ENDLESS {{Bbieal Story}}

By Laurii_Flamers

40 8 0

Laurii Flamers, who was looking forward to a day of sleeping in and watching tv, was forced to visit "Here Sc... More

Chapter 1- A task to be done
Chapter 2- ...Oh why math...
Chapter 3 - Mistakes
Chapter 4: Detention and play

chapter 5: silent treatment

4 1 0
By Laurii_Flamers

(Eh~ Before I write here...let me just say...there may or may not be a bit of abuse/ or torture or something like that in here- If at all sensitive to that then...don't read...oki~?)

Laurii's POV:

I woke up slowly, adjusting myself to the faint darkness that surrounded...I couldn't move...It felt like my hands were tied together... They were...I realized that I was tied to a chair then..

I blinked in confusion...
Where was I? Why was there so much darkness around?

This place....-what happened? What happened earlier?  Why am I here and...WHERE AM I?!

I tried again to move my arms, but all I got was restraint.
I sighed, peering into the darkness around me.

"Oh, you're finally awake~"
The familiar voice I heard made my heart drop.

I should of known...it's you...Again...

I didn't bother lift my head..I knew who I was hearing...
My mouth shut...I couldn't speak...I couldn't believe what was happening...Was I going to die? Or just be stuck here...forever?

My legs were even more numb..even more dead..I couldn't even move them...nor my arms...My body was just limp...my vision was blurred by the tears gathered up..Why was I crying? I have been in worst situations...haven't I?

Ah~ ...I can see how this is going to end...kill me but your not gonna be as satisfied as you think...
And I'm not giving you that satisfaction you think you'll be getting today...my silence is all you're getting today!

I glared at the ground, thinking to myself..
"Even after this...You're only remaining quiet?" he asked, slowly approaching me.
I didn't dare open my mouth...I only shut my eyes, balling up my fists tightly til they were shaking.
"Say something!" He demanded me. I flinched at the loudness but remained quiet, ignoring my watery eyes destroying my vision.
I bit my lip, trying to hold myself together. I didn't want cry...I was trying to be strong...this alone...reminded me of interrogation...that I cannot remember why I went into interrogation...but I know I had before...

Before I was able to finish my thoughts at all I was greeted with a slap to my face that made my cheek sting..I was tooken back by shock and fear~ as I was unable to keep my head down...
He said..his tone..louder and he held rage in his words...

I gritted my teeth, returning to look down...
"N..no.." I whispered as quietly as I could..Tears began to leak from my eyes and down my cheeks.
I wasn't going to speak...not today not tomorrow..if...there is a tomorrow...I won't speak...not to you...

...Lucus....Please...realize something is wrong here...please just magically appear...please don't ignore my pleas...or....no...I'm sorry Lucus..I failed your mission...I didn't get your notebooks...nor did I get-

My eyes shot open when I felt the sharpest, deepest pain in my leg. It felt like something peircing through my skin, and breaking through to the other side.
The pain alone couldn't be worse, and my tears fell like raindrops.
Nonetheless I didn't scream, I didn't yell or anything...mentally...maybe..I did...but never out loud... I slowly gathered enough curage to peek at my leg...when I did I realized that a knife sat upright, perfectly still and causing the intense amount of bleeding to break out of the wound.

I tried not to freak out...even though the undescribable pain kept pushing at me..I didn't say a word...I just felt the tears I aquired were falling from my eyes and blurring my vision.

My leg hurts...my body is numb...my cheeks sting...I can't speak...what more could you want from me?!

Baldi's POV:

At this point I was getting frustrated with this kid..she wasn't even screaming after THAT?! Oh, WHAT more could you possibly need to say or make a single sound?!

Of course, I got NO answer from her...Just faulty tears.
Was she really THIS strong? Not even a little peep?! Just tears and silence?! What IS she?!
I growled in pure frustration, tightly gripping the knife in her leg and yanking it out, hoping she'd say something or make a sound ...but all she did was flinch at it.

I took the knife and positioned the blade against her neck.
She cocked her head as far back as she was able, tightly shutting her eyes and trembling where she sat.
I was able to end this all, not giving this kid a chance to help herself..then I wouldn't have to worry about her anymore...just like the other kids. After that I could just clean myself from what blood was spilled and move on with my day...but why didn't I?!

"I'm sorry...." She said..softly.
She remained quiet after that.
I narrowed my eyes in annoyance.

That's it? That's alll you're gonna say? And why THAT?! Why not a plead or something?! What gratification is earned by a pitiful "I'm sorry?!" What the hell is wrong with this kid?...now I don't want to kill her yet..I wanna see how long it takes to break her-

I shook my head, smirking and backing away from Laurii.
"You're reeeaally stubborn, aren't you? You reaaally think everything will be JUST FINE if you only say 2 words OR NOTHING, right?! Well, we'll just see HOW LONG that's gonna last after you're nothing but a broken mind!"  With that I walked away from her, still weilding the knife.
I walked up a flight of stairs and through a door leaving her alone.

Laurii's POV:

"Aaagh!" I screamed into my shoulder since I couldn't reach my hands. I cried my eyes out, unable to stop myself.

Why are you so mean?! Why are you hurting me?! What did I do to deserve this?

The pain was still so greatly painful and my cheek still stinged so badly. "Lucus..." I mumbled my friend's name.. "I'm sorry..." I sniffled, trying to ignore my pain and ignore myself. I was just trying to think now.

Lucus...if I EVER get out of here...I promise you...I will always respect and endure your friendship and I will ALWAYS be your friend...I promise...

I started squirming around trying to get the damn ropes off my wrists..but the more I moved the worse it got. My wrists burned like the dickens and I couldn't help it.
I kept trying though. I roughly moved my arms around as much as I was able to. The more I did the more I felt slightly less restricted.

I smiled to myself thinking that I almost got it loose enough...I kept moving my hands and arms as much as possible...they were almost loose...I could feel it.
Just a little more pressuring and it will be loosened just enough just enough to ...well..escape..

"C'mon...stupid r-" ...Before I finished my sentence I heard the door open again..
I stopped trying at the ropes and froze..

Ah, sh*t.

I faced down going back into pure silence again.
I knew this was going to happen...just as I was making a break to..
I glared at Mr. Baldi decending down the steps, walking towards me. I tried not to make much eye contact at all..but it wasn't so easy.

From behind, I kept...slowly trying to untie myself...I made tiny movements to not be seen..I hoped that would be enough..

"Well, Laurii..since you don't want to speak...how about we just play a little game?"
He said in a sinister tone.
I slowly lifted my head, holding my urge to ask what he was talking about... I didn't know if I was making the correct choice in questioning...so I didn't. I just shook my head and said "mm-mm!" defiantly.

"It's not optional." He said blankly. With that he revealed a ruler that he held behind his back, and leaned himself against it.
"Heres how our game's gonna work; I ask you a simple problem and you have to answer it. If you DON'T answer it...or answer incorrectly...then you get slapped with my ruler.. Understand?"

... ....Are you kidding me? If I DON'T answer I end up enduring a slapping? Wow you are really messed up, aren't you? Even my teacher...couldn't be so bad..maybe he could get angry but...wouldn't just kidnap me and force me to answer problems!
Whatever...my face already stings bad enough...so fine...

I stood silent for a second before taking a deep breath and speaking. "I...understand." I said quietly.

He smirked at me, leaning off the ruler and tossing it over his shoulder. "Good. Question 1. 4-8=?" He asked.
I didn't even need to think about it at all. "-4." I said quickly.
He smiled slightly and nodded. "Correct! Question 2. 10+4=?"
I had to think for a second but soon remembered the answer..."14." ...

After about 13 more identical questions he stopped, tapping his fingers against the ruler.
"Hm...well now..you seem to know basics...how well do you strive with multiplication?"
He questioned, glaring at me with slit eyes.
I stood in pure silence then.
My multiplication skills were not that good...despite I was in 7th grade...

"So. Question 1. What is 2×5?"
"... ... ... .. .. ...10." I answered.
Without any compliment or indication that I was right..he moved on to another question.
"What's 10×10?"
"...... .... .....nng...uh....one...one...hundred?"100×100?"
"... ......10,000."
"Damn it... Fine. 10,000 × 10,000 +4...?"
I narrowed my eyes at him as he sat there smirking at me.
" ... ....100,000,004..."

He let out a "hm-" as he crossed his arms, frowning.
"Are you cheating, Laurii?"
"...How- ...no. I am not cheating."
I said as calmly as I could.
"Then how are you getting the questions correct?"
" ...I don't know." I said, looking down.

"Damn it..." He growled, walking away from me again.. He went back up the stairs and left me alone again.

"Finally..." I sighed, messing with the ropes again.. I was just at the verge of breaking the ropes I could tell...

This hell is almost over...

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