Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book...

Por RoseGoldMermaids

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[This is a Breaking Dawn continuation story] After the Volturi had left my family and I in peace we planned... Más

Piercing the veil
Expected unexpected
The meadow
A slight complication
The truth is a lie
Lies, lies and more lies
Where are you?
You will always be my baby
Gene Splicing
My love
Penelope Camille Cullen
Matthew and Penelope
Stubborn moments
The best man has arrived
The talk
Book II
First Day
Wyatt Hunter
Aurora and Guardian
New Friends
The little vampire
Midnight Sun
Check This Out


46.8K 552 86
Por RoseGoldMermaids

Just as we got back to the house I sensed company. From the truck I could hear unusual movements for those habiting the house. I sniffing the air lightly and tasted an expensive perfume. Alice was here. The moment Edward shut off the car Renesmee unbuckled herself and jumped from the cab. She was a huge fan of her auntie Alice which is nice because Alice is my best female friend.

Following close behind Renesmee, Edward and I entered the house and just like normal Alice was standing before us going on about things we needed to get done before Renesmee's first day of school. The list included getting her school basics, getting new clothes and having the 'peer pressure' talk.

Alice wanted to take Renesmee into Anchorage for shopping and wanted me to go with. I was never a big fan of shopping but I knew the drive was atleast 3 hours one way -if you drove like a Cullen- but 9 hours if you didn't. I couldn't stand having my daughter that far out of my sight for that long. Thank goodness her school that she would be attending was nearby.

"I have a list of stores that have all the best things. There aren't many that are really my taste but we will have to make due. Personally I would have liked to go shopping in New York or Paris but we don't have enough time with all that needs to be done." Alice said hurridly as she began shuffling through several different papers, three which were maps.

"Alice, she doesn't need to go all out  for her first day. She's only seven years old and will be amongst kids that are twice her age I want her to blend in not stand out." I explained as I wrapped my arms around my daughters shoulders.

Alice sighed. "Still a virgin of fashion." She said. "Well if you don't want to go out and shop atleast let me do it for you." She begged. "I already know what she is going to be wearing."

"I won't stop you from shopping on your own Alice I just don't want Renesmee too tired up for her first day of school." I explained, trying not to offend her.

"Her first day isn't until Wednesday." Alice responded.

Edward cleared his voice. "Uh, Alice tomorrow is Wednesday."

I narrowed my eyes at Edward response. I thought today was Monday. Thinking back we arrived here a day and a half ago which was Monday just after noontime. Today was Tuesday meaning tomorrow was infact Wednesday. My daughter started school tomorrow, high school.

"If you want to pick out her first outfit for tomorrow you might want to get going." I said to Alice as I steered my daughter into the next room to get her lunch started.

"Her lunch is in the fridge." Rosalie said from somewhere upstairs.

"Thanks Rose." I replied as I opened the fridge. Sitting right in front of my face was leftovers from a chef salad with teryaki chicken. Taking it out I set it infront of Renesmee and then handed her a fork. "Eat up love." I told her as I ran my fingers through her beautiful hair.

Without hesitating or complaining she picked up her fork and began eating. I took this oppourtunity to knock one of the things off my to-do list for Renesmee.

"Tomorrow you start high school huh?" I said trying to ease myself into a conversation I thought I'd never have in my life. Renesmee nodded her head as she chewed on a bite of chicken. "You will meet some kids that will be alot older then you and you will at some point come across peer pressure." I explain as I kept my gaze on her.

Renesmee swallowed her food. "I've read about peer pressure." She said as she speared another bite of salad on the end of her fork. "I'm not suppose to give into anything that is bad or do anything that I don't want to do." Renesmee took a bite and continued eating.

One of the things my daughter loved to do was read, it was hard to tell which parent she inherited from since both Edward and I loved to read the same genres.

"Okay so for instance if a group of 'popular' kids offers to let you eat lunch with them and then they offer you ciggarets or alchohol what would you do?" I asked her.

Knowing society these days the situation would be bound to happen sooner if not later. Especially if the kids thought it would be funny to get a 7 year old girl into it. Just thinking about that happening made me want to decimate a tree.

"School isn't a popularity contest its where you go to learn. One really good friend who you can be your true self around is better then a million followers who like you for someone you aren't." She explained confidently.

"You are 100% correct Renesmee. Okay, now about bullies." Edward said as he entered the room and took a seat beside me. "There will be times when you get picked on by other people. Ignore them and tell an adult." he told her.

Emmett laughed as he walked into the kitchen to grab something from the fridge. "Why tell an adult when you can handle the problem yourself Nessiekins." Emmett teased. "You may not be full vampire but you can break a few arms if you had to." he teased.

"EMMETT!" I snarled.

Renesmee laughed. "Mom I know better then to do that. I don't hurt humans, or werewolves." She smiled. "Speaking of werewolves mom, where is my Jake."

I looked at Edward.

"He's upstairs resting, he should be good intime for school tomorrow." He replied quickly.

"What do you mean?" I asked Edward.

"I mean he is going to school tomorrow with Renesmee." He turned to look at Renesmee. "Jake will be portraying your cousin."

"Edward I don't think that is a good idea, if sometime picks on Renesmee and it makes him angry he could accidently phase. That would cause so much trouble for us which isn't good." I told him.

"She needs someone to look out for her." Edward said, I could here the worry in his tone.

"Dad, mom is right. Even though I want Jake to go with me it's too much of a risk. I can do this on my own." Renesmee said as she stood up from her seat at the table and carried her plate to the sink.

I looked at Edward and waiting for his response. I wasn't any less worried for my daughter then he was but I knew she would be safer without the danger of a werewolf being around. I knew he was in control of himself but if someone was to say something to Renesmee that he didn't like I was sure he would rip a few heads off.

"Okay, but I'm going to have Alice watching in on you." He said. "If you get hurt-"

"Dad, I'll be fine I'm not a kid anymore." Renesmee said as she wrapped her arms around him.

Edward embraced her. "Maybe not emotionally but you are still 7 years old."

"Technically I'm five months old." She giggled.

We all started laughing.

Renesmee was indeed Five months old. But she was also seven years aged and wisely matured. This wasn't something anyone could truly get used to it only became part of your normal life so you learned to adjust.

From upstairs I could hear Jacobs heartbeat change pace and I knew he was awake. "Okay little one, Jake is awake you should go visit him." I said before steering her towards the stairs.

Once she was well out of ear range I turned back to Edward. "Alice will watch over her and she will be fine. She is our daughter, she's strong, determined, smart-"

Edward pulled me into his arms and kissed me. "I worry for her like I worried for you." He explained

I understood that. When I was human he worried constantly that something would happen to me. Now that I was a vampire with a half human daughter we both had something else to constantly worry about.

"Everyone worries Edward we just need to learn to worry without holding her down." I responded before I brought my lips back to his.

Everyone worried to some extent but I needed to make sure I didn't drown my daughter with my worry. She had potential and a bright future and I wasn't going to keep her from working on that just because I was worried.

She was a Cullen, she could survive, she could thrive. I would stand behind her to make sure of that.

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