As Happy As I've Never Been...

Von helloyesthisisrachel

3K 68 46

As Rachel's friends win tickets to a band she's never heard of, her life changes... She meets people who bel... Mehr

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
*Author's note*

~Chapter Three~

172 3 6
Von helloyesthisisrachel

~Chapter Three~

"Ha," I say and release their pinky fingers. "Very funny guys." I say with a laugh.

"Does you phone get internet?" Harry asks.

"Yes, why?" I ask with confusion.

"Google Image search One Direction." He says, I pull my phone out of my pocket and do so.

"Holy shit." I say as the image loads. I see the other 3 boys from Nando's, plus Zayn and Harry all smiling back at me from the picture.

"Don't freak out." Harry says, putting his hands up in warning. I look at him and give him a huge smile.

"Trust me, I'm not the one you'll have to worry about. When my friends find out who I've been talking to, they-" I begin before being interrupted.

"No! You can't tell them!" Zayn says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"They'll swarm us and try to get our numbers, because you have Harry's, and things will get crazy." Zayn says.

"It's planned that we're hanging out Thursday anyway." I say.

"Well, then tell them Thursday!" Zayn says leaning into me.

"We're begging you, luv." Harry says, leaning into me as well. The overwhelming feeling of claustrophobia comes over me and I launch myself off the bench and stand in front of them.

"Ok, but when they ask where I was right now?" I ask them.

"Tell them you got lost." Harry says with a wink.

"Yes!" Zayn agrees.

"Hey lads, management wants you back." A boy with an Irish accent says from far away. When he rounds the corner, it's the blonde boy from Nando's. "Hey! It's the girl who told us off at Nando's!" He says while walking over and standing behind the bench.

"Well hello to you too." I say to him and he tips his hat towards me. Zayn and Harry laugh.

"Rachel, this is Niall. Niall, Rachel." Harry says and gesturing to the two of us. I reach over and shake his hand.

"Zayn, was she the girl you met at the air-port?" Niall asks.

"One and the same." Zayn says with a smile.

"Well then it's nice to meet you." Niall says with a slight smile.

"And you." I tell him with a smile.

"Lads, management wants us backstage." Niall says readdressing the boys.

"Ok." Zayn says and gets up. "Bye, luv." He says and hugs me. I squeeze back, but he has a really firm hug.

"Wait." Harry says as he stands and Zayn releases me. "Why don't we just take her backstage with us? He asks with a flirty smile. Zayn smiles and nods in agreement.

"Oh, I don't know guys, my friends might get worried." I say and look back in the direction I came from. My friends are probably worried as it is, or they might be too distracted by their anxiousness that comes with being in the front row. Who knows?

"Well, that's unfortunate. Let's go lads." Niall says trying to usher the boys away from me, but Harry grabs my hand and anchors himself to me.

"Please, luv? I don't think they'll mind too much." Harry says, his green eyes bearing into me. I just keep my eyes focused on his, hoping he'd let up and let me go back to my friends. When he doesn't, I sigh before muttering an okay. His face lights up with a smile and the boys lead and I head around the corner. I now realize that he still hasn't let go of my hand. I look down at our intertwined hands and release, when I look back up, he's looking at me.

"I don't want you to try and run away now, luv." He says and grabs my hand again. I laugh and quickly walk behind him into the backstage area. There, he gently realeases my hand and leads me to their dressing room. There, the two other boys I saw at Nando's are relaxing and goofing around.

"Who's she?" One of them asks as he stands up.

"Liam, this is Rachel." Harry says and guides me forward by the small of my back. I extend my hand and say, "Rachel, nice to meet you."

"I'm Liam, and a pleasure to you as well." He says and shakes my hand firmly.

"AND I'M LOUIS!" The other one yells and bounces up off the couch and hugs me. I almost fall because of how fast he came at me, but I catch myself. I laugh and hug him back. He release me and says;

"You smell really nice!" When he says that, each of the boys automatically grab a lock of my hair and sniff it. I laugh because of the weirdness of it. They laugh and Louis pulls me onto a couch with him.

"So, Rachel, where are you from?" Liam asks me.

"El Paso. It's this small town in Texas." I tell him.

"Then why are you here?" Louis asks.

"Her friend is the contest winner!" Zayn exclaims.

"So you're a fan girl, then?" Liam asks, his smile fading a little.

"No. Actually, I've never ever heard your music before yesterday." I said and each one of them relax a little.

"That's kind of cool." Niall says, "But, if you've never even heard of us, why'd they bring you?" He asks.

"I've always wanted to go to England." I say, refusing to admit it had anything to do with my obsession with accents.

"Really, luv? You told me it's because you love British accents." Harry says with a wink. Damnit, I feel my checks heat up a little, and I know I'm blushing.

"Oi! Look at what you did, Mate! She's blushing!" Zayn points out and Niall and Louis are laughing.

"It's not like I love just British accents. It's all accents, really." I say, sort of rambling.

"And where did this obsession come from?" Liam asks.

"I'm a theatre kid, accents add to character." I say confidently.

"Guys! Come on! Places, show starts in five!" A person in a headset barges in and tells them. They all bid me goodbyes before leaving.

Once they've left, it's awkward to be in here by myself. I look around and it's pretty comfy in here. There's 3 mirrors, a couple of couches and a few chairs. On closer inspection, I see a few dry-erase markers on the counter top. I walk over and grab an orange one, then write my name and number on the mirror. On second thought, I add an, "xoxo."

I step back and admire my crappy handwriting. I sigh and put down the marker, grab my hat from where it was sitting on the couch, and walk out. I could hear some up-beat, pop song playing from the area of the stage. I turn and walk into the direction we came from. I would feel really awkward staying backstage, but I'd feel even more awkward going to the concert in the middle of it and rocking out. I think I'll just return to my bench.

I sit there for a good hour before my friends emerge and we go back to the hotel.


I wake up to my phone's annoying ringtone. I groan and roll over to look at the clock. Jesus. It's 9:34 in the morning. I roll off the bed and walk over to the curtain's that hide the huge windows in this room. I rip them open and there is messes of clouds, so instead of being shocked by the Sun, like usual, it's nice. I walk back over to my bed and pick up my phone from the bedside table. I go into my inbox. I have 5 messages, the first four all read, "Guess who ;)" and the last one says, "it's niall." Well, ok then. I save Niall's number into my phone and reply, "Voldemort?" To the rest. The first text that comes in says;

"Nope guess again, love. ;)" That would be Harry.

"Hmmm... Harry?;)" I say in response, by then a second text has come through.

"No you silly goose! I have hair!"

"Louis?" I ask.

"Dammit! I am Harry!" The first number says, and I save it as such.

"Those were good books!" Another text reads.

"Liam?" I ask, and a swift yes comes in.

"Dammit! Silly Goose! You're not supposed to say it aloud! I prefer, He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named!" Says a text, yep, that's definitely Louis.

"If that's what you like, babe.;) The last number says.

"Ay, Zayn." I text back. I got a yes for that and my phone begins to vibrate an insane amount. It's a call from Harry.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Morning, luv." Harry says.

"Hey," I say, leaning back on my bed, "what's up?"

"So, the lads and I had an idea." Harry says smoothly.

"And it would be?" I ask.

"How would your friends like to meet us today so it won't be awkward tomorrow?" He asks, and I shot straight out of bed.

"Yes! They would love that!" I say.

"Great, how about now?" He asks.

"HA, no. None of us are ready, I just barely got out of bed." I say and flop back down.

"Ooo, kinky." He says with a laugh, "Then how long?"

"Hmm, " I say, thinking, "How about an hour?" I ask.

"Sounds marvelous!" He says. "See you then, luv."

"Bye Harry." I say with a laugh.

"Goodbye, lovely." He says and disconnects. Did he just call me lovely? Eh, probably lovely? Eh, probably just a British thing. Whatever, I have business to attend to. I rush down and into the living area, and thankfully, they're all there

"Guys! Get dressed!" I yell at them.

"Why?" Jordyn asks, looking at me.

"Just do it! You have an hour!" I yell at them before running up and into my room to take a shower. When I'm done, I put this on:

I towel dry my hair and spray myself with my favorite Citrus body spray and put on some Cucumber deodorant. I apply bright blue eye shadow, then go and hunt up a pair of socks and my grey converse. Once they're on, I rush down stairs with fifteen minutes to spare. When I get there, my friends are already there.



Eli's in his usual; saggy jeans, Bob Marley shirt, and a beanie. I reach for my phone and remember it's still in my room.

"Shit!" I say and run up to grab it, also grabbing my Chap Stick and IPod. I shove the latter into my pockets and run down stairs when my phone vibrates again, another call from Harry.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Time's up, luv." He says and hangs up as there's a knock at the door. I walk over and turn back to my very confused friends and say;

"Ok, ready guys?" And they look more confused. I open the door widely and their screams begin. Harry steps through the doorway first and hugs me, the screams continue. All the boys, except Niall (what the hell?) hug me. I turn to see Harry now consulting Rebecca, who has broken out into tears. Jordyn is clinging on to Louis with all her might, and Niall is talking to Eli about his guitar. Zayn and Liam are watching this and laughing. Jordyn notices them and runs over to them and flings an arm around each. Louis pretends to die before quickly standing up again. Rebecca is now hugging Harry and sobbing, and he is smiling and whispering something in her ear, and she releases him and starts laughing.

I walk over to Jordyn and tickle her sides and with that, she releases Zayn and Liam. She tackles me, but soon I have her pinned beneath me. Liam comes over kneels down, and says;

"One, two, three! You're out!" I laugh and roll off her. Liam extends his hand to me and I grab it and help myself up. Zayn does the same for Jordyn.

"I'm pretty sure that's baseball." I tell him.

"Oh... Well, I tired." He says with a chuckle. The four of us go and sit on the couch with Niall and Eli. We sit so that Jordyn is squished between Zayn and Niall, and I'm on the end. Louis comes over and sits on the other end with Eli. Soon, Harry and Rebecca come and join us. I stand up.

"So guys, this is Rebecca." I say and point at her, she blushes, "This is Jordyn," I say and point to her, "and that's Eli." I say and motion towards him and his guitar, he gives a half wave.

"And who are you?!" Louis asks like the Red Queen in the latest Alice in Wonderland movie.

"Oh, I think you know." I says with a smile.

"OFF WITH HER HEAD!" He screams and charges me. Everyone laughs and I barely keep my balance. And then, when I'm least expecting it, he picks me up and runs me around the couch before putting me down. He then ducks down, and takes me with him.

"Shh." He tells me. Slowly, he creeps up behind Zayn and puts his hands over his eyes. He looks at me and motions for me to say something.

"Guess who?" I ask, more to Louis than to Zayn. Louis nods happily.

"Ummm... Rachel? He asks, with a small smile. A suppress a giggle as Louis mocks a buzzer sound.

"Nope!" He screams uncovering Zayn's eyes and jumping over the back of the couch and sits in between Liam and Zayn. I go to where he was sitting at the end, next to Eli, and sit down. Everyone starts talking, so I eaves-drop into Niall and Eli's conversation.

"...I mean, I guess so." Eli was saying, I didn't catch the first half of his sentence.

"She seems really-" Niall begins.

"Weird?" Eli finishes and Niall nods. Eli laughs. "She can be like that, but when you know her better, she's not as crazy." Eli said. Who are they talking about?

"Having fun?" Eli says and waves his hand in front of my face, I must have been zoning out.

"Hmmmm?" I ask, breaking out of it. Eli laughs at me and goes back to talking to Niall. Now that I'm back to paying attention, it's really hot in here. I lean towards the coffee table in front of me, but I don't see any hair ties. I stand up.

"Rachel?" Jordyn asks, looking concerned.

"Is it me, or is it really hot in here?" I ask her.

"Sorry, luv, I'll leave." Harry says and begins to stand up as the rest of us laugh.

"Ha, very funny. Rebecca, Jordyn, do either of you have a hair-tie?" I ask and they shake their heads no. "I'll be back, I'm going to go get one." They nod, and I notice a mischievous twinkle in Liam's eye as I walk out and up the stairs.

Impossible! How did I not bring a single fucking hair-tie with me?! I've been up in my room searching through drawers and ripping the place apart, looking for one. Unless... No, I must've unpacked them... right? Surely I did. I walk over to my suitcase and open the pocket I packed them in.

"Well shit." I say as I pull out the hair-ties and take them into the bathroom. I take one out, and put the rest in a drawer. I also pull out two bobby pins. I brush out my hair and separate my bangs from the rest of my hair, which I then brush into a high pony tail. I then take my bangs, braid them, and pin them back. There, perfect.

I walk back down stairs to hear muttered conversations and hushed giggles. I see my friends all sitting in a circle, some on the coffee table, and the rest of the couch.

"What's going on, y'all?" I ask, walking over to them.

"Well," Rebecca begins, "you know how we freaked out earlier?"

"Yes..." I say.

"Well, the boys know someone who'll make you freak out." Jordyn says.

"Who?!" I ask excitedly., earning a chuckle from a few of the boys.

"Now see, that's the beauty of this." Eli says, "We're not going to tell you, just like you didn't tell us."

"And when we found out you'd freak if you met him, we called him and invited him over." Harry says with a cocky smile.

"Oh God." I say, "I'm going to go sit in a corner and hyperventilate now."

"Don't do that, luv." Harry says, and his phone, which was resting on the table next to him, dings. He picks it up and reads something before continuing. "Ah, that's him, he's pulling up out front , and he'll be up in 5."

"OH MY GOD NO." I scream and run up stairs. I dash into my room, apply another layer of deordant, spray myself, dry-brush my teeth and run back down stairs, all in 3 minutes.

"Having fun?" Louis asks, with a huge smile.

"I hate all y'all! I'm freaking out." I say while pacing the length of the couch.

"In the elevator!" Harry says, and I go and sit on the end of the couch, where no one's sitting anymore because of their little pow-wow circle. I bring my knees up to my chest and start humming to myself in an attempt to calm down. I'm humming Gold Rush by Ed Sheeran when the doorbell rings. I stop humming and the conversation the group was having stops, and I can tell they're all looking at me, but all I can do is stare at the door. I'm about to get up when Niall says;

"I'll get it." He starts to walk towards the door. I stand on the couch, jump off, and run and tackle him to the ground.

"No." I say as I roll off him and brush myself off. He walks back to the couch, muttering about me being able to tackle him. I look at the excited faces of the group. I end by looking at Jordyn's face and begin singing, "I was told to put my job in front of you, but it won't hold me like you do." and she harmonizes in the appropriate places. I turn and start to walk to the door, quietly singing the chorus to myself. I put my hand on the handle, take a deep breathe, close my eyes, and rip open the door.

"Umm... hello?" A very confused voice asks me. I know that voice, but from where?

"Hi there!" I say enthusiastically and extend my hand. "I'm Rachel. My eyes are closed because my friends want me to freak out, and I truly do not want to embarrass myself." I say as the voice grabs my hand firmly.

"That's quite alright, luv." He says, so he's British, wait... Could it be?

"Oh God... Are you...? No... Can't be..." I say and turn away from the voice before opening my eyes. I run over to the couch. "Guys, is it Ginger Jesus?!" I ask them and they all burst out into laughter.

"Was I just referred to as, 'Ginger Jesus'?" The voice asks and I turn around. Holy shit, Ed Sheeran.

"Holy shit, Ed Sheeran." I say and the excitement in me conceals itself, making me sound completely calm. He walks over to me before saying;

"You sound completely un-impressed by me being here." He's getting closer to my face. I just look at him.

"Excuse me for a moment." I say and walk to the nearest door, open it, and go inside.

"I hope she realizes that's a closet." Eli says and there's laughter. In the closet, I flip out. I'm jumping around and silently screaming, "Ed Sheeran." over and over again. After a couple minutes of this, I resume my composure and walk out of the closet. By now Ed has joined their little circle. "All better, luv?" Harry says with a wink. I laugh and go join the circle.

"Oh, by the way," Ed starts, "I didn't know they were planning that. Sorry, luv. No hard feelings?" He asks. I nod he holds out his arms and I hug him before joining the circle. I make sure Ed won't be able to my text before pulling out my phone and sending a status update to Facebook and Twitter saying; "Just got hugger by Ginger Jesus! Life=Complete."

I put my phone back in my pocket and Jordyn's phone dings. She pulls it out, reads something and laughs. Shit. She looks at me and winks.

"What's so funny?" Niall and his thick Irish accent asks.

"Nothing. Rachel's just an idiot." She says, slipping her phone into her pocket. MY checks heat up a little, but they quickly change the topic. To what, you may ask. Truth or Dare. So the circle is me, Eli, Niall, Jordyn, Liam, Zayn, Rebecca, Harry, Ed, and then Louis.

"I want to go first!" Louis says. We all let him, "Ok! Rebecca, darling, Truth or Dare?" He asks excitedly, Rebecca gives a small laugh before answering.


"BOO!" Louis says, "What's your favorite vegetable?" He asks with an eyebrow wiggle.

"Hmmm..." She says thinking, "Carrots." She finally answers. Everyone laughs, but I really don't get it.

"I'll explain later." Jordyn tells me as the laughter dies down. I nod, and it's Rebecca's turn.

"Hmmm... Niall! Truth or Dare!" She says.

"Dare, o'course." He responds with a smile.

"Do Chubby Bunny!" Rebecca says and Jordyn, Eli, and I get really excited.

"What the hell is Chubby Bunny?!" He asks, all the others look confused.

"You Brits don't know what Chubby Bunny is?" I ask and they shake their heads no.

"I'll go grab the marshmallows!" Jordyn says before hopping up and going to the kitchen.

"Okay, Chubby Bunny is when you put marshmallows in your mouth and say the words Chubby Bunny after each marshmallow. You can't swallow or chew them, until you can't fit anymore. Got it?" I say, most directly to Niall, since it's his dare. I never noticed, because he seems to avoid me, but he has really nice eyes.

"Got them!" Jordyn declares as she re-enters the circle with a huge bag of marshmallows. She gives them to Niall, who looks scared, but does it any way. He gets 16 marshmallows into his mouth before he can't fit anymore.

"That's a new record!" Eli exclaims, "I had 13, Jordyn and Rachel each had 10, and Rebecca could only fit 6."

"I have a small mouth." Rebecca says and Harry smiles at her, which went unnoticed by almost everyone.

"Ok! Well, now that that disaster is over," Niall says, "it's my turn!" He says, picking his next victim.

"Rachel," Shit. "Because you were so kind in telling us, 'Brits,' I'm Irish, by the way, what Chubby Bunny was, Truth or Dare."

"Shit. I say before continuing with, "Truth."

"Ay, girls are never fun to play with." Niall complains before saying, "Alright, I'll give you something easy, your best relationship." I hear Jordyn's sharp intake of breath, Eli starts coughing and I can feel Rebecca's eyes on me.

"I've... Umm... never dated anyone..." I say, keeping my eyes on Niall as I answer, because if I look at either side of me, I'll see my friends and their pity for me. They say they can't figure out why a boy has never liked me, but the self-loathing part of subconscious can.

"Come off it, surely you have." Harry says. "Haven't you? I just shake my head in response. It grows awkwardly quiet as I stare at the floor, and I can feel several sets of eyes trained on me.

"Ok, Ed, Truth or Dare?" I ask, I'm tired of the pity party.

"I know I'll sound girly for saying this, but truth." Ed responds with a smile.I sigh, but ask him anyway.

"What's your favorite day of the year?" I ask.

"February 13th." He says, confidently. Jordyn, Eli and Rebecca break out into hysterical laughter.

"Why?" I say, barely containing my own laughter.

"It's the day before Valentine's, it's usually a great day for me." He says, a little confused.

"You know who else it was a great day for? RACHEL'S MOM." Eli says, not even waiting for an answer.

"Ummm.... why?" Zayn asks. Ay, they're all confused.

"That's the day Rachel was born!" Jordyn says between laughs. That's when I lose it and start laughing too. Damn, I tried.

"Really? That's your birthday?" Liam asks and I nod, while putting my face in my heads. My face gets really red when I laugh, and it's not very flattering, so I tend to bury it in my hands. It's just another one of my little quirks.

"Look at her! She's all red!" Zayn says and laughs at my redness.

"Oh shut it." I say as my face returns to its natural color.

"I'm really thirsty." Rebecca says standing, "I'm going to get a water, anyone want anything?" She asks. Everyone shook their heads no, except for Harry.

"I'll come with you to get a water." Harry says and follows her into the kitchen with a smile. Jordyn and I exchange glances, but otherwise, it goes unnoticed. WE end the game and just start talking in our own little groups. Eli is talking to Niall about guitars. Jordyn is laughing and joking with Liam and Zayn, and I'm there with Ed and Louis.

"So Rachel, I know absolutely nothing about you." Ed says leaning in to me, closing in our little circle.

"You know my birthday." I say to his defense, and he and Louis laugh.

"Very true, luv." He says with a smile. "Ok, so what's your hobby?" He asks.

"I sing." I tell him, confidently.

"Oh, do you now?" He asks and when I nod he says, "Sing."

"What should I sing?" I ask, nervously.

"LADY GODGA!" Louis explodes and attracts the attention of everyone else.

"Hmm... Oh!" I say, suddenly knowing what to sing. "Jordyn, Eli, will you two do the higher and lower harmonies?" I ask them and they bod, sitting up a little straighter. I clear my throat as I stand, then begin. "My mam told me when I was young, we were all born superstars. She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on in the glass of her boudoir. She said, 'There's nothing wrong with loving who you are.' she said, 'cuz he made you perfect, babe.' So hold your head up girl and you'll go far, listen to me when I say... I'm beautiful in my way, cuz God makes no mistakes, I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way." I sing. The harmonies sounded amazing, so I lean over and high-five Jordyn and Eli.

"That was beautiful, luv!" Ed says.

"Beautiful? THAT WAS BLOODY BRILLIANT!" Louis almost screams as he hugs me.

"Aw, thanks y'all. Wait till you hear their voices." I say and motion to Jordyn and Eli with a smile. "Hey, wait. Where's Harry and Rebecca?" I ask and Jordyn and I are running to the kitchen before the other's even comprehend what we're doing. Once everyone has caught up with us, we slowly open the kitchen door, just in time to see Harry kiss Rebecca.


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