One shots

By bombevil

90.7K 570 86

Series of one shots. A mixture of whirlwind romance, with a pinch of sexy and sprinkle of culture. They're u... More

City lights
Clear smoke
Crazy bird
Paper hearts (corazones de papel)
Written on the walls
All of you
Aching soul
Fine wine
Thousand years
Saints and sinners
Dancing in darkness
Speck of gold
Slow motion
Messages from her
And then I rise
Waiting and wishing
Dear darling
Little white lies
Volverte a ver
Lightning before the thunder
Sweet sunshine
Black and blue
Last first
Wild card
Rich risks
Pretty distractions
The play
Forget me not
Run Game
Free falling
You're Cold
Find me in the hopeless
The devils we know

Ruined by misery

540 6 0
By bombevil

"Our backs tell stories no books have the spine to carry."- Rupi Kaur

Her legs were hesitant and shook slightly as she got out of her car. The country house in front of her was a mansion in her eyes, yet held the very essence of a converted barn mixed in with a farmhouse. And it sat beautifully on an elevated floor with a wraparound porch. A low country bed swing made from smooth wood sat on the right, covered in soft mauve and brown cushions with a brown white throw resting on the back, contrasting against the white of the home. Her eyes looked up and she could see the endless woods that ate up no doubt many acres of the land. She was already in love. She wiped her shaky hand on her dress as they started sweating. A small hand in hers giving her all the confidence she needed to finally step  up and knock.

The sound of a close laugh and squeal vibrates through the door before it swung open to very familiar faces. Her sisters best friend Gianna was quick to step out and envelope her in a familiar warmth, and like she did used to do with her sister she snuggled in close breathing in the floral scent of the woman with whom she had shed many tears with as they dealt with their battles.

"I'm so happy your here."

The crack in her voice made her feel crushing guilt. She was close to not coming here herself, rather send a congratulations card with a gift and let her two assistants whom she trusted with her life and her only friends come deal with this client. She knew it was the only way apart from loving her cooking and deserts that Gianna could think about getting her out of her home or her hole in the wall shop. But the overwhelming sense of love and honour overcame her knowing they were trusting her with their big day tomorrow and the wedding rehearsal party tonight. And so she came knowing for Gianna she was the sister she never had. And well for her the closest remaining thing of a sibling who she was overly protective over.

"I'm happy to be here."

Breaking apart she swiped a finger under her eye to wipe away the escaped tear as she laughed softly. And with that Gianna's attention turned to her little body next to her whilst she turned to say hello to the man who she remembered. Andrea had grown from the teenager and little boy she remembered from the times her sister bought them out to their home when they were in Italy. He had matured into a giant and the tender look of a man whipped in his eyes as he watched Gianna gave her all the reassurance she needed that her sister was finally getting her well deserved happily ever after.  As he turned his gaze in her a smile of recognition lit up on his face.

"How are you Camille?"

He would have no doubt felt the stiffness in her body from the sudden touch, and felt her breath out as she relaxed into his friendly sideways hug. Tucking an escaped strand of her hair behind her ear her reply soft and quiet.

"I'm good Andrea, how's it going for you."

The smile that graced his face made his eyes crinkle, as he replied perfect before slipping a hand around Gianna's waist as she straightened out before he led her into the house.

Ormanno added the last touches by hanging the string lights up and placing the black lanterns in the exact locations his mother was dictating to him. Whilst he grumbled and groaned under his breath he loved her too much to say no. His father sat near Luc who held his fiancé Thalia flush again his front as she sat in his lap whilst she cradled the latest addition to the clan in her arms. Andrea's son had taken after his mother with small pink pouty lips and brown doe eyes. And as the first grandchild and nephew was going to be spoiled rotten. Savas was in mid fight with his very pregnant wife as Shiloh refused to at the moment. He didn't even one to think about them. A constant mind fuck who were always at each other's neck or couldn't take their hands off of each other. With her luck if their twins were anything like him and her husband she was in for a hell of a ride. Tecero was still making his way down today along with the ever feisty Lisa. And last but not least the youngest Enzo stood leaning against the porch twirling a knife in his hand  bored like normal. He shook his head and threw a small candle at him, that he caught without even looking in his direction. How was he the one that ended up having to do the hard and dirty work?

The home was everything she could have desired and dreamed of. The small foyer was lined with family pictures of a large family dominated by boys. Shoes scattered the floor and she didn't hesitate to take off the black strapped heels that she would wear again later in the evening. The ceiling was high and vaulted. A single step with an arch separated the foyer from the living room. A few steps from her on the right sat a cream curved sofa with single love couches on the sides, parallel to a stone wall which had a built in fireplace and a smart tv hanging above. Two large french doors with black panelling sat on either side open letting in the breeze dance with the sheer tulle curtains. It gave way to a glimpse of a small group of people laughing around, the bustling of what she could only describe as perfection and the view of a very shirtless man in a ladder hanging up a lantern. Her cheeks grew a crimson from the sight of her first man in five years as she averted her eyes so quick she was sure she got whiplash. Further down was a corridor with a high archway that curved and she only grew curious as to what was down there. On the left a stride away from her was a stair case that had a balcony that overlooked the room. Two doors were close and cradled an archway she could only imagine was lined with rooms. Underneath sat a shiny black grand piano with a music sheet left open and she wondered who played. One final archway sat adjacent which she guessed was the kitchen.

As Andrea left Gianna led her through to the kitchen of her dreams. The theme of the living room carried into it. A proper country kitchen  consisting of white marble and brown wood. A marble island sat in the middle with the whole cabinets and stainless steel appliances started from the wall in pantry and ran down the whole of the left side curving around to stop short in front of the same designed french doors on her right. A white wood chester dining table with windsor chairs sat in front soaking in the direct sunlight. The home was everything she had once envisioned for herself at a young age. And she couldn't help the sigh of longing and wishing that escaped her.

The sound of a little voice shouting nonna broke her out of her admiration. Mama Giada looked more beautiful than the last time she saw her a month ago. She didn't hesitate to run into her open arms and hold onto the woman who treated her equally as her daughter she did Gianna. A tiny body clamped down on her leg and so she let her go letting mama pick up her little mini me who was attacked with cuddles and numerous loud smooches only a grandmother could get away with. The sight bought one of the rare genuine smiles on her face.

He was done. Despite the breeze the sun beat down on him with a vengeance. A light sheen of sweat covered his body as he flipped the bird at his family with a smile who were mocking him for finally being done with the set up. He used his fitted henley to wipe his face before heading for the kitchen. Eyes moving up and scanning the room they fell short on a face that once was familiar. The once annoying, headstrong nerd had been replaced by a young woman who's tanned smoothed skin glowed. Amber eyes that were hidden by thick rimmed glasses now held a strong mix of a golden and coppery tint. Dark brown hair framed her round face, wisps falling out to brush her collar bones with the rest held back at the nape of her neck. Slender fingers rested against the marbles counter of the island she was currently sitting on, a glass of wine by her side. A leg peeked out of the slit of her dress, revealing a toned leg that went for miles and toe nails painted a bright red.

"Cammy?" He said astounded, taken aback.

If she wasn't blushing before she definitely was now. Her first childhood crush stood in front of her, and she could feel the quickening pace of her heart as she leisurely took in the man that now stood away from her. If the lack of shirt, the sculpted pecs and abs and distinct scar than ran into his trousers was any indication it was the same man who was in the ladder earlier. His hands were larger than she remembered, and arms toned and all muscle connected to broad shoulders. Gone was the once lanky slim boy she would reply back to with wit and snarky sarcasm. What stood in front of her was a real man.

"Ormanno," she nodded pleased that her voice didn't give away that he still stirred something in her.

Her voice was like velvet, wrapping around him. Soft yet silky, ringing clear. His eyes remained trained on her, watching as she pulled her cardigan tighter around her and looked away with a look in her eyes directed at someone else. It brought him back to where he was and realised opposite her stood Gianna with a boy sitting on the counter next to her staring unabashedly at him with his head cocked to the side as if trying to work something out. He was shocked as he stared at the replica of Camille from pouty lips with a strong Cupid's bow, the sharpness of her nose right down to the same amber eyes. The only difference was his hair that was a dark shade of dirty blonde.

"Who are you?" The little voice ring out.

"Who are you?" He retorted back.

"I asked first," the little boy replied, hands crossed. And in that money he could see young Cammy in the little boy who he didn't doubt was just as sharp tongued.

And he couldn't help but smirk, crossing his arms.

"Micah, and that my mom your glaring at," he replied pointing out Camille, a underlying protective tone as he punctuated his words.

"Ormanno." He replied walking up to him sticking out a hand that he shook.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't look at mama like that."

He couldn't help but let out a laugh at the honesty and forwardness of the kid. With each word he spoke he only confirmed what he already knew. And as the thought trailed on he felt the slight waver in his smile wondering if the conversations he laid half attention to were true. He couldn't pinpoint it all but she had decided to keep him. And in that moment adoration and respect for the woman Camille had turned into soured within him.

"Noted little man."

Ruffling his hair her turned back to the woman who had caught is interest. The last time he saw her was when she was fifteen. She lay by the pool a book in her hands and had just started to grow a pair of boobs. It had stopped in in his tracks as he drank in her form in the yellow two piece, and realised for the first time that she wasn't so much the annoying child he associated with her being. After that summer her and her sister had never returned. And from time to time he still thought about what she might have been doing.

"Sorry Cammy, how's it going."

He worked his way around the kitchen, grabbing a glass and the wine bottle. His eyes finding hers at every moment he could, as the fell into easy conversation of catch up and comfort.

From the moment he first looked at her, she felt naked. Instinctively her hands wrapped her black cardigan tighter around her even though you could see nothing. The neckline although dipped into a v was still relatively modest revealing the tiniest amount of cleavage. It was the slit than ran up the side that revealed everything. A sexy amount of leg. As he started conversation that began to flow freely she felt herself grow to ease. She didn't realise Gianna leaving with a knowing grin with her little man, nor that she had opened up more than she had in the past five years and let slip through the side of her from her childhood she thought she had lost. Nor how close he had grown to her body that she could feel the heat radiating off him subtly warming her skin.

In the course of talking he didn't realise how close he had grown to her. He was basking in the fact that he was the reason why her head was falling back and laughing, why there was a constant smile on her face for the time being and a spark in her eye. So much that he didn't realise her stood in front of her, body angled arm leaning in part caging her in as her words came to a stop. Realisation spends into her eyes and him. He could feel the heat off her body against her arm. He held her gaze, saw the tightening of her hands curled spring the counter from his peripheral vision and the hitch in her breathing. He didn't realise what he was doing, the way his body stood taller, moved closer as his eyes honed in on the lips she wet with her tongue that poked out. With a silver of space between them, his hand landing in top of hers, the sound of a throat clearing and laughter hidden under a cough broke him out of his reverie. The fog that clouded his mind cleared and he jumped a away feeling the loss of heat, along with what he was about to do dawning on him. His eyes grew slightly bigger as he took in the flushed state of Camille who wouldn't even look into his eyes. He sighed shoulders sagging before stopping in front of her. His hand on her chin her pulled her gaze up to his.

"I'm sorry Cammy, I'll see you later."

With the parting words, and the sudden softness of his lips feathering across her forehead, he left. She felt the loss of heat. Didn't understand where all her logic flew to. How he made her lose all inhibition and cause a tight coil of need, of desperate release to grow deep in her stomach with nothing more than a smouldering gaze. How a man could still affect a tainted her, no less a man from her childhood that she had just met again. Looking into the cocky knowing eyes and smirks on the faces of her two friends who were finally here so they could finally make a start, she held up a hand and they finally grew into a fit of giggles.

"Don't, shut it." She all but growled knowingly.

She didn't try to decipher what just happened or what feelings were stirring in her. She rubbed a hand over her face, breathed in understanding how great of a danger he was to her feelings and attempted to push it all to the back of her mind. She would lose herself in preparing the wedding cake and desserts for tonight leaving dinner to the late comers who were still giggling. And then she would work on acting normal and avoid being alone with Ormanno. Because she couldn't risk making a mistake. Or worse end up hurting herself.

Time was lost on her like it always was when she got into her zone. Her hands worked skilfully and efficiently. It didn't hurt that the kitchen was huge and she practically had the island to herself. She didn't hear the number of guests that came through. Didn't realise the size of their family put together. It wasn't until dinner was ready to be served that she was broken out of her trance. The finishing touches for the cake had to be added but dinner had to be served. And whilst her catering company didn't have to, they took pride in all their work including the praise along with serving. With that in mind she took off the apron she was wearing to help keep her dress clean. After serving they were expected to join. And whilst she felt honoured, the nerves she felt grew stronger with no idea as to what awaited her.

Taking a deep breath in, keeping her head down she wiped her sweaty hands in her dress before grabbing two plates and following out. It felt like a swarm. Andrea's family was huge with Gianna only have two uncles in her mothers side who had a child each. Conversation was utter chaos as they shouted at each other all at the same time that she couldn't fathom how they knew who was talking to who. Children sat alongside the parents and she could see little Micah by mama who was waving at her, a smile lighting up his face. She winked at him as she continued. It felt like an endless number of plates, before there was only two. Her eyes scanned the rowdy crowd as they began to tuck in. A place by Micah was left for her and a old woman who she recognised as the boys grandmother on the other. Everyone seemed to have a plate except one.

Ormanno watched they way she worked. The way she could loose herself in her creations and loved the way it made her smile a little. The way she furrowed her eyebrows and would chew on her lip when she felt something wasn't quite right. He stared as she served, the way she was uncomfortable from the amount of noise and people. He couldn't help but smirk as he saw the realisation that the other plate in her hands was for him. He loved the way her dress opened giving him a peek at the leg that was teasing. The red of her toe nails against her black strapped heels. He saw the shake of her hand as she placed the plate in front of him. Felt her breath fan over him and they way it hitched when he leaned in closer, his hand brushing hers as he reached for the utensils.

"Thank you."

She was officially done for. The softness of his words washed over her body, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. She didn't miss the way his chocolate eyes darkened as she turned to look at him. The way they cast down, no doubt getting an ample looks at her cleavage as the dress fell forward. Nor how close he was. Jerking back, her hand moving away like it was struck by lightning she turned taking her seat. Whilst she replied when spoken to, she kept quiet during the duration of dinner. She focused on her boy and was grateful that the boys were ordered to serve dessert which she had already sorted out. She remained in her seat as a few people began dancing on the porch, the children taken inside to be put to bed as the night got later. And as the air grew more humid, all she wanted to do was run.

Ormanno couldn't take his eyes off her. No matter who he was in conversation with, or what he was doing. As soon as he heard the timid sound of her voice his head would whip back to her like she was a siren calling to him. He realised the odd looks he was getting from his brothers. The smile on Gianna's face and his fathers. Even his grandmother, patted his hand during the course of dinner. And even now as he dances with his nonna, his eyes stayed trained on her. The way she fanned herself no doubt the air getting to her. How she politely declined anyone who asked to dance and looked every inch ready to bolt.

"Your going to burn holes into her cariño."

He looked down to argue and refute her. But the look on her face that she always had when she would whoop you for arguing had him keep his mouth shut tight. He carried on swaying her to the music as she patted his chest, laying a head against him. His head popped up, looking out for a glimpse Camille. To find her gone. Frantic eyes searched the area, his movements halting as the last of the guests turned to turn in for the night. His barely muttered a goodnight to his nonna who shook her head softly smiling as he looked out for any sign of movement. The only faint sound coming from the kitchen where the doors remained wide open. And deep in his gut he felt a tick that told him she'd be there.

The humidity of the night finally catching up to her the first thing she did as she slipped away was shrug her cardigan off. With the sounds of people getting fainter as they turned into bed she set up quick fairly quick partly out of fear of the cake melting and part out of having the time to take the time to do it herself. Pouring herself a generous glass of wine, with the icing pieces already cut out and set all she had to do was put them in place. The fresh flowers were a quick job and in just half an hour she was more or less done. The last few touches needing to be done in the morning.

He was enjoying how at home she looked. Realised he could watch her do this all day as she was in her element as she wiped the island down before turning. It was like hell freezing over him. Deathly. He sucked in a loud and deep at the scars that marred her back. Small, and jagged each one different. And it bought to life every nightmare he thought he could deal with.


Her movement halted as the sound over his broken voice floated over to her. She didn't need the sympathy. Her scars were a pet of her she had accepted and made peace with. The violent night had destroyed her. If she closed her eyes she could still feel being thrown down in top of the shards of glass before her nursing scrubs were ripped and she was left a bloody mess. She tired to look at the positive side if there was one. She was left relatively close to the hospital she used to work at. Was fortunate to be found and now alive. And although the hardest decision of her life she kept Micah a blessing in disguise as her sister didn't wake up from her coma when they switched the life machine off.

She hadn't realised he approached her from behind. A hand tracing the small jagged lines making her involuntarily flinch yet sent warmth through her before she swivelled towards him. She felt the ice around her heart thaw a little from the way he was looking at her. It wasn't sympathy but everything and more. She felt the urge to have him hold her, make her forget as they were a finger apart. And it sent the air around them crackling with electricity mixed with something else.

"Don't." She grit her words out. The pain shining clear in her eyes.

He wanted to hold her. Tell her that he admired her strength, her perseverance and that she was bloody perfection. "Cammy, hey..."

She spun away from him but he reached out wrapping a hand around her forearm pulling her into him. She smacked against his chest, the heat radiating off her making him lose all common sense. Without a second thought working purely on the instinct of needing her he grabbed her face lips crashing into hers. Felt her pebbles nipples against him. He waited for her to hit him, push back and resist. Instead her small hands fisted the material of his shirt pulling him closer as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Her lips branding, the frustration and hunger deliciously combusted together into a frenzied desperation.

His fingers traced her sides and curves before fluttering over the small marring her back as he hoisted her up by her ass into the island, brining her to level with him. Yanking her forward he left no silver of space letting her feel just how much he craved her, what her sinful body did to him. The softest moan escaped her feeling him hands reaching for his forearms. The image in front of him, her eyes lit like a fire, lips wet, chest rising erratically and the straps of her dress teasingly fallen resting against her shoulders was his undoing.

He reached for his shirt first, baring her to him as her hands immediately reached out to touch. Her hands leaving a scorching trail down. He made quick work of pulling the straps down her arms, frowning in pain at the sight of her heavy mounds with perfect pert nipples. The growl leaving him laced with pure torture as he dipped his head kissing down her body, before taking a one into his mouth. A tiny voice of reason urges him to stop and walk away before it was too late but he co not focus on that. The image of want and hunger that shone in Camille's eyes. The trust she was placing in his hands as she silently submitted to him was all he could think about.

Her hands knotted in his hair pulling him closer. His hands cradled her closer, as her heels dug into his ass. All she could see was him. The eyes that were practically black with list. The spark of something that flashed as he asked her to trust him. She should have been walking away but the feeling of his skin against her, the sound of his desire for her and the touch of his hands and mouth on her body was all she could think about. And so she let go of all inhibitions. She would lose herself in him.

The felt himself teetering on the edge. Her hands fumbling with his belt unbuckling and unbuttoning with jerky and frustrated actions. Taking a step back he tried to capture this moment forever. The pooling of her dress at her waist with the slit pulled further apart to give a glimpse at the lacey green panties she wore underneath, how her breath came out in short gasps and how soft her skin was. He looked back up at her eyes, saw the way she pulled sat straighter her hand reaching to her breasts as she tugged at the pert nipples. He felt himself grow to steel as in a silent invitation she pulled her legs further apart so he could fit in snuggly. She left him breathless. And it was all he needed.

Her teeth clamped down on her lip. His fingers hooked into the green lace pulling the aside, as he feathered a touch feeling how ready she was for him. The feeling driving him to insanity he grabbed her ass pulling her to the edge as he thrust into her. Her nails dug into his shoulders, heels into his ass as he stokes grew more frantic. He looked at her, head thrown back, exposed to him. He lived for her reaction, the way she arched into him in a silent beg for more as he moved deeper getting closer to the edge.  Refusing to succumb without her he ran his thumb over her bundle of nerves, the touch explosive. Her took her mouth both matching in intensity giving as good as they got. A tremble ran through her, legs tightening around him, as he swallowed all noise to escape her, following her over the edge.

He rest his forehead against hers, breath coming out in fast short gasps as they came down from the ultimate high. Now with her desire satiated it dawned on her what a colossal mistake she had just made. Part of her believed once would be enough, that she would be able to walk away whole. But with the unwavering attraction she realised she would always want more. And that scared her more than anything. She was ruined and tainted by misery. And he served so much more. More that she couldn't give. Not now and probably ever.

Tears sprang her eyes as she worked hard to keep them at bay. She couldn't look him in the eyes as she pushed at him to move. She was angry at herself for getting carried away, embarrassment washed over her that he had seen her teetering on the edge of her worst. Wordlessly fleeing on trembling legs, narrowly escaping his hand that reached out for her she ran. She sure as hell was staying away from him for tomorrow, definitely not being left alone with him before never having to see him again, and that oddly tugged at her heart causing an intense burn. Pulling the straps of her dress up barely seeing from her blurry vision she ran away from the only thing she had ever wanted.

Stunned, he felt cold. One minute she was all he could feel, her warmth against him. The next a shadow that slipped away into the night. Anger brew in him. Hurt sparked in his heart alongside confusion as to why she ran from him. He needed answers. But knew would have to be patient. He tried to calm his breathing looking at the way she had gone. He would play game tomorrow no matter how much she would try to run. And he realised in that instant, he would wait for her.


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