To Be In Love With A Bad Boy

By KpopLoveAlways

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After her father's death, Lee Chae Rin seeks out revenge on the man who killed her father, who is no other th... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chatper six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Suga's POV
Jhope POV
Jin's POV
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter Fifty five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy eight
Chapter Seventy nine
Chapter Eighty

Chapter Sixty Nine

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By KpopLoveAlways

Chae's POV

As the strong grip grabbed me, I let my right foot move back one step and I grabbed one of his arms and flipped him so that he was on the ground. Then I grabbed hold of his other hand holding him with my legs wrapped around his arm. (Like the photo. Credits to owner. Again i got it from google.)

"Ugh, Chae Rin-ah its me!" The voice says tapping my leg.

"JB Oppa?" I let go of him and help him stand up.

"Geez, where did you learn to do that?" JB Oppa says holding his arm I was holding.

"What are you doing here? You scared me to death. I thought you were gonna kidnap me."

He chuckles and asked to walk me home. As we walked, we caught each other with what has happened.

"I'm so sorry that you've been through so much. I wish I was next to you like in LA."

I just smile.

"Thanks for walking me to my room JB Oppa."

"Yeah no problem. We were in the area so I thought I would stop by to say hi. Oh hold on, they wanted me to face time them while I'm with you."

I unlock the door and allowed him into my apartment room while he took out his phone and dialed Mark Oppa's phones.

"CHAE RIN!!" Mark says as he picks up the call.

"Do I look like Chae Rin?"

"Shut it, hand the phone to her."

JB Oppa sighs and hands me the phone.

"OPPA!! It's been forever"

We talked for awhile until JB Oppa's manager showed up on the screen telling him to head back to where the others were.

I bid him goodbye and walked him out. I was heading to get my clothes for a shower when I heard knocking on the door.

"Hmm, must be JB Oppa, did he leave something?" I thought to myself.

As I opened the door, 2 big men forced their way in. I started to fight with them using the skills I learned from the boxing lessons. As I kicked one in the private area I grabbed my glass vase and smashed it into the other one. I ran to my room to grab my phone when they both charged after me and held onto my legs as I jumped on my bed. I tried to kick them off but they were stronger than me. I managed to kick them off of me, I grabbed my phone and called the first person on my mind, "JungKook please pick up" I thought to myself as the called was ringing out, the bigger one finally got his arm around and covered my mouth with a chemical soaked clothe causing me to faint.

JungKook's POV

I finished washing my dishes and sat out in the backyard. I thought about what just happened at the office and here at the dorm. I sighed and scratched my head. I stood up and went back to my room. I grabbed my phone and noticed a miss call from Chae. I was going to call her back but one of my men called me.

"They got her sir. We were too slow. I apologize."

I immediately grabbed my jacket and left to Chae's apartment as I didn't believe them. I called RapMon Hyung as I ran to Chae's.

"Meet me at my office. Taehyung Hyung will take you guys there. NOW!"

I hung up and entered the apartment not even bothering to use the elevator, I ran up the stairs to her room. The door was wide open, the curtains from the window was ripped off, glass were on the ground, I went to her bedroom and her bed was messed up, her laptop was shattered, her phone was cracked on the floor, and the photo of Yoongi Hyung and I were on the floor with the glass shattered.

I stepped out and hit my men who were supposed to watch her closely.

"You pieces of shit!"

"We're sorry sir" they both said.

I groaned and headed to my office. I met the boys and they were all confused.

"Ya Kook, what's going on?" - Jimin Hyung

"What's happening? Is it about Chae?" - RapMon Hyung

"What are we doing here?" - Jin Hyung

"You had this place? We're just learning this now? What in the world" - Jhope Hyung

"JungKook, Is this about Chae?" - Taehyung Hyung

"One at a time please! now is not the time to do a lot of explaining. Chae is in danger and we need to find where she is. You all remember how to use a gun right?"

They all nodded. I signal my men to give them a gun strap, gun and a bullet proof vest.

"Take off your jackets and shirts. Put these tanks on and put the vest on. After you do that put on these sweaters to hide the vest."

I said pulling out black hoodies with our names on them. I had ordered them before Yoongi Hyung passed so I have his too.

"JungKook, did you know this was going to happen? You seem so prepared." - Jimin Hyung

"Look, for the past few months I've been receiving these weird calls, texts, and packages from someone telling me all of YongGuk's moves and plans. All I could do was wait and prepare. I know I know, I should told you guys. I didn't because i didn't want to cause you all any trouble. I don't know who kept sending me packages, calling me or texting me but whoever it was helped me get this far."

"What do you mean JungKook?" Jhope Hyung asked

"I got YongGuk's right hand man."

"JungKook, are you crazy? why would you capture him? I'm no gangster or mafia but I know it's not the best thing to do." - RapMon Hyung

"I didn't capture him. Well, I did but didn't, he and a few other men had came here for a reason I don't know and I just kept him."

"This could be a trap JungKook, what if Chae is fine somewhere?" - Taehyung Hyung

"she's not, I saw her get taken by YongGuk's men"

A voice came from the door behind us all. I turned and I swear the world stopped.

"Yoongi?" - Jin Hyung

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