
By ddlovato201

35.9K 584 428

How Emison should have been I think. Emily is intersex. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not a chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Not a chapter

Chapter 30

546 18 8
By ddlovato201

Next week

Ali: Emily where are the bottles!!

She comes running in the boys are screaming she takes Logan and hands me a bottle for Peyton.

Ali: it's ok Peyton.

He eats I watch Emily feed Logan he's almost done with his bottle.

Emily: he's an eater!

Ali: so is Peyton I think bottles is better than breastfeeding.

Emily: are you still going to do it?

Ali: yeah.

Everest: mommy tired.

Ali: ok baby lets go to your room.

We walk to her room I convinced Emily to get her a toddler bed she loves it.

Ali: ok baby what do you want?

Everest: cuddles!

Ali: ok I will be back in 1 minute!

I walk back to the boys room I put Payton in his crib.

Emily: shit!

I look at her a Logan had a blow out.

Ali: go to the shower know I'm get some clothes.

She goes to the bathroom I get them new clothes. I take Logan and put on new clothes.

Ali: why would you do that to mama?

He looks up at me I kiss his cheeks I put him in the crib. I walk to Everest room and lay down with her.

Everest: mommy tired?

Ali: yeah mommies tired!

She closes her eyes I do the same I fall asleep with her on my chest.

2 hours later

Everest: mommy!

I open my eyes I see her smiling at me she the sweetest thing ever!

Ali: yes baby?

Everest: baby!

She points to her floor I see the boys in there bouncer I see a note on the floor.

Ali: baby pass me the note!

She hands it to me.

Dear, Ali

I went out with the girls for some mama and girls time I hope that's ok I left you with Everest and the twins I hope that's ok. I'll be home for dinner I'll bring you guys some food love you so much!

I put the note down I look at Everest she showing the boys her toys.

Ali: Everest do you have to go potty?

Everest: yes mommy!

She runs to her bathroom I sit on the floor next to the boys I look at the time it's been 3 hours since they ate.

Ali: ok Peyton lets feed you first.

Everest: all done mommy!

Ali: did you wash your hands?

She nods her head I take her hand it's dry I look at her she smiles.

Ali: goofy girl go wash your hands!

I pick up Logan I take out my boob he eats.

Ali: why don't you show Peyton your dolls?

She runs to her toy chest and grabs a whole bunch. I love this kid so much I know I'm not supposed to have favorites but I think she's my favorite right know.

Everest: this is bell mama got it for me she gets me most of my dolls oh this one is G. I. Joe mama go him too he's my only boy doll.

He just watches her intently.

Everest: here you can play with Bella but don't break her please.

He grabs it and looks at it I look down at Logan he fell asleep I take him off I burp him his diaper is still dry Emily probably changed them. I put him back in the swing I take Peyton.

Ali: ok your turn baby boy.

Everest: mommy play?

Ali: what we playing baby?

Everest: tea party!

She brings all the stuff over to me I put Peyton back in his swing.

Ali: can I have some tea please princess Everest?

She pretends to put tea in my cup I pretend to sip it.

Ali: thank you baby how was your nap?

Everest: good!

I play with her a little long I put the boys in there room for there nap. I take Everest downstairs I turn on the tv.

Ali: what movie baby?

Everest: Bella!

Ali: beauty and the beast ok baby.

I turn it on she loves this movie so much we hear the door open Everest runs to the door.

Ali: hey no running!

Emily: hey babe!

I kiss her she pulls away.

Ali: always feels like the first time hey!

Brea: you guys are so gross.

Ali: hey be thankful this is how you were made!

Emily: hahaha!

Ali: did you bring me food I'm so hungry!

Shea: yeah I had to remind her she's been forgetting stuff lately I think we should have her checked.

Ali: very funny what time is emisons doctors appointment tomorrow?

Shea: 10 who's taking us?

Ali: mama can I want to sleep in.

Emily: got it!

She puts the food in the kitchen the girls go to the living room I go to the kitchen.

Ali: how was it with the girls?

Emily: it was good I had fun we went to the mall but we didn't buy anything.

Ali: ok I think me and you should have a day with Everest what do you think?

I hand her a plate for the food.

Emily: yeah they sounds good.

Ali: so I was thinking I should get and iud it's like birth control but they put it in my uterus and it works for 5 years.

Emily: ok cause I hate the condoms!

Ali: so do I the only time we ever go raw is when I'm pregnant.

Emily: that's true I was thinking we should go on vacation just me and you cause we never got to do a honeymoon.

Ali: ok that sounds great how about we do it after thanksgiving?

Emily: ok I'll plan it I'll surprise you!

Ali: yes please.

She hands me a plate of food it's a lot.

Ali: this is a lot!

Emily: for you and Everest.

Ali: ok thank you babe.

I leave the kitchen and sit on the couch.

Ali: Everest come and eat!

She runs to me and sits next to me.

Ali: open.

She eats she's watching the tv the movie stop all of sudden.

Everest: no!

Brea: I want to watch something you watch this everyday!

She starts to cry fuck.

Ali: brea stop let her watch it!

She puts it back on.

Brea: all you care about is her you don't even care about me anymore!!

Ali: Brea!

Brea: no it's fine I'm used to it!!

She runs up to her room I go after her she slams the door I knock on the door. I walk in I sit on her bed and rub her back my poor baby I hate when she cry's.

Ali: baby I'm sorry I made you feel that way I do love you with all my heart.

Brea: it doesn't feel like it sometimes!

Ali: I'm sorry how about this next Friday you ditch school and we can go out any where you want?

Brea: really mom?

Ali: yeah baby really.

She jumps on her I hug her tight and kiss her head I lay down with her I fall asleep a little after her.

Hey sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm having writers block for this book need ideas thanks. Also thanks for all the comments.

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