Family Reunion Part 2

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Sam's POV

"Up, up! Get up!" Pa yelled, banging on the door.

"We're up Pa!" Brenda yelled back. I looked at her. Her hair was a complete mess and she had makeup smeared all over her face since she forgot to wash it off last night. I started laughing. I tried to hide it, but it didn't work out very well. She glared at me and got up.

"I'm sorry." I snorted. She went into the bathroom and said,

"Good God, I look like crap!" She slammed the bathroom door. I heard the sink running and I knew that she was washing her face. I went ahead and got my blue swim trunks on and a green T-shirt. I heard the door open as I was pulling my shirt over my head. She came out and went to her bag. She grabbed something and went back in the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out in a blue bikini. Then, she went to her bag and pulled out her mint tank top that had pink across it. She put that on and then slipped on her white shorts. She picked up her flip flops and studied them carefully. She tossed them back on the ground and sat on the bed, grabbing her cowboy boots. She put them on and went into the bathroom. She kept the door open this time. She brushed her hair again and then put it in a messy bun on the top of her head. She skipped back to the bed and plopped down on it. After I finished getting ready, which took less than five minutes, we got towels and anything else we might need at the lake. We left, Brenda was driving and we were following everyone else.

"My cousin Jewel said that they have boats up there at the lake that we can take out. You know how to drive one right?" Brenda asked, looking at me momentarily before turning her attention back to the road.

"Yep. I've known how since I was ten." She glared at me. I laughed.

"And she told me that they were having karaoke there, and that channel 13 news was going to be there filming it. Well, some of it anyway. You can sing if ya want to." Brenda said.

"I doubt I will. Only if you do." I said grinning.

"Really? You're really gonna make me do it?"

"That's the only way I'm gonna sing."

"Ugh, fine! But I'm singing Any Man Of Mine bye Shania Twain!" She turned right.

"I'm fine with that. I guess I'll sing Fire Cracker by Josh Turner."

"I love that song! Any time he comes to visit I get him to sing it." She said, taking a right.

"I love all of his songs."

"Me too, he is like the closest thing to an uncle that I have, since my actual uncles don't give a damn about me." She said, taking a left. I saw the lake in the distance.

"Yeah, I don't see mine much." She parked my truck beside Donna's car and we got out. I grabbed our stuff, and followed her. I set the bag on one of the picnic tables and sat next to her. I looked around and saw the family, most of the older ones weren't here, but everyone else was. Florence was one of the few here. I had my camouflage visor and sunglasses on. I heard some one make a sound and Raven and Jewel were sitting across from us.

"Hi Sam, hi Brenda!" Raven chirped, which was ironic because she's named after a type of bird.

"Hey, Crow right?" I joked. She started giggling and said,

"No silly, it's Raven."

"Oh yeah! That's right! Raven! How old are you?"

"I'm 8. How old are you?"

"I'm 17."

"Ooh! You're older than Pearl!"

"Only by a few months," Brenda said, looking over at me.

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