Senran Kagura: Thunderbird (R...

By Tojamaru

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Tenma Watanabe the adopted son of Kiriya attends the secret Shinobi school along with the top four teams afte... More

Tenma introduction
Chapter 1: The Tormented Soul
Chapter 2: Regret
Chapter 3:Thunderous Return
Chapter 4:Road to Recovery
Chapter 5:Team Hanzo's Test
Chapter 6:Team Gessen's Test
Chapter 7:Team Hebijo's Test
Chapter 8:Crimson Squad's Test
Chapter 9:Hibari the Static Rabbit
Chapter 10:Attack of the Shinobi Family
Chapter 11:Tenma's Weekend Secret
Chapter 12:The Shinobis of Earth and Water
Chapter 13:The Warlords Gather
Chapter 14:Confessions
Chapter 15:Tenma vs New Wave
Chapter 16:Forgive and Forget
Chapter 17:Hebijo Dates
Chapter 18:Hanzo Dates
Chapter 19:Crimson Squad Dates
Chapter 20:Gessen Dates
Chapter 21:Haru and Hakuoh Academy
Chapter 22:Kaito and Zodiac Academy
Chapter 23:Itsuki and Tengu Squad
Chapter 24:Hell Kaiser Assault
Chapter 25:Brawl at the Music Festival
Chapter 26:Shikawa's Courage
Chapter 27:A Warlord's True Power
Chapter 28:Secrets of the Warlords
Chapter 29:Senpai and Sensei's Little Brother
Chapter 30:The Warlord of Wind's Past
Chapter 31:Shinobi with Perfect Luck
Chapter 32:Storm of Awakening
Chapter 33:Seaside Training
Chapter 35:Day at the Beach
Chapter 36:Dirty Little Secret!
Chapter 37:Island Shinobi Hunt!
Chapter 38:The Painful Truth Comes Out
Chapter 39:Dancer's Fan and Shinozuka Industrial!
Curse of the Thunderbird Is Up!

Chapter 34:Irish Demon Dancer

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By Tojamaru

Okay so last time we saw Tenma training like crazy on the island, that is until he was interrupted by Patrick who knocked some sense into him. The girls are also on the island, but have no idea Tenma and the Warlords are there, how will this play out?
Shikawa drifted on his surfboard in the water as he waited for a wave to come by so he could ride it back to shore. Shikawa always loved the ocean and just being in it caused him to relax and be at peace. Shikawa's peace was broken by the sound of giggling and splashing as he turned his head towards the sound. To his absolute shock all of the girls from Hanzo Ultimate where in swimsuits and playing in the water. "What the hell are they doing here?!" Shikawa thought to himself as he tried not to draw attention to himself. Unfortunately for the Warlord of Water Muramasa turned her head and spotted him.
"Shikawa!" Muramasa cheered as the other New Wave girls turned to look at him in surprise and joy. "Son of a bitch!" Shikawa thought as he had been found out. The four elite teams also turned to look at him and he could see in their eyes they had questions for him. "Fantastic, now I'm gonna get bombarded once a make it back to shore." Shikawa thought as he glared down at his surfboard. Shikawa heard the familiar roar of water as he turned to see a large wave barreling towards him. "Perfect, just what I needed to take the edge off!" Shikawa thought happily as he laid down on his surfboard as he began to ride the wave.
               Shikawa popped up so he was standing on the board as he began ride the wave into shore. Once Shikawa got back to the shore, he picked up his surfboard and began to walk away from the girls. "Shikawa! I'm so happy to see you!" Ayame cheered as she pulled him into a hug from behind as Shikawa felt his face heat up. "Why can't things just go right for once?" Shikawa thought to himself as the other girls began to approach as well. "I-It's n-nice t-to see you as well Ayame." Shikawa stuttered our as he tried to calm himself down as best he could. Ayame giggles before tightening the hug she had him locked into.
"Shikawa if your here, that means the other Warlords are as well right?" Asuka asked meekly as Shikawa looked at her. "Yes we are all here to train." Shikawa stated coldly, which caused Asuka to flinch. "Shikawa could you tell us where Tenma is on the island?" Yumi asked in a gentle voice as Shikawa felt something in him snap. "After what you pulled the day he recovered, do you honestly think I would tell you anything?!" Shikawa shouted as all of the girls flinched at his tone. "Hey we just wanna" Homura never finished as something came flying out of the tree line behind them that crashed into the sand.
"O'Sullivan you are going to pay for that!" All of the girls turned to see Tenma collapsed on the ground in his Shinobi gear as the boy with red eyes and claw gauntlets walked out of the forest. "All's fair in love and war boyo. Now why don't you pick yourself up so I can kick your arse again!" Patrick said with a laugh as Tenma got back on his feet. "Last time I checked we were tied up in this little competition of ours." Tenma grumbled as Patrick laughed once again. "True, True, but don't go thinking I'll let ya get another one on me boyo." Patrick said as he pulled out his MP3 player and switched songs to Electric Swing.
Patrick's hoodie turned blue as he started zipping around Tenma at high speeds. Tenma calmed his senses as he listened carefully for Patrick to strike. Patrick suddenly shot towards Tenma and attempted to slash at him, only to have his arm grabbed. "Not this time Patrick!" Tenma said as he threw Patrick over his shoulder and into a nearby palm tree. "Ow, that's goin to hurt in the Mornin!" Patrick said as he got back on his feet. Patrick noticed that Tenma had a devious look in his eye and new what he was going to do. "Don't you dare say it boyo!" Patrick snarled as he glared at Tenma.
"Ima say it!" Tenma fired back as he tried to get Patrick angry. "Don't you say it!" Patrick said with an even angrier voice. "Where is your pot of gold leprechaun?" Tenma said in an annoying teasing tone. "Oh now ya don it ya Staticky git!" Patrick shouted as he pulled out his MP3 player again and changed the song again. Patrick changed his music to samba, which turned his hoodie red and red energy feathers floated around him. Patrick slashed his claws at Tenma, which sent large red energy waves hurling towards him. Tenma jumped out of the way as Patrick began to dance towards him as he continued to send red energy waves towards him.
               "Aw did I strike a nerve Patrick?" Tenma taunted as he dodged another energy wave before forming a lightning Buzzsaw in his hand. "Shocking Buzzsaw!" Tenma shouted as he hurled the large disc at Patrick, but he quickly switched his music to breakdance. Patrick's hoodie turned purple as he began dodging using breakdancing moves before jumping up into the air and grabbing Tenma. Tenma tried to draw Kasharashi, but wasn't fast enough as Patrick threw him into the ocean. Patrick landed back on the ground as his hoodie went back to black as his music returned to hip hop. "Dats wha ya get for callin me a leprechaun boyo!" Patrick said as he waited for Tenma to get back up.
"Now I'm starting to enjoy myself!" Tenma said with a chuckle as he got ready to attack. "Ninja Art Thunderous Kamikaze!" Tenma shouted as the sphere of crackling electricity formed in his hand. "Oh ho! So that's how ya wanna play it? Well then two can play at that game!" Patrick said as he took a fighting stance as well. "Ninja Art Triple Remix!" Patrick shouted as he selected three music genres at once. Patrick's hoodie now had red, gray, and blue stripes on it as his claw gauntlet was encased in a large amount of red energy, along with his strength and speed being increased drastically.
Tenma and Patrick ran at each other as they pulled their arms back ready to attack when they closed the distance. Tenma's Lightning sphere collided with Patrick's energy encased gauntlet as the two of them dug their feet into and refused to be pushed away by the other's power. Eventually the colliding energies exploded sending both boys flying backwards. Tenma and Patrick once again stood back up and faced each other, ready to continue their fight no matter what. Little did the two Shinobi know, they had an audience watching their sparring match in awe.
"That's the boy that helped us defeat Yuki. I wonder what he's doing here?" Yumi said as she watched the fight continue without any signs of stopping. "Patrick O'Sullivan a Shinobi from Ireland and a close friend of Tenma's. He is known as the Demon Dancer in the Shinobi world for his dance based fighting style." Shikawa explained as he watched the two go back and forth trading blows with each other. Shikawa noticed that the four elite teams had a sad look in their eyes when they watched Tenma. "Feeling bad won't fix what all of you have did to him the day he left, but maybe you'll get lucky." Shikawa thought to himself before turning back to the fight.
                 "Oi Tenma dis is fun an all, but how's about we finish dis little scrap of ours?" Patrick asked the Thunder Warlord who just had a smile plastered across his face. "I couldn't agree more!" Tenma said as he drew Kasharashi and got ready to attack. "Ultimate Ninja Art Thunderbird's Lightning Wing!" Tenma shouted as the Lightning formed around him and took shape of the mythical bird as he flew into the air. "Ultimate Ninja Art Cerberus's Hellish Fury!" Patrick shouted as the mythical three headed dog formed around him out of red energy. The Thunderbird let out a mighty screech as Cerberus let out three hellish barks.
                   Tenma dive bombed Patrick as he caught Kasharashi with his claw Gauntlets as the left and right dog heads bit down on the Thunderbird's wings. The middle Cerberus head bit down on the Bird's neck as the two Shinobi still had their weapons locked in a deep struggle. Red energy and lightning wildly whipped around the area of the two beasts as they continued to out do the other. The students of Hanzo Ultimate watched in awe at the battle before them. "Is that all you got Patrick?!" Tenma asked his friend as they still struggled for power. "I'm just gettin warmed up Tenma!" Patrick responded as they both used every last bit of power they had.
             A giant beam of red energy and Lightning shot into the sky as the two beasts exploded. It took every ounce of strength for the students of Hanzo Ultimate not to be knocked off their feet from the force of the attack. As the dust settled the onlookers were surprised to find both Tenma and Patrick collapsed on the ground, completely exhausted after the clash they just had. "Your as crazy as ever Watanabe! Only you can push me this far!" Patrick said as he looked up at the sky and smiled. "Oh your one to talk! You crazy Irish bastard! I haven't had that much fun in awhile!" Tenma said with a chuckle as he also looked up at the sky.
                "Tenma!" Tenma looked over at his girlfriends and his smile quickly faded and was replaced by an angered glare as he shakily stood up. "Patrick let's get outta here." Tenma said plainly as he began to walk away from the group. "Tenma where are going?" Minori asked as Tenma stopped dead in his tracks at her words. "I'm just respecting all of your wishes. You said not to hurry back, so don't worry you won't be seeing much of me." Tenma said as he clenched his fist tightly before continuing to walk away. "Babe listen, we're sorry about what we said." Homura pleaded as Tenma just got angrier.
"Don't be sorry you were right about what you said. Trust me all of you are better off without me, so I'll just get back to training." Tenma said as he dashed off before anything else could be said. Patrick stood up and glared at the group before deciding to speak. "Good goin lassies, do ya know how long it took me to get that Staticky git smilin?" Patrick said in an annoyed tone as he turns to walk away. "He's our boyfriend asshole! We care about him!" Hikage shouted as Patrick sent her and the rest of the girls a deadly glare over his shoulder. "Ya and look at what your shite has done to him, bastard can't even smile right no more." Patrick said before he faced forward again and continued to walk.
"If ya care about Tenma then do him a favor and stay away, seeing you lot will only hurt him more." Patrick said without even looking at them as he finally walked off. The girls had tears pricking their eyes as they tried their hardest not to cry. "Patrick is right, give Tenma his space. When he's ready then he'll talk to you about it. Until then I wouldn't try going near him." Shikawa said before walking of back to the beach house the Warlords were staying in without saying a word. The members of the four elite teams felt something in them break as they processed what just happened to them. One thing was for sure, things had just gotten worse for them.

Okay so now we got to see Patrick in action against a stronger opponent! What lies in store next for Tenma? What will his girlfriends do now that they found out he was on the island? What's in store next for the Warlords? Find out next time on Senran Kagura:Thunderbird!

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