if my imagination can be real...

By gunshyboo

539 10 2

I was a regular factory worker, completely bored with work and with life. I got through these days relying on... More

credit to paid artist
My life
when everything changed
something is wrong
some killer fun
everything is not like it seems
somethings you cant change
A World I Once Knew
I interrogated myself
punishing pleasure
some furry fun
the girl with glowing tattoos
god for a day
the monster of nightmares
blood on my hands
lost of powers
the day i became a guardian angel
first day of my new new life
my job is done
getting sent to boot camp
sealed away from all
the government had a few questions
im now a government hunter
sucide mission
the storm is coming
murder, sex, and deal making
all leaders are the same
I have a daughter
the truth came out
meeting the wendigo queen
all in

change of heart

6 0 0
By gunshyboo

I woke up mid-dream to Sofia tossing and turning. I sighed and raised up to see it was still dark, I looked at her and smiled. I slowly ran my hand up her body and squeezed her right breast. They felt so soft but firm at the same time. I took a deep relaxing breath before I start to suck on the left nipple and used my right hand for the right breast and my left hand for support to make sure I didn't fall over. She tossed and turned more but when I bit down on her left nipple, she woke up and looked at me and pushed me away then got dressed and said, "You want more so soon." I nod and said, "Yeah first time was part of the deal." She nods and said, "Yeah what about the second?" I looked at her confused and said, "Second time?" She gave me a dumb nod and said, "Yes, that is what I said. We just did it and went to sleep, you cut your throat I healed then you fucked me hard like there was no tomorrow. " I had an even more puzzled face and said, "No I was trapped with that thing after cutting my throat and when I came back we were already up here." The look on her face became concerned and said, "So your body was moving and can do as it pleases without your soul?" I looked at her confused even more and said, "Well.... you know..... my body has a mind of its own." She rolled her eyes then came to me and gave me a kiss and said, "Well we need to sleep because we have a long trip ahead of us." I nod and said, "So can you tell me what happened today?" She giggled and said, "You don't remember anything?"

I shrugged and said, "I can remember everything but I'm not sure what's real though." She got a bit more serious now and said, "Well I was having you learn how to transform your body but soon after you went crazy and attacked them. I tried stopping you but you wouldn't stop no matter what, you killed them as a big snake, you then turned into that thing and attacked me. After maybe 3 minutes you turned into yourself to finish me but you then began to beat Vikings head in for some reason.  

Once you snapped out of it you slit your throat and I dragged you back here as your body healed itself. I was confused and concerned as you were talking about the thing, I tried waking you up. After about 1 hour you woke up and talked about how you beat it and you wanted to do it right then and there. You were pretty hammered though..." 

I stopped her and said, "I was drunk how?" She laughed and said, "Well you needed something to drink or that's what you mumbled and only thing close was the Vikings and they had mead. So I figured why now and we have incredible sex, but when you were getting close you pulled out then stuck it in my ass and filled my ass with your sperm, which I'm mad about, that shit hurt. Anyway shortly after that you passed out and I had to do a few things. When I came back you were still asleep so I laid next to you after taking off my clothes to dry.  I got too comfortable and I passed out, which brings us to now." 

I looked up at the sky to see the sky was still filled with stars and a moon. The moon was right above me so the night was almost over. I stood up and stretched before looking down the tree to make sure nothing was down there waiting on me. 

After checking I then jumped to the ground. I landed hard but I didn't get hurt. Sofia ran to the edge and yelled at me and said, "You fucking dumbass! You trying to kill yourself." I then said, "I feel powerful and I must use my powers, plus I'm not even hurt. I want to seize the night and live a little. All I been doing is running back and forward doing shit for you and all this other shit." By the time I finished she was down the tree and gave a curious look and smiled as she said, "What do you have in mind?" 

I gave her an evil smile and said, "Well we are in Viking times let's raid, kill and destroy." She nods and said, "Well I know this group of Vikings is giving my people trouble. " I nod and said, "Perfect." 

We set out, with her having a small cleaning knife and me with only a deer hide wrapped around me and no weapon. After maybe an hour or two we came across a very small camp. Sunset was just starting and hidden in the treeline around this small camp. I scanned everything seeing there were 6 tents, one large fire pit, a barrel of something near the fire and everyone but one guy was asleep. We slowly crept into the camp making sure to try and stay quiet. She took a sharp right and I took a left and the guy in front of the fire was more to the right so it was easy from her to take him out. She slowly crept on him and quickly wrapped her arm around his neck and choked him out which was surprising, to say the least. Once he was out she went through the barrel to see what they had, but I was more into finding someone and have some new clothes so I looked at the hide and stick tents and looked into one closes to me. I find a girl a bit younger than me, maybe 17 or 18. Next to her a small girl maybe 11 or 12, but then I saw a guy about my height and weight. I knew I could fit his clothes so I decided a deal, man doesn't need their clothes.

I slowly crawled into the tent and looked around for something like a weapon, but upon doing this the older girl woke up and looked at me. My eyes got wide as she was about to scream. I grabbed her mouth and covered it so as she let out a scream it was muzzled and sounded like a rat yelling.

I looked at her face then down her body seeing she was nicely equipped with a pair of breast fully matured. I had the idea to see how they felt but I quickly pushed it into the back on my mind as I saw her eyes were wide and fearful. I sighed and said, "Shhh" in the quietest voice I could make. I then slowly removed my hand from her mouth, she was holding a dagger in her right hand. I looked at it and didn't want to have to fight her. I shook my head no as her knuckles became white on the dagger. I slowly reached for it she gave me a fearful impression as her hands began to shake. I slowly grabbed her hand and my fingers to hers peeling the blade from her. She looked at the other girl which was much younger than at me with a death look. I right then and there thought she was about to fight me to protect who was next to her. She grabbed the dagger and tried to lunge at me. I grabbed her wrist and yanked the blade from her hand and tossed it out the opening then climbed on top of her to hold her still. She spit at me and said, "Rape me, but don't hurt my sister."  I remained holding her down and I leaned close to her and said, "All I want is the man's clothes." Her face was in shock and relief at the same time. She slowly stopped fighting me and looked at her sister then me and nod. I gave her a nod as well like we were an agreement that I get what I want and leave. 

I then slowly get off her and move towards the clothes, she lays back down and watched me. I knew the guy would wake up so I held a firm grip around his neck as soon as I walked up I tightened my grip until seeing the life from his eyes fade away as he struggled to try to fight me. The little girl woke up but the older one held her close not letting the little girl see me, which was odd but maybe was the best thing to do. Once the guy was dead I dragged his body out and started to look around and saw the other tents had trails of blood coming from them and feet or arms hanging from under the tents. 

She made this a murder party, which made me feel guilty for her doing all the work and about the girls. She looked at me and said, "You kill everyone?" I nod and said, "Yeah this guy was taking up the whole tent to his self like a selfish cunt." She laughed and started looting the bodies. I took the clothes off the body and put them on one piece at a time. 

I saw the tent the girls was in start moving around, I looked at Sofia then at a small hand reaching out looking for something. I looked at it then knew it was the older girl looking for her dagger. I went to it and picked it up and slide it into the tent then heard, "Thank you." It gave me a feeling like I was doing the right thing for once. I smiled a bit and saw Sofia was dragging all the bodies out and throwing them on the fire. I helped her trying not to get blood on my new clothes. After we burned all the bodies Sofia showed me the barrel was filled with corn on the cobs. She shook her head and said, "These bastards stole from my people. Here come and help me, she grabbed a cloth and put the cobs in it and carried them away. I saw there was a few more and I grabbed a few but leaving maybe four cobs for the girls. I honestly felt bad no matter how I tried to look at it. 

We walked to her 'people' and gave them the corn on the cobs, they looked so different they had tattoos and looked more buff unlike before. It was like they went to the gym for a year. Instead of following Sofia inside I stood outside and waited for her to return outside. I then saw brushes moving, and guys pulling someone. I then saw they had the girls. She punches one of them and he slapped her to the ground. He then said something to the other and one of them pulled an ax out and was about to hurt the little girl.  

I had to act, I had to help, my focus was thrown off by a bright green glow coming from my arm. I looked at it and then at the guys. One with the ax slowly came down, but not on the girl it was coming at me. I grabbed it and slammed it into the guy's forehead. Time went to normal and the guy almost fell backwards. I looked at them then the older girl and said, "Get behind me." My arm began to glow once more and I shapeshifted into a bear-like monster and clawed at them ripping arms and heads off them, more came out, they held their weapons and bows but Sofia yelled at them to yield. I turned back to normal she walked to the front of them and looked at the people I cut down and said, "I thought you killed them all?" I looked at the girls and said, "Well plans change." I look back at her and said, "These girls will not be harmed while I'm here." She nods and said, "Do you seriously think you can take on all of my people." I looked at all of them and said, "Do you think I can't?" My arm began to glow once more. She shook her head and said, "As you wish. I don't want to see your face anywhere near here or I will make sure you can't leave." I gave her a hateful stare then walked away with the girl and her younger sister.

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