Wal-Mart and Water Balloons

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Brenda's POV

"Mama! Me and Sam are going to Wal-mart. Do you want or need anything?" I told mama when I walked into the kitchen. She looked at me, then went back to cooking.

"Yeah, can you get some candles and peanut butter?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Yes, ma'am." She's addicted to peanut butter. "We'll be back in a little while."

"Okay, be careful."

"We will." I kissed her cheek and met Sam at the door. I looked at what he was wearing. A white tank top, black shorts and flip flops.

"You have a good tan going on, Sammy!"I said.

"So do you, B." He kissed my cheek before opening the door to his truck for me. I hopped in, literally. Chris put some big tires on Sam's truck for his birthday, which he loved. I had to jump to get in, while his tall ass could easily get in.Finn may be freakishly tall,but Sam is right behind him,being 6'3 and Finn being 6'5 (I know they aren't that tall,they are in the story though). I'm 5'3 and compared to them, I'm really short. Laura is the shortest girl in Glee club, being 5'0. Blaine is the shortest boy, but I don't know how tall he is. I shook my head.


"Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about how short Blaine and Laura are and how tall you and Finn are." I answered, putting my sunglasses on. He grinned.

"Yeah, I feel like a giant compared to Laura."

"You are a giant!" I exclaimed. He laughed.

"Finn is a giant. I'm just happy that I'm not as tall as him."

"You're close enough." I scoffed.

"You're right. He's probably even taller, since all he does is slouch."

"I know right! Next time I see him slouching I'ma smack him!" He laughed, taking my hand. When we got to Wal-mart, we went ahead and got the things mama wanted and then we went to the pool section. There we got chlorine, shock it and all that good stuff (Note sarcasm). Then we went to the float isle that had the goggles, floats, noddles, pool toys, beach balls and all kinds of things.

"So, what are we getting?" Sam asked. He was pushing the buggy.

"Um, mama told me that she wants a lot of floats. And get goggles and all kinds of other junk." He nodded. We started throwing boxes in the buggy and soon enough we had 5 long floats, 10 tube floats, a baby float for Sandy, 5 pair of goggles, an awesome camouflage cooler that floats around in the pool, two beach balls, the little squid things that you could throw into the water and they float to the bottom and you have to swim to get them. I saw a huge clear box of water balloons and grabbed it. There were two colors, red and blue. I put two boxes in the buggy and Sam high fived me. After paying, we put all of the stuff in the back of his truck, minus the peanut butter and candles, and left. Once we got home, we took all of the stuff in and I gave mama her things. Sam and I went into the living room and used the pump to blow up the floats. After blowing them up, we took the pool stuff to the big closet in the inside pool room. Sam still had bad sunburn so I got the Aelo Vera and made him sit on the floor in front of me. I put some in my hands and started rubbing it on his back. He moaned.

"That feels good."

"Ha! I bet. You need to massage my shoulders sometime, Sammy!" He laughed.

"Alright. I'll give you a massage when you're done." True to his word, Sam gave me a massage. While he massaged my shoulders, I sent out a group text.

It you're free, be at my house in an hour.~Brenda Jackson.

Fo wat? I'll be there Kitty will too.~Artie Abrams

I'm free. I'll be there. Why though?~Mercedes Jones

I'll come. Why? Rachel's in too~Finn Hudson

Puck and I will come.~Quinn Fabray

Marley, Ryder and I will be there. Why? What's up?~Jake Puckerman

I'll come I guess. Rory, Sugar and I'll be there.~Unique

Before long, everyone was going to come. I sent them all a text back.

Water balloon fight! Bring you're bathing suits! Got two huge boxes of them!~Brenda Jackson


In an hour, everyone was at my house, ready for the water balloon fight. Kurt, Blaine, Unique and Sugar didn't want to be in it, they wanted to stay in the pool and watch. Mama, Mary, Dwight, Stacy and Stevie came out to watch, Mary was holding Sandy on the edge of the pool. I split us up in two teams. Everyone had a big pile of water balloons beside them. We were spread out all across the yard

Blue Team: Sam, Me, Puck, Quinn, Ryder, Melody, Mercedes, Artie, and Chris

Red Team: Marley, Jake, Kitty, Rory, Joe, Kevin, Laura, Rachel and Finn

"Y'all ready!" Sam yelled to everyone. They all yelled back.

"Ready. Set. Go!" Stacy and Stevie yelled. In a matter of seconds, water balloons were flying everywhere. A water balloon hit me in the stomach and I threw one back at Puck, who was laughing. It hit him in the face and he stopped laughing. Within minutes, everyone was soaked. Finn had the last water balloon and he was about to throw it at Sam. Sam then did something incredibly awesome. Finn threw the balloon and Sam did a back flip and dodged the balloon.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed. He winked at me and picked up the water balloon, which somehow didn't bust. He threw it and hit Finn in the side of the head, busting this time. The guys laughed.

"Sammy! Will you do a flip again?" Stacy asked cutely. Sam nodded smiling at her and did four back flips in a row, landing on his feet. Everyone clapped and he bowed.

"Thank you, thank you, very much." He said using his Elvis voice, which mama loved. He looked around for some reason and then jogged into the back door. I had to laugh when he came back out. He had all of the tubes around his arms and had some of the long floats under his arms, waddling towards us. I jogged over to him and picked some up. We tossed them into the pool and went back in and got everything else. I let Samantha out in to the yard, where she promptly ran over to Artie, jumped into his lap and started licking his face.

"Ya know, I can do a couple flips like that." I told everyone, standing in front of them.

"Do it then girl!" Mercedes called. I jogged to the end of the yard. I saw Finn put two thumbs up and I started running. Half way, I did a cartwheel, four front flips, a handstand then a split. I stood up, and everyone looked at me in shock. They started clapping.

"You should totally be on the cheer leading squad this year!" Quinn exclaimed.

"Eh, maybe. We'll see." I went to the edge of the pool and dived in. When I came up, I wiped the water out of my eyes and looked around. Sam was no where to be seen.

"Where'd Sam go?" Everyone shrugged. Oh well, I thought. I went over to the steps, where Artie was sitting.


"Yo girl. What'chu doin' ?"

"Nothin', just wondering where Sam went." I said. I heard the door slam shut and looked up. Sam had just walked out of the house.

"Where'd you go?"

"I had to take a leak."

"Why didn't you just go behind the tree?" I asked.

"I didn't want to take the risk of someone walking around the tree and see my junk." I made a face and he laughed.

"See, I told ya, Darlin'!" I looked at him.


"Yeah, do you not like it? I won't call you that if you don't want me to-" I interrupted him by kissing him.

"I love it." He smiled and kissed me again.

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