๐ƒ๐š๐ฒ ๐ƒ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ฆ๐ž๐ซ โ”€โ”€ BILL...

By antiqueblythe

46.5K 1K 338

โ I know, ive seen it ever since I was little.โž Elizabeth had had nightmares about a certain clown since she... More

I โœ”๏ธFaces of Death
II โœ”๏ธSatan at Play
III โœ”๏ธ The Sixth Sense
IV โœ”๏ธThe Deep
Vโœ”๏ธThe Butterfly Room
VIโœ”๏ธ Get Out
VIIโœ”๏ธ Hush
VIII โœ”๏ธ Freaks
Xโœ”๏ธ Independance Day
XIโœ”๏ธ Independence Day: Resurgence
XIIโœ”๏ธ Black Box

IX โœ”๏ธRivers Edge

2.1K 68 32
By antiqueblythe

BETTY AND TOM made their way to the rivers edge, okay well it was more of a creek but to Betty it was like a river, fast and dangerous. The shallow water was filled with plenty of rocks and pebbles. Picking one up Bev chucked it at Henry. He abruptly stopped and looked up at the losers, his teeth clenched tightly.

"Nice throw." Stan complemented her.

"Thanks." She smiled slightly. Henry's eyes gleamed with anger at Bev, something which terrified Betty. She gripped her bothers hand.

"You losers are trying too hard.
She'll do you, You just gotta ask nicely like I did." Henry said smirking devilishly at Bev while at the same time groping his crotch.

"The fuck?" Richie muttered. Tom nodded in agreement, that guy was a fucking creep and he was done with him. He thought punching him would do the trick, I guess not.

"Come on, get him!" Henry shouted at his 'friends.' They hurriedly grabbed rocks off the river bed. The two of them began pelting the group. Betty shielded her face from the rocks as they pelted her arms, causing rough scrapes. She bent down and picked up a rock. Throwing it was a struggle for her, though she managed to hit belch in the gut. She cheered inwardly at herself. Athletics and throwing was not her strong suit, that was more of Thomas's thing, though he did have a tiny physique.

"ROCK WAR!" Richie yelled from beside Elizabeth. She cringed as he was pelted in the face with rocks. He feel to the ground and Betty turned her attention back to belch who had thrown a rock. It sliced her cheek. She gasped slightly, touching her bleeding cheek. Crimson blood now stained her fingers but she shook it off throwing another rock at them.

Mike had slowly made his way over to them and was now throwing rocks as well. Thomas grabbed a giant rock and aimed it right at Henry.

"Give it to em, hard!" Richie exclaimed watching as Tom careful aimed the rock so it would perfectly hit Henry in head.

"Drop dead, you fuckers." Henry hissed from across the creek.

"Get out of here!" Ben yelled over to them.

"Shit!" Eddie cursed slightly tumbling into the creek.

"FUCK YOU BITCHS!" Belch cursed loudly as Betty and Bev both hit belch on both sides of the head.

"Come on guys!" Mike cheered. Thomas finally had the rock lined up perfectly.

"Here goes nothin'." He mumbled to himself before chucking it across the creek at Henry. It his him square on the forehead. He tumbled over in surprise. He knew he wasn't going to win. Belch and Victors eyes widened and they scurried away. Bev rolled her eyes, big babies.

"Go to the hell, losers!" Henry screamed. Betty smiled widely while Thomas chuckled to himself. "You all suck, especially Thomas with his fucking baby face!" Toms smile faltered. Betty noticed this and lightly touched her brothers shoulder.

"Don't worry Tommy I love your little baby face." She said to him softly. He smiled down at her, she was to good for this world. The two headed off following the others into the tall grass.

YOU MULLET-WEARING ASSHOLE!" Richie yelled flipping the bully off before following Elizabeth and Thomas.

The group was silent as they headed off to there homes.

"Thanks guys," Mike said breaking the silence, "but you shouldn't have done that, he'll be after you guys too now." His face was etched with worry. Betty smiled at the black boy, he was sweet.

"Ah, now Bowers, he's always after us." Eddie sighed. They all knew it was the truth but now maybe after Thomas has attacked him twice he would back down.

"I guess that's one th-th-thing
we all have in common."Bill stuttered looking at Betty.

"Yeah we can't all have Toms excellent arm though." Thomas smiled proudly. "Well homeschooled welcome to the loser's club." Richie said clapping Mikes back.

"Yeah, Mike welcome to the losers club." Betty smiled sliming an arm around the boys shoulder, making Bill feel a tinge of jealously. Tom noticed Bills face and furrowed his brows. Hmm. He thought.


Betty giggled as Bevs hands braided her golden hair. The two sat on Betty's bed talking about random things. All the boys had headed over to Bills to do who knows what.

"Hey Bev can I tell you something." Betty asked becoming suddenly serious.

"Yeah anything what is it."

"I'm sorry that your dad didn't believe you, the way he yelled at you wasn't right." Beverly furrowed her brows she hadn't told anyone that her dad had yelled at her.

"How-" Betty cut her off.

"I see it, everywhere. When I was a kid I saw things that it did in the past. But it's back and I see everything. I saw all the disappearances and the pain." Betty tried to explain.

"So your telling me that you've seen everyone disappear?"

"Yes, and I'm scarred. I can't unsee the blood of Georgie or the unhear the screams of Betty Ripsom."

"So there all really gone." Bev quietly breathed. Betty nodded.

"Every one of them." She clicked her tongue. "Gone."

"Betty, this is big."

"I know but only bill knows, and Tom kinda." Bevs eyes widened.

"You didn't tell your brother?" She was flabbergasted. She knew the two told each other everything.

"I couldn't find the time." The blonde admitted truthfully.

"We need some popcorn." Bev said still in shock with all the news. Betty nodded and the two headed down to the kitchen.


"Alright guys what are we gonna do tonight." Richie asked. He was sprawled across Bills couch leaving the rest of the boys to either sit on the floor or in one of the only two chairs in the room.

"W-Well I was th-thinking-" Bill stuttered only to be cut off by Richie.

"Well don't I've got the perfect idea."

"Richie Let Bill speak." Eddie scolded. Mike, Tom and Ben had never slept over at the Denbroughs so they didn't know how things went. Stan however knew and just leaned back into a chair to watch the scene unfold. "Ugh I can't believe you!" Eddie cried. Richie smirked.

"What, coming up with a great idea?" Richie asked sassily.

"No, your ideas always suck, it's like watch naked ladies dance or go spy on Bills neighbors." Ben choked on his drink he did not want to do those things. Tom patted his back lightly.

"I bet the girls aren't having this much trouble." Mike whispered to the three, who nodded in agreement. Bill face palmed lightly.

"G-Guys stop fighting." The two looked at him then realized everyone else was staring at them.

"Richie your dumb." Eddie said quickly before sitting on the floor.

"Let's play truth or dare shall we." Stand said standing up to sit in a circle.

"I call giving Bill one first!" Richie cried plopping on the floor next to Eddie and Stan.

"Alright go." Stan told Richie.

"What do you think about Bev and Betty." Richie smirked leaning on his knee. His eyes trained Bills waiting for an answer.

"There P-Pretty C-Cool." He shrugged. Richie groaned.

"That was not the answer I was excepting. I mean come on their hot. Bevs hair, ugh the most gorgeous color and Betty's eyes like the frickin ocean!" Richie exclaimed.

"He has a point Betty's pretty cute." Stan chirped in.

"Oh yeah and Bevs freckles are so nice." Ben added in.

"Yep, Id date either of them." Richie sighed.

"Hey that's my sister guys!" Thomas exclaimed. They all shrugged.

"Your a lucky fellow then." Richie responded. Thomas crinkled his nose.


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