The YouTubers Amazing Race

By M1ckyj789

410 23 107

11 teams made up of fans and online social media influencers, race around the world to win a prize of 1 milli... More

The Starting Line
Leg 1 - Part 1
Leg 1 - Pitstop
Leg 2 - Part 1
Leg 2 - Pitstop
Leg 3
Leg 4
Leg 5
Leg 6
The Final Leg

Leg 7

8 3 1
By M1ckyj789

With only Four teams left in the competition, The teams were getting closer, Trying to strategise and think about who each one wanted in the final three. They knew that being a final four was not an option, It never has been, It never will be. But now they were worried. They could reach out and grab the win, They could smell and taste it. But one team wasn't going to get that dream.

Chris: "Milan you ready for this?"

Milan: "Yeah I'm ready, Where are we headed?"

As the close ticked over the minute, Chris ripped the clue and opened it up, Showing their next destination.

Milan: "Oh fuck really? Nice Rio let's go to Brazil."

Chris: "Hang on, When you land, Teams must find their own way to Mureta Do Leme, Overlooking the beautiful Copacabana beach. When they arrive, Teams must take the hiking path up the mountain to find their next clue."

Milan: "So we have a lot of walking and travelling to do you reckon?"

Chris: "Absolutely."

With Milan and Chris now making their way back through to Dublin International Airport, They were curious among other things to see who had been eliminated.

Chris: "Five teams left, Well Four now. But who do you want to go home?"

Milan: "If it was up to me, No one would go home, It would be a point system, Whoever comes first gets the most points and so on and so forth. On the other hand, If I had to pick someone. I'd have to say, Kim and Jay, They are such massive competition that I literally don't think many of us would win in a straight up foot race to the finish line."

Chris: "You have a good point but I like Mum, She's cool. I honestly hope Jane and David go home. Those two are evil and I just want them gone. They just bring the mood down, Especially with how much shit David was giving Lachlan. You know what I mean?"

Milan: "Yeah I know but still, I just think that maybe if there was less actual competition, We might have a better chance at winning."

With Time going on as The two guys stood and waited, Able to enjoy their time in the business lounge, Unknowing to them who was still in the race.

Kim: "Where's Milan and Chris, they were surely first?"

Roisin: "Yeah they were, But I don't know where they are. Hell, I don't care at this stage, to be honest, I'm still surprised we are even here."

Cheyenne: "Honestly, So am I. This is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, And It's been pretty evident from leg 2 that we aren't exactly cut out for it. We got lucky in the first leg placing so high."

Alex: "Honestly, You guys have been extremely lucky to even make it this far. It wouldn't surprise me honestly if you two end up in the final leg."

Cheyenne: "What makes you say that?"

Liam: "Well you girls have been doing really well so far, And luck like yours doesn't just vanish overnight."

Roisin: "Yeah, Alright."

Jay: "Well at least we are heading off to a new destination, Brazil was it?"

Kim: "Yeah, I've never even dreamed that I'd ever been able to go to any of these places, And so far, In just over a week I've managed to go to so many countries."

Roisin: "Didn't think you would ever get to do this?"

Kim: "Absolutely not. I'm starting to get to an age now where I would prefer to go out and see the world but also want to stay at home because no one wants to get caught hurting themselves in another country."

Jay: "No one wants to get hurt anyway."

With all teams now on their flight, Chris and Milan enjoying and relaxing on board, The remaining teams prepare for a new leg of the race with the plane landing in the early morning.

Chris: "Right where are we going to?"

Milan: "Uh we need to go to this place here, Mureta do leme. There is a path up this hill that is a hikers path and we need to take that one to the top I think to get the next clue."

Chris: "Do we know how long it will take to get there?"

Milan: "Not a clue, But right now we are going to need a taxi and then we can go from there."

With the remaining three teams ever so slightly behind them, Everyone began trying to get a taxi, With Liam getting an idea.

Liam: "Alex, Why don't we just call one? There are a lot of people here, And Cabs are coming and going slowly it seems. It might be better if we just call for one and guarantee a cab."

Alex: "Is it going to work? I think we would spend the same amount of time trying to find someone that spoke English to help us out. It might seem easier but I feel like it isn't going to be a smart idea."

Liam: "Only one way to find out."

As the two guys left the other teams to go find a help desk for someone to speak English, The remaining three teams were getting a little frustrated.

Roisin: "Do you think the guys had the right idea?"

Cheyenne: "No, The boys might be hunting down whatever they need but think about it, If they do find someone, Then they need to ask them if they speak English fluently enough to understand them. Then when ordering a taxi, it's going to cost them a little more, And they will need to wait until the actual taxi arrives, Then they will need to make their way through the crowd to get to it, And after all that, Look at the amount of cabs here and how many people are here as well. It's going to take too long."

After waiting for 5 minutes, Chris and Milan were finally able to get a cab, Asking the driver to take them to the destination, With Roisin and Cheyenne coming up next not long after. Kim and Jay were still waiting and searching, Trying to get a taxi and finding it rather difficult.

Kim: "It should not be this hard to find someone."

Jay: "You don't speak any other languages do you?"

Kim: "Nope just English, What is the language spoken here?"

Jay: "I think it's Portuguese."

Kim: "Yeah definitely don't speak that one."

Jay: "Kim, Here got one."

Kim: "How the fuck did you do that?"

Jay: "Not hard when you have your hand out and asking around."

It had been another 15 minutes before Kim and Jay had finally grabbed their transportation, While Alex and Liam walked outside, Searching for the taxi numbers.

Alex: "What did they say?"

Liam: "They said there was a taxi already here that just took the call. So we just need to find which one."

After searching for a very short amount of time, They found their vehicle and loaded their bags in the Trunk. When they loaded into the back of the car And telling the driver where they were going, They found the driver spoke English quite well. Finding out from him that his Family are split between Brazil and America.

Alex: "Do you mind if we ask about this place we are going?"

Liam: "It could really help us out."

Driver: "Yes."

With all teams now making their way to Mureta Do Leme. Chris and Milan arriving first only 40 minutes later. They thanked their driver and unloaded, Before beginning their trek up the small mountain. Making a little distance before Roisin and Cheyenne arrived behind them.

Roisin: "Oh this is what they mean by a small mountain."

Cheyenne: "Yeah, It's only slightly bigger than a hill, Nice."

With the two teams beginning their ascent, The two boys arriving at the top first, Grabbing the clue out of the box and ripping it open.

Chris: "Route info... Make your way to Rio Samba Dancer studio for your next clue."

Milan: "Wait that's it?"

Chris: "That's all it says, One line, That's it."

Milan: "Ok looks like we may need someone who can speak English."

As the two teams started to make their way down the small mountain, Kim and Jay, and Alex and Liam arrived and started the hike, Passing the two boys along the trek.

Jay: "They got here quick."

Kim: "We just have to be quicker."

Liam: "It couldn't have taken them a long time could it?"

Alex: "We have a cab driver that speaks English, I don't really think we can complain."

Liam: "Good point."

With Cheyenne and Roisin now making their way to the clue box and beginning to make their way back to the base, Chris and Milan first tried their Taxi driver, Showing him the clue and pointing to the name on it. After the driver put his glasses on and had a look, He smiled and nodded a few times, Clearly indicating he knew where he was going, Which put the two boys at ease. The girls had the same idea, Asking their taxi driver first if they knew where it was, Sadly, Their driver had no idea where they were going, And they weren't able to ask to follow the boys, As they had already left. Luckily for them though, The three taxi cars waiting were all quite close together, And without Liam and Alex nearby, The driver they had hopped out of his car and walked over to the girls, Reading the clue and knowing where it was. He communicated to the first in Portuguese where to go.

Roisin: "Thank you so much."

Driver: "It is not problem."

Cheyenne: "Thank you."

As the girls packed their bags into the car and made their way to the studio, With Kim and Jay and Alex and Liam close behind, It was still anyone's game at this point.

As they reached the bottom of the mountain, They handed the clue to their driver and showed them where it was they needed to go, While the driver was a little hesitant in wanting to take them there, Almost scaring Kim a little, He reluctantly agreed when he saw what the name of the clue was, Noticing the Amazing race Logo. He didn't have to think much more after that, Knowing these guys aren't just regular tourists trying to make the day hard for him. Rather he was now a big part in their game.

Driver: "I know."

Kim: "Great thank you."

Jay: "Let's go we need to get ahead of at least one team."

Just as the two of them hopped into the car, The two boys raced back down to their own Cab, Hopped in, Told their driver where they needed to go and they were off.

Alex: "Did you tell anyone else where to go?"

Driver: "No not other team."

Liam: "Good, We don't want anyone to have an advantage."

With all four teams now making their way to the Samba dance studio, Curious about the task at hand, They were all quick to guess it would be dancing.

Kim: "If it's a roadblock, I'm going to have to get you to do it?"

Jay: "What why me?"

Kim: "Fitness, Dance is another form of fitness, You don't exactly look like you lift weights all the time so you have to be nimble enough to dance."

Jay: "Well yeah but I have no coordination."

Roisin: "If you like I can do it. It's Samba isn't it, That's a partner dance I think."

Cheyenne: "Like Salsa, Ballroom etc?"

Roisin: "Yes and no."

Cheyenne: "Do you feel confident enough to do it?"

Roisin: "Again, Yes and no. Yes because I feel like out of Chris and Milan, Chris will likely do it, Same with Jay and Liam if it's a roadblock. If it's a detour or route info, I'd say we have a much better chance because let's be honest, Women are a lot more agile and graceful than men."

Cheyenne: "Then let's hope it's a partnered challenge. Because so far it sounds more like a roadblock."

With Chris and Milan arriving first, They walked into the front of the studio and opened the box containing their clue, Letting out a grunt of frustration at the challenge.

Milan: "Just a route info, Damnit."

Chris: "With your partner, Learn a short and easy dance routine and then make your way to the Bip Bip Bar and perform your routine for the owner, Alfredo. If he deems you passed, you will obtain your next clue. If not you must make your way back to the studio and try again."

Milan: "So we just stay here until we get it and then we can go."

Chris: "I guess, This could take us a while."

With Roisin and Cheyenne close behind, Exiting out of their car while the two boys met with their instructor, Getting to work straight away while the girls were both excited.

Roisin: "Thank god, This shouldn't take long at all."

Cheyenne: "Fingers crossed, Let's get it."

As the two teams began to work on the routine, The final two teams also arrived, As Kim and Jay asked their driver to stay nearby just in case. Liam and Alex trusted theirs not to go.

With all four teams working away at the challenge, Chris and Milan practising till the end from the start, Everyone working up a sweat while they tried as hard as they could to get it all down.

Cheyenne: "How long do we want to spend here?"

Roisin: "As long as it takes to nail it, But also not too much time to where they think we are going to be behind."

While the four teams went through the routine, Chris and Milan couldn't stop making mistakes the entire time, The instructor stepping in to correct and help them each and every time, But you could see even he was getting annoyed. The other three teams were making progress, With Cheyenne and Roisin getting better and better, Wanting to go oven the full routine only a couple more times to get it right. Kim and Jay were taking their time but were slowly making progress, Whereas Liam and Alex were also going slow, Not wanting to fuck it up.

Alex: "This is not simple."

Liam: "No you just can't fucking move Jonesy. Just let go, Be with the music."

Roisin: "Ready Cheyenne?"

Cheyenne: "I think so, One more time."

As the girls worked out their routine, They decided they were ready, Heading out with their instructor to the taxi's waiting outside. Heading to the Bip Bip Bar as soon as they could, Not wanting to lose the steps or routine they had. Chris and Milan were noticeably frustrated having lost top spot, But they were making a lot more progress with the help of their instructor. Kim and Jay and Alex and Liam, on the other hand, were still taking it very slowly.

Cheyenne: "Is it here?"

Roisin: "Must be, Let's go."

With the two girls getting out of their Ride, Heading inside and meeting with Alfredo, The music started to play while they spoke. Alfredo wanted it done right, He would allow very minor mistakes. The speech, Roisin realised, Was just to throw them off and forget the routine. They were smart about it.

As the girls got up on the stage, Getting into their first position and started to follow the routine to the music they were taught, The girls were doing a great job and had made only one very minor mistake, With Roisin stepping twice to get to the right foot instead of starting on the correct foot to begin with. As the sound died down and the two girls stepped off stage, A smile adorned Alfredo's face as he applauded them, Handing oven the next clue as the girls cheered for their victory.

Roisin: "What's next?"

Cheyenne: "Route Info, Make your way to Sao Lucas Copacabana Hospital and ask at Reception for your next clue."

Roisin: "I don't like hospitals."

Cheyenne: "Bad experiences?"

Roisin: "No it's just, A depressing place with everyone inside being sick or injured, It's sad to see and you feel bad when we are here doing the Amazing race, And some patients might not even be able to walk."

Cheyenne: "Well then we need to think on the bright side of things."

Roisin: "Which is?"

Cheyenne: "Race for them, Race for all of the people who couldn't make it or who could never do it. Don't think of it as a bad situation because they aren't able to do it. Tell yourself that you are doing this for all of those who can't. We can win more than enough money and I've already decided, After seeing a few places so far, Where I can donate some of my money to help others back home."

Roisin: "You've been sitting on this for a while haven't you?"

Cheyenne: "I guess, I got to thinking back when we were in Japan."

As the girls made their way to the Sao Lucas hospital, The last three teams were beginning to finish up, With Chris and Milan and Kim and Jay getting ready to leave, Alex and Liam were having trouble with their feet, They made it to the end of the song, But they were still far from having finished the routine.

Chris: "I hope we don't fuck it up."

Milan: "So do I, I keep running oven it in my head but I'm starting to lose it towards the end."

Jay: "Think we go it."

Kim: "I think it would be better if it was a solo challenge, But yeah, We got it."

With the two teams making their way to the bar, Alex and Liam were having fault after fault, With the team almost deciding whether they wanted to take a penalty for it.

Alex: "We are having no luck here, we have been here for an hour, The other three teams not long left and we are fucking this up constantly."

Liam: "I don't want to take the chance and hope they keep fucking it up and have to go back and do it again, The penalty is two hours."

Alex: "Yeah but what are the odds they aren't going to get it right the first time, We saw how badly they were doing, Surely one of them is going to fuck it up and that I'm confident."

Liam: "Top Four and we have to take a damn penalty."

Alex: "It's a little sad but think about it, Milan is completely useless when it comes to this, And Jay was way too stiff. I'm pretty sure they will fuck it up."

Liam: "Fine, We are deciding to take the penalty."

With the two boys being told they were going to incur a two-hour penalty at the next pit stop, They were handed their clue before they went down to the cab and opened it up.

Driver: "You took time."

Alex: "It was hard."

Driver: "Too hard?"

Liam: "Too hard."

As they opened the clue and read out the hospital they were required to go to, Chris and Milan, as well as Jay and Kim, arrived at the bar and met with Alfredo, The man giving them the same speech he gave to the girls as the music played.

Jay: "Confident?"

Milan: "Not really right now but I don't want to take the chance."

Kim: "Come on guys we are ahead of Alex and Liam so that's all we need to focus on yeah."

Chris: "We got this."

As the two teams drew straws to who would go first, Kim and Jay going second, They watched as the two boys got into their positions and began to dance, Getting close to the end before Milan fell, Tripping oven his feet, a problem he was having and in the same spot Roisin had to double step. Only this time, Milan wasn't as quick to fix his mistake and landed on his back/ Chris stopped immediately to help his teammate up as the two were given a stern no from alfredo as the boys began heading back to the studio as soon as they could. Jay and Kim getting slightly nervous as they got up, But to their good luck, The two were able to perfect the routine in their own way, Jay still as stiff as a board but still able to complete the task at hand. Kim was having her own issues but she made it through. Alfredo cheering and clapping as the two got off stage and grabbed the clue that was handed to them, Thanking Alfredo as they left. Opening their clue and telling their driver where they were headed, while Chris and Milan began working on their routine, Knowing where they were messing up. They made sure to practice on that one specific spot.

Alex: "Do you regret leaving?"

Liam: "Of course I do, I know one of them would have screwed up but come on, This is just silly."

Alex: "It's worth it if it works."

Liam: "And if it doesn't work? We are essentially putting our time on this race in the hands of other teams. We need to hope they are fucking up otherwise we could be in trouble."

Alex: "I just don't have a good feeling ok?"

Liam: "Just trust me, we are going to have better luck, We would have had no chance."

Alex: "Fine."

Roisin and Cheyenne, Being the first to arrive and with a marginal lead. As the girls walked towards the reception, Asked for their clue and gently took the one they were handed, Ripping it open and seeing Red of the clue.

Roisin: "There it is, I knew it would be somewhere."

Cheyenne: "One member must complete a basic Diagram of the human body completely in Portuguese. You will study the correct names and then show the examiner on the skeleton where he calls out as well as the correct pronunciation in Portuguese. When the medical examiner has passed them on their test, He will hand them their next clue."

Roisin: "Human body, Did you do good at school?"

Cheyenne: "Roisin I am literally made for this."

Roisin: "What do you mean?"

Cheyenne: "I got this, I'm studying Medicine right now, To know about medicine we need to have a basic understanding at the very least of the human body and how medicine can affect it. I got this."

Cheyenne Followed the Nurse as she headed towards the Empty room set up for the task, Seeing Four human Skeletons set up, And beside it on a table lay the large sheet, Filled with the specifics of the human body.

Cheyenne: "Ok this should be good, I already know the parts, I just need to remember the right words."

On the sheet, There was also a short tutorial on how to pronounce the words correctly.

Cheyenne: "I have no idea how many I need to learn but I might as well learn as many as I can, I see 20 words. That can't be that hard can it?"

As Cheyenne began working on her scale, Roisin was more than surprised when she saw Alex and Liam run into the hospital.

Roisin: "You guys did it?"

Liam: "He chose to take the penalty, We are banking on Milan and Chris not being able to do it."

Roisin: "You had no luck yourself then?"

Alex: "It was a better idea."

Liam: "Where's Cheyenne?"

Roisin: "Roadblock, Talk to the receptionist."

As they followed Roisin's advice and read through the task. Liam allocated himself to the task, Not trusting Alex to complete the task and take another penalty.

Liam: "I got this. Easy."

Alex: "In another language?"

Liam: "Law also includes Latin in some places, It will be easy."

Alex: "Good luck."

With Liam following along behind staff to the room set up, She noticed Cheyenne already reciting the task to her examiner. He barely saw the notes and material on the table and the scale object beside him before he heard Cheyenne cheering a little.

Cheyenne: "Easiest challenge ever thank you."

Liam: "What already you just got here?"

Cheyenne: "I'm literally studying to be a doctor, Trust me, Naming the parts of the body in another language is like riding a different kind of bike, Same shit different day."

Liam: "Can I get a little help then? Alex was an asshole and decided he didn't want to do the dance task so now I have to pick up the slack, Any help to stay ahead would really be greatfully appreciated."

Cheyenne: "Look Liam it's not that I don't want to, But I just need to stay ahead, Roisin and I have been at the back of the pack for too fucking long. I wish you good luck Liam I really do, But when I have an opportunity as priceless as this one, I can't slow down at all. This leg was ours to win, I'm sorry man."

Liam: "You know what, I don't blame you in the slightest, If we don't make it to the final leg, You better fucking win this thing yeah, You girls have gone through a lot and almost eliminated too many times, If we don't, You better."

Cheyenne: "You got it."

With Cheyenne running out, Remembering the directions she took mere minutes ago, Scaring Roisin as she came racing out to see her partner shocked to see the task finished already.

Roisin: "What already how?"

Cheyenne: "As I said to Liam, It's the easiest challenge I've ever had to do, Come on let's go."

As the girls ran outside and opened the clue, They almost screamed seeing the words pitstop on the paper.

Cheyenne: "You must make your way to the Summit of Pao De Acuca, Via cable car after hiking up the Morro da Urca. Find the trail when you arrive and complete the first trail to the cable car and then take that to the summit to find the end of this leg."

Roisin: "I never thought I'd ever be so happy to hear you read those words, Let's go, Our taxi driver should still be here."

As the girls ran from the hospital to the taxi waiting out front for them, A little surprised he was still waiting, As they asked if he knew where he was going, He simply scoffed at them and opened the boot. A little rude considering they had been travelling all day but they weren't stupid, Placing the bags in the trunk before hopping in and making their way to the trail. The girls now on their way to the pit stop. Jay and Kim were making progress catching up to Alex and Liam, While Milan and Chris were still having difficulty learning the steps. They were getting frustrated having still not been able to complete the task but Milan had enough, Telling Chris they were trying again, And this time, They would fucking nail it.

Chris: "How can you be so confident?"

Milan: "Because I'm the one that fucked up last time, Trust me, I got this."

With reluctance, Chris followed Milan and their instructor to the awaiting cab, Drove the short distance to the bar, And met with Alfredo once more. Before getting up on stage for the dance, They were frustrated and tired, Scared and worried. But Milan was not going down without a fight and he was oven it. Chris, on the other hand, was just tired, A little slower than before but they managed to complete the task as Alfredo cheered and shouted, Clapping to celebrate the victory the boys had earned. Milan could barely stand, Being absolutely exhausted right now while Chris simply accepted the clue and walked with Milan out the doors to the taxi driver, Reading what was in front of them and informing the driver before they were whisked away to the Hospital.

Kim: "Jay you want to do it?"

Jay: "You don't?"

Kim: "You've spent more time overseas right?"

Jay: "You've worked in food for a while. Wouldn't you know more about the different parts of the body?"

Kim: "We aren't selling fucking humans Jay what the fuck is wrong with... nevermind I'll do it. I don't trust you to do it."

Jay: "That wasn't what I meant."

Kim: "I'll be back, This can't be that hard."

Jay: "Good luck."

With Jay now sitting down with Alex as they began to talk about the last part of the race, Alex decided not to say anything about leaving the task early, Instead saying they left a little bit after they did but because their driver spoke English, They were able to go a few different ways to get here sooner. Jay didn't pick up on the lie though, Keeping his secret safe... Kim, however, wasn't that dumb.

Kim: "So you quit."

Liam: "I didn't quit, Alex did, I'm his teammate and so I didn't have a choice but to follow him. If It was up to me, I'd have stayed there and tried it a bit longer. But instead, He said it would have been too hard and so, He left. Cheyenne and Roisin were already here, We left not long after you guys did and we were maybe, Three minutes behind the girls."

Kim: "So where are they? Fuck this is a little difficult."

Liam: "They finished when we arrived, It took Cheyenne three minutes, To get it done."

Kim: "To get the task finished three minutes are you shitting me."

Liam: "She's a medical student, I'd expect it to be done even sooner."

Kim: "Ok if she can get it done that quickly, A medical student or not, Then it shouldn't be that hard."

Liam: "I don't know about that, I'm having an insane amount of trouble with mine, And I think I've been here for about 20 minutes."

Kim: "Well, Let's just see how we go."

With the two working on the task, It was another 15 minutes before Chris and Milan arrived, Talking to the receptionist and making the decision that Chris was the one to do the task. Chris being able to talk mildly a few different languages, He thought he might have a better chance even though Portuguese was so different. He had a bit more of a chance than his teammate.

As he was led to the room, He noticed Liam and Kim still working on their task.

Chris: "Is it that hard?"

Kim: "It's not the hardest thing we have had to do yet but It's fucking up there."

Liam: "It's driving me nuts."

Chris: "How long have you been here?"

Kim: "Half an hour."

Liam: "Almost an hour."

Chris: "Shit alright time to buckle down and get it done."

While the teams were still working on the task ahead of them, Roisin and Cheyenne were lucking to arrive short of the trail, Wished good luck from their driver as they grabbed their bags and followed the instructions given to them. As the girls walked ahead, keeping an eye out for the trail, They noticed a few groups of people standing by a path through a thick section of trees and saw them with one person standing at the head talking to the others briefly before they set off up the way.

Roisin: "I mean that's a tour group, And they aren't wearing any climbing equipment."

Cheyenne: "True, I mean, It might just be extremely coincidental but we do have the time to check, Alex and Liam took a pass on the samba challenge so they have a two hour penalty, If we start walking up and then find out it's not the right one, we can come back down and find another one no problem."

Roisin: "They took a penalty?"

Cheyenne: "Oh yeah, Apparently Alex was hopeless."

With the two girls now making their way as quickly as they could up the path cutting through the mountain and slowly ascending, The other three teams were still at the hospital, trying desperately to finish as soon as they could.

Liam: "Why is this so hard?"

Kim: "It's difficult but you know, It's not as hard as I thought it was."

Chris: "I'm not finding this as hard as I thought it was."

Liam: "What do you mean?"

Chris: "I mean, It's not as hard as it seems. I don't know, I can't put my finger on it but just. There's a pattern to this?

Kim: "I noticed that earlier, not having much luck though."

Chris: "Some of them are easy, Some aren't but you can find key parts of one thing in the other."

As the two other racers listened to Chris thinking out loud, Kim started to click in.

Kim: "Holy fuck I get it. Alright, I'm ready."

As Chris and Liam, both listened, Unable to see what she was doing as the other examiners turned the two boys away so as to not allow them to see where she was pointing. They listened to her cheering as she was handed her clue.

Kim: "Chris, Everything you just said, Think about it, Think about it slowly and take your time. It's legitimately as simple as it looks. Liam, Don't overthink it."

Even with Kim's outburst of knowledge and happiness, The boys were lost, Unable to really understand what she was saying, With Liam just thinking she was losing it and happy to leave, Throwing him off the scent to get him even further behind schedule, While Chris was able to remember what she said, But was still unable to find the correlation between the two. Kim however, Raced through the halls back to Jay as he grabbed their bags and lugged them outside, Placing them into the taxi while Kim read the clue out loud. Letting Jay know about the Pit stop and the driver hoping he knew where they were going. The driver was a little confused and so asked another before getting the right idea, unsure if it was the same popular mountain or if the two English speakers were just trying to annoy him at this stage.

Kim: "Last one let's go we can still make second."

With the team now making their way to the final climb for the finish, And Roisin and Cheyenne committing to the climb and making it halfway up the small mountain, Panting and exhausted, Chris kept looking at the notes in front of him, Seeing the translations, Saying them out loud and slowly to himself.

Chris: "I can tell you the basics for two other languages, How am I unable to do this."

And then it clicked for him, The moment coming after he decided to instead of reading them out one by one, To instead start following the scale model of the skeleton beside him, Instead of going off of the notes, He started noticing the pattern he found that Kim mastered in a second.

Chris: "Fuck, I got it."

Liam: "WHAT!"

Chris: "Yeah, I got it."

Liam: "How the fuck did you get it?"

Chris: "It just, Clicked, Try it all different ways."

As Liam was turned away a third time, Chris called them out, Pointed to the correct parts, And was given the clue.

Chris: "I'm sorry Liam."

Liam: "Fucking hell."

With Chris now running ahead to Milan, The younger boy cheering for his teammate finally as they left Alex and Liam inside.

Milan: "Where are we going?"

Chris: "Dude, we are going to win."

Milan: "What do you mean?"

Chris: "Alex and Liam took a penalty, we have a two-hour advantage right now, Let's go we got this."

With the boys making their way to the final stop, Roisin and Cheyenne finally made it to the top of the trail, Buying a ticket to the cable car and getting in the next available car, Looking out over the beach, the coast, the entirety of the coastal city as the car elevated to a level high enough to see the Christ Redeemer standing at the top of the nearby mountain.

Cheyenne: "This is one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen, This is so much better than the plane trip here."

Roisin: "This is incredible, Holy shit."

With the short trip across the gap between the two mountains, the two girls headed out of the car and started walking around the viewpoint, Noticing Connor and Alfredo standing by the mat. They were surprised to see him, As you don't normally see someone who was apart of a challenge before on the Matt.

Connor: "Cheyenne and Roisin."

Cheyenne: "Holy shit Connor I am so glad to see you."

Roisin: "Connor we fucking did it."

Connor: "You girls finally did it. You have spent a long time, Travelled a long distance, And you finally made it. Cheyenne and Roisin I am so proud to say that you are team, Number 1!"

The two girls immediately garnered the attention of everyone around them as they cheered and screamed in happiness and relief, After 6 legs so far, Being behind for so long, The girls had finally taken out first place.

Roisin: "We god damn won, Jesus."

Cheyenne: "I don't even care that we won we are in the final."

Roisin: "Oh my god I didn't even think about that Cheyenne we are in the fucking finals."

Connor: "You have made it, You are now the first team to make it to the grand final of the Amazing Race. How do you feel?"

Roisin: "I'm so excited, I'm so happy and scared but I made it."

Cheyenne: "I'm nervous, But we can relax for a short time in the hotel room before we fly home."

Connor: "Well, Actually, not quite, You will be joining with the second and third place team on the plane, and the plane leaves in just five hours."

Cheyenne: "Wait what?"

Roisin: "Five hours, What if the other teams don't make it?"

Connor: "Then they take the next one. And will have an immediate disadvantage."

Roisin: "Holy shit, Wait where are we going?"

Connor: "This here, Is your clue to the final destination. Congratulations but, It's time to keep racing."

The girls decided to take it a little bit easier, Heading back down the cable car and the mountain, She noticed as Kim and Jay went running up the mountain, Jay almost ready to pick up Kim and take her on his back to get up the mountain quicker. While the girls ran into Milan and Chris pulling into the bottom of the trail.

Chris: "Girls is this not it?"

Roisin: "I'm so glad to see you."

Cheyenne: "Just keep going, It's not over."

Chris: "What?"

Roisin: "Keep going don't stop."

As the girls ran to find a taxi, Jay and Kim were running up and were able to grab their ticket to the next cable car while Chris and Milan were shortly into the first part of the trail. Liam and Alex were finally now making their way out of the hospital, Having finally finished the challenge but were barely getting by, The two were so disappointed in themselves.

Liam: "We have no chance now, We could have had a chance if we didn't leave."

Alex: "Would we have had a chance?"

Liam: "Yes we would have, we might be a little behind but I can tell you, we can out run Kim, We can outrun Milan and Chris. We could easily outrun them all but we have a 2-hour fucking penalty, we don't even need a goddamn penalty because right now, we have no idea how far ahead they are. We tried, And we fell short just before the fucking final."

Alex: "I'm not sorry Liam, I thought it would have been a better chance for us, I had no chance there with the fucking dancing shit. I'm sorry that we didn't make it but I'm not sorry about doing what I thought was better."

Liam: "We can't do much now."

Connor: "Kim and Jay. Congratulations to the both of you, You have stayed near the front of the pack this entire race, how does it feel now knowing you are about to get on a plane, And head to the final destination?"

Kim: "What? More walking?"

Jay: "Fuck off Kim I'll carry you down the trail this time."

Kim: "I ain't being carried down shit I saw the girls head down that trail again but did you not see the cable car going up and down. I'm not stupid, we are riding back down that bitch."

Jay: "Right, Honestly Connor, I'm just so happy to have made it this far, Seeing the other competition we had, Especially Caitlin and Lachlan and Jane and David. I thought we might be third at the best. But watching the two teams be knocked out kicked a fire in me knowing it could happen to anyone. It scared me honestly. I'm really proud of Kim as well showing these young people it doesn't matter the age."

Kim: "I mean you work in fast food for over 30 years and constantly around the kids you are kept young. And I'm always moving anyway."

Connor: "Well, Congratulations on making it to the final three, And here is your next clue because it's not over. You will be making your plane trip to the final destination in 4 and a half hours. But on the bright side, The three final teams will all be travelling in style and comfort to be rested and ready for the final leg."

Kim: "Is it one of those planes with the showers? I need a shower."

Connor: "You will have to wait and see, Good luck you two."

With Roisin and Cheyenne and now Jay and Kim making their way to the airport, The two boys, Milan and Chris exited the cable car and sprinted to the pit stop, Jumping onto the Mat and just, Dropped with relief.

Milan: "Chris I didn't think we were going to fucking make it there for a second."

Chris: "We almost didn't. If they hadn't taken a penalty and got out when we did, I bet you anything they would have kicked our ass."

Connor: "So you know about the penalty?"

Chris: "Liam told Kim and they were talking about it when we arrived, I won't lie, I took it a bit too easily at that point with the challenge. I should have tried harder to beat mom and dad but we did fine."

Connor: "Mom and Dad?"

Milan: "It's a secret inside joke, Kim is mum, She will always be mum and we have established that a while ago. But back in Japan, I actually rolled my ankle but had to keep running, That night when we got to our hotel, Jay came and checked in to see if I was ok, He and Cheyenne both came to look at it, A fitness instructor and expert as well as a Medical student on hand. They helped me to ice it but it wasn't as bad as they thought it might have been, Otherwise, we would have needed the doctor. I'm glad to make it to the final, But I won't lie to you Connor, I'm nervous as fuck for this last leg, They are both extremely strong teams that I feel flew under the radar, Especially the girls. But I'm going to try my absolute hardest to beat them, I need to win."

Connor: "Chris?"

Chris: "Honestly, At this point in time, Milan spelled it all out, we are fighting for this, and we are going to win. If we don't then honestly. I wouldn't be mad because both teams deserve it for different reasons. But we are going to win, I'm saying it now."

Connor: "Well all I can say to you both is good luck, Here is your clue, The two of you have 4 hours and 12 minutes to make it back to the airport, Where you will be boarding a flight to the final destination, Good luck to you both, and I'll see you at the finish line."

Milan and Chris, Excited and nervous but still tired from all the running they had to do, Walked away from Chris as the man stood at the mat waiting patiently, Alfredo enjoying the view of the spectacular ocean setting contrasting beautifully with the mountain range that Rio was famous for. It was another hour, Before Alex and Liam walked over to the mat, Dropping their bags knowing their fate.

Connor: "Liam and Alex, I'm sorry to say that, You have the 2-hour penalty from denying the challenge at the Samba dance studio but... It doesn't matter at this stage."

Liam: "Yeah, we know."

Alex: "I'm still not sorry."

Liam: "We could have made it but, Just make it official."

Connor: "Well, After 6 legs, Thousands of kilometres travelled, And some incredible destinations, I'm afraid and sorry to say that Alex and Liam, You are the Fourth and last team to arrive, And I have to say you have been eliminated from the race."

Liam: "Fuck, we were so close."

Alex: "We tried our best, and regardless of whether Liam here thinks we could have beat them or not. I'm just happy we made it this far. I saw the other teams, I thought we were fucked."

Liam: "Honestly, I feel like ourselves, The girls Roisin and Cheyenne and probably Jamie and Cal, were the dark horses of the competition. The three teams didn't really have a strong physical player, Or an insane Endurance racer or even a significantly intelligent mind, But we had guts and holy fuck did we give it our best shot."

Alex: "It sucks that we made it this far but, At the end of the day, We did our best."

Connor: "It's a shame to see you both have to leave but, You will be following the final three teams to the finish line as you await the first winner of the race. Do you have any guesses who will win or who should win?"

Liam: "Cheyenne and Roisin fucking deserve it, Those girls have been at the back of the pack the whole time, And honestly. They deserve the prize."

Alex: "Agreed but I think Chris and Milan are going to pull something out of their ass and win. Jay and Kim are a huge threat as well. Those two are nuts and were ahead this whole race. But eventually, even gods fall."

Connor: "Well, There isn't much more to say except that I will see you both at the final pit stop in Sydney, Australia."

I want to say I'm so sorry this is going up over a month late. To be honest, I didn't lose motivation, I didn't stop for no reason, My phone is now a brick. The touch capabilities of my phone has now become non-existent and the worst part is that when I backed up my phone to my laptop finally. After a few days of not having touch access long enough to do so. The damn phone didn't save my contacts, My messages or ANY OF MY FUCKING NOTES! I LOST THIS LEG AND THE FINAL LEG OF THE AMAZING RACE, I LOST THREE CHAPTERS OF NORMAL LIFE I LOST 5 FUCKING ONE SHOTS AND I WAS SO ANGRY AND MAD AND UPSET THAT I JUST STOPPED! I was so angry and just infuriated that I honestly thought after losing that, I lost the ending to this god damn race, and I was so mad that I couldn't function. But I had an idea and I ran with it. So I had the final ready for upload I was just getting contacts with the racers ready to send them out to everyone when it was done, And because I lost it. And it's all random, I had the idea to rewrite the last two legs, The same challenges, The same destinations. But kept it random. So the winner of the previous version, May not be the winner of this version. And In fact, if you made it this far, It was actually Roisin and Cheyenne that went home in the previous version so, If you are a fan of the two girls so far then good news for you. But I am slowly getting back into writing and I think I have made up for my absence with this almost 8 thousand word chapter. I'm sorry I was gone but I hope you understand that I needed a break after losing everything. AND THIS IS WHY I DON'T KEEP NOTES IN CASE OF SHIT LIKE THIS! So here we are, Another chapter I'm so sorry but thank you to anyone who is even still fucking here. I'll be getting back into it soon I promise.

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