It Was Only You

By Sewz_AZ

25.6K 2K 446

#1 of #Bepannaah - as of 11th May 2019 #1 of #Aditya (11th of May accordingly) Going through equally miserabl... More

πŸ’« Prologue πŸ’«
❣ It was Only You [2] ❣
❣ It was Only You [3] ❣
❣ It was Only You [4] ❣
❣ It was Only You [5] ❣
❣ It was Only You [6] ❣
❣ It was Only You [7] ❣
❣ It was Only You [8] ❣
🌼 Author's Note 🌼
❣ It was Only You [9] ❣
❣ It was Only You [10] ❣
❣ It was Only You [11] ❣
❣ It was Only You [12] ❣
🌼 Author's Note 🌼
❣ It was Only You [13] ❣
❣ It was Only You [14] ❣
❣ It was Only You [15] ❣
❣ It was Only You [16] ❣
❣ It was Only You [17] ❣
🌼 Author's Note 🌼
❣ It was Only You [18] ❣
❣ It was Only You [19] ❣
❣ It was Only You [20] ❣
❣ It was Only You [21] ❣
❣ It was Only You [22] ❣
🌼 A/N 🌼
❣ It was Only You [23] ❣
❣ It was Only You [24] ❣
🌼 Author's Note 🌼
❣ It was Only You [25] ❣

❣ It was Only You [1] ❣

1.6K 85 11
By Sewz_AZ

It was unable for me to hold my sadness anymore. No matter how much I tried, I kept failing. I didn't know whether to smile, laugh, cry or shout. My hands were feeling numb. I almost felt no sensation at all. It was unable for me to stand properly unless I was holding on to the chair I stood next to for support. I felt as if a giant monster was slowly dragging me towards the darkest depths of a sea and there was no way for me to return. My whole body was literally shaking after listening to Abbu's sudden announcement.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Earlier this morning...

We've just finished eating breakfast which consisted of Cornflakes, Fresh Milk and Oats when Abbu announced that he wanted to speak with us once we are done with any immediate chores. Noor nodded innocently muttering a "Ji Abbu" and ran upstairs. Ammi collected the dishes from the dining table to take them to the kitchen whereas I was left with nothing to do. It is a Saturday and my company is closed during weekends.

When I took a glance at the living room, I noticed that Abbu was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. I paced towards the couch when he noticed me and gave a surprisingly big smile. I felt as if something was out of place and it's somehow connected majorly with me. Within few minutes all of us gathered together. Abbu started the conversation.

"Roshnaq, Zoya and Noor, I've something very important to discuss but you don't need to panic because I'm not going to give you a shock. Roshnaq, we've discussed about this and you've already agreed. Zoya & Noor my gems, your Abbu and Ammi (smiles to himself), well it is anyway my idea, so both of us have decided to permanently shift to Mussoorie, our own city and leave Mumbai forever"

As if alarmed I held the arms of the couch I was seated tightly, my eyes widening in shock. What on earth?!?! Abbu was serious when he said he wanted to speak. If this isn't shocking according to him I couldn't figure out what.

"Noor, you can carry on your social services at this NGO I've contacted. They've a name in Mussoorie and you can have a good time working and Zoya, you can open a branch of the Event Management Company in Mussoorie and beta please, change its name from 'AdiYa' to something else since you're going to be the sole owner heading the company hereafter and that best friend of yours will no longer be a part of it. I've contacted Mr. Sharma, my dost in Dehradun. He has checked a site at a valuable price to start the company and as I remember Akanksha, Shaun and I suppose Mithileshji are from Rishikesh or Haridwar aren't they? They can work for you again and I think you can sell AdiYa for rent?"

Abbu's face didn't reflect anger except while mentioning my 'Azeez dost' and the name I've registered for my company, 'AdiYa'. I wasn't expecting this kind of a breaking news at all and I felt a sudden rush to run towards my room, collapse on the bed and cry my heart out. But then again I had a question in my mind and I decided not to back off without getting my answers.

"Bu... but Abbu, all of a sudden? What happened? Why did you take this decision suddenly?!"


Abbu sounded pissed at my direct questions. I don't usually poke him when he takes a final decision. Abbu's eyes resembled that of an Eagle when he's angry as usual while he was staring at me. I felt frightened at the sight and looked down at my hands, resting on my lap. But when he continued seconds later, his voice was normal.

"Zoya beta, I want us to start afresh. Both of you were born in Mussoorie and when we reached Mumbai it was a stranger city for us though we are familiar with the surroundings now. I just want us to go back to our city and no Zoya, I've been planning to move from the past three months and this decision isn't rushed. I hope you understand that your Abbu wishes for his daughter's well-being only. I've decided for us to shift this Friday. Pack your bags and get ready to bid farewell to Mumbai"

With that Abbu walked towards his room while Ammi paced towards the kitchen, sympathetically looking at her daughters. She knows how much we've gotten used to living in Mumbai and the love we have for our jobs. Noor stared at me with an apologetic face and giving me a fake smile which was very recognizable, slowly walked outside the house.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

I ran towards my room and closed the door shut. While holding the chair at my writing table, I was looking everywhere except the mirror at my dressing table. No way I'm going to look at my devastated state through the mirror. I couldn't fathom the change of incidents from few minutes before. Abbu has announced that we'd be leaving to Mussoorie this Friday and he had been planning to shift since three months. Three months and not even a word he spill out of his mouth up until today but why would he do that?

Wait a second... A coincidence hit my head out of nowhere. THREE MONTHS? I was confused with my own thoughts. Slowly I started realizing something vital which made my eyes widen with surprise. I strolled towards my dressing table and sat down on the chair almost unconsciously.

It has exactly been three months since Aditya arrived from Paris.

Aditya Hooda who is my azeez dost, my partner in crime and the Co-owner of AdiYa. In fact AdiYa has been named after Aditya and me. Since Abbu isn't fond of the Hooda family due to the personal conflicts which are connected to our past and obviously my friendship with Aditya himself, is this why Abbu wanted to move from Mumbai forever? Because Aditya returned to India and I would be meeting him every possible day and spend my time with him? I would never ditch him for anything else? My mind was puzzled with all negative thoughts.

Abbu never liked the Hooda's since our family got to know them. Aditya and my friendship is something we both had never imagined of and I'm glad to have him as my closest friend and the one who understands me more than anyone else. We both have gone through the same misery about an year ago and I still don't know how my heart started accepting him as a trustworthy guy who will be there for me in my happiness and sorrow. Agony brought us together but it never held us together for a long time since we learnt how to move on together.

Abbu's breaking news had shaken me up and different sorts of thoughts were clouding my mind. What will happen to the staff working for AdiYa now? Will I be able to adjust in Mussoorie again? Why can't we live here? All these questions were left with no answers but only one thought was strangely disturbing me more than anything else, any other question I had. What will happen to the friendship Aditya and I share if we get separated?

I held my head with both my hands and massaged my scalp thoroughly closing my eyes. Aditya was the guy who helped me through many obstacles. He called me sensitive but never weak. He has always lifted my spirits in problematic situations. When Aditya left for Paris without informing anyone of us, I felt as if I had let go of the most important person in my life. His friendship is everything to me.

When he returned to India I couldn't stop myself from hugging him tight and expressing my joy to see him after six months. He had become quite while I had turned in to a replica of who he used to be literally. Jumping around, making everyone around me happy and being positive in life. I adopted all these precious qualities from Aditya only and I can't thank him enough.

My face adorned with a thin grin with the sweetest memories and I turned to look at my reflection in the mirror. Suddenly the nicest moments in my life started fading away when I remembered Abbu's words and came back to the present.

"We have decided to permanently shift to Mussoorie, our own city and leave Mumbai forever"

I need to talk to Aditya, I won't let anything happen to break our bond...

♛ Sewwi ♛

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