Drummer Girl.

By cakemesomemashton

6.7K 193 75

17 year old Tzeital had lived in South Africa her whole life, everything she knew was there. Her friends, fam... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.

Chapter 2.

507 13 14
By cakemesomemashton


"Wake up Tz, you have 30minutes to get ready" Luke shouted through the wall.

What the hell, it was... 6:30am! I thought the idiot said 8:00am!

"I don't hear any moving in there!" He shouted through again.

"I'm awake!" I shouted back.

I sat up, rubbed my eyes. Ah school. The joys! Note the sarcasm. I walked into my bathroom and began to get dressed, remembering to now bring in with me my bra and knickers incase Luke decided to appear.

As I walked out, yet again here he was.

"Fuck! God Luke, what is it with you and knowing when I'm nearly naked!" I huffed covering myself as much as I could.

He rolled his eyes and turned around as he spoke, "you need to hurry up, we have some people need to pick up, you're driving by the way!"

"What? I've never driven here? I'd much rather you show me the road first" I kind of stuttered. I was scared as hell, driving was no joke. Driving in the harsh terrane in South Africa I've seen so many accidents in my time.

"You'll be fine, I'll help you if you get into any trouble" he added, scratching the back of his neck.

I walked over to my wardrobe, picked out my black ripped skinny jeans, and Pierce The Veil cropped muscle tee. I practically lived in band tees, I have seen so many, surprisingly, as hardly any came to South Africa, but we usually planned holidays around concerts!

I walked over to my dressing table and brushed my hair, filled my eyebrows and put on a little mascara. I wasn't really a make up girl, I mean I had far from perfect skin, and with all this stress I was breaking out, but it was clearing slowly but surely, and makeup would just annoy it, so I just put on moisturiser.

I turned to Luke.

"Hey, how do I look?" I said turning to him. He was already staring at me, this cheesy grin in his face.

"Great! And from the tee I can see you have good taste in music! Maybe mum was right, we will get along!" He made me smile, I grabbed my school bag, and headed down stairs with Luke.

I wasn't hungry, so I grabbed a bottle of water, and then made a green tea to quickly drink while Luke put his shoes on.

"Let's go!" We walked out the door. Liz had already left for work and had texted me.

From Liz:
Have a good day my beautiful girl, I know you'll do great! Luke will look after you, and make sure you tell him if you're having trouble with people or subjects (he's not as stupid as he looks) love you, Liz xxx.

It made me chuckle. I really did feel comfortable here.

We got in the car. I paused. I turned the keys and put it into drive. I paused again.

Luke places his hand on mine. "You'll be fine, honestly the roads are empty in the morning!"

We began to drive, he led me to our first location.

Ashton Irwins house. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. He was hot. Like amazingly hot. I was really taken back. I felt my cheeks burnings just by looking at the God in front of me. Calm down Tz! Stay cool.

He jumped in the back. "Hey, I'm Ash, your Tzeital! Sweet ride! Like a Safari car!" He chirped.

"Well she is from South Africa Ash!" Luke said sarcastically.

"Nice to meet you Ash" I said, looking at him threw the mirror and be went to our next destination. Trying not to blush again.

"Luke told me a bit about you, and I just want you to know that I'm here, we're all family, you know, like brothers. Guess know we have a sister" he laughed.

Luke smiled, I smiled.

Ash placed his hand on my shoulder, his touch made me shiver. That's a huge thing considering we're in devils heat.

Up next, Michael Clifford. Whoa. He was hot too! Very punk rock. He's hair was awesome!

He hopped in next to Ash.

"Hey guys, hey Tz..." He began.

"Tzeital" Luke reminded him.

"Tz is fine I said" with a giggle. It made him smile.

"Nice tee! Ah I have one jus like it, just a bit longer aha" Michael added.

"Thanks Michael" I chuckled.

"Hey call me Mikey!" He smiled. "Um, do you mind turning some music on? I'm feeling in the mood for pizza and music is the only thing that can curve my craving!" He almost demanded.

I turned the radio up, Green Day - American Idiot started, I slammed on the dial and turned it up full volume! I loved this song!

Don't wanna be an American idiot. Don't want a nation under the new mania and can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mind fuck America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alienation. Where everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow. For that's enough to argue.

We was all screaming the lyrics! It actually sounded pretty good!

We arrived at our last stop before school, Calum Hood's house.

Calum strolled out the door. He looked just amazingly hot. I felt so self conscious, maybe I should have put make up on!

He jumped in next to Mikey.

"Hey there Tzeital, right? I'm Calum, or Cal, or god? Whatever you want to call me" he laughed. I laughed back.

"Smooth Cal" I heard Ashton commented.

"It's Tz for short, and she's from South Africa" Mikey piped up, sounding quite pleased with himself for remembering.

"South Africa?! Whoa! Say something!" Calum laughed.

"Um, like what?" I said. They all went into fits of laughter. I rolled my eyes and co tinier the drive.

"Okay boys, my mum made me promise that we'll look out for Tz, she's had a pretty rough couple of months, I won't go into details, that's her business, but yeah we have to look after her" Luke added.

"Like I said before, we're a family and now we just have a sister to add to it" Ash smiled. Everyone agreed.

"Well a sister I've seen naked!" Luke laughed. I jilted the car, whipping my head to his direction. Why did he have to say it like that! Oh gosh what must they think!

"Whoa, what the fuck Luke!" Calum began. "I swear she only got here yesterday?!"

"He came into my room after my shower, my towel got caught in the draw, I'm sure you can guess the rest!" The words couldn't come faster out my mouth!

"Ah the Ol' towel in the draw, I know it all to well!" Mikey giggled, turning to Ash. "Ash, you look a bit hot under the collar?!"

Ash began to stutter as we all turned to look at him, he was beetroot red! This instantly made me go red. Now two out of five of the car was now tomato beings.

"Thanks Mike" Ash almost whispered slamming his face into his hands.

"At least it's showing in your face and not your pants" Calum remarked. Ash crossed his legs and punched Calum in the arm, earning a yelp from him.

Luke turned to him and began to laugh in hysterics pointing at me and then Ash.

"Fuck you Luke!" I shot at him, hitting down on the peddle which made everyone slam back in the car. They then all put their seat-belts on. Ha ha.

It then took us 15 minutes to get to school. The roads on Australia was pretty easy to drive, no harsh terrain to drive on. We pulled into the car park, and all jumped out.

Luke placed a hand on my shoulder and led me into the building. Everyone was staring at us, it was super creepy. There was girls winking at the boys and then giving shocked expressions when they saw me, new girl treatment I guess.

"Popular guys aye?"

"I guess you could say that, but we never can be bothered with the people in school, they're all just wannabes" Calum answered.

They all took me to the office, I signed some papers and got my timetable, locker number and then headed back out to the boys.

"1313, Hey that's right with us!" Ash screamed! He grabbed my hand and led me to the locker. I gulped, Ash was holding my hand, everyone was staring but I just ignored them.

Luke took my timetable out my hand, and studied it, pausing and think a few times.

"You have most your lessons with Ash, but all of them involve at least one of us" he winked at Ash, who shot him a glare. What the hell.

"English first, we're all in there" Mikey spoke, peeping over Luke's shoulder to see the timetable.

Mikey then grabbed me and led me to English, we walked in and my teacher was standing at the front. I could see five empty seats in the right hand corner near the window. Two at the back, then two in front of that, and one in front of that.

"Take your seats boys" the teacher instructed. He was young and seemed pretty cool. English was my favourite subject, so I was kind of looking forward the seeing his teaching style.

"Hi, you must me Tz... Tzeital? Sorry I suck at names! I'm Mr. Marlor" He laughed. I smiled back. "So class this is our new student! She's here all the way from South Africa! I'm sure you'll make her feel very welcomed!"

All of the class just said hey, and some comments about South Africa and just like the boys asked me to say things so they could hear my accent.

"Okay, now we're all friends, unfortunately for you, the only seat available is next Mr. Hemmings" he continued.

Mikey and Calum took the back seats, Luke and then the empty chair followed, then Ash in front of it.

"We live together, she's fine with me" everyone gasped and turned to us. Whispers began. Luke ignored and continued to go on at out teacher. "And also she doesn't have weird grudges against me, like certain teachers do!"

"Calm down Mr. Hemmings, or you can march your way right back out that door. How unfortunate for you Tzeital. However, Luke's mother is a very nice women, not quite sure what happen to him" Mr Marlor added.

"He's punk rock!" Mikey shouted and everyone laughed.

We when continued on with the lesson. Luckily enough I was really good at English! So it was quite easy for me to get the hang of what he was teaching, and the novel we was discussing I had already read.

"So it's the mid-year projects now, Tzeital this is when the class separates into groups and does a project upon a novel, you can interrupt it in any way, shape and form, so it's quite easy" Mr. Marlor stated.

"We'll be a five!" Ash shouted!

Mr. Marlor nodded. The bell rang, I guess this meant we could leave. Study of religion was next. I had that with Ash and Calum. Then maths, with only Luke. Creative writing followed, again with just Ash. Lastly music, again with everyone.

I played guitar and piano, but hadn't really continued with them since my mum and dad dies. However, I did continue playing the drums. The drums was my stress relief! I loved them! Ash played then too! Wow, we had a lot in common.

"Tz, play something! Luke and Cal will play along with you!" Ashton shouted! "Hey play American Idiot! I know you like it! Mikey you get up too, you can sing" he added.

I sat down at the drums. I was terrified! I'd never played in front of people. I heard Cal strum his base, and then Mikey start, we began to jam. The song ended and Ash stood up, followed by the rest of the class clapping! He walked over to Luke.

"Where has she been all my life" I heard him whisper. Oops.

Mikey and Calum stared giving me praise!

"I didn't know I girl could play like that! Hey maybe we'll replace you Ash with you in our band!" Calum added. I laughed.

Wait they had a band. OMG. They all just got a lot hotter to me. How commercial. Class had ended, everyone was super nice in music! I think it was now my favourite!

"C'mon Tz, we'll all head back to ours" Luke said, grabbing my hand. We walked to the car park, all messing about. Ashton trailed behind, what was up with him?

"Erm, excuse me. Luke who the hell is she?!" I heard a high pitched voice almost scream.

"Go away Emily! We're over, over for months!" Luke shouted. He practically chucked me into the car.

They argued for another 10 minutes before she pushed Luke. Whoa! I went to get out the car but Calum was already on it, grabbing Luke and heading him back to the car. He got in and none of us said a word. I drove the boys home, and then us. Luke booted the door open and stamped upstairs, I followed, good thing I did because he went into my room. He slammed down on the bed.

"Who the fuck does she think she fucking is!"

Here we go...

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