Please Don't Run Away

By TheNamesBri99

6.7K 209 26

Perrie and Jade started off on X-Factor as individuals, and were put into a groups with two other amazing gir... More

The Beginning
The Truth
Not so Happily Engaged
The Downfall of Us All
The Hospital
You're Perfect
There's More Where That Came From
The Photo


494 22 4
By TheNamesBri99

Jade's POV

I got out of that restaurant and to the nearest club so fast you would have thought I was the Flash. This is literally the worst day of my life. First, I tell my boyfriend about my sexuality because I didn't want to hid it, and get broken up with. Then I get kissed by the girl of my dreams, just to have her stupid ass boyfriend interrupt, take us to dinner, and ask her to marry him.

The minute I got in the club I walked straight to the bar and ordered a drink. It was only 8:30 but I was prepared to lose myself. I didn't want to break up with Jed, but once I told him he got pissed. I do love him, and I never wanted to hurt him, but I guess you can't always get what you want.

"Hey..." I say softly into the phone, ready to apologize for not answering the phone all day. I hear Jed on the other line breathing. I can tell he is relieved I'm okay, but angry that I missed all his calls.

"Where have you been? You haven't answered me all day." There was anger in his voice. I really messed up this time.

"I'm sorry... I know. But I was spending the day with Perrie and we were watching Netflix and..."

"Of course you were with her. Why am I not surprised." He cut me off, more aggravation in his voice than before. What is his problem with Perrie?

"Jed, I said I was sorry. I was going to call but I fell asleep."

I heard him breath heavily into the phone, indicating he was holding back his anger.

"You fell asleep....seriously? You always ditch me for that bimbo."

"Excuse me!? That is my best friend. Do not call her a bimbo. You don't even know her." I could feel my blood boiling.

"Because I don't want to know that slut." Before I could stop myself, I snapped.

"SHE IS NOT A SLUT! AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK OF HER LIKE THAT!" I was losing control, I could feel myself losing all control.

"Calm down damn." I could hear laughter in his voice.

"It's not fucking funny!" I have never spoken to Jed like that before, but he had sent me to my tipping point. Why was he talking about my Perrie like that?

"Wooh Babe, chill. It's not that serious. Why are you so defensive."

"Because I'm in love with her!" I snapped back. And that was it. I said it, finally, but to my boyfriend. That was a mistake. Before I could take back what I was saying he was speaking again.

"I fucking knew it. You know why I hate her? Because I knew there was something going on between you two. Well she can have you, I'm done. Don't call me again." And he hung up.

I felt my heart break. That was not how I wanted that to happen.

After about 5 very strong drinks, I was on the dance floor with some guy. I had to get my mind off the day, so I didn't not care that he was very touchy and had his hands all over me. I was grinding into him, trying to get any feelings from it, but I got nothing. I felt his hand grab my waist and turn me around.

"You know you're really pretty." He smiled at me. He had really pretty eyes, but not as pretty as Perrie's. (We are trying not to think of her Jade). I could not get her off my mind. I smiled back and whispered in his ear.

"This pretty girl will be right back, gotta get another drink."

I felt his eyes follow me to the bar. I ordered 3 shots of vodka and downed them instantly. I walked back to the stranger on the floor, grabbed him by the collar and connected our lips. I wanted to feel something, anything. But not the even alcohol could make my body feel what wasn't there Then I heard that voice.

(This is a shout out to my ex. Heard he's in love with some other chick.)

Oh god! I need to get out of here. How am I not supposed to think of Perrie if the club is playing our damn song. I pulled away from the stranger I was just making out with, realizing that people had taken pictures. Great, that will be news tomorrow.

I walked over to the bar tender, got 2 more shots, and walked out of the bar. I booked an Uber and waited outside.

I felt a hand on my right shoulded, and knew right away who it was.

"I can just take you home if you need."

God I wish he would leave me alone. "No, I'm okay. Thanks."

"Or was could just go back to my place. It's 2 blocks from here. We could walk." He was smiling and tried to grab my waist. I pulled away from him and slapped him.

"Excuse me, I'm not a piece of meat."

He was shocked, and before I could say anything else, he just walked away. I felt myself exhale a breath I didn't even know I was holding. He could have just tried to rape me for all I know. I never party without any of my girls, so I was feeling extremely vulnerable.

I checked my phone to see where the Uber was and ignored the 15 missed calls and 20 missed texts from Leigh Anne and Jesy. I had told them about the kiss between Perrie and I, and about Alex showing up. So when he began to propose, I knee they were aware why I left. They have probably not been able to talk to Perrie about it, and not a single call or text was from her. Alex is clingy, he hardly lets her around us when he is around. It's very annoying.

My Uber finally arrived. I collapsed into the back seat and gave the driver the address to the hotel. I did not speak the rest of the ride there.

Once we arrived to the hotel, I thanked the driver and stumbled my way into the hotel. It wasn't until I got up to my room that I realized I had left my purse at the club. Which had my room key in it. Naturally, I walked to Perrie's door, and just as I was about to knock, I remembered Alex was there. (Damn that fucking boy. What's so great about him?)

I made my way to the elevator and went up to Jesy's room.

"Oh my god Jade!" She exclaimed when she answered the door. "Where have you been? Leigh Anne and I have been worried for hours."

I walked into the room and fell onto the bed.

"I've been drinking." I mumble out.

"I can tell. Are you okay? I know it has been a hell of a day for you." I could feel her sit down next to me.

"No... I'm really not okay." I could feel the tears coming now. I never cry. So when I do, then I'm really hurting.

"Oh Jade... I'm so sorry babe. Why aren't you in your room? I'm not saying you can't be here, I'm just curious."

I tried to sit up, but my muscles were too weak. "I lost my purse at the club."

"What club? I'll call and see if they have it."

I didn't say anything for a while. What was the name of the club. You would think that would have been important information to remember."I don't know...." My voice trailed off. This is the worst day of my life.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go to Leigh's room and let her know you're okay. You can sleep here tonight. I'm gonna go down and tell the clerk you lost your room key so they can get you a new one."

I was slowly getting my shoes off and slipping out of my jacket. "Okay. Thanks."

"No problem Jade. Get some sleep." I heard her open and close the room door, indicating she had left. I stumbled to get up on my feet and get into the bed. I wrapped myself up in the blankets, and cried myself to sleep.

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