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That night I laid Renesmee down in her bed I suprised her with a beautifully wrapped rectangle package. Of course she already knew what it was before she opened it because of how and when I presented it to her. Normally, as she was going to sleep I or her father would read to her. It had been a while since I had done so because I had read her every story book we had and was so caught up in recent events I wasn't able to get another.

Luckily we had the internet so searching online for books was a cinch, plus the perks of having it shipped directly to your front door made it better.

I watched as Renesmee began neatly pulling back the tape that held the wrapping paper. When the tape was finally free she took her time unfolding the paper, unlike most children who just rip it off in a hurry. After the paper was removed and the book was in plain sight she refolded the paper neatly and set it aside before she picked up the book.

In her hands were two new books. Journey to the Center of the Earth and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I had read these books once upon a time during my middle school years and enjoyed them so I could tell she would too.

Renesmee was the type of child who loved to learn things and read actual books, not picture books. She despised anything written for children and only enjoyed books made for young adults or teens. I made sure that the books were appropriate though because there were some things I didn't think she was ready to know yet.

"Can I read the first page?" She asked me as she turned the book over in her hands.

I smiled sweetly as I shook my head. "If you read it then how are you supposed to fall asleep?" I asked as I gently took the books into my hand. "Tomorrow when you wake up you can read it to me and daddy alright?" I responded.

Renesmee slicked her bronze curls back away from her face and settled under her covers. After I tucked her in I took a seat on the floor beside the day bed and began reading Journey to the Center of the Earth. 5 pages in she finally fell asleep.

I carefully marked my page and rose to my feet to put the books away. Before I left the room I plugged in her docking station for her ipod and turned on her lullaby. She would sleep soundly tonight with her song. No Volturi interrupting her dreams if I could help it.

Before I left her room I placed a kiss on her rosey cheeks. Those were my rosey cheeks. Carefully and quietly as possible I opened the door and stepped out of her room only to freeze. In the room that was Jacobs I could easily hear talking.

If it had been any other voice it wouldn't have struck me with such surprise. But the voice belonged to Rosalie.

I moved as close to the door as I could and took a seat to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Are you going to tell me why you are in my room blondie?" Jacob hissed through his teeth.

From the way he was talking I could tell he was still in alot of pain from the incident. I had the slightest urge to enter the room and ask Rosalie to leave him be but I, just like Jake, wanted to know why she was in there.

"I wanted to apologize." Rosalie said bitterly.

I had to focus greatly in order to keep myself from gasping in shock. Rose wasn't an apologetic person. The last time she apologized was when I went to rescue Edward from death at the hands of the Volturi.

I heard Jake laugh once before the laughter turned into a groan. "Spare me from having to talk and just leave. You don't need to pity me."

"I'm not pitying you. Pity is the last thing I dish out to people like you." She hissed. There was a long silence that was only broken as she spoke again. "Just bare with me okay, this isn't easy."

Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now