Love and Pineapple (English)

By Zazounette86

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A collection of Meteor Garden 2018 one shots. More

Hot spring's benefits
Legacy - Part 1 : The letter
Legacy - Part 2 : Knitting and gift
Legacy - Part 3 : Fireworks
Legacy - Part 4 : Exam and birth
Jealousy 2
F*cking romance
Daoming Suzhi and babysitting
A fiancé for Shancai - Part 1: my life is angst
A fiancé for Shancai - Part 2: Friendship
A fiancé for Shancai - Part 3: Respect
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 1: Magic
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 2: Spice
Daoming Si nunquam titillandus - Part 3: Cuddles with my enemy
What happened to the nineteen catering dishes left?
Her laughter
You left but still, you linger
Fairies 2.0
The mermaid of Copenhagen
The mermaid of Copenhagen - part 2
The Black Cat
The Mermaid of Copenhagen - part 3
The Mermaid of Copenhagen - Part 4
Missed opportunities
The Christmas TV Movie: What makes it so easy to guess the ending?
A violin on the rooftop: a Lei/Shancai, AhSi/Xiaozi love story
I don't care if everyone belives the rumors as long as you still trust me
You Belong With Me: Yue
You Belong With Me: Dylan

Mingde 2040:A New Generation

778 36 6
By Zazounette86

Hi everybody ! Here a new one shot, I hope you'll love it !

Thank you again to my beta reader Sherlolly29 for your help !

Mingde 2040: A New Generation

Yan Meili stopped a moment and observed the Mingde University main building hall, which were swarmed with students. Today he came last. He walked on the same ground on which his father once walked on. He was breathing the same air his father had breath and was going to sit in the same lecture halls his father sat in.

Would he be as legendary as Yan Ximen and the other F4 members were?

He will do anything he could to succeed!

A group of girls walked next to him and they giggled, staring at him. He gave out a satisfied smiled. He had already inherited his father's irresistible charm; it was on point. Now, he would just have to show his abilities to everyone. He thought deeply about it during the welcoming speech which reunited all the students of the university in the great lecture hall.

He was thinking about coming up with many solutions for the school's current problems but the first step remained the same: to rebuild the Bridge Club.

When he went out of the lecture hall after the conference, he heard a first year students' group who were apparently talking about joining.

"Do you know how to sign up for this club?" A little young woman with round-shaped glasses asked.

"I really don't know, but I heard we had to pass a test." told a guy with his hair raised on his head (maybe in an attempt to imitate the legendary DaomingSi's famous pineapple hairstyle?) answered.

"A test? What kind of test?" a slightly chubby and shy boy asked.

"I really don't know." the asparagus-look a-like guy said. "But it seems to be quite difficult!"

There were combined worries, afraid and excited exclamation. Meili bit his lips in order to not burst in laughter, and behaved like he didn't know anything like them.

"Are you talking about the Bridge Club?" a voice behind them asked.

Everybody turned back at once.

A shoulder length haired girl with a book about vitamins in her arm was standing in front of them.

"Hello, I'm Chen Lili, I'm a nutrition second year student. I heard you talking about the Bridge Club and its tests, is that so?"

Everybody nodded in synchrony while Meili, took a few steps away, let out a little smile. Chen Lili gestured them to come closer with a conniving look. Obediently, the group came closer, looking at her with curious eyes like a bunch of children in front of their primary school teacher.

"To be accepted in the Bridge Club, you firstly have to meet the NGF4... namely the New Generation of F4!"

Meili choked and hid his laughter pretending to cough. Nobody noticed him; people started asking many questions to Chen Lili.

"The NGF4?"

"Are they acquaintances of the ex-F4?"

"Are they tall, handsome?"

"Are they four men again?"

"Are they rich?"

Meili had to take his handkerchief out to hide his face because he wanted to laugh so badly. Never mind! He would say he caught a cold... in the middle of September. Maybe he should say he had some allergy? It would be more credible.

As for Chen Lili, she was dragging them through Mingde corridors labyrinth while she explained who the her own version.

"Unlike the F4 which were formed by four brilliant, rich and handsome boys; YanXimen, HuazeLei, FengMeizuo and, the most important, DaomingSi; the NGF4 is formed by two boys and two girls."

There was another chorus exclamation, curious and admiring "Oooooh!" which echoed in corridors.

Meili was having more and more fun, was curious to know what Chen Lili was going to say.

"Lin Jingxiao is a third year student in astronomy. She is brilliant but she is a 168cm pure beauty as well. She made a lot of boys feel dizzy, get a of lots love letters everyday but she dismisses all of them... because she's going out with another NGF4 member, Lu Yang, so it's useless to have some hope with her!"

There were some disappointed exclamations; some of them had already met the beauty in corridors or on some posters introducing more brilliant students in the campus.

"I advise you to don't trust her angelic face. When she plays Bridge, she has a piercing look and she unsettles everyone. She's impetuous, rebel and her game is aggressive. We give her the nickname of the Bridge lady-killer!"


Chen Lili gave out a satisfied smile, delighted to have that effect. She proudly lifted her chin and continued.

"Lu Yang is a third year student in computing. He's Lin Jingxiao's boyfriend. He's a real computing genius. He's able to create some sophisticated program, hit the roof of many video games and had just created his own online game, FindingMeteors2.0. He's 178 cm and knows how to charm with his humor and his charming look hidden behind his round-shaped glasses. But, of course, Lin Jingxiao makes sure no girl comes near him!"

Meili choked again and discreetly wiped his eyes, tears threatened to fall because of his attempt to prevent himself from laughing.

"Lu Yang has a very good sense of humor and it helped him to be popular in the campus. But in a Bridge game, he uses it as a fearsome weapon. Many players were distracted by his jokes whereas Lu Yang, a good observer and very wise, calmly won all the rounds! »


Chen Lili took a dramatic pose, interrupting her presentation to give them some suspense and in order for everybody to understand that the best was coming...

"Jiang Chen is a third year student in medicine. He is genius in everything! He's 188 cm, utterly handsome and is able to speak about everything because he has large general culture knowledge. He has an exceptional ability to concentrate and to memorize! More than one girl would like to go out with him careful, he has a girlfriend and she's not just anyone!"

"Who? Who? Who?" some girls (and even some boys) among the students asked in chorus.

Chen Lili winked at them.

"I'm going to tell you, be patient! When he plays Bridge, Jiang Chen is fearsome. He got a disarming calm, an impassive and indescribable stare. Like what I already said, with his ability to concentrate and to memorize, nothing can escape to him. Nobody can beat him at a Bridge game!"


Chen Lili stopped and everybody realized they were in front of the Bridge Club room. The door was surrounded by many trophies the club had won during some contests: NGF4's, the beings next to ex-F4's ones.

"There is another person, isn't there?" intervened the round-shaped glasses' student.

ChenLili's smile grew wider. "Yes and not the least!"

Everybody caught their breath, even Meili...but as for him, it was specially to prevent himself from bursting into laughter.

"Daoming Xiaoxi!"


"The legendary DaomingSi's daughter?"

"Is she here?"

"Is she leading the Bridge Club like her father?"

"Oh my God, I'm so eager to meet her!"

Meili abruptly stopped up, pretended to be shook by fits of coughing. It took him a few seconds or even minutes to gain some composure again and almost missed that Chen Lili had begun to describe the daughter of the famous Daoming group's leader and ex-F4 leader.

"Xiaoxi is a third year student in design. She's the one who captured Jiang Chen's heart."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Of course, she's a Daoming!"

"She really must be extraordinary!"

Meili tried to control his breath at best; afraid that everyone would think he was an asthmatic.

"Daoming Xiaoxi is the most difficult one to beat." Chen Lili continued. "She's incalculable and she wins all the rounds without anybody being aware! Nobody manages to discover her hidden talent; she's a true mystery in Mingde!"


ChenLili stiffened, looking at something behind the group and a new smile crossed her lips.

"They're coming!"

Everybody instantly turned their backs to see four people walking toward them. Jingxiao's stare was electrifying with her loose hair flew around her at every step. She was firmly holding Lu Yang's hand and the boy was staring at everyone with a piercing gaze hidden behind his glasses. It wasn't difficult to recognize Jiang Chen, the group's tallest member, his blank expression, his emotionless eyes. He was holding the hand of...

"Hellooooo everybodyyyyyy!" An enthusiastic voice greeted with a sparking smile.

Jumping closer to them and almost making Jiang Chen fall because she was still holding his hand, Daoming Xiaoxi, a little woman of 160 cm very enthusiastically spoke to them;

"Do all of you want to join the Bridge Club? This is so great!"

The students stared at her, agape... and they threw odd looks at Chen Lili who whispered at them:

"Wait and see how she plays in a Bridge game!"

Meili couldn't stand it anymore and stopped holding his laugh, folded into two.

Xiaoxi turned towards him and hugged him. "Meili! You're here! Great! Are you joining us?"

A student with a round-shaped glasses butt in. " know each other?"

Xiaoxi and Meili turned toward her, the young Daoming still had her radiant smile in place.

"Of course, Yan Meili's father and mine know each other very well, they— "

She was stopped by a new collective 'Oooooh!'.

"Yan like...YanXimen?" A girl with glasses as well unbelievably exclaimed.

Xiaoxi nodded and Meili was suddenly surrounded by the students in group.

"My god, he's so handsome!"

"Do you think he looks like his father?"

"Do you realize? Two famous F4's children are standing in front of us!"

Even Chen Lili came closer, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"You have to make him join the Bridge club!" She declared turning towards NGF4.

Jiang Chen sighed, obviously irritated by this crowd's outburst and by Xiaoxi, who wasn't calming them down clapping her hands and laughing.

"He would have to pass the test like everybody." He added firmly.

His statement was followed by a deathly silence; everyone, impressed by the young student of medicine.

Adjusting his glasses, Lu Yang added; "Each year, there are more and more students wanting to join the Bridge club so each year, we can only choose four new members, it means a new bridge team who will replace the ones who had graduated."

Still silent, the first years nodded.

Jingxiao spoke next.

"To do so, we are going to make a tournament. You will be part of 2-member team and you'll face our teams. We'll see who amongst you will have best abilities (even if you don't necessarily win the game)."

They nodded again.

Then Xiaoxi turned towards them.

" But don't worry about Meili, he plays often with my father, his father and me at home! I know he's going to win!"

Then she gave them a sparkling smile which caused a new round of 'Oooooh!' while Meili couldn't help but proudly lift his chin up.

The tournament began and all stares were focused on Daoming Xiaoxi who were happily speaking while playing in the game. Everyone wondered what was extraordinary about her besides her being the legendary Daoming Si's daughter.

Then she began to win all the rounds, still telling many stories and laughing. They understood what Chen Lili meant about her hidden talent s.

But how could she win each time when she seemed to be absolutely not concentrated on the game? An inborn talent? A neat trick?

Observing other people who were wondering, Meili gave out a little smile, thinking there were good chances for Xiaoxi to not be aware of their words herself...but he had a doubt, especially when he saw a mischief glint on the young Daoming's eyes in the middle of the game.

Eventually, the tournament ended. Of course, Meili who had won many rounds was accepted, the same with the round-shaped glasses girl (Yang Mei), the raised haired guy (Zhang Su) and the little chubby guy (Xing Li).

Xiaoxi appeared again with her arms full with of many snacks and drinks in order to celebrate the new members and Lu Yang emptied the table to help her to set everything while Jingxiao and Jiang Chen were telling them they were really pigs!

"Booo! We can have fun sometimes, can't we?" complained Lu Yang.

"If Wu Bosong were here, we would have to eat much more!" added Xiaoxi.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but make a face when he heard his ex-rival's name.

Wu Bosong was accepted in the national swimming team and didn't go to university with them (and Jiang Chen couldn't help but think it was better for himself) but his three other friends missed the man a lot.

Once the little impromptu buffet was set up, Xiaoxi gestured the others to come near.

New members went to express their admiration for the NGF4 and especially Xiaoxi.

"You're incredible!"

"You impressed all of us!"

"I don't think I'll manage to play like you one day..."

Laughing and blushing, Xiaoxi answered their compliments with a wave.

"Oh, you're exaggerating! Wait and see my brother come in two years, you will be impressed for sure!"

A new collective "Oooooh!" echoed in the room.


Hope you have enjoyed it !

Thank you again Sherlolly29 for your beta work ! ^_^

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