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Brenda's POV

I am pacing the living room, which I have been doing for the past thirty minutes. Why, you ask? Because my boyfriend has been gone for over an hour and I haven't heard one single word from him since he left for the movie store on Puck's motorcycle. Every time I call his phone it goes straight to voice mail. Mama and Judy got back about ten minutes ago and now them, Puck and Quinn are watching me pace in front of the couch they're sitting on. It was quiet all except for the sound of my foot steps. I jumped slightly when my phone rang. I looked at it expecting it to be Sam but it was Finn instead.


"Brenda. Oh my God." He sounded like he was freaking out.

"Finn what's wrong?"

"Oh, God. Where are you?" He asked frantically.

"I'm at home, why? And you need to calm the hell down!"

"You need to come to the hospital now!"

"Why? Finn what he hell is going on?"

"Okay so my mom and I were sitting at a red light and Sam drove up next to us on a motorcycle. We sat there for like five minutes then some dude in a big black truck comes speeding towards us. He was in Sam's lane and he-he-he..." He stopped talking. No, no, no, no.

"Finn, please. Please, please, please don't tell me what I think you are about to tell me. I'm begging you, please."

"He was hit dead on." I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand, stifling a sob. I started shaking my head.

"Finn, please tell me he is alive."

"He's alive, but barely."

"Why did you just tell me that!"

"I don't know! I'm sorry. I'm freaking out over here! Just get here as fast as you can!"

"I'll be there in a few minutes." I hung up and it felt like I couldn't breathe while I pulled my shoes on and put my jacket on. I kept mumbling,

"Please be okay, please be okay." As I ran up stairs and got my bag. When I cam back down I realized everyone else didn't know anything yet.

"Brenda, calm down. What's wrong?" Mama asked putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Sam, hospital, got hit by a truck, alive, but barely." I sobbed. Her eyes widened and she looked back at the three sitting on the couch.

"Come on, lets go!" They didn't move. "NOW!" They got up quick and we left. We had to pass where it happened on the way to the hospital and I started crying again once I saw all of the blood and the little pieces of motorcycle all over the place.

"Holy shit." Puck said, surprised. Once we got to the emergency room, I got out of the car before it even stopped. I ran in the doors and ran to Finn and Carole as soon as I saw them. I didn't even give them a chance to speak.

"How is he? Have you heard anything yet?"

"I'm sorry but no. They won't let us see him and they haven't told us anything." It's a good thing we were the only ones in the waiting room because I broke down. I was full out sobbing into Finn's chest. He sat down on one of the couches and held me for a long time while I cried.

Quinn's POV

I took my phone out and sent a group text.

Everyone needs to come to the hospital, right now. Come as fast as you can. Don't ask questions. This is urgent just get here as fast as you can.~Quinn Fabray.

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