She is His

By True_Legend_

76.4K 2K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



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By True_Legend_

Hazel's pov

School flew by and I didn't really care. My adopted mom's death day was come up and that is all that was on my mind. She was one of the kindest women ever, never put herself first and never questioned another's decision.

"Miss.Grey! The answer please." I took out a headphone as my table partner hit me lightly.  I rolled my eyes at the sub for precalculus, the old man couldn't even keep his glasses on straight.

"One hundred fifty-five to the eighth power and then quadruple that by six and square root it by twelve." I rolled my eyes as his jaw dropped. Little did he know I was a mathematical genius in other words. It was my subject other then writing.

"Well umm... thank you Miss.Grey." I nodded my head and put my headphones back in.

I continued the day with my headphones in not caring at all. Lunch came and that brought a smile to my face, to see my friends.

"Hey Haz! Jay got pizza!" I walked over to the table and sat next to Malx, he seemed down today.

We all sat and started making conversation with each other. Mason came over and talked to Malx in his ear that clearly angered him. He shot up and punched him in the face making Mason back up a few steps.

The cafeteria fell silent as Mason's goons circled him to make sure he was okay. He pushed them off standing back up. Everyone waited to see 'the star running back' fight his 'quiet and weird' twin.

"You're dead!" Mason lunged at Malx and the fight began. Punches were thrown again and again till Malx put Mason in a hold. We have lunch at the same time teachers did so no one was there other then the old lunch ladies and they couldn't do much.

"Come on Malx, he isn't worth it." Rose voice rang out as Malx looked back. He let him go only for Mason to turn around and it all started again.

After a few more meaningless seconds of it me and Jay both went in and pulled them apart. The both had blood some where on their face and bloody knuckles. Jay had trouble holding back Malx, he was just pulling and yanking wanting to fight again.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOU KILLED HER! DON'T BLAME HER SHE WASN'T DRIVING!" Malx yelled as Mason went slump. Me and Jay rushed them out quickly as their Dad came into the building seeing both his boys being restrained and bloody. Rose must of called him, she babysits their youngest brother on the weekends.

"What. The. Hell. Happened." Me and Jay let them go backing up a few steps as they both looked at their dad.

"He did it! He just lunged at me for no reason!" Mason shouted out and their dad looked to Malx who didn't even get a word in.

"How dare you Malx!" Their dad yelled, I couldn't take it.

"Excuse me sir, hi I'm Hazel. The story you were just given by Mason is a complete and utter lie. Mason came to Malx whispering in his ear and Malx went off. Mason started it again even after Malx didn't want to fight after the first time. I'm sure you raised your boys very well and I'm only a girl but the way Mason treats Malx is very wrong and you don't even know it." The father raised his eyebrow at me.

"You're Storm, the fighter?" I nodded my head at the man, he must have seen some fights.

"Dad the bitch is lying!" Mason shouted.

"Enough Mason! Malx, tell me the truth." Malx looked up at his father for the first time since he has seen him.

"He said Lil deserved to die in the crash and he didn't. That it was her fault when he was the one drinking and driving. So I'm sorry I didn't say anything but I am not sorry for making him bleed. Father he pushes and picks on me to prove stuff to his friends. I say nothing because I don't want him to get in trouble but I'm done doing that." Malx stood tall as Mason's jaw hit the floor.

"Thank you, let's deal with this at home. Oh Storm, sorry Hazel good luck the girl has a mean right." They all walked out the door Mason looking sad that his little games were over.

I looked at Jay and he looked at me. We both gave out a laugh. I missed these moments with him, just me and him, the original two together again. We haven't really been together at all, we've both had things going on and I miss it.

"So another fight? I'll get to see the Queen fight one last time." He gave me a smirk before messing up my hair and in return got smacked on the hand. We both laughed and walked back to eat.

The last 3 hours went by faster then a fly can blink. It just zoomed by and before I knew it I was outside Heaven's preschool picking her up.

"Hazel!! Yay hi!!" She jumped in my arms as her teacher came by us. I buckled her in before closing the door and facing the teacher.

"So you are her father's playtoy? Not gonna lie I expected more." Sounds like someone is jealous.

"Nice to meet you too. Just because my man doesn't want a blonde bimbo like you doesn't mean you need to be jealous. You look young enough go find someone of your own. Oh also don't ever try and down grade me again." I was nose to nose with her as her eyes began to search for help. She tried but her scary act doesn't do anything to me. I've met cats scarier then her and that's saying something.

I turned around and jumped in the driver seat. I looked in the mirror as Heaven gave me a smile. That little girl fixes everything with a simple smile.

"Don't worry, I don't like her very much either." I smiled at her comment before blasting some music and driving off. We jammed all the way to the house and damn can Heaven move in a car seat.

We pulled up Blu and Angel outside with the other dogs and began to bark with happiness. I got out and unbuckled Heaven before racing to the door with her.

"Hello? Anyone miss us?" I yelled into the house.

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