Half-bloods at Hogwarts {curr...

By sushi_melon

311K 6.6K 5.2K

The half-bloods go undercover at Hogwarts, will they finish the year? Who is going to mess up their quiet? Be... More

I'm going on an adventure
Percy spends quality time with Annabeth
The nighmares never leave
Gotta get to hogwarts *insert rest of gotta get back to hogwarts*
A very perculiar water wand
Percy's dam pen has a charm
That was a weird sorting ceremony
What do we have next?
The 'yay water' spell
Did nico buy more happy meals?
Blackjacks and fruit salads (sweets from England)
Hagrid the half giant and half wizard?
Perseus's quest
Thanatos returns
Shape shifting
Who are we?
Guess who?
Oh, the note!

Aha frank does like trasfiguration

15.9K 354 276
By sushi_melon

Annabeth POV
Transfiguration was great we were learning how to turn stuff into an owl but frank was not so sure about this class.

"I don't get why I have to do this class after all I am a shape shifter!" we all laughed at this but then set to work.
I won the race because I'm super wise and it was an owl. Child of Athena here please do something mildly hard! (Jk I loved the class)

Then it was frank because of his shape shifting stuff. then Hermione then to my surprise seaweed brain was next I herd Thalia's and his conversation after his success

"I thought Athena hated you why would you be able to do that to an owl?"Thalia asked

"Yea I though she hated me too I guess she is just finally excepting my relation ship with Annabeth" ahh he is thinking about me!

"Ok" Thalia replied then soon after she managed to do it.

Once every one excluding a few people had done this we headed to defence against the dark arts but the wizards call it DADA. I think that was my first word!

When we arrived every one except us demigods gasped in the middle of the room was a lot of weapons lined up and ready for use.

All of us, the exchange students went up to the front and pretended to pick a weapon but really we we're taking ours out of their hiding spots.

Once every one had got a weapon the teacher who must of been professor Snape got every ones attention.

"Ok class we are doing sword/weapon fighting today. Please can I have a volunteer from Gryfindor house?" all the Demi gods put their hands up and he chose percy; I feel sorry for who ever has to challenge him. I am the only known person to do so in the time it has taken to win 2 wars. "and a volunteer from Slytheryn?" Only a few people put up their hands and Snape picked on a boy with blond hair slicked back to an ugly style. "thank you Malfoy. Now no killing but you just need to have them surrender"
They started and for a while percy made himself look week but then he just got the sword to his neck and just stood there waiting

"Wise girl will the bronze work on him?" he asked in a winey voice

"I don't know why don't you try and see!" I know the great Annabeth chase does not know something. Gasp, shock, horror!

Percy then swiped his sword along his arm but pulled away before it did much damage and the cut started to bleed.

"My father is one of the most important people in the world he will hear about this!" Malfoy exclaimed

"Shut up Malfoy, your dad is in prison for siding with Voldemort!" Harry shouted

"And besides I think Percy's dad is more powerful not quite as powerful as mine but quite a lot more than yours!" Can you guess who said that? yep Thalia

"Yea well pinecone face at least mine does not love trees!" Thalia's face went bright read and we all just laughed at her, well all of the people that got the reference.

"Sir can I please battle percy next?" Thalia asked

"Umm what sure winner stays on!" and they started percy beat Thalia then Clarisse came up and tried with maimer but percy won. Then frank, hazle, nico, travis, connor, Katie, Leo with his hammer, piper and Clarisse all took on percy but some how he won again and it was now my turn.

When I walked up I saw percy dump water on yourself and I called "cheat no water" he put it down and got into his stance. we fought for what seemed like for ever ducking rolling hitting and all that jazz but finally I had percy on his knees with my knife to his neck.

"Seaweed brain your looseing your touch" I say while removing my knife from his neck

"Well I'm sorry that the best swords man in 3 hundred years, was it? went easy on you!" Went easy on me you lier. I just walked off as the bell just went and we were dismissed

Lunch was pretty univentful we just sat and talked and did normal stuff then we left to go to history of magic.

Hey guys thanks for reading I am sorry it took so long but here it is.
Thank you @dreameh for the comments. I have decided that every time I update the person who has been the most supportive since the last chapter will get a shout out!

just a side not I got glasses this week. I'm not sure whether to be happy or annoyed!:):

Luv ya

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