I love You More and More Ever...

By GleeForever213

22.1K 623 100

This is the second book in the New Girl series. Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any songs or characters, I on... More

Cleaning Pools and Sunburn
Wal-Mart and Water Balloons
Trip to SC!
Family Reunion
Family Reunion Part 2
Meeting Brenda's SC Friends
Bored and Babysitting
Back to School!
Hit and Run
Recovery and Meeting
Leaving the Hospital
Who Is Who?
Win or Lose?
It's Not True
Authors Note
Pajamas and Spongebob SquarePants
Another Author's Note!
Family Photos!
Free Time!
Last Day Together
Sequel Info!

Christmas Again!...Already?

861 22 6
By GleeForever213

Sam's POV

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Like last year, we're inviting everyone over on Christmas Eve and a few of us are going to sing a song. I already knew what song I was going to sing. Everyone in glee club decided to do secret Santa and I got Puck, so I bought him a a new video game. Brenda got Brittany so she got her a couple of stuffed animals, crayons and a pack of white paper. I got Brenda a new pair of earrings since I noticed, yes I pay attention to stuff, that she's been wanting a new pair. I got her a pair of new, real, golden earrings. I just hope Puck doesn't have me. Or Brenda for that matter. Anyway, we're inviting everyone over today after Brenda and I go to the mall. We have to get some more Christmas lights since someone decided to set them on fire. Cough*Kevin*Cough. And we're going to get some more ornaments and anything else we might need. It's been snowing pretty much all week on and off, so while it's not, we're going to go on and go after breakfast.

"Hey B, you ready to go?" I called,coming down the stairs.

"Yeah, I just need to put my shoes and jacket on." She called back. She was upstairs in her room.

"You two, please stop yelling!" Mama Donna yelled. She was in the kitchen with mom, dad and I think pa, eating already.

"Sorry Mama Donna!" I said going into the kitchen. She smiled at me when I sat beside her. I was in between mom and her. She laughed.

"Hey pa!"

"Hey boy! What're you 'bout to do?" He asked. He didn't know what to call me so he just called me boy.I don't know why. He held his hand out and I shook it. He mocked hurt, like he does every time. "Lord you're strong boy!" I just laughed.

"Brenda and I are going to the mall for Mama Donna and Mama." I confused myself for a second after saying that. "Did I say that right?...Yeah, I did." They laughed at me.

"You are just like your dad, Sammy." Mama said. I smiled. Brenda came down and kissed everyone on the cheek and then kissed me on the top of the head. Then she grabbed two bowls, the milk out of the refrigerator, and two boxes of cereal. It was Captain Crunch and Reese's. She turned to look at me and asked,

"What kind do you want?"

"Reese's" I said. She grinned and poured it in both of the bowls. She brought the bowls to the table, poured the milk and handed me a spoon. She sat in my lap and we ate with the adults looking at us.

"What?" I asked, mouth full of food. They shrugged. When Brenda finished eating, I finished before her, she got off my lap and put them in the sink.

"You ready to go?" I nodded.

"Alright, we'll be back in a little while." I said pulling on my jacket.

"Okay, be careful."We nodded. In the truck, which is finally running again, barely, Brenda turned the radio on and Trumpets by Jason Derulo was on. She loves that song.

Every time that you get undressed

I hear symphonies in my head

I wrote this song just looking at you oh, oh

Yeah the drums they swing low

And the trumpets they go

And the trumpets they go

Yeah the trumpets they go

Da da, da ra ra da, da, da

Da, ra, ra, ra, da, da

Da da, da ra ra da, da, da

Da, ra, ra, ra, da, da

They go

We sang along with the radio laughing.

"You should totally sing that one day." She told me,grinning. "You'd do good."

"Ha ha, I might." I said. I changed the radio to the country station. I smiled as she started dancing in her seat. I totally want to marry this girl one day. I parked and got out. I helped Brenda out, and locked the doors. We walked in holding hands.

"Hey, how old is Stacy and Stevie?" She asked.

"Nine, why?"

"Oh, I was just wondering."

"Oh, I still need to get her and Stevie a present." I said.

"Me too, follow me." She pulled me into the toy store. I laughed running after her. We looked everywhere and couldn't find anything for them, but then something caught my eye. I took her hand and pulled her towards it. It was a big box. It's those loom band things. It had the board, the little clips that held them together, and a bunch of other stuff. About 1,000 multi-colored bands.

"She's been talking about these things." I said.

"Yeah, I used to have those when I was younger." She told me. I picked it up and put it under my arm. We looked around for a few minutes and Brenda got him a little remote control car. I found two huge Nerf guns. We bought them and then, since it was lunch time, we went to the food court.


After we got our food, we sat down near a wall, kind of in a corner where no one could see us. I unscrewed the top of of my water bottle and drank some. I looked over at Brenda and saw she was having a hard time opening hers. I put the top back on mine, grinned, and took hers from her. I opened it and gave it back. She stuck her tongue out at me.

"So, what song are you going to sing?" She asked me.

"Jingle Bell Rock." I said, mouth full of food...again. She laughed. "What about you? What song are you going to sing?" She shrugged.

"I'm not sure yet. Maybe you and I could do a duet?" She said.

"Yeah, that'd be great!"

"Good, I was hoping you'd say that." She said. I chuckled. "I was thinking that we could write a song together." She said. I nodded.

"I'm happy I have such a smart girlfriend!" I exclaimed. She giggled. "An,amazingly beautiful and talented girlfriend." I said, deepening my voice. She blushed. She scooted over closer to me and said,

"I'm grateful to have such a... handsome, sexy, and amazingly talented boyfriend... who has abs." She said, lowering her voice as well, even though she's a girl. I grinned and kissed her. 

"Ooh, tongue! Wanky." Santana's voice called. We immediately broke apart, our faces burning.

"Shut up Satan!" I yelled back.

"No thanks, Trouty." She said as she and Brittany sat down across from us. I looked at Brenda who, still red in the face, crossed her legs and clasped her hands together, and said,

"Hi, Santana, Brittany. How are you two today?" She asked calmly. I snorted but she kept a straight face, without blinking. I already know what she's going to do.

"Um, fine..."Santana said, hesitantly while Brittany said energetically,

"We're great, Brenda! How are you and Sam today?"

"Oh, we are perfectly fine Brittany, thanks for asking." She said and smiled widely, still not blinking. It was starting to freak me out, apparently Santana was already freaked out because she stood up quickly and told Brittany,

"Can you stay here for a little while? Or with them where ever they go? I have to go find you the perfect gift." Santana said.

"Okay, San! Have fun!" The two kissed and Santana walked off quickly, looking back at us and her hair swung wildly. As soon as she rounded the corner I started laughing so hard it hurt. Then Brenda started laughing, then Brittany, who didn't even know why we were laughing. She was just laughing because we were. I laughed so hard I was bent over, not able to breath. I calmed down a few minutes later, my stomach hurting.

"Oh God, I can't breath. Ahaha!" I started laughing again as I imagined Santana's face again. " Woo, okay, I'm good." I said, catching my breath. I took one look at Brenda, and started laughing again. Brittany had her phone out recording it."Aha, that was funny." I laughed. I put my hands up, surrendering." Okay, I'm good for real this time." I said. Brenda snorted and Brittany turned her phone towards her."B, please don't start laughing 'cause I will, and it hurts to laugh now." I said and she giggled. I stood up and got her paper tray and took both of ours to the trash can and threw them away. I walked back over them and said,

"Are y'all ready to go?" I asked. They nodded. We met up with Santana and left, after buying a few more presents.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Brenda and I were sitting in the living room watching Christmas movies with Mom, Dad, Pa Mama Donna, Stacy, Stevie, Melody, Laura, Chris, Lauren (They got married over the summer.) and Kevin.

"Sammy?" Brenda asked. I looked down at her. She was cuddled into my chest.

"Yes Darlin'?"

"I'm gonna start calling you squishy." She said. I nearly choked on my drink.


"Cause your squishy! Duh!" She said giggling.

"Where am I squishy at then?"

" Well, your cheeks are squishy and so are your lips, so, your new name is squishy!" She exclaimed, squeezing my cheeks. I looked at everyone else like, What is she on? All they did was laugh. Brenda got up and held a hand out.


"We need to go wrap the presents silly! Duh!" I laughed and took her hand. She pulled me up and dragged me upstairs, I called to everyone else,

"Wish me luck y'all!" I heard them laugh. She dragged me into my room, pushed me down on the bed and then ran back into the hall, coming back in with wrapping paper, tape, and ribbons." Well, you're happy aren't ya Darlin'?" I asked laughing. She nodded vigorously. I laughed again. She went in my closet and got the bags out. Then she shut my door and locked it. She plopped down on my bed beside me and we started wrapping the presents. Mostly her though, because I suck at wrapping. By the time she finished, she had put a bow on my head, and tape all over my face. I laughed and took the tape off, then the bow.

"We done now?" I asked her. She nodded and got up, almost slipping on wrapping paper.She unlocked the door and went and changed in her room. She took her make up off to I guess, since she came back in, even more beautiful. I was lying on my bed in boxers, under the covers, waiting on her. I had my right arm out so she could curl into my side. She did so and I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her head.

"You're beautiful without make up." I told her quietly. She looked up at me.

"Psh, thank you though." She said smiling.


Thursday, December 24, 2015

The next morning when I woke up, Brenda was still asleep. I moved a strand of hair out of her face and kissed her forehead. Her eyes fluttered, then opened. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. She blinked a couple of times and looked at me sleepily.

"Good Morning Darlin'" I whispered.

"Morning Squishy. What time is it?" I glanced over at my clock and it read 6:45 AM.

" 15 minutes until 7."

"Why are you up so early?" She whined. I laughed.

" I don't know. I'm still tired though.

"Well, go back to sleep." She shivered.

"Are you cold?" I asked. She nodded and snuggled deeper into my chest. I wrapped my arms tighter around her and a few seconds later I heard her soft snores. Soon, after she fell asleep, I did too.


I woke up and realized that Brenda wasn't in the bed with me. I looked around the room and noticed that my door was slightly open. She must have gone out and went to her room, so she could take a shower. I got up and pulled on some plaid pajama pants, no shirt and grabbed my phone, sticking it in my pocket. I left my room and went downstairs, almost tripping on a toy. I don't need to fall down the stairs. I laughed to myself as I sat down on the couch beside Chord and Mercedes, who was already here.

"Sup?" I asked, fist bumping him. "Hey, Cedes."

"Hey, Sam." I heard someone stomping down the stairs and looked up, and saw Brenda coming down the stairs in only a sports bra and short shorts.

"Don't judge me, I can't find any of my clothes." She said, pointing at us. I raised my hands up in surrender, so did Chord. "MELODY HALE! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" She yelled. I heard laughing and Melody came into the living room. Brenda had her hands on her hips. "Melody, where are all of my clothes?"

"Well, some of them might be in, I don't know, Sam's closet. You practically live in there with him, so why not?" She said.

"Are you for real? They're in his closet? What about my under wear and stuff?"

"Bottom drawer in his dresser." She said, looking down at her phone.

"Well, thanks for letting me know where you put my clothes." She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Melody laughed and went back in the kitchen. Brenda turned around and went back up the stairs, about half way up, she said,

"Chord, please forget that you saw me in this."

" No problem." He called. She snorted. A few minutes later she came back down in black skinny jeans, one of my red sweaters, and her wet hair down. She sat down between Chord and I.

"Hey, Chord, Hey Mercy. And Squishy!" She exclaimed. I laughed, then pouted at the nickname.

"Well," She got up, "I should probably start baking." She said. I got up with her.

"And I should probably go put a shirt on. I'm cold." She giggled and I went back up stairs. I decided to go ahead and take a shower and get ready for the busy day ahead. After I finished getting ready, I could smell the cake Brenda was baking. I went into the kitchen, where the whole family is, and snuck up behind Brenda, wrapping my arms around her.

"Hey Darlin'" I said.

"Hey Squishy." All at once, it seemed, everyone looked at us.

"Squishy?" Melody burst out laughing.

"Shut up Mel!" Brenda exclaimed. Everyone started laughing. The timer dinged and Brenda slipped out of my arms. I pulled my self up on the counter and watched her as she took two cake pans out of the oven. She danced around the kitchen, gathering supplies to make icing. She opened a cabinet and tried to get something out of it but couldn't reach it.

"What'cha need shorty?" I asked. She glared at me.

"The food dye." I hopped off the counter and got it for her, then I got back on the counter. She stood beside me and got three bowls. She started mixing the icing in a huge bowl and then divided it into the three smaller bowls. She took one bowl and put it to the side and took out the red and green food dye. She opened the red and put a few drops in it and mixed it until it was all a Christmas red. She did the same with the green. She took the cakes out of the pans and put them on a towel that was on the counter to let them cool off. A few minutes later she put one of the cakes on a cake platter and started icing it with the white icing. Once she did that, she put the other cake on top of it. She iced that and then smoothed it out. She got two icing bags out and put the red and green in the bags and cut the tips. One small, one big. She used the red, with the small tip, and wrote 'Merry Christmas!' and then with the green she iced around the bottom and the corners. She took the red again and made little designs all over it, like Santa hats and Christmas trees, with the green. Once it was all gone, she said,


"It looks good, B."

"Thanks! I'ma go get ready now."


Once everyone got here, the food was already made, so we ate and decided to perform before we ate cake. Everyone was sitting outside, where dad had a fire going. Snow was still falling, but not as bad as it was the past few days. "So, who wants to go first?" I asked. Kurt and Blaine stood up, holding hands.

"We will!" I nodded and they began.

I really can't stay

But, baby, it's cold outside

I've got to go away

But, baby, it's cold outside

This evening has been

Been hoping that you'd drop in

So very nice

I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice

My mother will start to worry

Beautiful, what's your hurry?

My father will be pacing the floor

Listen to the fire place roar

So really I'd better scurry

Beautiful, please don't hurry

But maybe just half a drink more

Put some records on while I pour

The neighbors might think

Baby, it's bad out there

Say what's in this drink?

No cabs to be had out there

I wish I knew how

Your eyes are like starlight now

To break the spell

I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell

I ought to say no no no, sir

Mind if I move in closer?

At least I'm gonna say that I tried

What's the sense in hurting my pride?

I really can't stay

Baby, don't hold out

Oh, but it's cold outside

I simply must go

But, baby, it's cold outside

The answer is "No"

But, baby, it's cold outside

This welcome has been

How lucky that you dropped in

So nice and warm

Look out the window at that storm

My sister will be suspicious

Gosh your lips look delicious

My brother will be there at the door

Waves upon a tropical shore

My maiden aunt's mind is vicious

Ooh your lips are delicious

But maybe just a cigarette more

Never such a blizzard before

I've got to get home

But, baby, you'll freeze out there

Say, lend me a coat?

It's up to your knees out there

You've really been grand

I thrill when you touch my hand

But don't you see

How can you do this thing to me?

There's bound to be talk tomorrow

Think of my life-long sorrow

At least there will be plenty implied

If you got pneumonia and died

I really can't stay

Get over that hold out

Oh, (baby) but it's cold outside

 Then, Finn, Puck, Rachel, Quinn, Marley, Jake, and Ryder sang some songs. So did Artie. Next it was mine and Brenda's turn. I got my guitar and stood up in front of everyone, along with Brenda.

"Over the past few days," I started.

"We've been working on a song." Brenda continued.

"We hope you like it." We said in unison. Everyone laughed and I started strumming.


Didn't know what to get you

Ordinary just wouldn't do

But I just found the perfect gift for you

Now I got it all ready

But it's not wrapped in red or green

Come and sit down beside me here

Underneath the Christmas tree


We've got mistletoe and firelight

On this cold December night

The snow outside will set the mood

As I sing my song for you

I hear church bells a-ringin'

Carolers are singing harmony with me now

You are looking so lovely, yeah

Even if the lights go out



You're so beautiful

I only hope you see what I see (see)


Every word is meant to show you how much you mean to me


We've got mistletoe and firelight

On this cold December night


The snow outside will set the mood

As I sing my song

We've got mistletoe (mistletoe) and firelight (firelight)

On this cold December night

The snow outside will set the mood

As I sing my song (sing my song), sing my song for you.

"That was amazing you two!"Brenda sat back down but I stayed up.

"I'm singing one more song, and I hope y'all like it, and my dancing!" They laughed

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock

Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring

Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun

Now the jingle hop has begun

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock

Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time

Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square

In the frosty air.

What a bright time, it's the right time

To rock the night away

Jingle bell time is a swell time

To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet

Jingle around the clock

Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet

That's the jingle bell ro

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock

Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time

Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square

In the frosty air.

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock

Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time

Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun

Now the jingle hop has begun

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock

Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time

Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square

In the frosty air.

What a bright time, it's the right time

To rock the night away (Rock the night away)

Jingle bell time is a swell time

To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet

Jingle around the clock

Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet

That's the jingle bell,

That's the jingle bell,

That's the jingle bell(rock)

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock,

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock.


"Yeah Sam!" The girls exclaimed when I stopped.

"I didn't know you were going to sing that." Brenda said.

"It was a surprise, since it's you're favorite song." Rachel stood up.

"I would like to sing one more song, everyone." She smiled widely." It's 'O Holy Night, and I'd like it if Pa would sing it with me." She smiled at pa, who, surprised, got up and stood next to her.

"Okay," He said, grinning like a maniac. She held his hand as the music starts. I held a hand out to Brenda and she took it, smiling. I saw flashes and saw everyone taking pictures of us. Mom had her camera out, and was video taping us. I wonder if they know what I'm about to do. And, those earrings aren't the only Christmas present I got for her. Rachel is the only one who knows, since she is the one who helped me pick it out. I pulled Brenda close and we looked into each others eyes as we started swaying back and forth.

O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,

It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth.

Long lay the world in sin and error pining,

'Til He appear'd and the soul felt its worth.

A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.

I spun her around and brought her back into my arms

Fall on your knees! O hear the angels' voices!

O night divine, O night when Christ was born;

O night divine, O night, O night Divine.

Truly He taught us to love one another;

His law is love and His gospel is peace.

Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;

And in His name all oppression shall cease.

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,

Let all within us praise His holy name.

Fall on your knees! O hear the angels' voices!

O night divine, O night when Christ was born;

O night divine, O night, O night Divine. 

As soon as Rachel and Pa stopped, everything was quiet, as they watched Brenda and I. I looked at Rachel, who nodded at me, smiling. She sat back down with Finn and Pa sat back down with mama Donna. I took a deep breath and pulled apart from Brenda. She looked at me curiously. I looked into her eyes.

"Brenda... when I first met you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl on earth. And that night, when we first got together, when you poured your heart out to me about your life, I fell in love. And, now, I love you more than I thought I could ever love someone." I smiled." I was, apparently, your first kiss, and I'm happy I was. That day in Glee club, when you told me that you loved me, I never could have been happier." I took her hands. I glanced around and saw some of the girls whispering to each other, and the guys just looked confused. Brenda looked at me, her eyes shining." Then, when I got in the accident, you stuck by me the whole time I was in the hospital, and you didn't give up on me. And, you're the reason my brother is here with us today. You brought us together." I got down on one knee, and everyone gasped. Brenda put a hand over her mouth." No, this isn't a proposal, but... I promise to stay with you through everything. I promise to never pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do. I promise to tell you if your makeup is messed up, if you have something on your face, or even if you have something stuck in your teeth." Some people laughed." So, Brenda Pearl Anne Jackson... will you except this promise ring?" I opened the box and held it up. She didn't say anything for a few seconds and I stood up straight.

"Sam Evans, you are something else." She said, smiling through happy tears." Of course I will!" She exclaimed, throwing her self at me. I caught her, and captured her lips in mine as everyone cheered. Donna and mom were crying too.

"That was beautiful, Sam." Everyone started hugging us before Brenda even put the ring on her finger. Once everyone calmed down and sat down again, I looked at her and held her hand up. I picked up the ring gently, and put it on her right ring finger, she was giggling the whole time.

"I love it, Sam. It's beautiful." She said, and I wiped her eyes, and kissed her again.


Friday, December 25, 2015

The next morning, when I woke up, I was really happy for some reason. Oh, that's right. Everything from last night came flooding into my mind and I smiled. I turned around to face Brenda and she was already awake. She smiled at me.

"I do want to marry you one day." I said and kissed her

"I want to marry you too." She smiled at me and kissed my nose and got up. Right when we were about to open the door, and go downstairs, Stacy and Stevie ran in. I caught them though.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Someone yelled, and it wasn't Stacy or Stevie. It was Melody. I snorted and carried the twins." Get your asses up!" She yelled stomping in." Oh, you are up. Come on!" The twins dragged us downstairs.

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