Chapter 4: Detention and play

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(...-_-....Jesus save me now. If still reading this... ....well oki. Thanks. But also...this is crap~ oh and uhh...don't judge my story- k,?)

Baldi's POV:

She went in here, hm...? Then where else could she have gone other than behind the table~ The notebook is gone...which means she had already took it too...

"Oh, Laurii~" I cooed, as I proceeded to walk towards the desk.
"Play time is over~ and It looks like I win-"
I couldn't hear anything, surprisingly. Just myself..
I slowly peeked behind the table.
But- saw...NOTHING?!

What?! How?! This kid ...What?! Disappeared?! The hell just happe-

Before I was able to finish my own thoughts I was cut off by THAT GIRL sprinting for the door.
She seemed to of moved to the other side of the desk in time.

I wasted no time chasing after her again. I was almost in reach to grab her now and I was sure, completely positive I had her THIS time-
But once she touched the door she quickly made a left turn, sprinting away from the door before I was able to grab her sleeve- I was tooken back by her sudden reaction and ran straight into the door, bashing my face into it. I stumbled back holding my face in pain. The pain was actually really bad-
However I was both overcome with rage and interest~

She just- HOW DID SHE- ...she just tricked me! SHE TRICKED....ME!!
How?! I am supposed to be able to remember any stupid trick these kids play-
But THIS?! .... ..... ....Was.... .... ....well played... What?! That?! That is what I believe about this?! I really am losing it-

I realized that Laurii was still standing there. She ACTUALLY looked...SYMPATHETIC?!
she just stood there having color drained from both her eyes and her skin~ Like it wasn't already pale enough...
But she didn't stand there for long- "I'm sorry, sir!" She said in a sad tone. Then...she ran to the door, and ran out before I could do a single thing.

I thought this was going to be easy...this wasn't going to be like this... I mean, your death could of been as easy as 1,2,3 just want to make things so...damn hard, don't you, STUPID KID.
And...since you want to be that way, Laurii....We'll just HAVE to do things the hard way...we'll just see how you get out of THIS one...

I smirked, just thinking of my plan- this I knew she wouldn't be able to get out of...I just knew it-
Instead of proceeding my little chase I opened the door, noting that Laurii ran off down the left hall.. I turned, walking down the right hall. I wasn't after her just yet...I continued to walk down the halls until I got to the School Faculty room, and walked in.

Likewise I was good at hiding my...aheh...stuff...
I walked behind one of the wooden tables lined up in the room. There I found my old box  labeled 'Math Books'. Yep, label it something catagorized to most as "boring" and no one would want to open it.
Inside I found the few rags I left inside it~ along with the brown chloroform bottle.
I grumbled, I forgot to buy more rope and I didn't have any tape now? Damn.

I gotta remember to buy rope and tape as soon as I can..but for now..I gotta work with what I got now. I'll deal with the rest later.

I grabbed one of the rags from the box and poured a certain amount of chloroform onto the rag. Though I knew it would take around five minutes for the chlorform to work it is the ONLY thing I have...and I need to be patient while doing this. I took the rag, stuffing it into my pocket and sliding the box back under the table.

I stood up straight and proceeded to leave the faculty room.

Laurii's POV:

I had already collected 4 of the notebooks...I only needed 3 more and I could leave! I kept running even though I didn't think I was being chased anymore, I was just being sure.

"No running in the halls~!" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned to see who it was~ A tall man in a black and grey striped collared shirt had roughly grabbed my sleeve, pulling me down the hall. "Wha- sir~? Hey!" I tried to pull away from him, but to no avail, I was just too weak at this point. He kept pulling me until we were in front of a door, and once he opened the door he walked me inside and sat me in the middle of the room.

"15 seconds, detention for you~ your parents will hear about this one~." He said, making me growl softly. "Uh! Sir! My parents? My parents are de- ....ugh...why do I even bother...?" I sighed, waiting for the set timer to go off...that mister had already left me...alone..and I didn't even hear a single sound...everything was just deafening silence...

I twiddled my fingers around, tapping my shoes together as I waited.. Why was it so quiet? There wasn't even a ruler smacking...

15 seconds of pure silence had passed...I assumed once the timer went off that I could leave.
I stood up, slowly, not to fall over. I walked up to the door and opened it sightly peeking out.
No one was there...
So, I opened the door fully and walked myself out.

It was scary...the halls seemed to be so
Before I could begin walking, someone tugged on my dress to gain my attention.
"Let's Play!!" They said in a enthusiastic way.
I turned to see there was a girl a few inches shorter than me..but only a little bit. Her eyes were blackened out and she was holding onto a red jumprope.

I smiled at the girl and nodded. There wasn't anything else happening after all so...why not?
She held her jumprope out for me to take. I carefully took the jumprope from her tiny hands and began to jump.










"Woow! Let's play~! Let's play again! Sometime sooooon!"
She said after I handed her back her jumprope. She skipped away happily then~.

I smiled to myself..I made someone happy nice duty had been accomplished.
I turned on my heels and walked away from the room I was just in, heading down the hall.

I saw another classroom in front of me. I carefully opened the door and grinned when I saw there was another notebook~! I
Quickly ran up to the desk it lied on and pulled up a chair and stood on it. There was no math to solve now~ all there was was the notebook..I quickly swiped the notebook off the table's surface and hopped off the chair.

Baldi's POV:

I slowly opened the door Laurii had went in.
She wasn't even paying attention to the door...she was sitting on her knees and counting the books inside her little bag...
There probably wasn't even much to count...but she did anyway.
I slowly approached her as she was facing the table at the time.

Then she stood up slowly about to turn around.
I took the rag I had, wasting no time throwing it over her mouth and nose. I restricted her arms from moving by wrapping mine around her. She struggled, trying to break free~ but failed, unable to move her body properly.

She screamed a lot~ but the rag was muffling it so it was hard to hear.
"Shhh..." I hissed softly. After a few minutes she had gotten more quiet and less active...and soon...she fell limp..her eyes shut as she fell into an unconcious state..

I took the rag away from her, placing it back in my pocket.
Carefully I picked her up, carrying her out of the classroom and out of the school.

Shouldn't of done what you did...

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