Chapter 1- A task to be done

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Laurii's POV:

I rested my head comfortably on my pillow. Shifting, I turn, facing my window as I cuddled a chocolate brown teddy bear that gave me a sense of protection. One of my only cherishable peices of protection that I have left.

It was Saturday, and there was nothing planned today, except for sleeping and watching tv, which I was hoping to do.
That is, until the annoying buzz of a phone went off.

At first, I just ignored the buzzing not really worried about it in anyway. My eyes would be so heavy if I dared even slit them. Not only that~ I felt weak, numb, so freaking all I could do..was lie down, clunching my teddy bear, and just mentally praying for overpowering silence. Unfortunately, after a few minutes of that desired silence it went off once more. The loud aching buzz of a vibrating phone~ the same one that I have chosen to use for a few years now, surprisingly, it hadn't exploded on me just yet.

I groaned, clearly annoyed, stretching my hand out towards my nightstand, grasping my phone and resting it against my tiny ear.

"H-...Hello?" I mumbled, slowly sitting myself up, and wiping at my tired eyes. They were dark, blackened but only as a shadow. It came from my lack of sleep...but it didn't bother me that badly.

On the other line a familiar voice anxiously pleaded for my help. "Laurii! Hey! I really need your help here! I left my notebooks back in my school and I don't have the time to get them- Can you please, maybe...go to Hereschool and pick em' up for me?"

Seriously? Now?! I slowly shook my head, still only half awake and more or less knocked out mentally~ or so I thought..
"What..Why? I mean...Can't you wait til' Monday and get em'?" I questioned, letting out a loud yawn and stretching leisurely~

It was then that I realized I didn't have the time to sleep anymore. As it is, my dear friend, Lucus, always had this ability to make me do something.
Tiny tasks really. But those tasks were always done by me, and despite I had the ability~I've never said 'no'.

"What? No, I can't!" He cried out on the other line. "You don't understand, Laurii! Those books are really really important to me! I would be extremely thankful if you could get them back to me by either today or tomorrow~ Please? Pretty please with a lovely, red, rose on top?"
He pleaded, sounding slightly convetous as he spoke.

He had to say 'rose' didn't he? Dang it, he knows me too well...absolutely disgusting.
I thought to myself, tightly closing my eyes to ignore that feeling of stupidity.

Then, I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Okay, Lucus. I'll get your notebooks back." I said in a slightly annoyed tone. I wasn't up for this at all...
"You will?! Thank you so much! And hey~ I'll be sure to repay you for helping me~ Alright? Just name your price! Deal?"

He sounded like he was about to expload of joy and excitement~ but also relief and less stress.
I nodded, staring at the light blue wall that stood infront of me. The same one I've seen for 13 years now...time really flies.. "Yeah. Fair enough." I answered, before saying "Goodbye" and hanging up my phone.

With that I crawled myself to the end of my bed, dropping to the floor, making a small 'crash'! To be heard. I stood up, rushing towards my closet and dressed myself in my favorite blue 'overall' style dress, brown boots, stalkings, a small pouch and a bow~ And my trusty 'never leave behind' heart pendant. Then I headed out of my house towards the isolated direction that the school lied at.

Of course, I had never physically walked into the school...but I always walked Lucus to the school since he felt he couldn't go down the path alone.

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