NateWantsToBattle Oneshots [R...

By Antiseptictrash

6.6K 145 124

Here's a collection of NateWantsToBattle smuts and fluffs for your enjoyment. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! ~Updated eve... More

Chubby Bunny Challenge (Nate x MatPat- Fluff)
Murder On The Dance Floor (Nate x Natemare- Fluff Part 1)
Snob (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 1)
A Deal With The Devil (Phantom x MandoPony- Fluff)
Murder On The Dance Floor (Nate x Natemare- Fluff Part 2)
Saved By My Idol (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 1)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 1)
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (Phantom x MandoPony- Smut)
Snob (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 2)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 2)
I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 3)
Saved By My Idol (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff Part 2)
Sneaking Around (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff)
1) Whistling (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff)
2) Drowning (Natemare x Female Reader- Fluff)
3) Necklace (Nate x Female Reader- Fluff)
4) Blizzard (Phantom- Fluff)
Confidence Boost (Phantom x Nebula- Fluff Part 1)
17) Accident (Nate x Female Reader- Smut)

I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 4)

120 2 9
By Antiseptictrash

A/N: Here's part 4. I hope you like it! :)

Wonka shook his head and huffed in annoyance, while Nate chewed the gum waiting for something to happen.

The raven haired male's eyes widened in happiness. "It tastes just like tomato soup! I can actually feel it running down my throat! Oh my god!"

"Yes, I know. Now spit it out." Wonka instructed.

Nate scoffed and simply continued to chew defiantly. He walked back and forth, pacing as the flavour began to change. "Roast beef and a baked potato! It's so crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. The butter makes it so creamy... It's the best meal I've ever had."

"It'll be the last meal you ever have if you don't spit that gum out." Wonka warned him, watching anxiously.

"Oh shut up... Hey! It's changing! The dessert... Here it comes..."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Wonka muttered.

"Blueberry pie and vanilla ice cream. The ice cream's so cold and sweet. And the pie, it's just delicious! I want to have this gum every day! Why did you say it's not finished? I think it tastes fine..." Nate said, unaware of anything happening.

"Because it always goes wrong at the dessert." Wonka said, half to himself and half to Nate.

"Wrong how?" Nate asked, tilting his head as he kept chewing.

Wonka looked up at him and sighed. "There it goes... Always the same... Still, I'll get right someday." He shrugged.

"There what goes?" Nate asked, becoming a little concerned.

"You can't see yourself right now." Wonka simply stated.

Nate frowned and looked off to the left where there was a reflective metal surface on one of the machines. That's when he saw his face, which was half blue already.

His hands went straight to the blue patches, his eyes wide. "My face! Wonka, what did you do to my face?!" He began to frantically rub and pat the patches, hoping they would rub off like a practical joke.

Wonka looked at him. "Me? I didn't do anything to you." He shrugged.

Nate watched in horror as the patches got bigger and spread all over his face, down his neck and onto his body. "What's happening to me?!"

"The same thing that happened to the twenty Oompa Loompas we tested it on... It's a shame really, you were a nice boy before this." Wonka mused.

Nate looked at his hands and down his whole body, which was now a deep, almost violet colour. Even his hair had become blue. His face became even more horrified when his stomach began to swell up.

"Now what's happening?!" He squeaked.

"I said, the same thing that happened to the Oompa Loompas."

"Which is what?!"

"You're becoming a blueberry..." Wonka sighed and watched in disappointment.

Nate tried to push the swelling back down, praying this sick joke would end, but it didn't. He continued to blow up like a balloon, even his arms and legs beginning to puff up, along with his cheeks. "What am I filling up with? Air?! Make it stop!" His jeans button popped and flew off, hitting one of the machines with a loud clang.

"I can't make it stop. It has to run its course." Wonka said, now leaning back against one of the machines with his arms crossed.

Nate was panicking badly as his arms and legs started to get lost in his body, which was starting to get tight. His hands wiggled, but that was little use as the swelling continued. Nate thought he wasn't going to survive and just as he expected to pop, it stopped.

"My, my, look at the state of you... Much bigger than the Oompa Loompas."

Nate whimpered and tried to move, but he couldn't. "Don't just stand there, do something before I explode!" He demanded.

"Explode? Yes, well, I expect you will, what with all that juice inside you." Wonka said.

"Juice?!" Nate squeaked.

"Of course. Like I said, you're a blueberry..."

"Well, get it out of me!"

"Why should I? You didn't listen to me. I warned you and you still went against me... Twice. Need I remind you of the contract you signed, which was to stop this kind of thing happening." Wonka said in an angered voice.


"But nothing. You're one of the most ignorant, insolent and defiant people I have ever met. I ought to pop you for being so greedy." Wonka pulled a hat pin out of his hat and smirked.

"Pop me?!" Nate squeaked again. "No!"

"Yes. You should have listened to me. I wonder what it will be like to pop a human full of blueberry juice... I expect it will make quite a mess. At least I have the Oompa Loompas to help clean up afterwards..."

"Mr. Wonka, please! Don't pop me, please sir!" Nate cried out, tears beginning to form in his eyes. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I don't want to pop!"

Wonka simply scoffed at him. "Mr. Wonka, please..." He mocked. "Just like the others who couldn't keep their greedy little hands to themselves. That girl, she was just like you... I should have popped her too, but I had mercy and juiced her. Well, not today... I have no mercy left in me. Such a shame Nathan... You could have been such a nice boy to work with..."

"No... No! P-Please don't... Please sir!" Nate begged, tears rolling down his fat blue cheeks. "I-I don't want to die!" He tried with all his might to move or do anything to save himself, but he couldn't stop this.

Wonka laughed evilly and moved the pin closer to Nate's stomach. "Goodbye Nathan. It was a pleasure to have known you..."

The evil man then jabbed the pin straight into Nate's stomach.

"NO!" Nate gave a final scream before...


Nate's eyes shot open, his heart racing as fast as it could possibly go, a cold sweat lining his brow. He looked around frantically. "I-I'm not dead... I'm not a blueberry anymore!"

"A blueberry? What on earth are you talking about Nathan?" Asked a voice.

Nate quickly looked to where the voice came from and saw Phantom standing there. "What are you doing here?"

Phantom was leaning on his cane, his head tilted. "I came to ask you something... But that's not important right now. Are you okay?" His darkly lined eyes scanned the other.

Nate breathed out slowly and looked at him. "I had a terrible dream..." He said.

"What was it about?" Phantom asked, taking a seat by Nate on the couch, holding his cane tightly.

Nate looked at Phantom and shook his head. "I was in the chocolate factory and I... Signed a contract and then... I drank this stuff and almost got shredded to pieces... And I ate some weird gum that was like a meal and blew up into a blueberry and the guy popped me..."

Phantom looked confused, taking a look around the room before he spotted the DVD case on the coffee table. "Was this what you dreamed about?" He asked and picked it up to show Nate.

Nate immediately nodded. "Yes!"

"And you became Violet..."

Nate nodded again and looked down.

Phantom sighed and rubbed his back. "I think you need to stop watching these silly films so late, they're giving you nightmares."

The singer looked at the floor and fiddled with his fingers. "Yeah... What did you want anyway?"

"I was going to ask if you like sweets because I had an idea, but it's not a good one right now. It can wait until you feel a bit better." Phantom said. "Right now, you need some rest." Phantom said.

Nate lay down on the couch and Phantom covered him up with a blanket.

Nate didn't watch that movie for a long time...

A/N: So, what did you think of that? I hope you all enjoyed this oneshot because I sure as hell had a fun time writing it. Let me know what you thought below.

Keep sending me your requests as well!

Thanks guys.

~Yazooloo ;) <3

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