Professor | Johnny Depp [Comp...

By DarkGuardian_15

67.4K 2.2K 571

Ember starts her third year of college with high hopes even though she knows she won't be seeing any of her f... More

Chapter One | Poetry
Chapter Two | Talking To Strangers
Chapter Three | Lunch
Chapter Four | Secret Friendship
Chapter Five | A Day Out On The Town
Chapter Six | Soft
Chapter Seven | Gentle Love
Chapter Eight | Waffles For Breakfast
Chapter Nine | The Owl's Nest
Chapter Ten | Missing Sketchbook
Chapter Eleven | The Carnival
Chapter Twelve | Mr. Depp's Flower
Chapter Fourteen | The Dance
Chapter Fifteen | Trick or Treaters
Chapter Sixteen | Not So Perfect Birthday
Chapter Seventeen | Caught
Chapter Eighteen | Professor

Chapter Thirteen | Coming Clean... Sorta

2.6K 96 10
By DarkGuardian_15

Ember's POV:

"We have to go, Johnny." I giggled as he tickled me, trapping me between the bed and his body. "Can we just cuddle in bed for a few more minutes?" He whined as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'd love to, but you know we can't. I don't wanna miss my classes and you can't just call in sick just because you wanna cuddle." I said. "I'd do a lot of things just so I could stay in bed all tangled up with you." He said in a deathly attractive tone that made my insides squirm. When our lips met I could feel a warmth spreading through my body that went straight to my bones. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his soft, messy hair. By the time we got changed and ready for the day we were scrambling to get to the college. We didn't even have time to eat breakfast. "I really should have just gotten ready when you told me to. Then we could have had a more peaceful and relaxed Monday morning." He said as he tried his best not to get caught speeding by a cop. "You should have, but the little make out session we had was so worth it." I said, blushing. He smiled and his big chocolate brown eyes sparkled with love and warmth. When we got to the college we made sure no one was watching the two of us get out of his car. "I'll see you in poetry class." He said as we went our separate ways into the college. As I walked through the main doors I hurried to my first class, which I was almost late for. As I sat in my usual seat I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. When the teaches wasn't looking I checked to see who it was.

Onyx: Hey, I brought your car to college today. It's outside my dorm where usually park. Your dad and I had a nice weekend btw. I hope you had a nice weekend with him.

Me: Tank you so much!!

After replying I put my phone back into my pocket. For some odd reason my heart was beating quicker than usual. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Johnny and I have to be more careful now that we're in a relationship. It kinda felt like everyone already knew even though I know they don't. 'Just relax Ember. You're nerves are getting the best of you.' I thought inside of my head. I pressed my thoughts aside and focused on taking notes. When lunch time rolled around I went straight to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. I was practically starving since I didn't have anything for breakfast. Onyx and I met up there as well before getting a study room in the library. "So... tell me what happened? What did you two do on Sunday that prevented you from going back home?" Onyx asked me curiously after a few minutes of silence. "He ended up taking me out after lunch. We laid in the grass and watched the clouds in the sky. Before we knew it, it was night and we watched the stars for a few minutes before going to a diner." I said. "Sounds like Mr. Depp is a romantic kinda guy." He said with a smirk on his face. "He's perfect." I said with a deep sigh. "Awww. You're blushing. You're so in love with him." He said, which made me laugh. I felt so embarrassed, but Onyx was right; I am in love with him. As if on cue, Johnny walked past the window. He must have spotted me because he back stepped and waved adorably at me. I waved back and felt myself blush. Onyx walked over and opened the door with a smirk on his face. "Don't just stand there, Romeo. Come on in." Onyx said in a hushed tone. I swear I saw Johnny blush slightly and he walked into the study room. "Hey." He said to me with a small little laugh as he ran a hand through his hair. His eyes were glowing with love and I'm sure mine were too. "Hey." I replied with a small smile. "I'd hug you, but I don't want anyone seeing us." He said with a sad look on his face. "I'll block the window. Go ahead and hug." Onyx said as Johnny moved slightly so we could see him standing in front of window that was in the door. Johnny and I moved closer before wrapping our arms around each other. Even though Onyx was in the room I felt comfortable being in Johnny's arms. I snuggled into his chest and he tightened his arms around me. The smell of his heavily cologne made butterflies flutter in my stomach. We broke the hug and he left a soft kiss on my forehead. "You two are so cute together!" Onyx said, which made Johnny and I laugh slightly. "I gotta go to a meeting, but I'll see you in Poetry class." Johnny said sweetly as he gently tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'll see you later." I said with a smile as we have each other another quick hug. He thanked Onyx for blocking the window so we could hug each other before he left. "He's so gentle and loving with you. It's so sweet, especially since you're gentle and loving towards him too." Onyx said as he and I sat back down at the table. "I known it might sound corny or cheesy, but I think he and I were meant to be together. Like... I know that he's older than me but everything feels so right and natural with him. It's like we've known each other a long time even though we've only know each other for about... two months almost." I said. Now that I think about it our friendship turned into a relationship really quick. For some people it might have been strange, but I can't deny the way he makes me feel. Deep down I know he'd probably wanna take things slow now that we're boyfriend and girlfriend. "I think you two were meant to meet each other too." Onyx said with a smile on his face. As we continued to do our homework, I asked him how things were going with Hannah from The White Rabbit. "Oh, we actually went out on a date Wednesday night. I think things went well, actually." He said with a huge smile as he ran a hand through his blond hair. "That's good. I really hope things work out well between you two." I said with a smile, and he smiled too. After a while I had to go to my poetry class. I was really excited to see Johnny again even though we spent the weekend together. Onyx and I said our goodbyes before I left the library and headed to we the poetry classroom. When I got to my destination I saw that Johnny was already there waiting. "You're earlier that usual." I said, and he smiled. "I couldn't wait to see you again. It's like I wanna spend every second with you." He said as he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest as he gently tightened his arms around me. "I love you so much, Johnny." I whispered softly. "I love you too Ember." He replied as he rubbed my back. Before we broke the hug I left a soft kiss on his neck, which made him chuckle. "You better take a seat before I kiss you and we get caught." He said, and I felt myself blush. He tucked a stray strand of my hair behind my ear before I walked towards my usual seat and sat down. After a few minutes passed a couple of students came into the room as well. Today was kinda warm, so the windows were slightly cracked. The smell of freshly mowed grass floated into the clause from the light breeze that was blowing. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the refreshing scent. Once it was time for the class to start, Johnny too roll call to see who was there and who wasn't. "Today you're Haiku poems are due. I hope none of you forgot about them." He said as he walked around to collect them. When he came to me our hands brushed slightly and my heart skipped a beat. I'm sure I probably blushed a little too. After he collected the poems we went outside to read from our books. The sun was bright and warm, which was a contrast to the past couple of days. They were nice days, but today seemed like we stepped back into summer. Everyone was shedding their jackets and rolling up their long sleeved shirts. All of us sat in the fragrant grass and cracked open the books we had in our hands. Johnny was sitting next to me again like he had when we read outside last time. I had to fight the urge to snuggle up to him and cuddle in the grass. Deep down I wondered if he was feeling the same way I was. But I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and continued reading. This time the poems were about emotions rather than nature. As I read I had a feeling he'd want us to write a poem based on each emotion, which sounded really interesting to me. We spent the entire class period outside reading. I always felt so relaxed and happy after we read poetry outside. I honestly think poetry was meant to be read outside on a beautiful day rather than inside. "I'd like all of you to write a poem based on an emotion. It can be any emotion you want to express in your writing. They'll be due next class meeting." Johnny said once we went back to the classroom. Everyone packed their stuff up and started leaving. Like always, I stayed behind. "Do you know which emotion you'll be writing about?" He asked me curiously as he walked towards me. "I wanna keep it a surprise." I said, even though I figured he knew I was gonna write about love. "Well, I'm looking forward to reading your Haiku poem as well as the one I assigned today. You're a good writer." He said with a smile, and I smiled as well. Those big brown eyes were filled with a loving look, and it made my insides melt. All of a sudden there was a knock on the classroom door, which made anxiety fill my stomach even though he and I weren't doing anything incriminating. "Come in." Johnny said. The door opened and a man with short white hair came into the room. I recognized him from random passing in the hallways, but I didn't know who he was. "Who's this?" The man asked curiously with an Australian accent. "This is one of my best students. Ember, this is the sociology professor, Mr. DeMars." Johnny said, introducing us to each other. The three of bus talked about classes and stuff before I said my goodbyes. "Have a great day professors." I said as I walked towards the door. "You too." They replied at the same time. After leaving the classroom I met up with Onyx and he walked over to the dorms with me where I retrieved my car. I thanked him for bringing it here, and said it wasn't a problem. We said our goodbyes and I went home. I listened to the radio as I did so. The energy in the house was different, especially since my dad looked as if he had been waiting on me. "How was your day?" He asked me curiously. "Good. How was yours?" I replied. "Alright. Listen, Ember.... we need to talk." He said as he gestured for me to follow him into the living room. My stomach filled with anxiety at his words. I wasn't sure what he wanted to talk about, but I was nervous as hell. "What's up?" I asked him curiously as we sat down on the couch. "It's about this Johnny guy. I know you trust him, but I think there's something more going on between you two. I mean... you spent the entire weekend with him." He said and I cursed inside of my head. I'm retrospect, I should have seen this coming. "Dad, you don't have to worry about him. You don't have to worry about me. He's sweet, kind, and wonderful." I said. "That's not what I'm talking about." He said with a deep sigh. "Well... what are you talking about?" I asked him curiously with furrowed brows. He ran a hand through his graying hair and took a deep breath. "I think he's more than a friend to you, Ember. Look, I'm fine with you having a boyfriend but I'd really like to meet him. Especially if he wants to be with you.... if you want to be with him." He said, and I felt like I was on the verge of an anxiety attack. 'Should I tell my dad that Johnny is Mr. Depp? Should I just tell him that Johnny is a friend, or should I tell him the truth?' I wondered inside of my head. Deep down I hated keeping secrets from my dad, but it really seems like the best thing to do. I don't want a lecture and I definitely don't want Johnny to lose his job just because of me. "Johnny and I are just friends, but there is something I've been hiding from you." I said. I honestly couldn't believe that I was about to say this. "You don't have to hide things from me. I'm not like your mother." He said with a slight laugh before sobering quickly. "You know when you met Mr. Depp?" I asked. "Yeah." He said with furrowed brows. "Mr. Depp is Johnny. He and I have become friends, and he's who I've been spending time with. I know he's my professor and everything, but... he's just so lonely." I said, preparing for some kind of rant from him. But when it didn't come I was surprised. "I kinda figured you and Mr. Depp were friends. You two were so comfortable with each other. Look... as long as he's a good friend and he treats you right I don't see why you two shouldn't be friends." He said, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad my dad was so okay with me being friends with my professor. I doubted he would have reacted the same way of I told him Johnny and I were in a relationship. Something deep down inside of my told me I'd have to tell him the entire truth eventually. But I just wanted my dad to be comfortable with me having my Johnny in my life in ways beyond being my professor.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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