn patted Tobin's shoulder.
"Nice one Harry" Allie said. Tobin blushed and swatted the hand.
"Damn, make a girl blush" Tobin replied.
Alex overheard the conversation and a red tinge made it's way on her face.

"C'mon Alex, focus!" Alex's coach, Jill Ellis said. Alex looked over to the Rugby field, Tobin was warming up. Tobin saw Alex looking and waves. Alex smiled at Tobin. 
"Alex, watch out!" Kelley said, but she was too late. Alex turned around to be faced with a football to the face. She fell down like a house of bricks. Alex's vision went blurry for a few moments. 
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Alex!" Christen Press apologised. Alex was a little dazed, but she was fine. She looked at Press.
"It's okay, I'm fine" Alex said. Tobin made her way to the football field. 
"Hey, is Alex okay?" Tobin asked worry was evident on her face. 
"Yeah, she'll be fine. Thanks, Harry" Allie said. Tobin smiled at then walked back to the girl’s rugby team. Alex slowly sat up, a headache quickly rose to her head. 
"Someone take her to the nurse please" Jill asked. Kelley volunteered. Kelley helped Alex to her feet and of to the nurse’s office.

Alex made her way out of the nurse’s room to be met with a mad looking Servando.
"What the fuck did you do now Alex? God, your so fucking stupid!" Servando yelled at Alex. Alex was routed to the spot. 
"Is there a problem here mate?" Alex turned her head to see her teammate, Sam Kerr. "No, leave us alone" Servando roughly grabbed Alex's arm. Alex grimaces in pain. 
"I think you should let her go" Sam said cautiously. 
"Yeah, what are you going to do about it dyke?" he snidely remarked. Alex got mad "Excuse me? You can't say that to anyone, what has Sam done to you?" Alex said defensively. 
“Excuse me? excuse you. Who said you get to talk to me like that?" Servando said, holding her arm tighter.
"Servando let me go, you're hurting me" Alex pleaded. Servando ignored her. 
"I think the girl just asked you to let her go" Alex turned her head, Tobin to the rescue.
Servando let Alex go and walked up to Tobin. 
"what are you going to do about it Heath?" he pushes her back. 
"Why don't you pick on someone your own size, ey" Steph Catley said. The football team all around the corridor. 
"Yeah, leave the girls alone" Julie Johnston said, arm securely around Christen's waist. Servando chucked. 
"I get it, you’re all a bunch of dykes" he shook his head in amusement. 
"So what? There is nothing you can do" Carson Pickett said. 
"You see Servando, nobody wants you here. It may seem that Alex does but, she’s frightened of you dude. So, do us all a favour and leave" Ashlyn said. Servando grumbled, he spat into Tobin's face. 
"You will regret this" he said before leaving. Tobin wiped her face before walking over to Alex. 
"Hey, are you okay?" Tobin asked. 
"Yeah, Servando is so stupid, I don't know why I dated him. He treats me like a dirt, he treats all my friends like dirt. I need someone who will treat me with respect and love and never talk to me the way he does" Alex said. Tobin held Alex's hand softly.
"Don't worry, you will find somebody"

Alex was in English class where Alanna Kennedy and Kelley were talking to Alex about what happened. 
"I can't believe he said that to Julie, so uncalled for" the Aussie said. 
"Yeah, I wonder how she feels, took her ages to feel right about her sexuality" Kelley replied 
"If someone said that to Kyah I would have flipped" Alanna said
"Yes, I would have done the same if said thing was said to Nikki" Sam said, sliding in next to Alex. Alex was busy thinking about the girl with the brown eyes. 
"Alex? Hello?" Kelley waved her hand in front of Alex's face, Alex looked at Kelley. "Hu. Sorry I was thinking" Alex said. 
"'Bout what?" Alanna asked. 
"Tobin" Sam said, teasingly. The girls laugh. 
"Ladies, focus please" the lecturer said. The girls focus on boring Shakespeare work.

Lunch soon rolled around. Alex sat with a few of her teammates, Christen, Julie, Steph, Kelley, Alanna, Kyah and Carson. Tobin looked around the room to look for Alex. 
"Tobin" Tobin heard an Aussie accent. She looked to see Kyah waving her hand. Tobin smiled and walked to the girl's table. 
"Is this seat taken?" Tobin asked Alex.
"Nope, all yours" Tobin sat down next to Alex. 
"How've you been?" Alex asked. 
"Fine thanks, how about you?"
"I'm great thanks" Alex replied.
some of the girls start to whisper to one another before turning their heads and nod at Alex. 
"The girls and I were wondering if you would like to come to a party this Saturday" Alex asked 
"Yeah, it'll be lit" Kelley said. 
"I don't know, parties aren't really my thing" Tobin replied. 
"Please, for me" Alex pleaded. Tobin investigated Alex's bright blue orbs and caved. "Fine, only because you are cute" Tobin replies. This made Alex blush. The other girls gave one another a knowing look.

Alex was at the party. She never really noticed just how big the O'Hara's house was (Even after all of the times she has been in it). She was patiently waiting for Tobin to show up. She took a sip of her drink and stared at the door.

Loud music was playing, bodies pressed against one another. Alex's heart rate started to speed up when she felt a hand clap against her mouth. She was pulled up the stairs and into Kelley's sister's room. Alex was scared, she felt the hand move off her face to reveal Servando. He roughly pushes her onto the bed. 
"Serv, what are you do-" he smacks her on the face. 
"Shut up you silly little slut, you’re going to pay for what you did" Servando started to take his belt off, Alex's eyes widen.

Tobin arrived to see the party in full swing. Lots of people from school are here including the football team. 
"Harry!" Allie said, hugging Tobin. 
"Hey Harry" Tobin replied.
"I thought you don't like parties?" Allie questions.
"I don't, I got convinced " Tobin said.
"By Alex" Steph teased. 
"Well, I uh. Yeah" Tobin sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. 
"I see, well go and have fun" Allie said before leaving to go to her boyfriend. Tobin looked around before frowning. 
"Where's Alex?" she asked. 
"Relax, she's fine. Now stop your whinge and grab yourself a cold one" Alanna said. Kyah was pushed up against her shoulder, Alanna playing with Kyah's hair. Tobin didn't feel settled. Something feels wrong.

Servando suddenly ripped Alex's top off her. 
"Now this is what I have been waiting for. To see these beautiful things of yours" he cupped Alex's breasts. Alex was frozen to the spot, seeing Servando with no trousers on made her realise her fears were coming true. She was about to lose her purity to a boy she had no intention of loving. She tried to scream but he slapped his hand over her mouth. 
"Don't worry Alex, it will all be over before you know it" Servando's sinner glare pictured into her mind.

Tobin couldn't sit right. All she could think about was Alex. 'Where is she, gosh I'm so stupid to come here' she went outside the back and sat by the pool. Tobin took a sip of her drink and sighed. She heard a boys voice. So evil and filled with hate. She only knew one person with such a voice. Tobin's eyes widen, Servando. 
"Don't worry Alex, it will all be over before you know it" she heard him say. Tobin got up and made her way to the girls. 
"Tobin. What's the rush?" Ashlyn said. 
"I think Alex is in trouble and she is here. What room is the one left of the back of the house?" Tobin asked Kelley.
"Erin's room, why?"
" Fuck, I think Alex is in there. Servando has got her" 
"yeah but there together so it's fine" Alanna said, shaking her head. 
"I don't think he is being a perfect boyfriend at this point" Tobin said. 
"What are we sitting here for, let's go!" Carson said.

Alex was completely naked by now. Tears rolling down her face, waiting for the dreadful moment to happen. Suddenly the door burst open, revealing Tobin and the girls. 
"Can't you see that we are busy?" Servando said. Tobin looked into Alex's eyes, oh how her eyes betrayed Servando. "So, you’re not forcing her by her will? I know guys like you, thinking everything is yours. I would suggest you let her go" Tobin said. Servando got up. 'Thank god he has underwear on' Tobin thought. Servando got into Tobin's face. "Getting defensive are we Servando?" Servando had had enough of Tobin, so he slapped her, hard. Tobin laughed. 
"Is this how you treat women? You think it's okay to hurt us because you think it's right? It's not right, you hurt young women and then you fuck with them. You don't care about how they feel" Tobin said. Servando tried to punch Tobin but missed.

The girls got Alex's clothes and got her to Kelley's room. 
"Are you okay?" Steph asked. Alex shook her head. Carson bent down to Alex's level. "Your fine now Alex, Tobin will be able to sort this out" Carson reassured Alex. 
"You don't know Servando like I do. He's violent. He won't stop till he gets his way" Alex said. Carson held her hand. 
"Tobin is a strong person, she'll be fine" Carson said
"I hope"

"You've taken her from me! She's mine!" Servando screamed. 
"I never took anyone from you. I'm Alex's friend" Tobin replied. 
"Bullshit" Servando said. He tried to punch her, she grabbed his fist. 
"I wouldn't do that" she warned. 
"What are you going to do?" Servando laughed. 
"Nothing because I'm not a violent person" Tobin said. 
Servando was beyond mad.
"I love that girl and now look what you've done" he said.

"Look what I've done? More like look what you've done, that girl is shit scared of you. Like what the heck have you done to the poor girl? Alex is way stronger when she not with you" Tobin said. Servando sighed and looked down.
"I know, your right. I treat people like trash and It's not cool. Alex was the first person I've ever loved but I don't treat her the way I should treat her" he said. Tobin let go of his hand.

"If you loved her you would not treather the way you do. Maybe in the past she did love you but now she's not. I know it's not the nicest thing to say but maybe it's time to her over her" Tobin said. "I know it's hard but you have to think about your relationship, it's not two sided and it's not healthy" Tobin. He nods his head

"Your right. You always have been right Heath" Servando said. He put his clothes on and left.

Tobin went to look for the girls 
"Alex?" she shouted out. 
"In here" Tobin heard Kelley say. Tobin followed the voice into another room. She walked in and saw the girls with a sleeping Alex. 
"Hey" Tobin said.
"where is Servando?" Steph asked. 
"All taken cared of" Tobin said. 
"Good" Alanna said 
"How long has she been asleep?" Tobin asked, staring at the beautiful woman. 
"not long, 20 minutes tops" Kelley said. Tobin nods.

Tobin watched Alex sleep. The girls were all downstairs cleaning the party that Kelley had stopped. Alex was so peaceful and gorgeous when she was asleep. Tobin moved a piece of fallen hair from Alex's face. 
"Tobin?" Alex was waking up. 
"Hey" Tobin said. Alex got up quickly. 
"Is all taken cared of. Your safe" Tobin reassured. 
"Are you okay. Did he hurt you?" Alex asked. 
"Nope, I'm fine. Relax, okay?" Tobin chuckled. 
"Thanks" Alex said. 
"For what?" Tobin asked. 
"For protecting me from him. From protecting me from bad things from happening" Alex said, she kissed Tobin on the cheek. Tobin smiled and blushed. Alex laughs.

A few months down the line, Talex is endgame and Servando was no trouble at all.

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