Hey, Love. [on hiatus] ✔

By euphoriacion

276K 6.5K 1.2K

Amber Lindt is a 17-year-old girl. After her parents' divorce, she is forced to move to a different state. Sh... More

Thank You So Much
1- Home Sweet Home
2- Springfield High
3- Charging Failure
4- Mr. Jerk Or Demon
5- Party Time
6 - Kiss?
7- First Time Drunk?
9- Reflexes!
10- Hangover
11- Life Story
13- Creep
14- Try Harder
16- Knight In Shining Converse
17- Nice Caiden?
18- Rivalry
19- Lesson Learnt
20- Captain Roger's..
21- The Bad Boy's Hobby
22- Parental Questions
23- Trip!
24 - One Room, One Bed.
25- Cuddling Is Perfect For Fighting sadness
26- Freaking Out.
27- The Race.
28- The Race (Part 2)
29- caiden's past
30 - The Date.
31 - The Date (Part 2)
32- wild amber.
33 - Cute Caiden.
34 - Everything's Going Down.
34 - My Angel
35- Stolen Kisses
36 - Hot Waves
37- The Lady In Scarlet
38- Come Home Darlin'
39 - Young Love
40 - Absorbent And Yellow And Porous Is He
41- A Daredevil Eh?
42- My Lovely French Fry
43- Buubli.
44 - I'm Saying WAP WAP WAP
45- Like A Glowing Shimmer In A Hoard Of Dullness.
46- Skin On Skin

12- Pair

7.3K 164 24
By euphoriacion


oh. I love Monday's so much. It's school and fun time.
Yea in your dreams I am ever saying that...


i am dressed and already ready for school. I plan on wearing dark blue high waisted jeans and a plain military green hoodie with some converse. And tie my hair in a cute high pony, with a cute military green srunchie.

I am so comfortable in my clothes. It's feels..... Like............

I make my way to my desk and pack my school necessities and zip it up before heading downstairs. Mom and Tyler are already with their coffee and pancakes and I walk over and steal one of Tyler's Nutella covered pancakes.

"aaayyyy" Tyler's whines.

And I laugh at his cuteness.

How the heck is he 17?..

Tyler shoves the rest of the pancakes in his mouth and shouts 'bye' to mom before exiting the house.

"byeee. Love ya" I say to my mother before shutting the front door.

The drive to school was very short than I expected.

After rulers gets his school parking tag he parks into his assigned spot.

"Tyler you coming with me to the reception" I ask as we both exit the car.

"nah. Go along I'll catch up".

"cool" I say before entering the school doors.

I ask some random junior for the direction to the reception.

I reach the reception and open the door to find an empty seat at the desk.
I walk up to the desk and ring the small bell sitting in the side. I always find that small bell amusing so I keep on ringing it.

"cut it out would you" a voice says as a woman mabye in her 30s or 40s walks up to the desk.

"how can I help you?" she says showing the least interest ever.

"um.... Can I get my schedule. My name is amber Lindt"

"uhh.. Yea just a minute" she says and starts shuffling through her desk and types something on her computer and prints out a paper.

"there you go,dear" she says with the fakest smile ever.
I kinda feel bad for her. Her job might be so boring.

I walk out of the reception and see my locker number on the top right corner of the slip of paper.

"208. 208. 208. 208" I mutter trying to find my locker.

Ass soon as I find it the bell rings signaling start of first period.

Just fucking great. My first day of school I am gonna be late for class.

I shuffle through the locker and dump my book and check my schedule for first period. Drama. Cool I can make it in time.

I collect my nesseceties and Large muscular hands shut the locker before I get the chance to.

I turn back to find the mystery man to be non other than. CAIDEN ANDERSON.

"hey love."he whispers in his hot English accent.

What? Did I just think that?.

" umm, Caiden listen I am already late for class. Can we talk later"

"I was probably thinking something like 'nice to meet you to'. Nevermind I can live with that" he says with a a smirk.

"caiden please. I promise we'll talk later. Please don't let me be late to first period." I say and fix my bag on my shoulders.

"fine." he says and moves out of my way.

"mmkay. Thanks caiden" I say

"better keep that promise Lindt" he says and walks back.

"sure will Anderson" I say and skip away to find room 302.

I finally find 302 and I slowly open the door praying the teacher does not notice me sneaking in. But my plan goes fail when the door creaks making everbodys attention towards me.

I hate this door.

I walk in slowly with a sheepish smile. And the entire class follows my every move.

Okay not at all creepy.

"and you are?" the teacher asks.

"oh, amber Lindt I am new here and this is my pass." I say and hand her the paper given to me by the school through mail.

"oh join in. Take a seat and make yourself comfortable. Call me miss kim". She says with smile.

I walk over to the front desk and take a seat next to a black haired boy.

"hey my names is Matthew, but you can call me Matt" he says.

"hi" I reply.

"amber. Right?" he asks.

"yea" I reply.

"nice name"

"thanks. A lot" I smile.

"OK class. Today we will be doing one of the most famous plays. Romeo and Juliet" miss Kim says.

A couple of groans and boos are heard from the class.

"class. Settle down, I am gonna be reading out the names of the pairs" she says.

"James and Kara, Matt and Hailey, Katherine and Darren,.........." she goes on and on pairing the class in 2 each.

"and amber you are with...... And he is not here yet. Apparently your pair is missing".

What missing? Who is my pair?.

My thoughts get answered when the door flies open and caiden enters like he owns the place and the entire class goes quiet.

"ah. The missing pair!" miss Kim exclaims.

WHAT? WHAT? WHY? HOW? NO! PLEASE NO! this can't be happening right now.

" Amber you are paired with caiden" miss Kim says.

"umm. Miss Kim. Not him please. Anybody but him. Please." I plead.

"umm........ You know what you are gonna be paired with him. That's your punishment for being late" miss Kim smirks

"cool!" caiden exclaims.

Why? Why God why? Kill me please!!

"we meet again love" caiden says taking a seat next to me.

"yea. So fun" I say sarcastically.

"I know you are dying inside"

"cocky much" he shrugs in reply

The entire class goes by caiden either insulting the teacher or annoying me.
As soon as the bell rings I pack my stuffs and rush towards the door to get away from caiden as much as possible.

"so how are we doing this play shit" caiden asks walking behind me.

"umm. Just learn a page and then we will act it out the next day" I suggest.

"cool. Let's start at break"

"fine" I huff and enter my next class.


Well you guys are never seeing me again. Cause I hate math class and I might kill my self learning math.!

I enter the class to see Matt sitting in the first bench. As soon as he spots me we both start squealing and I take the empty seat next to him.

"hey" I greet.

"hi" we check our schedules to see we have almost all classes together.

"so you are paired with caiden for Romeo and Julie" he says winking.

"eww. Yea I hate it" he gaspes turning the few students into class's attention to us. I wave them of saying it fine nothing happened.

"WHAT? you just got paired with the hottest boy in the school and you don't want in".

Umm yea!

"yea" I say slowly.

"miss are you alright" he mocks me. I playfully punch his arm saying.
"I am fine. Yea caiden is hot but he is a jerk".

"jerk or not. OK new lemme explain".
He says starts of with the history of the school.


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