Grandson of the Dark Lord aka...

By AMY132645

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(I update everyday, and each update IS THE STORY with more than 1000 words, now aiming to have each chapter m... More

The golden trio
Hogwarts Express
First day.
Author note
Wizards are weird
Gosh darn it.

Wizards are real?

735 4 3
By AMY132645

Percy P.O.V

"Mum, I'm Home!!!!!" I shouted, opening the door.

"Percy, come here and eat some cookies please, we need to discuss something," Sally called from the kitchen

Ok. I replied as I walked into the kitchen. 

Percy, you see Witches and Wizards are real, and I am a witch. Your grandfather wants you to attend a school for witches and wizards to learn how to be a real wizard. 

WHAT!!! Mom, you didn't tell me your secret until now?? I asked clearly confused

Dear, I didn't want to have more things on your plate, well until your grandfather told me that he expects you to learn like a proper witch and he knows you are a demigod. Sally explained

Uh, oh. I replied eating blue cookies 2 at a time

What! Sally, you're a witch!!! And Percy needs to go again? Asked a very horrified Paul

Yes dear, and I think you should get things packed, Saly said just as she finished her confession a FRICKEN owl flew in and dropped a letter THAN MY MOM GAVE THE owl a coin!!!!!

Let's read this together ok? Sally said not expecting for an answer


Dear, Persues Jackson you have invited to Hogwarts a school of witchcraft and Wizardry...

We expect you to be a 9 3/4 and on the Hogwarts express by ___

Please bring/buy these following items:

A pet, Owl, Cat, Rat, Toad (You can choose which one you want)

History of Hogwarts (book)

____ BOOK

____ BOOK

(Sorry guys I have no clue what to include)

Well, Percy packs your cloth and we better go now! Sally said

Sally I am going out to clear my mind ok? Paul said

Ok dear. Sally said

My mom was AMAZING, she used a stick and all the clothes and things I need flew into my trunk/suitcase. 

Mom, why didn't you tell me you can do this? This is amazing! I complained

You need to learn how to do things by hand. Sally replied sternly 

Fine mom, I joked

After a million years of packing my mom told me we are going to go to my grandfather's mansion first and he will first teach me some basics of magic.

And I agreed since who wouldn't like to learn how to clean there own room without hands? AWESOME RIGHT?

Percy we are going to use floo powder today ok? Say riddle mansion clearly while in the flames alright? Sally said while pouring some powder in the fireplace.

Riddle Mansion I said and I suddenly was standing in a beautiful place. The place was big, like huge, in the middle stood a desk with a "noseless" ugly dude there. I took out riptide and asked to show me were my grandfather Voldemort is you old skunt!

This is not how you talk to your grandfather Persues Jackson. The old dude a.k.a grandfather said.

Oops, my bad feeling blood rush to my cheeks

Okok, Sally Jackson finally bothering to talk to your relative I see. Voldemort said

Father, I can go now? Sally asked

Yes, you can daughter. Voldemort replied

And with a large Crack, my mom disappeared.

Persues here is your room, my grandpa said opening a door to a room with light blue walls, white marble floor with a thick blue carpet. A king sized bed that looks super comfy, A Huge T.V with a comfy pond blue couch with a huge Luxury Bathroom. Also, there was a miny swimming pool inside with a gigantic balcony that faces a fake ocean that looks real enough!

Wow! was all I managed to say at that time.

Your mom was a nice woman, she told me you loved blue. By the way, go down the hall into the dining room there fresh baked Blue cookies. Said, Grandpa. Also, we are going to go shop for school supplies later on alright?

Ok, was the only word I wanted to say, I WANTED to dive in the swimming pool and NEVER come back.

After he went away I decided to change into a Camp-Half-Blood shirt with some random pants.

---------Meeting/Eating time--------------

Percy in the wizarding world I am a villain and a bad guy, I even commented murder... I have changed however there is a boy with his friends that I want you to ignore. His name is Harry Potter, he almost killed me not once but twice. I hope you can avoid them. Voldemort said.

Sure gramps, I answered.

Very well, Lucious take Percy to Diagon Alley to shop for schooling supplies, Gramp said

Yes, My Lord, Lucious replied 

Percy hold my arm Lucious demanded

Hesitantly I hold his arm and a large CRACK I appeared to be somewhere in an alley with a lot of wizards. Since they are wearing strange clothing which proves the point even further.

First step schooling Books, Lucious announced and I followed him inside

Harry Potter P.O.V

I and Hermione and Ron walked into the book store to buy the schooling books, who is he? Asked Ron pointing at a tall boy about 17-18 maybe the 7th year? I and Ron and Hermione are redoing our 7th year due to the Dark lord invasion issue. The boy turned around and gave us a grin, and I swear Hermione was blushing, I wonder how mad Ron will be? Then this dude told him something and he turned around giving us a mean glare that caused me to flinch.

Guys, he is very sketchy don't you think? I asked

Oh harry don't judge a book by its cover, how many times do I have to tell you? said Hermione 

Okay...But I swear if he does one more sketchy thing, he is evil. I announce, very seriously for this measure. 

Alright then. Hermione said stifling the giggle that leaked our of her mouth.

Percy P.O.V

I was searching for schooling books with lucy mouthfoy or something, wizards do be having weird names huh. Then I hear some people talking behind me, there was a girl with gingery hair and a boy with jet black hair and a weird lightning shaped scar on his forehead. Zeus must be very proud, his influence has even gotten to London. So, I did what every nice person will ever do, i turned my heart and gave them a grin, to tell them I am happy and would really enjoy being friends with them.

"Percy, that's Hermione and Harry Potter, the one who almost killed your grandfather three times." Drawled lucy mouthfoy. Wizards and the way they speak, do they seriously think that pronouncing the 's' in a word makes them more intiminating? It sounds like there singing to be honest. I miss the blue cookies...

Then it hit me, the two people that I just grinned at were the enemy, the boy that almost killed my grandfather. My FAMILY, how dare they, my grandfather already changed, suddnely my opinion towards them changed a whole 360 degree. The only right thing to do was turn my head back and glare at them, I gave them the glare I would give when the stolls would mess would me. For instance the time they made my cookies salmon falvoured. I still get fired up when thinking about it, how dare they disrespect the fish civilization. After I glared the harry guy flinched, awesome. First task, acomplished. 

"Nice" Lucy mouthfoy drawled again. Ugh, can he stop drawling it sounds weird. 

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