Silver Blood

By ChavonPowell

161 41 7

The story of Peter Allen the Wolf. Sixteen year old Peter Allen must somehow survive the task of finally lear... More

Ch. 2 He Needs to Know
Ch.3 The Good Boy Is Really Bad
Ch.4 The Old Barn And To Much Pain
Ch.5 Shifting Roots
Ch.6 Work Day
Chapter 7 First Day of School
Chapter 8: Mate!

Ch.1 The Boy from the City

72 9 3
By ChavonPowell

Trees blurred, as the car swiftly headed south. Its destination; Castleberry, Alabama. The soft engine made little sound as it sped through the traffic along interstate 65. Peter didn't care. His only concern was what he would do once there. His parents, only a few days buried flashed in his mind. The horrible accident that almost cost him his life as well, burned into his memory. It was something he would rather not think about or discuss. A small chill ran his spine as a large green sign passed by. The big white letters sticking out read; Welcome to Alabama. His mind again wondered, what his uncle would look like. His long lost relative from his father's side agreed to take him in. With no other family and no place to go, Peter, agreed also.

He picked at the strings on his gray hoodie subconsciously, his phone lit up as another song started to play. He pushed it into the pocket of his baggy blue-jeans with a little smirk. His white Nike shoes shown like new, even though they are old as dirt. He ran his fingers through his short hair. He thought of Lexi back in Texas, her smiling sad eyes had hurt him.

"I can't wait for you Peter. Jaxson asked me out and I said yes." Her voice repeatedly echoed in his mind.

He flinched and shook his head. No point in fighting for her when she would be eight hours away. He felt a strong burst of anger that quickly faded. He'd show her, he didn't need her. Where he was going he could start fresh. Heartbreak and pain are all that's left in Texas. Maybe he shouldn't have been so good. He frowned, no, being good is what his mother wanted and he would stay good for her. Well, he'd be good on the outside anyway. The trees parted up ahead and he sat up straight in his seat. Evens Blue, A Cross and a Girl Named Blessed, blasting in his ears. This song matched him. Now he just needed the girl who could match it too.

The black BMW crossed a large bridge with tall metal rails, the water below tinted brown by mud. The social worker driving him looked into the rearview mirror, her caked on make-up crinkled at the corner of her eyes. Peter watched the scenery fly by. His ear buds blasting rock music loudly. His eyes closed and waves of pain hit him. Life wasn't supposed to be hard for teenagers. His sixteenth birthday spent at an all boys home just ten hours after his parents died in a tragic crash. He was lucky enough not to have a scratch, but the memory of his mother and father laid out on the faded highway all bloody made him feel sick. His stomach churned and his eyes darted open. It only took two of the eight hours to stop flinching when big trucks passed by. He breathed a small sigh.

He felt the car slow down and turn up an exit ramp. He looked ahead to the empty area around the single gas station. This was nothing like the big city of Houston, Texas. There was only a few building and the traffic on the interstate exit was almost non-existent. An old red ford sat in the open just to the side of the gas pumps. A tall muscular man stood leaning on the truck by the rear tire. His ball cap pulled low over his eyes. Peter sat up straight and watched as the guy looked up, his flannel shirt and faded blue-jeans hugged his movements. The man smirked at the black BMW and spit a large brown wad of spit to the ground beside his worn boots. Peter let one ear bud fall to his lap when he noticed his social workers lips moving;

"Call me or any of the DHR offices if there is any trouble. Mind your manners and try to stay safe. You, young man, are one of my favorites and I hate to leave you hear alone. I'll try to visit sometimes."

Her voice was sweet and Peter just nodded along with her. He couldn't help but think she would be a very pretty woman if she wore less make-up. He flashed her a small smile before answering her;

"No worries, Mrs. Brightwood. I'll be okay."

She smiled a sad smile at him, "I'll still miss you around the center. You're an amazing boy. To guess I'd have the same sweet volunteer as a sudden case." She shook her head and cleared her broken voice. "Take care of yourself Peter, You are going to be a great man one day."

He grinned, "I became a man the day my parents died." He didn't give her a chance to reply, and stepped out of the car his back pack in hand.

She popped the truck and grabbed her paper work from the passenger seat. The man grabbing Peter's suitcase scared her just a little. His back woods look only a part of the factor. He was large, larger than Peter's father ever was. She watched him throw the suitcase on the back of the truck, her hand trembled just a bit when she held it out to him.

"Mr. Allen, I'm Tiffany Brightwood. I spoke to you on the phone about Peter."

He scratched his neck ignoring her outstretched hand. "Yes ma'am, I reckon you got some papers for me to sign."

She pulled her hand back and quickly shuffled the papers in her other arm. "Yes sir, right here."

She handed him the papers and he looked over them quickly. She held out a pen to him when he patted his shirt pocket. He plucked it from her fingers and used the roof of her car as a table to quickly sign his name.

"There ya go ma'am." He looked back at Peter who stood by the truck watching silently. "Guess we'll be going now, got horses to feed before dark. Thank ya for bringing the boy out."

She watched him walk to the driver side of his truck and gave a small wave as Peter slammed the truck door shut. "Who and What did I just give you to?" she whispered under her breath.

Peter watched the car fade behind them through the side mirror of the truck. His uncle looked nothing like his dad. In all honesty he wasn't sure if this man was his real uncle. He pulled his ear buds out and stuffed them in his pocket with his phone. There was few houses and large fields everywhere surrounded by pine trees. The two lane road looked just big enough for one vehicle. What amazed Peter most was the quiet nature of the whole area.

Colton looked at Peter over his shoulder. The boy was quiet and looked identical to his brother Bo. Small framed and pale skinned. The light brown hair and gray eyes threw him. Must be from his mother, Colton thought to himself. He didn't talk or push for the boy to talk. He just leaned forward and turned the radio on. The soft voice of Loretta Lynn hummed into the cab. He turned on to a dirt road and just watched the road. Maybe this boy wouldn't be much trouble like all those other city boys. Only time will tell.

Peter's finger traced the small groves in the worn leather seats. Something seemed weird about this. His uncle didn't talk or push to talk. A tingle at the back of his neck raised the small hairs there. Peter rubbed his neck trying to ease the tension building up. His uncle must have felt something too, because the truck sped up on the orange dirt road. Dust flew in billows up into the tall trees. Peter opened and closed his mouth deciding not to say a word. The truck bounced over the bumps and holes along the road. His backpack at his feet slid to the side when they drifted around a sharp curve. The trees opened up to a large clear cut where pines must have been harvested. The deep smell of pure nature hit Peter's nose with a strong musky scent.

Colton leaned forward and cut the radio off, "Boy, I expect you don't know much about me and family here." He looked over at Peter and continued at his nod, "Well, it isn't much more than us and my mom. See me and your dad have the same father's, but our mother's are different."

Peter nodded again and it helped with a few questions. He waited for a few more minutes to see if his uncle would continue. When the truck slowed and started turning on to a small driveway Peter guessed Colton said all he was going to say. He played with his hoodie strings again watching a small cabin come into view. Horses and sheep trotted down the fence line on one side, and a small mix blooded dog limped down the porch steps. It was nothing like Peter expected. It was small and rustic, but peaceful at the same time. The truck slid to a harsh stop just in front of the cabin. Peter waited a minute before reaching out to open the door. He flinched at his uncles next words,

"Luna inside will show you to your room. Mind yourself and settle in, I'll be back at dark." Colton opened his door and stepped out shutting it with one hand. He paused looking at Peter with a frown, "Don't be asking to many questions."

Peter just nodded and opened his door, grabbing his bag. Before he could shut the truck door Colton was gone. The old dog limped over to him smelling his leg, before wagging her bent tail. "Hey girl. Guess You're my new friend huh." He said patting the dogs soft head.

"Her names Misty."

Peter looked up to the porch, she must be Luna. Her strawberry blond hair styled in a ponytail seemed bright in the shade of the porch roof.

"Grab your bags and come on. You'll find everything easier to take in once you get settled in." she walked to the screen door and pulled it open. "Well, come on don't dwindle. Names Crystal, but everyone calls me Luna." Her voice held a tinge of something he couldn't pinpoint.

"Yes, ma'am." Peter said as he pulled his suitcase off the back of the truck.

He walked inside enjoying her bright smile, the fact that she looked stiff when he said anything missed him by a mile. He wondered who she was exactly since his uncle never mentioned a wife or anything other then his mother. He stopped himself from asking when his uncles warning hit him. He would learn more by watching anyway, that's what he learned from his past. Answers always came when they were ready to appear. He flinched as the tingling spread from his neck down his spine. He pushed it away. Lately that feeling bugged him, it started just after waking up to see his parents laying in the highway. He shook his head, how he didn't have some kind if injury amazed him. That was something he still couldn't figure out.

She smiled wide showing her white teeth. "I like that. A boy with manners!" she said excitedly, hiding the true effect his voice had on her.

The hinges squeaked behind them as the screen door closed with a small slam. He suddenly felt like he was locked in a cage. He looked over his shoulder at the door. He shook his head again. Something is definitely not right. He waited in the large hallway for Luna to lead the way. Her boots sounded loud on the hard wood floor. The whole house was made of wood planks and old pictures lined the walls. Not far down the hall the house opened up, and light flooded in from large glass windows.

"To your left is the kitchen, don't plunder in there after dark. We eat at sunrise, lunch, and dinner. School starts at seven a. m. don't ever over sleep and miss school. Moving on, to the right is the living room." They walked on to another hallway. "Colton's office and room are the first two doors here straight across each other. Never go in ether unless asked to. This door here," she tapped the door to her right, "is the bathroom. Down here at the end on the left is your room." She opened the door and stood to the side.

Peter walked in and set his bags on the green carpet just inside the door. He walked over to the desk by the window and looked out. Trees, green grass, and a tall red barn fill his view. He turned and looked at the small bed in the corner. The quilt matched the carpet with green stripes mixed with black ones. A large dresser sat against the walk by the bed. It was a small room with no closet. No pictures lined the walls in this room. It was small, pliant, and green. He decided he liked it and flashed a smile at Luna. She brightened even more.

"I hoped you would like it." She clapped her hands, "Now, I'll let you unpack and settle in. Any thing you want for dinner?"

Peter shook his head no and grabbed his suitcase off the floor setting it on the bed. He relaxed when he heard the door click shut behind him. Maybe the feeling riding his back was just nerves. What else could it be? He sat down on the bed beside his suitcase reaching in his pocket for his phone and ear buds. The tangled cord took some time to straighten out, but soon he had rock music blaring in his ears. He unpacked quickly and stuffed his empty suitcase under his bed. His thoughts went to his parents and Lexi. Throwing himself on the bed he felt the exhaustion from the long trip take hold. He fell asleep laying face first on his bed.

Luna leaned on the kitchen counter. The boy would be a problem soon. No wonder Colton ran off so fast. The Alpha blood the boy carried was stronger than hers. Colton being just a tracker would find it hard being the boys guardian, not to mention if Ray found out another Alpha was around. The boy didn't seem to know it, or he just didn't care. She would need to have a long talk with Colton, and soon. The boy was in danger, she could feel it. Her mind probed for Colton's link. She growled to herself when she couldn't find him.

"The bastard knows he shouldn't cut me off like that!" she whispered to herself slamming her hand down on the counter. She felt a sudden link hit her,

"Luna! Where is Colton?" his voice rang out to her.

She shook her head, "I don't know Ray." She answered.

She felt his rage and then a calm took hold, "A new wolf is here. A pup by the smell of it. Find out who it is, and find Colton!" Ray said calmly.

She blew out her breath and glared at the big window over the sink. "Okay."

Colton had a lot of trouble on his hands if he didn't open his link soon. Her uncle is in a mood. She feared the calm more than the rage, but for some reason Ray's authority was weakened. His command seemed softer, almost like she had a choice between doing it or not doing it. She looked toward the hall. Could the boys blood be more powerful and dominate than Ray's? She dug her nails into the wood counter. Could that be possible? She looked down when the sound of splintering wood echoed through the kitchen. She relaxed her hands. The boy didn't have a musky smell yet, so he hasn't shifted yet. He would soon, she could tell by the air around him. His bloodline was strong and by the way Colton talked he just turned sixteen.

Misty barked once and Luna let out a breath. Her mind found Colton and she let into him,

"What the hell are you up to! Don't ever shut me off again Colton. It's bad enough I have to answer to Ray for all this!" she hiss at him.

"Hold your tongue woman, I'll explain." He cut their link and stormed into the house. His voice deepened when he rounded the corner, "Cut your link with everyone." Colton told her.

She just did sever her ties when her grabbed her around her waist and pulled her in for a heated kiss. His tongue finding hers as they pushed against each other in a passion filled battle. Her small moans mixed with soft growls heated his blood. They were mates, but Ray didn't approve. He kissed his way down her neck, as he picked her up by her hips. He set her on the counter and let his mouth travel down her chest, loving her low cut shirts. She wrapped her legs around him trembling with a burning desire. He growled low in his throat bringing his hand up to her stomach pulling at her shirt.

She snapped back to the problem at hand. "Colton no, stop."

He froze, and pulled away from her just enough to look her in the eyes. "I know." He said in a deep voice laced with his arousal.

She ran her fingers through his short hair. "We got to talk about this. I know he hasn't shifted, but Ray knows he's here."

Colton leaned forward placing his head on her shoulder. "Does he know who he is?"

"No, but it won't take him long to find out." She whispered, running her long fingers through his hair. "The boy is in danger, we have to talk to him. See if he knows what he is, and the sooner the better."

Colton nodded, his eyes closed enjoying the strong strokes of her fingers. "We will question him tonight. For now though let's enjoy some alone time." Colton grinned at her playfully as he picked her up from the counter.

She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing his ear with a playful smile. Peter forgotten as the bedroom door slammed shut after them. Soon darkness would move in and this rare moment would end sending Luna back to her uncle. Good thing wolves only died from severed heads or crushed hearts.

Peter slept deeply while dreams of forests and memories flashed around him. It wasn't a nightmare, but something different. Something he couldn't explain. He tried to wake up, only no matter how hard he tried he would end up being pulled deeper into the dreams. His body trembled and the tingling spread all over his body. He fell into a dark dream, blood the color of shining silver spread along the ground from his body. He felt no pain, but he knew it was blood. His blood, he let the dream take him. Finally giving in and no longer fighting it. He could hear his mother's voice whispering to him,

"Soon, soon son, you will be more than your father."

Darkness closed in on him. A deep restful sleep claiming his tired mind.

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