Psychometry ⇏ THE UMBRELLA AC...

By kearahwrites

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"There's one thing I realized from this: You never loved me." Growing up in the Umbrella Academy was never a... More



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By kearahwrites

      PAIN. THAT'S ALL VALERIE FEELS WHEN SHE WAKES UP. Valerie groans as she struggles to sit up, her head pounding against her skull from the events of yesterday.

She sits up staring at Vanya's bed, debating whether she should get pills or shower first but the feeling of disgust makes her move slowly towards the bathroom. Once she gets there, she lets out a curse at the realization of forgetting to bring her clothes so she goes back and throws sweatpants and a sweater together.

The hot water beats down on her and relaxes her muscles a bit as she stands under the spray for a while, her mind replaying yesterday before it comes back to her. Her gloves.

Valerie finishes up her shower and gets dressed before going downstairs for pills and a cup of tea. Valerie wonders if two will be enough or not before throwing them back and swallowing them dry with a scrunch of her face.

Slowly, Valerie makes her way to where she remembered she dropped her gloves last night only to find it gone, "mom?" Valerie calls out as she looks around the living room.

"Mom?" She calls out after looking around the living room and goes to look for her mom.

Valerie checks the laundry room, goes back to the kitchen to see if she went in there but finds no one so Valerie makes her way back upstairs, "mom?"

"V?" Valerie hears Allison call back as she walks out from her room dressed up, "what's wrong?"

Valerie ignores the question and nods towards her sister's attire, "where you going and where did mom go? I can't find my gloves and I'm pretty sure she tried to clean them or something," Valerie instinctively closes her hands into fists.

Allison sighs and looks down before slowly walking over to Valerie who stares back at her worried and confused, "what's going on?" She asks slowly.

"V, mom's gone," once the words register in Valerie's mind she immediately short circuits.

Valerie shakes her head, "very funny," she says while forcing a smile only for Allison not to smile back, "it's a joke right?" She asks and Allison just gives her a bigger frown, "it's... not?"

"You wanna—"

"No," Valerie stops Allison, "I don't want to see her... I just," Valerie goes quiet as she tries to figure out what happened to her mom, " was those assholes, right? Those fuckers that broke into our house."

"V, I know you're—"

Valerie holds up her hand and takes a deep breath, "we can't fix her?"

Allison shrugs with a tired expression, "I-I don't know, with how we found her-"

Valerie winces at the thought of what they did, "let's just— do you- do you have any gloves that I can borrow?" Valerie changes the subject quickly.

Allison nods and goes into her room, Valerie following her and sitting on her bed, "so... uh- where you going?"

"I was gonna go check up on Vanya," Allison explains as she turns around and hands a pair of her pink cashmere winter gloves making Valerie chuckle, "they're all I have," Valerie puts them on with a smile.

"It's totally okay," Valerie assures, "better than nothing, amirite?"

Allison chuckles when Valerie strikes a pose with her hands covering her mouth, "how do I look?" She asks with a sultry tone making Allison laugh a little harder.

"They suit you."

Valerie lets out a dramatic sigh, "thank god, I didn't know if it would match my muted tones," she explains as she gestures to her dark baggy clothes.

"Loser," Allison chuckles out making Valerie smile before standing up.

"So, what's on the agenda today, sissy?" Valerie questions as she wiggles her fingers in the gloves that are a little tight.

Allison raises an eyebrow, "I was gonna go to Vanya's remember? To check up on her, why? You wanna come?"

Valerie lets a scoff, "totally! We're gonna go see my baby sis, of course, I'm gonna tag along," She admits as Allison walks out with a playful eye roll, "you're gonna have to drive though, because my body feels like I went on a week's worth binge of drinking and trust me, I would know what it's like, not fun."

"Jesus, V!"

Valerie laughs, "I was 19 alright? I loved the nightlife."

Allison laughs along with her, "you're absolutely crazy," She chuckles out as Valerie smiles and bumps her with her hip, "crazy to binge drink for a week and to think you're older than any of us."

Valerie shrugs, "you're right, it's Five that's the old man," she jokes making Allison nod and laugh.

Allison sighs with a smile on her face, "yeah but out of me, you and Vanya," Allison explains as she points between herself and Valerie, "I'm the oldest."

The sisters walk out the door just as Valerie gasps, "you wish!"

The thoughts of Valerie's mom is in the back of her mind, still there but very quiet just like everything else she tries to block out.

VALERIE WALKS BEHIND ALLISON AS THEY GET TO Vanya's door, "this is it?" Allison asks as she looks up from her piece of paper.

Valerie looks over her sister's shoulder and at the paper, "yup."

Allison goes quiet making Valerie look at Allison and finds her staring at the door which is cracked open making Valerie freeze up.

"Vanya?" Allison calls out into the apartment as she walks in with Valerie on her heel.

Allison walks to the table and Valerie follows, "where do you think—"

"I saw someone," Allison whispers out making Valerie look to Allison who's eyes are focused on the hallway.

Valerie scrunches up her face in confused before Allison races and hides behind a wall sticking out making Valerie duck behind the table.

Allison knocks the man off his feet when he comes into the living room and onto the ground before going to punch him, "Allison! Wait!" The man calls out.

"Leonard!" Valerie stands up and goes over to the two with a confused expression.

"You know this guy?" Valerie questions and looks down at the man who has his hands raised to the two sisters.

Allison sighs, "she's Vanya's... friend that's she's talking to?"

It goes quiet, "her what!" Valerie screams as she looks down at the guy, Leonard and to her sister, "is she dating him?"

"What? I don't know! I thought you knew!" Allison explains as she looks over at Valerie.

Valerie laughs and puts her face in her hands, "no fucking way, really? I'm—"

"Sorry," Allison says Leonard who's still on the ground, "I thought you were a-- um... where's Vanya?"

Valerie drops her hands from her face, "probably at his house for all we know, maybe they're having a little sleepover and he came to get her some clothes for—"

"V, shut up," Allison says as kindly as she could while Valerie tries to not to laugh at the new information.

Leonard gets up and points at the door, "she's at rehearsal, she-- she left her keys at my place last night," he explains as he takes out some keys, "I'm just returning them."

Valerie just sucks in a breath as she gestured to Leonard after what he said, "ignore her," Allison explains as she pushes down Valerie's arms to stop her from pointing at Leonard.

"I'm sorry, if I scared you," Leonard apologizes as he looks over to find Valerie staring him down making Leonard go a little stiff.

Valerie nudges Allison and nods, "he doesn't really seem like Vanya's type though," She whispers to her sister only to have Allison elbow Valerie's rib making her jump away from her in pain.

"Don't hurt injured people, Ally!"

Allison stares at her sister in annoyance, "I wouldn't have to if you'd stop being stupid," she looks back at Leonard and smiles, "uh... so why you inside her apartment?"

Valerie walks back beside her sister and leans into her ear, "probably sniffing her underwear," Allison groans and pushes her sister away only to have Valerie burst out into giggles while Leonard watched on in utter confusion.

"It's kind of embarrassing," Leonard starts with a playful tone.

Valerie goes serious, "It's okay Leonard, we know you've come to sniff our sister's clothes," her words cause Leonard to stutter and shake his head while Allison looks back and glares at her sister, Valerie raises her hands and pretends to zip her lips with a playful smirk on her face.

"I had to use the restroom," he admits which makes Valerie actually get confused and raise an eyebrow while Allison crosses her arms, "if you don't mind me asking, why are you both here?"

The tone catches Valerie off-guard and she immediately stops smiling, "Excuse me?" Allison questions as she walks closer to him.

He stares between the two sisters, "no, it's just... from what I heard, you didn't want anything to do with Vanya yesterday. So, I was just wondering."

"I don't know how that's any of your business," Allison explains before Valerie glares at the man.

She crosses her hands across her chest, "you're right," Leonard chuckles out and points to Allison, "probably not, uh, it was nice seeing you and you, Valerie" Leonard looks over at Valerie.

The knowing of her name makes the hair on Valerie's neck raise as Leonard looks at the door then back at Allison.

"I guess I'll just... drop these off to Vanya at rehearsal."

Allison smiles, "you know what, I'll take the keys to her."

Leonard stares at Allison in confusion before giving her a smile, "sure," he agrees as he puts the keys in Allison's hands, "whatever's easiest right?" He tries to joke while he leaves only for Allison to force a smile and Valerie to stare at him with a blank face, "it was great to see you and nice to finally meet you, Valerie."

Once he leaves Valerie speaks up, "I know I just met him but I already don't like him."

VALERIE AND ALLISON WAIT OUTSIDE THE BUILDING where the two see a magazine 'PATRICK TO ALLISON: WE'RE FINE!', "aww! Is that my little niece?" Valerie asks before looking over at the man, "damn Ally, you really know how to choose them."

Valerie looks at Allison who looks annoyed as she goes to flip through it, "you okay?" She just shakes her head and scoffs.

"Hey, what're you guys doing here?" Vanya questions making the two sisters look over.

Valerie smiles, "came to pick up, my little sister," she jokes before spotting an interesting magazine and going over to check it out.

She flips through the pages bored before spotting another magazine with Allison's husband and her niece on it, Valerie looks towards her sisters who are having a hushed conversation. So, Valerie goes to grabs it and flips to the pages before reading it as she hides the cover with her other magazine.

"V," Allison calls out making Valerie quickly close it and hum as she looks to the two sisters, "wanna come with us for a drink?"

Valerie nods, "yeah."

The three sisters make their way to a bar, Valerie and Allison leaving their magazines.

THE THREE SISTERS FIND THEMSELVES IN A BAR, VALERIE sitting alone as Vanya and Allison sit in front of each other with drinks in their hands.

"Leonard wouldn't," Vanya says after Allison explains what happened at her house earlier, "I mean, I can't even imagine."

"Uh, I get it," Allison agrees, "I don't believe it either, but why would he tell you he's going to work, and then he's letting himself into your place?"

Valerie drinks her pink elephant, "I'm just shocked I didn't know Vanya had a piece of side candy hidden away from her big sister."

Allison rolls her eyes and Vanya shakes her head in protest, "we— it isn't like that, I don't think and you're not my big sister, we're the same age," she tries to explain only to try and ignore Valerie, "to use the bathroom, like he said?" She replies to Allison.

"Or to creep around," Allison suggests while Valerie chews on her straw.

She points over to her sisters, "he could've been sniffing your underwear."

"Oh my god, Valerie!" Allison says making Valerie shrug and gesture, "he was in her house and he was acting a bit creepy! I'm just saying—"

"Well don't," Allison cuts her off making roll her eyes.

"He wouldn't," Vanya protests against both her sisters' assumptions.

Allison stares at Vanya asking if she's sure, "rifle through your stuff? Maybe steal something? I mean... jerk off on your Mr. Snuggles teddy bear?"

"Oh my god!"

"No!" Vanya and Valerie say at the same time while Valerie as a smile on her face at the fact her sister jumped on the wagon of creepy things Leonard could've done, Vanya on the other hand, "no, both of you stop."

"Look, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but sometimes, men are unredeemable shits," Valerie raises her big wine glass up and points at her sister.

"Amen to that!" The alcohol causing her body to buzz and warm up.

Allison and Vanya look over at their sister who drinks the rest of her pink elephant before mumbling to them that she's gonna get one more.

"Well, maybe, but... I like this one," Valerie hears as she goes to the bar at flags down the bartender which happens to be a brunette.

"What can I get you?" She asks with a bright smile only making Valerie smile back.

She lifts her glass, "another pink elephant please?"

"Sure," she grabs a few drinks from behind the bar and begins to make Valerie's drink.

Valerie rests her chin on her hand and gives a small smile, "so, how long have you been working here?"

The bartender hands her the drink, "a few weeks now."

"Wow," Valerie replies, "well, I wish you the best on your new-ish job."

The brunette laughs and nods, "thanks, have a good time."

Valerie goes to sit back down, "here we are," Allison says as she looks down at her drink.

"Yay, sisters?" Vanya asks as she raises her glass.

Valerie chuckles as she raises her full glass alongside Allison, "yay, sisters," Allison and Valerie say in reply as they laugh.

"Yay to Valerie, the oldest," she jokes making Allison and Vanya chuckle while they sip their drinks.

"You wish," Allison mumbles out as she smirks over to Vanya who's smiling back.

Valerie takes a sip of her drink, "I don't have to little sis, it's already come true."

VALERIE FINISHES HER FOURTH DRINK AFTER VANYA and Allison left ("you sure, you don't want to come home with us?" "It's alright Vanya, I'll catch a ride with someone else.")

Now, Valerie struggles to stare at her phone as she dials Diego's number into her phone and puts it to her ear, "what do you want?" He answers making Valerie chuckle at her brother.

"Can you come to get me? I'm a little—" she lets out a giggle, "I'm a smidge bit of buzzed."

"Wh— where are you?"

Valerie pulls the phone from her ear and looks at the brunette, Jolene, "what's this bar again, beautiful?"

She smiles as she cleans the glass, "it's called Sal's"

Valerie puts her phone back to her ear, "Sal's"

Diego groans from the other end, "fine, fine but you better start sobering up when I get there."

"On it, like Donkey Kong it," she replies, "thank you, bye, love you Oscar the grouch."

"Val—" she hangs up and looks back at the brunette.

"So, that was my brother," she explains, "he hates me but deep, deep, down... he probably hates me even more," she jokes with a slight snicker only to feel a little sad at how true it actually is but tries to bring up her spirits again, "and he will be picking me up."

"That's great, you want another drink while you wait? Maybe water this time?" She asks with a playful smirk.

Valerie smiles, "you know me so well," she jokes as she places her hands over her heart, "two water bottles? I'm gonna chug them."

When Diego texts Valerie that he's outside, Valerie pulls away from Jolene, "my rides here," Valerie explains with a breathless voice.

"Bummer," Jolene jokes as she smiles and begins to fix her smeared lipstick.

Valerie smiles and gives her one more kiss, "I gave you my number for a reason, use it."

Jolene chuckles and nods, "will do, bye."

"Bye," Valerie winks as she walks out the bathroom while wiping her mouth to get rid of the lipstick and to the door before hopping into Diego's car, "Hello, Oscar, thank you for picking me up."

Diego's face scrunches up, "so, one of my friends said she found Klaus and god, you really smell like a liquor store."

That makes Valerie's heart race as she ignores Diego's comment on her smell, "what? Where? Is he okay?"

"I don't know, you called me right before I found out and she just said she found him at a motel," Diego explains as he quickly speeds over to the destination.

Valerie follows Diego as they look for their brother, "Klaus?" Diego calls out with Valerie on his heels.

"Maybe your friend took him to their place?" Valerie questions as they go to walk past an open room and look in to find someone lying on the ground.

Valerie freezes as she sees the pool of blood beside them, "Diego... who is that, Diego?"

Her brother drops his knives and takes off his gloves as he races over to the woman, "no, no, no! Eudora! No, no, no! Eudora!"

Valerie just watches in shock as the alcohol in her system causes her to feel spacey, "Diego..."

Diego turns over the woman, "no, no, no, no, no, no..." he pleads out before smashing his fists against the ground in anger while he goes to lift her head, "I was on my way, I was— why didn't you wait?"

Valerie leans against the door with her hand over her mouth at the scene in front of her before she hears the sounds of sirens, "Diego," she calls out softly, "Diego, we have to go."

Diego looks back at the door and his sister then back over to the woman, Eudora, "I gotta go, okay?" He says to her but obviously getting no reply, "I can't be here when they come, okay?" Diego whimpers out making Valerie walk over and place a hand on his arm before giving a little tug.

"I know, Diego but we have to go," she begs, "Come on, we- we have to go," Diego finally lets himself get pulled away by his sister then goes to grab his gloves while Valerie grabs his knives.

As they go to leave, Diego spots something on the table and grabs it, stopping at the door and looking back one last time.

"Diego," Valerie tries to warn her brother before he follows her and they leave.

Once they get to Diego's car, he's completely silent, "Diego—"

"Don't, Valerie," Diego stops her, "just don't."

"I-I don't know her but I'm sorry about your loss..."

Diego scuffs while he stands in front of the driver side door before he begins hitting his car making Valerie jump as she watches him, "Diego—"

He ignores her as he keeps kicking his tires and hitting his roof, "Diego, enough," she calls out before walking over to him, "You're scaring me."

He turns back to his sister, "I'm scaring you? I'm sorry! What did you want me to do? Talk about my feelings like a normal person would?"

"Diego, that's not what I mean and you know it."

"So what do you mean, huh?" Diego snaps as he towers over his sister making her shrink into herself, "you want to me to sit down? Call my therapist? Write in a damn journal!"

"You need to calm down," Valerie speaks up making Diego scoff with tears still shining in his eyes.

"Why should I listen to you?" He snaps, "why are you even here? Just go back to your little life? We don't need you here! We have plenty enough!"


"Go!" He demands, "leave! It's what you always did whenever it was too much!" Valerie frowns at his words, "you did it before and you can do it now, don't bother with a goodbye, because me and everyone else could care less about one, so go!" He shoves Valerie a bit making her eyes water at his words while she looks down at her feet.

Diego turns and goes to the door of his car, Valerie quickly following him, "just leave me alone, Val!"

"I'm sorry, okay! I'm sorry about leaving! I-I wish you didn't have to deal with what you did tonight but I'm worried about you, I can't leave you alone like this!" Diego wipes his nose before letting out a scuff and turning to his sister to tell at her to leave again only for her hug him.

The two stand there in the loud city, sirens and vehicles passing by the quiet alleyway, "it's okay, Diego," Valerie assures, "It's gonna be okay."

Valerie thinks Diego will shove her away but before she can ready herself, Diego's chest shakes. Valerie realizes that Diego's silently crying and he tries to stop himself only to hiccup and hug Valerie tightly against him.

The two siblings stand there as Diego struggles to not cry in front of his sister while Valerie holds him just as tight and tries to assure him with hushed words.

THE RIDE BACK TO THE ACADEMY IS DEAD SILENT while Diego parks in front of the building, "Diego-"

"Just— please, get out..."

Valerie slowly nods and opens the door before getting out. Diego speeds away causing Valerie to walk into the building and go to her room, tired both emotionally and physically.

Valerie lays in her bed until the sun begins to come up before she finally closes her eyes after sending a message to Klaus who she hopes will get it even though she's positive he doesn't even have a phone anymore, her heart heavy for her brothers as she falls asleep. The thoughts of last night stuck in her mind.

author's note:
chapter four.
y i k e s.
I don't know how to feel about this episode.

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