Just Forget The World (Larry...

By _SweetDisposition_

145K 4.6K 3.1K

Louis is the last person on earth who can get pregnant after the birthrates decreased then completely stopped... More

~Chapter 1
~Chapter 2
~Chapter 3
~Chapter 4
~Chapter 5
~Chapter 6
~Chapter 7
~Chapter 9

~Chapter 8

9.6K 355 161
By _SweetDisposition_

A/N: One more chapter guys! Hope you like this one and comments are always appreciated. Enjoy! :)

~Chapter 8

Three men dressed in black took off running towards him and Harry's eyes widened knowing who they were then took off running in the opposite direction of their apartment not wanting to lead them there. He could feel his legs starting to get tired and his lungs burning but kept running and holding onto the bag for dear life turning onto random streets he'd never been in and as soon as he had the chance, he hid behind a dumpster trying not to breathe. He watched them run by the alley never stopping making him sigh in relief then once he was sure they were gone he got up and ran all the way back home never stopping until he was right outside the building and the skies were turning an ugly grey.

He looked both ways then walked inside wiping away the sweat off of his face with his shirt and as he made his way upstairs to the third floor he finally let a few tears fall due to the desperation he felt for almost getting caught and for possibly having to move again and start over somewhere else. When he was finally in front of his door he once again looked both ways then unlocked it quickly locking it again when he was inside. He was greeted by Louis sitting on the couch with Noah in his arms as he held him up in the air cooing at him then brought him down to kiss his cheeks and cuddle him against his chest never losing his bright smile.

"Harry! I was waiting for you, Gemma told me you had to work more hours." Louis quickly got up walking straight into his arms ignoring his shirt soaked with sweat.

"It was just for today..." Harry explained still trying to catch his breath frowning when Noah let out tiny whimpers.

"He's been restless for the past hour, I think he missed you. What's wrong? Why are you all sweaty, didn't you take the bus here?" Louis asked lightly bouncing Noah when he started crying then gave him to Harry when he reached for him.

"I need to tell you something. Where's Gemma?"

"She's in her room talking to someone on the phone. What do you have to tell me?" Louis smiled when Harry kissed Noah's forehead then the tip of his nose.


Harry didn't get to finish talking when the front door was slammed open making Louis scream at the top of his lungs and Harry lose the ability to breathe when he saw the same men that had chased him now standing in his apartment.

"What was that!?" Gemma rushed out of her room with the phone still in her hand dropping it when he noticed who was standing in front of them.

Harry carefully and slowly gave Noah back to Louis thanking whoever was up there that his back was facing them and they hadn't seen his son yet then once he was in Louis' arms he turned around to face them. He felt anger running through his body when Sanders walked through the door full on smirking, he wanted to kill him when he only had eyes for Louis whose soft cries he could hear.

"You thought I was never going to find you? I have to admit you're a smart one, gave me quite the trouble...but lucky for me that's over." Sanders said as he made his way to them standing too close.

"You're crazy, get the fuck out of here and leave us alone." Harry growled trying to resist the urge to strangle him.

"I'll be on my way...but not before I take what's mine."

"He's not yours you sick bastard!" Harry yelled taking a step back and pushing Louis along with him.

"And he's yours? You were only there to serve a purpose and you failed so if you'll excuse me." Sanders wave the men over stopping when he heard them.

Everyone froze when the whimpers then full on cries filled the room and all Louis could do was try and calm him down holding onto him tighter while hiding behind Harry. He cupped the back of his tiny head wishing he had put a hat over it then pressed his lips against the top of it holding him against his chest as he flailed his tiny arms at his sides. All Harry could do in that moment was stand in front of his family not letting anyone close to them but couldn't do much when Sanders took a step forward circling them like a predator stalking its prey until his eyes settled on Louis and the tiny blond baby he was holding.

"My my my, what do we have here. Seems like you're not incompetent after all Styles, you actually managed to breed a boy...a girl would have been much better but this one will have to do." Sanders evily smirked never taking his eyes off of Noah until he spoke again.

"Take them, make sure you arrest her too." Sanders said then left the room as if nothing had happened.

"No, please don't do this. Please!" Louis started crying when they approached them then burst into hysterical sobs when two of them grabbed Gemma and dragged her outside screaming and calling them a wide variety of colorful words as she thrashed in their hold.

"Let go you sons of bitches! You'll regret this, fuckers! Let fucking go!"

"Gemma! Don't touch them! We know the fucking way!" Harry growled wrapping his arms around Louis and Noah.

"He needs a blanket, Harry t- tell them I- I have to get his blanket or he'll be c- cold. And he n- needs his stuff." Louis pleaded looking up at Harry with wide innocent eyes flooding with tears as his eyes filled with his own.

"Please...he's just a baby." Harry begged the two broader males who looked back at them with nothing but pity.

"Take as much as you can but make it quick." One of them said and Harry wasted no time quickly walking to their bedroom pulling Louis with him.

"T- thank you." Harry said not even bothered by the fact that they were following him.

As soon as they were there he grabbed one of their bags and filled them with as much of Noah's stuff as he could then grabbed the warmest blankets they had of his and gave them to Louis where he quickly wrapped them around the still whimpering baby. He grabbed a change of clothes for them then their coats putting his jacket over Louis' shoulders then his own making sure to grab the necklace he had gotten for Louis. When he was ready he wrapped a protective arm over Louis' waist and started walking with the men walking behind them only pointing their guns at them when Sander came into view.

They faced an eerie silence as they made their way outside their apartment seeing all the neighbors standing outside watching them and the squirming baby in Louis' arms. Not long after, Noah's cries filled that silence where a few people only stared in shock and others brought their hands over their chest or mouth. It only got worse when they walked outside the building and were immediately swarmed by crowds of people wanting to see the miracle baby making Louis burrow deeper into Harry's side covering his son with the blanket to keep their eyes off of him. Louis whimpered when a few people tried to touch them but were stopped by the two men and as soon as they were in the car Louis burst out crying again in Harry's arms.

"I don't want t- to go back there...they'll kill you, they're gonna t- take him away from us." Louis sobbed as he held Noah tighter lightly bouncing him up and down to get him to stop crying knowing he was hungry but when two men were sitting on each side of them he didn't want to do it right there.

"I'll find a way to get us out, don't cry Lou, I'm not gonna let them hurt you or Noah." Harry whispered on his ear then kissed his temple.

"What is wrong with it?" The driver finally snapped then turned around and glared at the baby.

"Its a he, not an it! "Harry glared back. "He's human too and like you, he gets hungry!"

"Then feed him and shut him up." The driver yelled making Noah cry louder and Louis wince at the loudness.

"Enough!" The man sitting next to Louis shouted then turned to look at Louis with a softer expression. "You need to feed him...we'll turn around and give you privacy."

With that, both men turned around to look outside the window giving Louis privacy and as soon as they did Harry helped him by covering him up and as he did he put the necklace around Louis' neck. Noah immediately calmed down and began eating resting his tiny hand against Louis' chest until he was satiated and stayed still then squirmed until Louis shifted him against his now covered chest and lightly patted his back until the air was out of his tummy.

For the next four hours back to London Harry held Louis and Noah close to him while he tried to be strong for them knowing what was waiting for him back there; immediate execution. He hated himself for bringing Gemma into the mess as he wondered if she was in the car in front of them or the one behind and if she was being treated right, he then kissed the top of Louis' head then the one of a sleeping Noah cherishing their possibly last moments together.

The car came to an abrupt stop startling a sleepy Louis and as soon as the doors opened and he recognized the place he began trembling not wanting to get out until Harry pushed him out and held him close as they made their way through the long boring hallways. The first people they saw were Liam and Niall whose eyes widened when they noticed the bundle Louis was holding and just as they started walking towards them, one of the new men escorting them inside grabbed Harry by the arm forcing him to separate from Louis.

"Where are you taking him? Stop, he doesn't want to go. Harry!" Louis tried to go after him but was stopped and harshly pushed back making him lose his balance landing on his knees.

It was complete chaos when Harry tried to go to him and ended up thrashing in their arms and screaming at them to let him go when two other men picked Louis up and yanked their baby out of his arms making him let out a loud wail as Louis screamed and Liam started running to them. Louis didn't think twice before he launched himself at the man aiming for his eyes managing to leave a long and deep bloody gash on his left cheek and another one by his right eye taking his baby back as soon as he had the chance.

"Don't you dare touch him again!" Liam shouted getting in between them when the man raised his hand ready to hit Louis hearing his cries along with the baby's and Harry screaming as he was being dragged away.

By the time Louis turned around to go to Harry he only cried louder when he saw he was gone then felt Niall's arms around him as he talked in a soothing tone trying to calm him down. Liam glared at the men one more time before he sent them away and turned around helping Louis up to one of the rooms. When they opened the door, the first thing Louis noticed was that he was in the same room where he and Harry had made love the last time he saw him before he had to go away promising to get him out of there and couldn't help but cry holding their son close to him.

"We're not gonna let anything bad happen to him, everything's ready and he's not gonna go through it." Liam moved to stand in front of him gently wiping away his tears.

"He's going to kill him...a- and he's gonna kill Gemma too and its all my fault." Louis looked up at him crying harder the more Liam wiped his tears away.

"He won't, just trusts us." Liam tried to smile then looked down at the still covered bundle Louis was holding.

"How old is he? I'm assuming its a boy because of the blue blankets." Niall spoke when Liam couldn't find the words to do so.

"He's almost two months...he was born august 19. His name is Noah." Louis said then uncovered him hearing both men gasp when they saw the tiny baby that even after having being yanked out of his father's arm was now calm with his whole fist in his mouth.

"Look at him! If he's almost two months then that means you were already pregnant when you left." Liam gave him and Niall a confused look.

"It was...when you told us Harry was going to- to be replaced." Louis blushed focusing all his attention on Noah.

"I knew those drugs had something to do with him not able to get you pregnant and I'm glad Sanders didn't listened when I told him." Liam sighed in relief.

"He has your eyes." Niall commented. "Can I hold him? It's okay if you don't want to let me."

"I trust you, I know you're not gonna hurt him." Louis said then carefully handed his son over to Niall who held him as if he was fine china.

"Do you want to take a bath or eat something before you go to bed?" Liam asked grabbing Noah's tiny hand still in awe at the tiny creature.

"I want to see Harry and Gemma." Louis insisted.

"Louis...you can't, not today. I'll bring something for the baby to sleep in and stuff to give him a bath." Liam sadly smiled then left the room as fast as he could.

"I'll be right back. Please don't stress...trust me when I tell you he's going to be okay and so is Gemma." Niall gave the baby back to him then after hugging Louis he left the room on his way to help Liam bring the baby stuff.

Louis looked around then walked to the bed where he put Noah down fixing his blanket and putting two pillows on each side afraid of him rolling over and falling. He then took a seat by the foot of the bed wishing he could get away from everything looking up when he heard the door opening expecting to see Liam and Niall but felt his heartbeat increasing in fear when he saw Sanders standing in front of him looking back at him with a smirk eyeing him up and down.

He scrambled off of the bed moving backwards to the side of the bed to stand next to Noah getting more nervous the more Sanders got closer to him. He wanted to grab his baby and get out of there when the man he hated so much removed his jacket, his eyes never leaving Louis as he did so until he was standing a foot away from him.

"Where's Harry? What did you do to him?" Louis asked getting braver by the minute.

He had spent almost a year running from place to place afraid of Sanders, the man who had taken away his freedom and now the person he loved, the father of his child. He wanted him to see he wasn't afraid of him but deep inside he was scared of him and what he could do to him or his child.

"You thought you could get away from me but look where you are now. I'll make sure you stay here for the rest of your life doing what you came into this world for. Getting fucked, giving birth, that's all you exist for." Sanders spat taking a step closer startling Louis when he grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Where's Harry?" Louis once again asked trying to push him away from him and began panicking when the older man lifted him off the ground and slammed him against the wall as Louis felt a sharp pain in the back of his head.

"Where he should be along with that girl, caged like the animal he is waiting for death to come knocking at his door and guess what, my sweet little Louis. You get to watch it all...first row, oh, and make sure you bring your little bastard with you." Sanders laughed.

Louis wanted to cry and beg him to let them go, he wanted to trade his freedom for theirs including Noah's but instead he did something he thought he would never do. He spat on his face. Sander's face only got redder and picking Louis one more time, threw him down on the bed right next to Noah where he quickly crawled on top of him not wasting any time as Louis thrashed underneath him trying to get away. Louis wanted to throw up when he felt his disgusting lips tracing his neck as well as his hot breath until he forcibly kissed him.

"Get. Off!" Louis screamed pushing him away with all he had hearing a loud thud when Sanders landed on the floor and Louis quickly got up grabbed a vase from the top of the dresser aiming at him as he tried to control his breathing.

He grew more nervous when Sanders laughed at him then without missing a beat rushed to the bed where he picked Noah up holding him in his arms doing it all wrong as Louis watched horrified unable to move a muscle in his body. It wasn't until he opened the door to leave taking the baby with him when Louis dropped the vase and ran to him hitting his back with his fists and when Sanders didn't budged he jumped on his back pulling his hair and scratching his face until he felt someone pulling him away hearing his own screams for the first time unaware that he had been screaming.

"My baby, I want my baby!" Louis screamed feeling arms around him.

He closed his eyes until he could no longer feel them then opened them again to see Niall next to him holding Noah and Liam slamming Sanders against the wall glaring at him and as fast as he could he took his baby back and backed away into the wall.

"You're okay, you're both okay." Niall calmly said as he got closer but Louis was having none of it.

He only tried to burrow deeper into the wall and all he wanted was to see and have Harry by his side then settled down with hugging his son closer to him.

"Did he hurt you?" Niall asked calming down when Louis answered no in a monotone way only focusing on the baby. "Come on, lets get you out of here."

He helped Louis up getting worried when he wordlessly followed him not making any sound until they were standing outside a door then helped him inside. He stayed there while Louis gave Noah a bath only taking a shower when Niall locked the door as Louis watched him and made him promise he was going to hold Noah all the time and not let him out of his sight. As soon as the warm water hit Louis' back he burst out crying finally letting out all the emotions of what had happened until the water started running cold and he had to actually shower and get out. When he was done he hurried up getting dressed then got out of the bathroom spotting Niall where he had left him.

"Thank you for not moving." Louis almost whispered startling Niall.

"Its no problem. Louis...what was he trying to do?" Niall asked as soon as the baby was out of his arms.


"Louis...you know you can trust me. If you don't tell me, and it doesn't matter how embarrassing it is, he's going to get away with it." Niall tried to reason with him only for Louis to brush it off with a shrug.

"He already took Harry from me, he already sentenced me to live here like breeding stock so why does it matter." Louis sighed knowing it was time to feed his son when he started whimpering.

"Because of him." Niall looked at Noah then back at Louis. "If you give up now he's not only going to keep you here forever, he's going to kill Harry and Gemma and take your baby away from you. Then if he has the gift like you, he's going to use him just like he's using you and he's going to do the same with the other babies you'll have. Is that what you want?"

"No..." Louis' voice and bottom lip trembled before he started crying once again.

"Then keep fighting like you've been doing for the past nine months, don't give up now Louis." Niall begged.

"Are..are Harry and Gemma okay? Please...please tell me the truth." Louis begged shifting Noah against his chest when he started looking for food.

"I haven't seen them but I heard from one of the guards that Sanders sent food down to them so at least they're eating." Niall told him watching a little bit of color returning to Louis' cheeks.

"Thank god." Louis sighed feeling a bit better.

"He's probably hungry. I'll leave you alone so you can feed him and don't worry, he's not gonna come here. I'll be right back with one of those baskets were babies sleep in." Niall got up from the bed.

"They're called bassinets Niall and please don't bother, I'll feel better if he sleeps with me." Louis gave him a tiny smile.

"That's dangerous Louis, you could roll over him and hurt him."

"He slept in the same bed with Harry and I, he'll be okay and I'm his father...I'm not gonna hurt him." Louis glared at him then his expression softened when he saw the look of hurt passing through Niall's face. "I'm sorry Niall. I didn't meant to yell, its just that I...I don't want him to be away from me. If he sleeps on his own someone could walk in, take him and I'll never notice but if he sleeps with me he'll be close.

"Don't worry Lou, I understand." Niall smiled then left the room leaving Louis alone.

Louis smiled as he cradled Noah against his chest then moved to sit against the headboard to be comfortable. Once Noah was happily eating he looked back at Louis slowly waving his tiny arm around until Louis gently grabbed his tiny hand with his and kissed it.

"Maybe we'll get to see papa and aunt Gemma again." Louis murmured making sure he was warm and comfortable.

"Yeah, we'll see papa again so don't you worry." Louis continued talking to him when Noah patted his chest with his hand.

He went to bed later that night after Niall and Liam made sure they were okay and comfortable but after trying to fall asleep he just couldn't. He couldn't stop thinking about Harry and Gemma wondering if they were cold and if they had a bed to sleep in, he was still awake when Noah woke up later that night needing a diaper change.

The next morning Louis was woken up early by Liam and after eating breakfast Liam was forced by Sanders to take him and the baby outside to the backyard Louis once thought of as beautiful but now despised it with all his heart. When they got there he was forced to sit down on a bench and wait until he saw a group of guards carrying a limp Harry over to where he was sitting. He wanted to scream his throat raw when Harry was harshly thrown on the hard ground in front of him and when he saw the state he was in, he wanted to throw up.

Both his eyes were bruised up and nearly swollen shut making Louis cry when he tried to open them to look at him, his nose had dry blood all over it as well as his mouth where he tried to smile and comfort Louis. His once white shirt, now stained with red, was completely tattered and his hair matted to his forehead with sweat and blood. Louis could only watched horrified when Harry tried to get up to go to him screaming in pain when one of the guards kicked his side hearing a sickening crack.

"Bastard! What did you do!? Harry...Harry." Louis ran to him kneeling down next to him carefully placing his head on his lap as he tried to balance Noah in his arms then brushed the hair out of his forehead.

"Lou...Lou...I- I'm o- okay." Harry tried to speak but all Louis heard was a weak and barely audible whisper making him let out a sob and Noah a loud wail.

"No you're not...I'm sorry, I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I love you, I love you so so much." Louis sobbed kissing his forehead.

Louis stayed sitting on the ground trying to do anything that could help Harry not feel so much pain but the more time passed the weaker Harry got. He didn't needed Harry to tell him he loved him back when he already knew it deep in his heart and instead murmured comforting words that only Harry could hear. He let Harry hold onto his hand and one of Noah's tiny hands until he stiffened at hearing his voice feeling his skin crawling.

"Now you see what happens when you try to run away from me. This is only the beginning dear Louis." Sanders muttered then snapped his fingers.

All Louis could do was try and stop the guards when they harshly lifted Harry off of the ground and dragged him towards the other side of the garden while Louis followed feeling like the air had been knocked out of his lungs when he saw where they were taking him. He spotted Gemma standing up by a bench with her hands tied to her back making Louis sigh in relief because she was completely unharmed, he watched how her eyes widened when she saw them getting closer and closer.

"Harry! Let me go you sick bastard!" Gemma screamed trying to go to them and that's when she broke down crying seeing he was far worse the closer they got.

"Please, please let them go." Louis turned around to look at Sanders.

"Too late for that, and now you're gonna watch them die. No one's to blame here except you and your stupidity...shouldn't have run away...you should have stayed." Sanders smirked watching him turn completely pale.

"I'll stay here and give you what you want but please let them go, I'll do anything." Louis begged taking a step closer ignoring Harry who tried to hold him back by the back of his pants but was too weak to do so.

"Kill them." Was all Sanders said and Louis screamed feeling like he was dying too when the doors to the back entrance were slammed open.

Everything happened too fast for Louis, one minute Sanders was standing in front of him and the next he was on the floor getting handcuffed by a police officer while another one held him down. Paramedics rushed over to Harry quickly taking him away and leaving Louis standing in the middle of everything. He faintly heard Gemma calling for his mum and minutes later his own name but all he could focus on was the door where Harry had disappeared until everything went black and he left to a place where he was no longer hurting.

Thoughts? :)

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