Just Forget The World (Larry...

By _SweetDisposition_

145K 4.6K 3.1K

Louis is the last person on earth who can get pregnant after the birthrates decreased then completely stopped... More

~Chapter 1
~Chapter 2
~Chapter 3
~Chapter 4
~Chapter 5
~Chapter 6
~Chapter 8
~Chapter 9

~Chapter 7

13.6K 388 299
By _SweetDisposition_

A/N: Two more chapters guys, I hope you guys like it. Thank you so so much for all your comments and votes, they make my day. Enjoy! :)

~Chapter 7

The following morning both Alan and Harry took the day off after not getting enough sleep and Harry had spent the whole day with Louis helping him tend to his and Noah's needs. He was still in awe as well as Louis at how tiny and delicate their son was as well as completely innocent and defenseless, it only made Harry want to protect him and Louis with his own life knowing Louis felt the same. After that day Harry went back to work when Louis was completely healed from the birth and could now walk and help Annabelle around the house never leaving Noah alone. He would either hold him or put him down in his bassinet while he was in the room but busy with his hands.

"He just loves it when you hold him." Annabelle commented one afternoon when they were in the kitchen and Louis had Noah in his arms two weeks after he had been born.

"He doesn't cry much. Is- is that normal? I've heard babies cry a lot and he barely does." Louis asked with worried eyes.

"Some babies do cry a lot and others are calm like this one, Noah is such a good baby. There's absolutely nothing to be worried about." She smiled.

"He is my precious baby." Louis smiled as he kissed his tiny forehead then grabbed one of his tiny hands to kiss it. 

"You know, he's only two weeks old but he's starting to look so much like you and Harry." Annabelle told him.

"Really? Its hard for me to see it, he's just so small." Louis smiled looking at the baby whose eyes were droopy but every time Louis so much moved an inch he'll open them again and stare at Louis.

"Won't be too small for long, babies grow so fast." Annabelle sighed.

"I want him to stay tiny forever so Harry and I can cuddle him all we want." Louis said stealing a piece of fruit from the pile Annabelle had already sliced.

"Sadly they don't Louis, but we might as well enjoy it while he's this small." Annabelle grabbed a plate to serve Louis some fruit wanting him to be completely well nourished so he could have enough calorie intake to feed Noah and keep him from losing too much weight.


A month went by completely calm and peaceful for them with no worries until the call that changed everything and ruined what little sense of security they had. Louis was in his bedroom feeding Noah when the house phone started ringing not bothering to pick it up since Annabelle was downstairs. He relaxed when she answered it just as he heard Harry's voice greeting her then a door closing, a few minutes of silence then the sound of something breaking then footsteps running up the stairs startled Louis who held Noah closer when the one month old baby whimpered. Harry walked in without saying anything just as Noah was done eating and Louis started panicking as soon as Harry started packing all their clothes and whatever else he could fit not even bothering to fold them.

"H- Harry what are you doing? Are we- why are we leaving?" Louis asked getting up with Noah still in his arms.

"Zayn called...they found us Louis. H- He said they're on their way and we have to leave before they get here and before they hurt Annabelle and Alan." Harry turned around to look at Louis and their son with sad eyes.

"H- How?" Louis whimpered. "Harry?"

"I don't know! I don't fucking know so just shut up and help me pack!" Harry snapped then wished he could take it back when Louis started crying followed by Noah.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you...I'm just scared okay. We have Noah now and it scares me to know the things they would do to him." Harry quickly hugged them trying to calm him down while Louis tried to get Noah to stop crying.

Louis nodded then took a shaky breath then waiting for Noah to calm down so he could help Harry pack all their belongings but when he was done Harry was already done. They changed into warmer clothes then bundled Noah up as much as Louis could wrapping a soft yellow blanket around him, he carried him downstairs while Harry had their bags and as soon as he saw Annabelle he ran to her wrapping his free arm around her.

"I'm gonna miss you...I don't want to leave you behind." Louis sobbed into the crook of her neck as she silently cried and rubbed his back.

"Sweetheart...you have to protect your baby and yourselves, we'll be fine so don't worry about us."

"You don't know that, t- they could h- hurt you and its gonna be my fault. Come with us, please." Louis pulled back to look at her with wide eyes that filled with tears when she shook her head no.

"If we go then it will be easier for them to catch you...we'll only slow you down. We have to stay here and make them believe you were never here, we'll get rid of everything...they won't know you were here." Annabelle softly spoke to him.

"Please...please be safe." Louis said before he completely let go of her.

He said goodbye to Alan after Harry then thanked them before leaving in the car they had arrived in. Louis had no choice but to sit in the backseat with Noah using the seat belt on both of them while Harry drove to Manchester having figured out that they would look for them in small towns after Zayn's call. He looked at Louis through the rear view mirror smiling when he saw him cooing at their baby while running his fingers through his hair and even though he was feeling so afraid on the inside, the sight just warmed up his heart and made him feel better.

He focused back on the road smiling even bigger when he heard his tiny gurgles followed by Louis' chuckles then his low and smooth voice as he talked to him. That was all he needed to make that fear go away because if he continued feeling that way then he would only fail to protect them when he had promised Louis to protect their son.

"Harry?" Louis mumbled from the backseat not wanting to disturb a sleeping Noah in his arms, they were already sore but there was no way he would put him down even if it was next to him.

"Yeah? Is there something wrong?' Harry asked looking for a spot to pull over.

"Nothing's wrong but...how long until we get there?" Louis asked.

"Its three hours and forty five minutes away so...like one more hour or so, we're in Stafford right now." Harry answered glancing at Louis before looking back at the road ahead of him. "Do you need something?"

"I have to use the bathroom but its okay, I can hold it until we get there." Louis looked down trying not to squirm in his seat.

"You really have to go, I can see you're squirming a bit and you won't be able to hold it that long. I'll find a store or something." Harry said looking around until he found a small cafe.

"Harry, I can hold it." Louis insisted.

"No you can't." Harry shut off the engine.

"Fine. Wait for me here." Louis unbuckled himself getting ready to give Noah to Harry.

"I'm not gonna let you go alone, I'm going with you...I'm gonna buy us something to eat while you go." Harry quickly said.

"But who's going to stay with Noah? We can't leave him here alone...someone could hear him if he cries then they're going to take him." Louis started freaking out holding his still sleeping son a bit tighter.

"We're gonna take him with us." Harry said while Louis gave him an incredulous look.

"Oh yeah, sure, why not. Why don't we parade him around where people will see him and will call Sanders on us or want to take him from us." Louis narrowed his eyes trying not to snap and slap him for even thinking about it.

"We'll hide him underneath my jacket, they're too big on you anyway. We'll go to the bathroom together then after you're done you're gonna wait there for me while I get us something to eat. Louis...its gonna be okay." Harry pleaded with his eyes when he refused to do it.

"Okay..." Louis agreed after a while..

Harry's jacket on Louis was too big leaving him looking smaller than ever and as soon as he had put it on he had taken Noah back and hidden him underneath the warm jacket while Harry made sure he was completely covered and once he was satisfied they walked into the cafe. They had made sure to cover up so no one will recognize them wearing the sunglasses Harry had found in the glove compartment and the snap-back and beanie covering up their hair.

They walked straight into the bathroom where Harry hid in a stall holding Noah while Louis did his business letting him wash his hands before he handed their son back to him and used the bathroom. After washing his hands he left them hiding in a stall while Louis fed him then hurried over to the front to buy something to eat. He felt better when he got his sandwiches and drinks then as fast as he could walked to the bathroom not noticing the commotion building up outside.

"Lou? Come on, we need to go." Harry quietly said hearing the stall door opening then Louis rushed over to him with a now awake but calm Noah. Louis was relieved he didn't cry much especially after eating but all he wanted was to go back to the car and continue their drive to Manchester.

As soon as they stepped outside they had to stop walking when they got caught in a crowd with no way to get out of it. Harry tried to get on his tippy toes to see what was going on until he did and he froze on his spot wishing it was just a nightmare. He looked around for another way to escape and began panicking when he saw there was no other way to go other than forward where police officers were searching everybody and checking their identifications before they were allowed to go through.

"What's going on?" Louis asked trying to keep people from bumping into him and Noah.

"Nothing...they're- there was an accident and we need to get out of here." Harry lied hoping he would believe him but when his lips trembled he knew he hadn't.

Louis started crying as they got closer to the checking point never noticing Noah had moved his tiny leg lower and was now peeking through the opening until someone did. At first the young woman thought it was one of those baby dolls people liked to buy for the only purpose of filling that empty hole of not being able to have children had left in their hearts and after finding out their only hope had failed to conceive. She thought that was it and felt sorry for the young man holding it until the tiny foot wearing a light blue knitted booties moved a few times and she gasped covering her mouth with her hand, her eyes widened when she heard a tiny and soft whimper then noticed the young man lightly bouncing the bundle as he cried. 

It wasn't until another man, much taller than he was, wrapped his arms around him trying to calm him down that she figured out who they were and what was that he carrying in his arms. She looked at the police officers getting closer and closer then back at the runaways Sanders had been looking for for more than eight months and couldn't help but feel desperate for them. She knew what would happen to them if they were caught, she knew that as soon as they were back in Sanders hands Louis would go back to being forced to bear children while Harry would be executed and their child will be taken from them.

"Umm...excuse me." Louis heard a female voice and turned around to see a young woman looking at them with fear in her eyes.

"Yes?' Harry asked pulling Louis closer to him.

"You...you might want to cover his leg...I- I can see it." Her voice trembled as she spoke.

Louis gasped and quickly adjusted Noah again so he was fully covered then looked back at the girl whose eyes were flickering between them and the front of the crowd. She gave them a reassuring smile and walked away before telling them to be safe leaving them completely surprised. As the line kept moving closer and closer and they kept losing the little hope they had a sudden commotion was heard in the direction the young woman had gone to. They could hear a few people shouting then the police officers making their way over there and without wasting any time they took off running towards their car parked a few feet away.

Louis turned his head around to see the woman smiling at them before she took off running to the opposite direction and Louis understood. He got in the front seat and as soon as he had shut the door Harry stepped on the gas and sped away from there. No one talked for thirty minutes until Harry began tapping his fingers on the steering wheel then tightened his grip on it but as soon as they passed Holmes Chapel, he relaxed and slowly offered Louis a sandwich.

"Why didn't you stop? Your family still lives there, you could have stop to see them." Louis mumbled looking straight ahead.

"I can't do that...they could be there waiting for us and I can't put you both or them in danger. Its better this way." Harry said taking a bite from his own sandwich. "We could go see your parents."

"No! No...I don't want to see them, and they're not my parents anymore. They sold me to them and didn't cared about me...they- they knew what they were going to make me do and they didn't cared." Louis' eyes filled with tears quickly shushing Noah when he let out a loud wail flailing his arms around.

"They didn't sold you Lou, they were probably convinced that they were doing society a good or they were probably threatened by Sanders just like I was." Harry tried to make him feel better but Louis only cried more.

"I wish that was what really happened...I was nothing but an accident Harry. My mom never wanted me and neither did my dad, they ignored me my whole life unless it was for the damn check they received every three months." Louis bitterly laughed holding his son tighter.

"I- I didn't know..." Harry mumbled.

"Doesn't matter anymore...I have you two and that's all that matters." Louis smiled at him then down at their baby, he had his eyes wide open looking up at Louis then let out a tiny yawn.

"And I'm never going to leave you, I love you Lou." Harry smiled.

"I love you too."

They continued the rest of the way to Manchester in complete silence except for the occasional cries from Noah needing to be fed or changed. They had no choice but to get rid of the used cloths they used for him instead of diapers since he had none and there was no way they would ever be able to get their hands on some. When they got there Harry stopped in front of a very old building in serious need of reconstruction looking like it was about to collapse at any minute now.

"I'm sorry...I know it looks so bad and the living conditions aren't that great but that's all she was able to get for us without them asking too many questions. As long as I pay rent we'll be fine and Zayn told me she also lives here...we're gonna have to live with her." Harry looked at the building in front of him then at Louis.

"This is more than enough...I thought we were gonna have to sleep here in the car. And who is she?" Louis wiped away Noah's drool as he spoke.

"I would never make you both sleep in a car...and Zayn told me its an old friend of his." Harry said. "Come on, we need to settle in before it gets dark."

Louis nodded and let Harry grab their bags as he carried their son hiding him under Harry's jacket. He felt Harry's arms around him tightening his grip on him when a woman ran out of an apartment screaming bloody murder followed by a man. By the time they got to the third floor they had seen more than enough and just wanted to get inside of their new apartment.

When they got to door 3A Harry knocked four times then the door was opened revealing a girl older than them with blond hair and big green eyes, she let them in and as soon as she had closed the door she wrapped her arms around Harry as tight as she could while Harry did the same. While Louis watched them he couldn't help but hold onto his son tighter feeling jealousy running through his body just by seeing the way they were holding onto each other and how Harry kissed her forehead telling her he had missed her.

"Zayn told me, he told me you needed help and I had to help you." The girl sobbed pulling away from him.

"You didn't had to...you're gonna get hurt and I will never forgive myself." Harry said as he wiped her tears away.

"But I..." She was interrupted by the soft whimpers coming from underneath the jacket of the boy standing by the door. "Oh? Oh my god...Harry..."

"Louis this is my sister Gemma, Gemma this is Louis...and our son Noah." Harry pulled a shy Louis closer to him just when Louis heard his tiny soft cries.

"Your son?" Gemma gave them an incredulous look then gasped bringing her hands over her mouth when Louis uncovered the tiny bundle he was holding.

Her eyes widened as she took in the small human and living baby crying and squirming in Louis' hold, he was only wearing a white tiny long sleeved shirt and a blue knitted diaper cover that look more like tiny shorts and blue booties on his tiny feet. She turned to Harry then to Louis with a questioning look then her eyes once again focused on the tiny baby. She moved closer taking in his tufts of blond hair brushed to the side then his bright blue eyes, tiny button nose and pouty lips much like her brother's. She had seen Harry as a baby in pictures with her next to him but didn't remember much of it.

"He looks like Harry when he was a baby except for the blue eyes, Harry used to be blond too...and his hair used to be straight, not a single curl in his head. May I?" Gemma shyly asked holding out her arms watching Louis look at Harry with a nervous expression.

"He's safe with her, love. She's not gonna hurt him." Harry gave him a reassuring smile and Louis nodded giving her the baby that only seemed to cry louder.

"He's so tiny and just...he's a miracle. I thought you couldn't get him pregnant when Zayn told us he was being forced to replace you. How old is he?" Gemma asked never taking her eyes off of him then smiled when he caught her finger in his tiny fist.

"I had him about a month ago." Louis answered watching her every move ready to snatch him away if necessary.

"I think he was already pregnant when we got him out of there...about two months because Annabelle told us he was full term when he was born." Harry explained wrapping his arms around Louis kissing the side of his head to calm him down.

"We're gonna have to protect this little one from everybody...if I had know I would've found a safer building to live in. As you can see this one is one of the worst places to live in. Do you have enough clothes for him? Diapers?" Gemma asked, her eyes finally focusing on them.

"Diapers? Gemma I don't think they sell those anymore...and we do have clothes for him, he's not naked as you can see." Harry clenched his jaw, the fact that she thought they had nothing for him completely pissed him off.

"Calm down Harold, I was just asking because they do sell them. The reason why they still sell them is kinda fucked up...people who have fake babies and treat them as the real thing are out there you know." Gemma said giving Noah back to Louis.

"We didn't know. Gemma...how's mum?" Harry asked while Louis tried to calm the baby down.

"She's okay but she's being worried sick about you. She doesn't know you're here with me now and I think is best if we keep it that way...,when- when you disappeared with Louis a lot of Sanders men came into the house and questioned us, they left when they finally realized we didn't really know where you were and that you weren't going to call any time soon." Gemma calmly told him gesturing for them to take a seat on the only couch in the living room.

"But she's okay, right?" Harry pressed for more information other than that.

"She's completely fine, they left us alone and as soon as I found out through Zayn that they had found you I just wanted to help. There are two rooms and only a bathroom but we'll be fine plus I won't be here until around five because of work but on weekends I'm all yours." Gemma said bringing her legs close to her chest.

"Do you know if anyone's hiring around here?" Harry asked then looked at Louis when Noah only seemed to get louder the more Louis tried to calm him down.

"Is there something wrong? Do you need something?" Gemma quickly got up to stand next to Louis.

"He's fine...I- I think he's just hungry. Is there somewhere I could feed him?" Louis asked blushing a bit.

"Oh! Of course there is, right this way. This will be your new bedroom." Gemma walked towards a medium sized room with a bed in the middle of it and two nighttables on either side of it, in front of it a dresser and a door that led to the closet.

"Thanks." Louis smiled then waited until they left to start feeding him.


"I'm sorry for what I'm about to say but I had my doubts on whether that baby was yours when I first saw him." Gemma confessed as soon as they had closed the door.

"Why won't Noah be mine?" Harry glared at her making her look down in embarrassment.

"They said you couldn't get him pregnant and then you show up here with a baby, what do you expected." Gemma said fiddling with a loose thread of her shirt.

"I know he's mine...Gemma, I was his first time and nobody else has touched him other than me." Harry sighed.

"All of you will be safe here Haz, I promise you no one will ever see you here." Gemma promised scooting over to him smiling when Harry wrapped his arms around her.

"I need to find a job Gemma, I can't let you pay for everything." Harry once again insisted hoping to convince her.

"I work for this food company and we have to be covered from head to toe so I think no one will recognize you there plus my boss absolutely hates Sanders and what he's doing. A lot of people hate him...some of them are even planning to protest so he can get kicked out and I just hope that whatever they're planning it works for them."

"We met a man in Bradford who told us the same thing, I hope it works or Noah will never have a normal life." Harry sighed.

"Noah...I like it. He is a baby and the youngest person on earth Harry...if we're never able to conceive ever again then his life will never be normal as much as I hate to say it." Gemma sat up straight to look at her younger brother who seemed to have aged a bit since the last time he had seen him.

"Well...get started." Harry said then both of them burst out laughing.

After they were settled in and had dinner they went to bed after showering and changing Noah into one of the diapers Gemma had gone out to buy finding it much easier for them and more comfortable for Noah. That had been the first night he had slept through the night in between Harry and Louis even though Louis was worried about rolling over him but when he woke up to him happily kicking his tiny arms and legs and cooing nonsense he felt so much better.

"I swear he's so cute and I just wanna squeeze his chubby cheeks. Aren't you the cutest boy in this planet, yes you are!" Gemma cooed at him while Louis was changing his diaper then leaned down to kiss one of his cheeks shrieking when Noah took his whole hand out of his mouth to grab her nose.

"He likes you." Louis chuckled grabbing a new shirt and pants to change him into noticing the pants were a bit smaller on him.

"Please! I'm his favorite, he loves aunt Gemma." She gave Louis a duh look then her face went serious. "Was it hard to give birth to him...like...did it hurt?"

"It did hurt but it was worth it, I wouldn't change anything other than having to hide him and keep him quiet." Louis sighed wrapping a blanket around him then gave him to Gemma who had been waiting to hold him before heading out with Harry to try and get him the job she promised.

"I know we've only known each other for a day but if you ever need to talk to someone other than Harry, I'm here okay. You can trust me." Gemma wrapped her arm around him in a comforting manner.

"Thank you." Louis smiled.

"Breakfast's ready!" Harry shouted from the kitchen.


"Tanner is waiting for us. Harry hurry up." Gemma tapped her foot on the floor trying to be patient with Harry knowing it was hard for him to separate himself from Louis and her nephew.

"Tanner? You call your boss by his first name?" Harry turned around from where he was kissing Noah's tiny hands raising his eyebrows at Gemma.

"So what!" Gemma exclaimed blushing scarlet red.

"Whatever. Please be careful and don't open the door for anybody, Gemma and I have keys. Love you both." Harry kissed his forehead before his lips ignoring Gemma's teasing.

"We love you too and be safe okay, we'll be waiting for you." Louis smiled trying to show him he was fine but on the inside he was scared to deah at having to be alone until five if Harry got the job which he was hoping he did.

"I'm gonna go now...don't open the door even if its an emergency."

"I won't." Louis promised.

With one last kiss Harry finally left leaving Louis and Noah alone, he looked around the apartment then switched Noah around with his back to his chest to give him a tour of their new home even though he knew he wouldn't understand anything and would rather sleep but he did it anyway. After he was done with the tour, he fed him feeling a bit of pain as he did so then after burping him he put him down on their bed for his nap putting a pillow on each side of him then decided to do a few chores since it was the least he could do.


Harry followed Gemma through the hallway towards Tanner's office and once they were outside he straightened his clothes wanting to make a good impression on him. They walked into the office where a young man with green eyes and dark hair no older than twenty eight sat in his desk smiling at them.

"Gemma, this must be your brother. Nice to meet you." Tanner got up shaking hands with them and Harry couldn't help but notice him holding Gemma's hand a bit longer.

"Its nice to meet you too." Harry smiled.

"Gemma told me you need a job and I know how much you need it so the job is yours." Tanner said surprising Harry.

"Really? You're not going to interview me or ask if I have any experience?" Harry slowly asked not believing what he was hearing.

"I don't think is necessary and its really easy to learn...I know how dangerous it is for you to be out there where anyone could recognize you and I would hate if they were to catch you or the Tomlinson boy. That scum Sanders won't stop until he gets his hands on him and if I can do something to stop it then I will." Tanner genuinely said and all Harry did was nod and thank him.

Harry started working that day together with Gemma, both of them making sure none of the jars with food were broken or open. Even though it wasn't fun at all Harry was still happy to have a job to support his family and working with Gemma made it more fun even though they couldn't talk much over the noise. After a long day and a few cuts on his hands due to a broken jar they made their way to their apartment hearing and ignoring someone banging on a door until the closer they got to their apartment, the louder the noise seemed to get.

"Open the goddamn door, I know you're in there!" Someone shouted and as soon as Harry saw which door he was trying to open he pushed him away from the door.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!" Harry shouted standing in front of the door ready to rip his throat open.

"I saw someone going in here and its supposed to be empty, if they're not on the lease then they can't be here." The man with greying hair said.

"There are three people on the lease so you have nothing to be here for, I know what you're here for and if you don't stop we're gonna call the police. You're disgusting Frank!" Gemma glared at him.

"Calm down...I'll be on my way then." Frank put his hands in front of him then left.

As soon as he was out of sight Harry opened the door and ran into the apartment desperately looking for Louis until he heard his son's whimpers coming from the closet in their bedroom. He opened the door receiving a blow right on the head when Louis hit him with a pan screaming as he did so until he noticed who it was but by that time Harry was already unconscious on the floor.

"Harry!" Louis dropped the pan then knelt down next to Harry crying and trying to wake him up slightly slapping his cheek.

"What happened?" Gemma ran into the bedroom gasping when she saw her brother passed out on the floor and a pan next to Louis.

"I- I thought it was that m- man! Oh god, Gemma I killed him." Louis sobbed ignoring his son who was crying laying on a pile of their clothes in a corner of the closet.

"Calm down. Louis calm down he's not dead!" Gemma said after checking his pulse then picked Noah up to quiet him down.

"Then why is he not waking up? Harry wake up!" Louis lifted his head placing it on his lap then began brushing the hair out of his forehead.

"Well you hit him pretty hard, let me go get the rubbing alcohol to wake him up." Gemma hurried to the bathroom then came back giving Noah to Louis.

It took a few minutes but when Harry finally opened his eyes Louis burst out crying again and repeatedly kissed his forehead then the top of his hand. Harry looked around for a few seconds before he groaned and rubbed on the sore spot on his head wincing as he did.

"What happened?" He groggily asked, his vision still blurry.

"I'm sorry...I- I thought you were that man." Louis sobbed having no choice but to put Noah on their bed to hug Harry then pressed half his body on top of his.

"Why did you open the door? I told you to stay inside at all times, something could have happened to you or Noah...that man didn't had good intentions at all. Where's Noah and Gemma?" Harry asked trying to get up but Louis held him down with his weight still worried about him.

"He's right here and Gemma is in the kitchen making dinner...wasn't that worried if I'm honest." Louis said lifting his head to look at Harry.

"She knows I'm strong. Hey, don't cry Lou, it was an accident...you were only trying to protect our son and yourself." Harry brushed the hair out off Louis' forehead when he kept crying.

"But I opened the door when I shouldn't have! A woman was screaming and I just wanted to help her but when I opened the door that man saw me and tried to get in. I- I hit him with the umbrella but h- he kept banging on the door and I was so scared." Louis explained while Harry wiped his tears away and Noah lulled himself to sleep by sucking on three of his fingers.

"It's over now and I am sure he won't comeback but please don't leave the apartment unless I'm with you, nobody else but me, not even Gemma. I don't feel comfortable with you out on the street with her." Harry said looking straight into Louis' eyes.

"Heard that!" Gemma shouted from the kitchen.

"Good. I wanted you to." Harry responded wrapping his arms around Louis.

"Dear God please let that be the only thing you want me to hear, these walls are paper thin just so you know." Gemma casually said as her voice got closer and seconds later walked into the room going straight for Noah.

"Don't wake him up, let him take his nap." Harry said just when Gemma was getting ready to wake him up.

"But...but I want to cuddle him, he sleeps all day. Isn't that weird? I don't sleep all day." Gemma grumbled kneeling down next to the bed where Noah was laying bundled up in a soft blue blanket.

"He's a baby and the woman who helped Louis to deliver him told us that's all they do for the first few months. Eat, cry, poop, pee and sleep...over and over again." Harry's smirk got bigger and bigger the more horrified Gemma looked.

"Then I'll cuddle him during his breaks. Wash your hands and come eat." She kissed Noah's forehead then walked out of there smacking the back of Harry's head on her way out.

"Let him take his nap." Louis said chuckling when Harry rolled his eyes and picked his son up anyways cradling him against his chest, he kissed his forehead then ran his fingers through the soft strands of blond hair stopping when he whimpered and lifted his tiny arm up into the air before putting it down against Harry's chest.

"He loves me, don't you baby? You love your papa." Harry cooed noticing he was in need of new clothes and couldn't help but feel helpless then remembered that if they sold diapers then they had to sell clothes too.

"Papa?" Louis raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you're daddy and I'm papa." Harry smiled, his dimples in full display.

"That's perfect." Louis leaned down to kiss him just as Gemma shouted that the food was getting cold.


Harry had managed to get the job full time working mondays through fridays from eight in the morning to five in the afternoon getting paid enough to get by. Gemma had gone out to get new clothes for the baby as well as for Louis and Harry. She had argued with Harry when he gave her more money so she could get something nice for herself then ended up accepting it when he insisted. Louis would stay home always making sure to keep Noah quiet and stay as quiet as he could, since that incident no one had tried to break into the apartment and he was thankful.

"You're gonna be all nice and clean." Louis cooed as he gave Noah a bath smiling when he widened his eyes then opened his lips into an O when he poured water over his head careful not to get it in his eyes.

"Yeah, and then you're gonna wear the new clothes aunt Gemma picked out for you and you're gonna look so handsome just like papa." Louis continued talking to him until bath time was over and wrapped him with a soft baby blue towel Gemma said she just couldn't say not to.

When he was done changing him he walked to the kitchen and put him on a basket Gemma had managed to get, he made sure it was safely set on top of the table then gathered ingredients to make lasagna just wanting to do something for once. He knew he had to take care of Noah and it was dangerous to go outside but he felt like a burden to Harry and Gemma even though she didn't pay for his and the baby's expenses.

While he cooked he could hear people outside shouting at each other or someone banging on the walls or doors but at that point he was already used to it and all he worried about was keeping his son quiet. Once the food was done it was already five and all he had to do was wait for them smiling in relief when they walked through the door.

"Hi Lou, what did you do all day?" Harry asked pecking his lips then walked up to Noah taking him in his arms before Gemma could or she was never going to give him back.

"I gave him a bath then I made dinner. That's pretty much it." Louis tried to smile but failed and instead hurried over to the oven to take the lasagna out.

"I know it sucks to be here all day and its like being back there but I promise you that one day we won't have to hide anymore, i just want you to be safe." Harry said putting Noah back in the basket before kissing his forehead then wrapped his arms around Louis from behind kissing his shoulder.

"I know and this is better than being back there. Wash your hands." Louis smiled pushing him back with his bum chuckling when Harry pouted but did as told.

"I am home- oh hey, he's finally awake for once...he knew aunt Gemma was coming." Gemma said after shutting and locking the door behind her then rushed over to the table where she picked him up.

"I made lasagna, wash your hands." Louis smiled and after she did they sat down to eat after Harry had moved the basket to two of the chairs.


"Are you sure you want to stay? Harry you don't have to work extra hours." Gemma said in a concerned tone, she had a bad feeling and just wanted her brother to go home with her where his family was waiting for him.

"I don't have to but I want to, I want to buy something nice for Louis and more clothes for Noah." Harry said then smiled when Gemma sighed.

"Just be safe on your way back. Make sure you wear your beanie and glasses, I love you baby brother." Gemma gave him a hug then with one last worried look left to go home.

Two hours later it was time to go home and after getting cleaned up he was on his way stopping to buy a few baby clothes finding it weird that people found it normal then after he had paid for them he made his way to a store where he had seen a necklace he wanted to get for Louis. As soon as he spotted the silver paper airplane he bought it no questions asked and left the store wearing the biggest smile until someone shouted at him. He put the small box in the bag next to the clothes then turned around wishing he hadn't.

Thoughts? :)

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