Can't Stop Me (Sick!Deku AU)

Por Angelbellz

182K 5.1K 4.7K

Izuku Midoriya was born an adventerous, cheerful child. He became friends with Katsuki Bakugo when they were... Más

A Promise
Wake Up
Meeting Ururaka
Lunch Break
Mr Yagi
What's A Dad?
Unforeseen Situation Joint
First Encounter With Villains
So Cold
Shitty Hair
The Sport's Festival
It Wasn't A Win
Meeting Place
Izuku's Thoughts
Uncle Noritaka
Shut Up
The Truth
Perfect Day
Too Familiar

Middle School

12.2K 297 404
Por Angelbellz

Izuku Midoriya

Getting up is hard sometimes knowing everybody at school is going to show off their quirks, it helped to know Kacchan was going to be there, he kept me safe. Bullies are a natural part of school, Kacchan has saved me from them more than once.


Phone, phone, phone. I got up and grabbed my phone, Kacchan texted me. I opened our conversation and it was just an update that he was coming to get me soon, he always walked with me to school. Actually, he was always with me now since it kept me safer with somebody to help if things began happening. It was then I remembered I hadn't gotten up yet, "Dummy!" I jumped up and found my uniform, it was easy to get ready when you wear the same thing to school every day. Plus my shoes, the best red boots to ever exist if you asked me.

Getting ready was easy and I ran down the stairs, "Izuku your hair!" Mom shouted as I grabbed my bag. I shrugged her way and ran out of the door as she began laughing.

"There you are stupid Deku," Kacchan said when I got out of my house finally, "Is your necklace on?" He asked and pulled me closer to look at the color of the light. His hair tickled my chin and I almost laughed before he turned away, I felt better now. Kacchan did that sometimes, like an infectious happy disease. He planted something nice and it grew into a feeling of warmth before you knew it.

We began walking to school and Kacchan began talking about his mom like he usually did, "She's such a bitch." He still used bad words and talked bad about people, he talks a little worse about people he liked which I've always thought is weird, "I mean grounding me for calling her a bitch is bitchy."

I rolled my eyes and just nodded even though I disagreed with him, "I think you're just overly mean sometimes." I told him and watched anger rotate in his red eyes, sometimes making Kacchan mad was just as fun as dancing around his temper could be.

"Deku!" He growled and soon gave chase as I began running, it's easier to laugh with Kacchan. I don't know why people don't like him. Eventually, Kacchan caught up and I accidentally screamed when he grabbed me, "Deku! First off, I'm not fucking mean. Second off, no running for you. Stupid shit."

He let me go and we slowly returned to normal, "I can run. I'm not that fragile." I told him as we headed into the school building, "And you are a meanie pants." I told him and dodged his fake right hook.

Kacchan and I have always been called a couple, we aren't, but in our school, people make fun of both of us for it. Kacchan didn't mind but going through the halls was a lot for me, I'm not confident. I don't know how Kacchan got through it all, people staring and whispering was something that made me upset but it made me feel a little better when Kacchan didn't care, if he could keep walking then I could too!

We made it to Kacchan's locker, we shared a locker since neither of us had enough school stuff to fill one and it was easier since we arrived and went home together. We also had a lot of classes together which I really liked but classes we didn't share sucked a lot more than classes we did share.

"Here's your shit, nerd," Kacchan said and dropped my binders on the ground. I picked up the bag I kept my things in and piled the binders in before standing up. Kacchan took his identical bag out and then turned around, "What're you looking at?" He growled.

"Nothing!" Replying quickly to Kacchan was always a gamble, he either appreciated it or got very angry and thought you were hiding something. He didn't seem to care this time though and began walking with his bag over his shoulder, I followed him quickly and checked my necklace as we found our way to homeroom.

Kacchan took his desk near the window in the middle of the last row and I sat the next row over all the way in the back. I used to sit in the front but the teacher moved me back to try and lessen the damage of spitballs to my hair, it's surprisingly hard to get paper out of thick hair. Kacchan got very angry about that but I stopped him from hurting the guys who did it, I don't know what I would do if Kacchan got suspended, or worse, expelled.

I opened my bag and pulled the notebook I needed for this class out as well as the binder I keep my homework in, we had an essay due today and I had printed it last night. People filtered in and I had to ignore them, I guess people got bored of insulting me to my face so now they talk to each other about me while making sure I can hear. I'm not sure which one hurts more but I like it more when they don't talk to me since they hit me sometimes.

It hasn't happened in a while, the last time somebody hurt me Kacchan had a talk with them and they dropped out. I can pacify Kacchan when they insult me, but I can't stop him when they hurt me, Kacchan thinks they could kill me if they do that and it's kind of scary because they totally could.

The bell soon rang and everybody took their seats, the teacher and my aid walked in soon after. They were obviously talking but ended their conversation when they entered, my aid sat in the back near me and the teacher obviously stood in the front. Our class representative, a guy named Ito Watanabe, handed our teacher the roll for who was present and then sat down. Watanabe didn't bother Kacchan and me as the others did, he's a good class rep, though he also never did anything for it either.

"Good morning," Mr Tanaka said and we all replied with the same words in unison as usual, "Today we're going to be talking about high schools. As you know, you must all register for high schools next week." He shuffled some of his papers and I began to grow nervous. Last week we all turned in surveys about where we wanted to go, "I'll be pulling some of you aside to talk about your choices during the class period. Before that, please take your essays over the death of Oda Nobunaga out and pass them to the front of the row and then pass them to the right."Mr Tanaka waited as students pulled their papers out, I had to wait for a little while the person in front of me found theirs before I could hand them mine since I'd taken it out earlier. When he had collected the papers and put them in a manilla folder, Mr Tanaka went back to the front of the classroom, "While I am talking to students in the hallway I want everybody in here to be studying the final."

With that, he took out a clipboard with what I assumed were names on it. He scanned it for a moment before speaking, "Bakugo come to the hallway with me." He said and left the room, Kacchan looked back at me and smirked before getting up and leaving to the hallway. I knew Mr Tanaka would want to talk to Kacchan and me since we both put UA on our paper, I figured Mr Tanaka would have a bigger problem with me since Kacchan actually had some sort of promise as a hero with his quirk. I don't want to be a hero though, I want to assist heroes, and by heroes I mean Kacchan.

I took out my study guide and became internally grateful for Mr Kanbaki, people don't mess with you when they think they can get in a lot of trouble for it. When teachers and adults are around is when I'm most safe, oh, and Kacchan. The study guide wasn't that bad, I had good grades because Kacchan tutored me! The fact that the study guide was easy made me feel better, usually when the study guides are easy, so are the tests. It felt like Kacchan was gone for forever but he came back a little bit later with his cocky smile, guess he got his way with Mr Tanaka. I kept my head down to avoid eye contact with people until I heard Mr Tanaka say my name from the door. Mr Kanbaki got up when I did and as I walked up the row, Kacchan grabbed my wrist, "Just tell him the truth." He said.

"Okay," I smiled a little, Kacchan must be worried. He looked indifferent but with Kacchan you really have to read through the lines, "I will. We're going to be the best duo in the hero industry." I told him.

Kacchan's grin grew tenfold and he squeezed my wrist a little, "You fucking bet, nerd." Mr Tanaka cleared his throat and we both realized we were holding him up and also drawing attention to ourselves from people who already bully us for being couple-like, "So fuckin' impatient." Kacchan muttered as he let go of me.

I felt a lot more confident with Kacchan's small pep talk and headed outside to the hallway with Mr Tanaka, I'm going to miss him after middle school, he made lessons easy to understand and built strong student-teacher relationships. Mr Tanaka found my paper from last week and looked at me, "I'm sure you know what I want to talk about." He spoke.

"Probably the fact that I chose UA," I told him honestly, "And you think that it's unrealistic and want to talk to me about it," I added, I knew he'd have an issue with it when I wrote it but it's what I want to do and what I want to do.

"More than that," Mr Tanaka said and I grew a little confused, "Mr Kanbaki has given me some other concerns as well, regarding your health. I know I've never brought up your condition before, Midoriya, but hero work could hurt you in more ways than one."

I'd never considered the fact that I'm sick, I should've thought of that. Well, I guess I should listen to Kacchan and tell him the truth, "I-I don't want to be a hero." I told him honestly, "The paper didn't have a spot to explain more but there are three departments in UA and I want to be in General Studies so when Kacchan becomes a hero I can assist him the best way I can. I'm going to help him climb to the top!" I felt myself becoming excited the more I talked.

"You're framing your life around Bakugo's success?" Mr Tanaka asked as he wrote on his board, "I see no problems with you joining UA if it isn't for hero work but I do have a problem with your future revolving around another person."

"I understand that," I said once Mr Tanaka had finished, "I don't want to say you could never understand but it's different...Kacchan and I have been working for this future together since we were little when I got sick the first time. It's what we both want, it's what I want and I'm going to do it. You don't have to worry too much, Sensei."

Mr Tanaka looked taken aback for a moment but he collected himself, "Well...I guess that's all I can say to you." He replied evenly, "I want to advise you not to rely too heavily on Bakugo your whole life, you're two separate people." I nodded to show I heard him and headed back inside as Mr Tanaka called in the next person he wanted to see.

A few long hours later I met Kacchan at his locker again, handing him my supplies when he asked for them and waiting for him to finish getting ready to leave, Kacchan hasn't let me carry my own bag the entire time I've known him.

"So how's your mom?" Kacchan asked as we headed outside, he held both our bags on one shoulder which made him look cool as heck. I wish he wouldn't baby me so much and let me do things but I don't want to upset him by starting an argument over it, it made me feel bad for relying on him so much but also there wasn't much I could do about it.

"She's good," I replied and tried to figure out what to do with my hands since I didn't even have straps to hold onto, "She wants you and your parents to come over for dinner sometime soon," I told him after remembering mom wishing she could host the Bakugos again.

"Oh," Kacchan thought for a second before speaking, "I'll talk to my mom about it." I wasn't surprised that Kacchan's dad wasn't mentioned, Kacchan's dad was really passive. I guess he's like me in that way, neither of us could really do much when Kacchan wanted something or Kacchan's mom. They're scary.

Kacchan nudged me a little bit which let me know he had said something and I wasn't listening, "Fucking nerd listen when I talk. I asked if you were still going to go to UA after what Mr Tanaka said."

I had told Kacchan about Mr Tanaka's talk with me during lunch and how I agreed with some of it but we hadn't talked about it much. I nodded quickly though, "Of course! I agree that I need to be more cautious than others but I'm going to do it. I want to do it. Kacchan I want to go to the top with you! I can't be a hero so you have to become #1!"

Kacchan looked away and I think his hand covered his mouth, why's that? Is he blushing? That doesn't make much sense, "Oh look your house." Kacchan said, oh it sure was. Kacchan and I walked in together since he always brought my bag in and then patted my hair down a little, "See you tomorrow, Deku. We're going to go straight to the top."

"Yeah!" I grinned and Kacchan left, I can't wait! I already had my entrance essay for UA done all I had to do was officially register next week through our school. I'm so excited for my life to move forward! I also get to escape all these bullies, there might be more in high school but at least I can use them to advance Kacchan's career. Using people is sad but I'll do anything to help Kacchan.

"Izuku!" Oh! Mom's calling. She came in a moment later and-wow she looked pretty, "Oh thank goodness you're home! I wanted to let you know that I-I'm going on a date but will you be okay on your own?"

Oh, a date! Mom looks so pretty right now, she didn't change much, just better clothes and her hair was curlier. Mom's naturally pretty I guess. Oh, wait I need to answer her, "Yeah I'll be fine, mom. I'm just going to study for the final anyway."

"Okay, call me or Mitsuki if you need anything. Oh and make sure your choker is set to call emergency services if anything happens." Mom was a little overprotective but I understand, she's just worried.

"Okay I will," Mom smiled and kissed my forehead before she left, I'm glad she's happy. Mom deserves happiness and getting a date like this could really help her, everything seems to be looking up right now.

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