Chapter 2- ...Oh why math...

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Baldi's POV:

Oh, wonderful another kid to watch over...I can't wait...

I thought, as I turned my head to glare at the door 'Laurii' went into. She didn't seem to be any trouble, but that could all just be her act, of course.
I shrugged, walking towards the door.

Upon opening the door I noticed Laurii was leaning herself against the 'teacher's desk' as some would kindly refer it to.
Looking down only slightly I see she was on the tips of her toes, struggling to grab the book that rested on the desk's top.

Cute...not even able to grab a simple notebook, hm?

"Do you need a hand there, Laurii?" I asked, slowly approaching her.
She barely took notice of me, and kept pulling herself to grab the book. It wasn't but a few centimeters away from her and she was still unable to grasp it.

Has this kid always been unable to reach things off not even high surfaces~? This is both pitiful and least helpful for me.
Killing her won't be so hard then...

Laurii turned her head slightly, FIANLLY realizing I was standing behind her.
"Oh! .." She exclaimed, jumping as she saw me. Her eyes, once coated in a lightened blue color had unexplainably turned bright yellow. I was confused for a second..but pushed it off.

She smiled, still however, she looked frightened.
"I apologize!" She squeaked, turning fully around. "I was preoccupied..." She stated, as she gripped that bright necklace she wore.

That necklace was giving me a headache with how annoyingly bright it was...
I just smirked and shook my head slowly. "Do you need help with that?" I said, trying to keep my cool. Wasn't it just a bit too early to snap~?

"Oh~ Yes please, sir. I cannot reach." She said feeling pitiful towards herself..


I narrowed my eyes, carefully scooping the single pink notebook up, and holding it.
"You remember what I said before, right? You can have this book AFTER you answer a few math problems."

Laurii twiddled around with her fingers, staring down at her shoes.
"What questions?" She asked in a soft tone.

Without answering her I picked up a peice of chalk and walked up to the blackboard.

Laurii's POV:

Math? Math equations...Please do not make this hard on me, sir. I just want to grab these notebooks and leave you be.
Please...oh please!!

I was mentally praying to anyone who could hear my mental prayers. What I wanted was to leave but...I felt it wouldn't end up well if I just throw myself out the door. So instead, I waited...I watched as Mr. Baldi wrote some questions on the board.

I tilted my head, staring blindly at the questions.
"Okay!" He exclaimed, turning away from the board and gingerly leaning against the Teacher's desk...or his desk~?
He stared blankly at me as I examined the questions on the board.

Questions....2+2 ...that is 4 ...That is basic simple math! I was worried for no good reason...! Aha...silly little me~!

I sighed in relief and smiled to myself.
"2+2=4~!" I squeaked jocundly.
I saw that a very exultant grin pressed against his face. He turned towards the board, writing down a '4' in place of the question.
"Veeery good, Laurii!" He said, glaring back at me after writing the answer. He pointed the chalk at the second question.

Hmm...6-8=? ....Since this is a negative number.. The small number is in front of the big number...that is...-2!

I smiled, leaning against a desk,
Hands gently crossed together.
"-2!" I said.

He smiled cheerfully, writing in -2 on the board.
"Excellant! one more question left!" He said, glaring at the board and then back at me. ....Well...that's 5 and 4 which is 9 and 9 minus 2 is ...7 negative's 7...r-right?

"Aah... ...uh is it...7?" I asked sort of timidly. Why all of a sudden...I wasn't like this a few minutes ago...
Mr. Baldi stood silent for a second, peering at the question.

" I wrong?" I asked, gripping a hold of my heart pendant and squeezing it tightly. I am sure as day that was the correct answer...
But maybe I could be wrong...

I really miss my real math teacher... ... ...

Mr. Baldi wrote down '7' on the board and gave me a euphoric smile, while reaching down into his pocket, pulling out something I couldn't see clearly.
"Very well done, Laurii! For this, you deserve a prize! A shiny quarter!" He said cheerfully, as he pulled the quarter into my range of sight.

I tilted my head slightly, gazing at the quarter with twinkling eyes. I felt as my face gave off a radiant glow. Unsure why...but the quarter was just as shiny as it was perfect, making me feel enticed~ I valued having money in my piggy bank~ I was planning to save every bit that I could and this let alone was enough to make me happy~!

I held out my hands, cupped together.
He gently let the quarter fall into my hands.

Baldi's POV:

I let the quarter drop into her hands and watched as she smiled softly at it. Her smile was honestly small, but I could easily make it out despite she was facing down and strands of brunnette hair covered her face.

"Thank you, Mr. Baldi!" She said peering at me with big lightly shaded eyes.
They changed again? They were less bright but her colorful changings made me confused for what she was really.

She laid the quarter into the pocket attatched to her dress, then she hid her hands behind her back.

I have to atleast admit...she isn't the presumptuous type...but that doesn't change anything.
She is just another kid.. Another soon-to-be-dead child.. Despite all she seems to give...a soft smile and kind voice...she is just going to end with the same fate...or worse... . . ..

I watched Laurii as she stepped back, turning around, and walking towards the door. Examining how long it took for her to open the door, I noted she was just the height of the doorknob..short...abnormally I assume... She opened the door and stepped out, gently closing the door behind.

She is quieter than most of the students who died here...
And those eyes..she is...slightly the mysterious type...isn't she~?
Why am I questioning myself about that girl? I shouldn't care what she is or how she acts! Damn it....At least I won't have to deal with her after today...

Today will be the last time she breathes..I'll make sure of that.

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