if my imagination can be real...

By gunshyboo

539 10 2

I was a regular factory worker, completely bored with work and with life. I got through these days relying on... More

credit to paid artist
My life
when everything changed
something is wrong
some killer fun
everything is not like it seems
somethings you cant change
A World I Once Knew
I interrogated myself
punishing pleasure
some furry fun
the girl with glowing tattoos
god for a day
the monster of nightmares
change of heart
lost of powers
the day i became a guardian angel
first day of my new new life
my job is done
getting sent to boot camp
sealed away from all
the government had a few questions
im now a government hunter
sucide mission
the storm is coming
murder, sex, and deal making
all leaders are the same
I have a daughter
the truth came out
meeting the wendigo queen
all in

blood on my hands

4 0 0
By gunshyboo

We travel for a while. I didn't know where we were going but I knew we would have made it somewhere sometime soon. It was getting dark and they were getting cold, so I made camp. I made one small wooden tent with a roof from leaves to block the wind. 

Once I was done I started to make a fire and gathered sticks, the fire was a decent size as the darkness crowded us. The youngest watched me closely as did the older one, but not as much. I sat on the ground and poked the fire with a small stick to let time fly by. Soon enough the older one spoke and said, "Where do we sleep?" I pointed at the tent. They got up and went to it until the younger one said, "Where are you sleeping?" I looked at them both and said, "Well someone has to keep watch." They nod and went inside holding each other and passed out. I closed my eyes and listened to the wood pop as the crickets singed loudly around me. 

I faded into darkness and woke up in a castle-like place. It was all in ruins though and my body was see-through like I was a ghost or something. I tried to clap but my own hand goes through the other. Something running fast catches my eye. I slowly walk to where I had seen something dart to try and find out why I'm here. I walk down a large hall with it having only moonlight shine through the broken bricks to show me that path. The walls were covered in old dried blood from something. 

I started to get a dark sense like something clearly didn't want me here, but I pushed on to see if there was a real reason I was here. I slowly entered a room after hearing a loud crunch of bone. I was filled with fear once my eyes caught sight of one of my creations feasting. The beast had killed what seems to be a knight in a full set of armor. I got closer as the room was not that well lit. The creature turned and faced me. I watched as the big overgrown lump on its head pulsates and slightly glowed red. It hissed then went to devouring its meal. 

As it went to its victim, I began to notice there was not one but several corpses laying about the large room. It must have been a raiding party or maybe monster hunters or something like that, but it didn't matter now because they were all dead. I then heard hissing from the hallway, I looked to see more of these things running into the room. I quickly move out of the way, but soon enough I was pinned in the room as these things ripped limbs from the bodies biting into the metal and an acid that was spit dissolving through the metal making the meat of the limbs accessible. It was incredible and interesting, my creature was really amazing and was incredibly smart. I couldn't believe it, but it then hit me why am I here.  

I looked around and didn't see anything stick out, everything then went up in flames. The creature let out an ear bleeding scream. I covered my ears so I didn't go deaf. I turned while standing in the flame not being affected. I then saw the silhouette of a female with sharp armor. I was woken up by a poke on my shoulder, I looked to see the two girls. I stood up and looked around to see it was morning about past sunset. I then said, "Ok we need to start moving." The older one nods but the younger one then said, "But I'm hungry." I looked at her with a concerned look, I knew this was going to be hard to take care of these girls. I looked around some more and I saw something in the distance. So we walked to it to find there was a small home all the way in the woods, we slowly approached until we heard a guy yell, "Get the hell off my land you damn Vikings!" A large blade came from nowhere and went straight for my head, I grabbed the blade with my bare hand. It slightly cut my hand. I then used my elbow and slammed it onto the blade breaking it. A guy came from where the blade did and started to swing his fist. There was a heavy built guy which his blade was a greatsword and the guy was a giant, maybe 8 feet tall, all muscle long, beard, and all the features to a Viking. I grabbed his fist then punched his chest and said, "I'm not a Viking you overgrown Sasquatch!" He gave me a hateful look then began to laugh and said, "Of course, they don't speak like you and they don't wander around with girls." I watched as he looked at the girls and smiled. I then stepped in his way and said, "Yeah and I don't let a grown ass guy look at an underage girl like that!" His smile faded and he said, "What do you want?" I looked at the girls and said, "I need to know where we are and I need food for the girls." He nodded and said, "Well I can tell you, you're in the wrong area and as for food goes, I will take one of those girls in my room for a few minutes." I laughed and said, "No thanks I'll go hunting." The older girl then said, "Ok I'll go." I looked at her and said, "No you are not, you're not a hooker and you're not going to give this shit head anything." I then felt a hard punch in the back of my head, it made me bite my lip and draw blood. I turned to the guy to see him in shock and he said, "What the hell are you made of." I was pissed now and I was sick of this guy." I then punched him in the stomach making him throw up his last meal. I then grabbed his broken greatsword and stabbed it in his back and dragged the broken blade down his back revealing his spine. I then grabbed the upper part of his spine and yanked it out of his body. I was in a blood rage at this point and I didn't see my arm was glowing once more. This strength was something I need to get used to for sure, but with the strength came anger and rage which was too hard to control. I was covered in blood and felt relieved, but the girls were in shock. I looked at the older one and said, "Now we can eat." I walked inside and saw he was making stew for himself. I walked in the back and looked for a bathroom to clean this blood. I came into a room and found a wooden tub and smiled and put water on my body, washing the blood. Some parts were dried while other parts were wet. 

Once I was clean I came in the living room where the stew was cooking over an open fire in the middle of the floor. I saw the girl and her younger sister already eating, I then noticed a bowl was already poured for me. I smiled and sat down and started to eat the stew, it was pretty good. I was not sure what kind of meat it was but it was a bit chunky and there was carrot with the meat. It wasn't much but food in the stomach is better than no food at all. The other two were grateful and enjoyed, but they never had food like me or they never had to walk down the street to a McDonalds to get a Big Mac. Their way of life was just so different from mine, mine was so easy compared to theirs. I then said, "So what is yalls name?" My country came out a bit when I talked then, the older sister then said, "If you must know we prefer you didn't know our names." The younger one said, "We are princesses." The older sister hit her with her shoulder telling her not to speak. I nod and said, "Well if that's so, then I'll need to get yall to the kingdom of yours so yall will be safe." The younger one smiled and the older one then said, "Sure and you will be tried for the murders of our people and the man that owned this home and any other crimes you committed." I looked at the stew then started to laugh so hard and said, "And what you hang me?" I stood up and got to close to her and said, "Are you going to burn me at the stake or how about a beheading. See no matter what you do I'll be back, but not now, oh no I'll be waking up in a forest and I also will be back in a few days and guess what I'll do then." She started to shake as I then poked her in the forehead and said, "Bang!" which made her jump. Her younger sister then said you don't scare me. I look at her and said, "I'm glad, I'm not that scary, I'm not trying to be." I looked at the younger girl and said, "But I'm magical therefore I can do almost anything." She smiled and her face lit up and said, "Can you turn into a unicorn!" I smiled and said, "I can try." Honestly I kind of wanted to try, it was childish but still, if I can turn into something I have only seen in books then my power clearly is stronger than I first thought. 

I stood up straight and backed up from everything and tried to focus on what a unicorn looked like. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and tried fighting all my muscles like I was trying to shift, but I felt nothing. I sighed and said, "I can't, I'm not sure how my powers work." I opened my eyes to see I was taller and they both had shocked faces but the younger girl ran up to me and hugged me. l looked at her and my feet were hooves, I blinked in amazement as I saw it worked. I then looked at the rest of my body as the older girl slowly walked to me and felt my short hair. I was excited about my powers because I was a unicorn. The younger girl said, "Can I get a ride!" I then loosened my muscles and I was back to normal. I smiled and said, "Well we don't have to just walk I can turn into anything. It's going to be much faster to get places. Tomorrow we are going to your kingdom." 

The younger girl was all excited, but the older girl had a bit of a concerned look on her face like she didn't want to go back for some reason. A few hours passed and nothing eventful happened.  Everyone was sleeping in the living room closes to the fireplace. The younger girl was already asleep and I was watching the fire and listening to the wood pop almost fading out of focus when I heard the older girl said, "Our names are Beth and Bella. Which my younger sister is Bella." I was confused at first but when I turned to look the older girl was already asleep. I got up and looked around for a bit until I heard her say, "If you can hear me, we don't need to go back. If we do then I'm forced to marry this guy I have no clue about and I wish me and my sister would be free." I looked at her and said, "I can fix that but you have to go home because I can't always have both of you following me." She opened her eyes and said, "I understand."

I went through the home to see if there was anything special or interesting, but instead, I came to a locked door and I heard mumbling. I figured it be allies of the owner, I took a deep breath then kicked in the door to thinking to find a group of guys but instead I found a thing, white boney looking like it almost never ate anything for years. I looked closer and it was a girl. I stopped breathing to how surprised I was. I ran over to her as the two girls rushed to the doorway after both being scared of the loud bang. I looked at her to see she was bruised and beaten to near death. I sighed and knew I needed to help her, sadly I knew how to. I looked at the doorway to see the two girls tearing up, I calmly said, "Please take your sister to the other room. She doesn't need to see this." She slowly nods and took her younger sister down the hall. I shook my head and looked at her and said, "I'm sorry, I wish I was here sooner to help you." It then hit me I time travel so I could go back in time and save her before this happened. I stood up and looked at her and said, "I will help you." I slowly closed my eyes and imagined that I was there 3 weeks ago. I opened my eyes to see the room was poorly lit, I looked around for the girl, but all I saw was a bed with chains. So I thought maybe I'm early and I needed to wait, but soon I heard fighting and loud footsteps coming to the room. I looked around and then ran to the bed and crawled under it. The underside of it was molded like it's been growing for months. It towered at 4 inches. I turned my head sideways to make sure I didn't inhale any of it or eat it, but I then snapped out of being a pussy and got out from under the bed but before I could get behind the door the guy came in with a girl being held by her hair. I looked at him he was all clawed up and was pissed, he yelled with a groan, "What? How did you get in here!" I then charged him but he stepped to the side and I flew out of the room. I was a bit thrown off but I tried to go back at him but he closed the door in my face. The girl was screaming, my heart sank as thoughts of what he was doing to her. My breathing became heavier and heavier as my head bounced with each breath. 

I ran through the house looking for keys but I could find nothing, I heard muzzled screaming and crying. I then started to punch the door without my power, but it was no use. I tried using my powers but nothing happened. I was running out of ideas and was panicking badly. I blacked out, I'm not sure how or why maybe I was filled with so much rage I blacked out or something, but all I know is when I woke. His head was in my hand and the girl was bloody and crying still, my breathing was almost hyperventilating. I looked at her and said, "I'm sorry." Her face was beaten and she was face down crying. I slowly walked to her to see she had blood around her body, near her thighs, I could only guess the worst. I slowly reached to rub her back but I was now in the woods reaching out towards the fire. It was midnight and the two princesses were asleep in the tent. I sighed and looked in the distance after hearing something move around, I stood up as I knew it was big. Something was making noise in front of me and on my right, the girls were on my left. I then saw glowing green eyes in front of me. I prepared to fight whatever this thing is when I hear something walk out of the woods to my right. I quickly gaze over as I was still trying to watch the front. 

What I saw as I gazed to the right shook me to my core, it was the creature from before with the long claw-like fingers and the soulless black pit for eyes. I looked at the green eyes and saw they were a bit low to the ground like something on all fours. I then yelled, "You better fuck off now!" Both the creature to my right and the thing in front of me repeating what I said and they sounded more demonic. I then said, "I'm a bitch boy." The creature on my right repeated it. I grinned knowing it was not that smart but then I noticed the thing in from of me didn't repeat me but instead said, "Yes you are." This meant what was in front of me was much smarter than that thing to my right. 

The thing to my right ran at me but instead of paying attention to it. I ran at the thing with green eyes, as I did the thing to my right just disappeared like it was not there in the first place. I let out a yell and lunged at the thing but I fell into the dirt, everything was loud and gunshots ringed as lightning strikes went through the air and whistled once approaching the ground and soon followed was a massive light of an explosion. I then realized I was in the middle of a battlefield. The ground had massive holes in it. I ran to one of the holes as bullets whistled passed me, I then heard yelling from behind me, I turned to see a guy with a mace rushing me. He hit me before I could do anything, he then got onto my chest and began to beat my face in with the mace. I blocked most of the hits but I was going to need surgery and a lot of healing. Suddenly a massive explosion threw him off me and me onto my stomach. My ears were ringing as my warm blood ran down my ears I crawled to the closest hole to get some kind of protection. Another explosion came from behind me and I was thrown into the air and landed in a trench. I broke my back and neck. I was somehow still alive, I heard men coming, I tried to get up but it was no use. They came to me and one of them threw up as they looked at me. Two others picked me up and started to carry me somewhere. Soon enough everything went black. I then woke up to one of the princesses yelling. I looked around and saw I was in the middle of the woods, I listened closely to the girl yelling and found my way back. The girl that was yelling for me was shocked, I was in front of her and she said, "What happened to you?" I rubbed my head and said, "I'm not really sure. I don't remember much but there was a girl in that house." She sighed and said, "There was no girl, you said there was but the room was empty. " I then asked myself 'did I imagine there was a girl and the rest was just a very lifelike dream.' I then said, "Well how long was I gone?" She looked at me concerned and said, "One day. A knight came and found so you best leave before they get here. He told us he will get reinforcements and to stay put." I then got closer to her but she backed up like she was slightly scared. I saw this and shook my head no and said, "You said you were not scared of me." She didn't answer. I nod ok and started to walk inside the home passed her, her sister ran out and saw me then stepped to the side like she was scared of me as well. I began to try and remember anything to figure out why they are so scared of me. I went inside still thinking about those dreams. I looked around to see the entire place was destroyed, stuff was thrown away and almost everything that was not nailed down was flipped or in pieces. I went into the room where the girl was to see a male body being picked at by maggots and ants. I looked at the room to see another body, a girl in about the same stage of decomposition. It smelled horrible in there, it started to get to me after being in the room a few seconds. I didn't remember seeing this girl, it then hit me. The reason I had so much trouble and couldn't use my powers was that it was not me. Instead, I was this girl. That's why it felt so real, I was really was there but controlling someone else and the blackout parts must be them gaining control once more. Does that mean the battlefield part was someone shit way of dying? I sat down on the bed and looked at the female body watching the maggots slowly eat away at the meat. They started on the stomach and at this point was at the face. I sighed and said, "I hope the girl that was in the room lived." I then hear someone walking in the house, I closed my eyes and laid on the bloody molding bed and looked at the roof that was falling apart at the seems. I then hear a guy crouching on something. I look to see a knight with his sword drawn and looking at the bodies on the ground and said, "You monster, how dare you kill innocent people and our dear princesses." I looked at him confused and said, "They are dead, I just saw them. I even talked to them!" He then said, "Come with me willing or I will take you by force!" I looked at him with a serious look and said, "The guy right there I killed and the girl right there was killed by him and the princesses are perfectly fine." He nodded and said, "I gave you a chance." He then charged me, I quickly got up and flipped the bed at him with everything I got this knocked him off balance which made him fall. I quickly left the room and went through the hallway but stopping at the living room to see the body of the girls was dead. Both had big gashes in their chest. My heart sank and I knew I didn't do this but at the same time, I knew I couldn't remember the last 24 hours. I then heard the guy rushing out of the room and down the hallway. I turn and started to run out the front but I was met with knights and some on horses. They all drew their swords as I tried to run back in but the guy from before was in front of the door. I slowly put my hands up giving up. I could have taken them, but I didn't feel like it for some reason. So I went willing not knowing my fate and not much caring, i was losing control of my body and mind, going through time living other peoples lifes and for what.

I had lose meaning once more.

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