Matilda's older sister

By Lil_Nyxie

97.9K 1.4K 803

What if Matilda had an older sister who also had mind powers like her. Who showed her love her mom, dad, and... More

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Should There Be a Romance?
not an update
Contest pt.2


3.4K 51 4
By Lil_Nyxie

(What Angel looks like and her outfit. She is at Melody's shoulder and Melody is like 5'8-5'9)

The next morning I woke up a little later than usual and made Matilda, Mike's and my lunches. Pb&j and orange juice with potato chips and a cookie for bookworm, ham & cheese and apple juice with Doritos and a bag of his favorite cereal for Mike and for me some leftover chicken and broccoli with white rice and a very berry smoothie with a water. I decided to change my style up so today I was wearing, 

I grabbed Lissy and Lany and put them in Matilda's backpack with the chocolates. It seems she ate one without me knowing. Sneaky girl.

I put Mike's bag and lunch-bag on the counter and went to wake up Matilda. Before I woke her, I pulled out her outfit which consisted of a yellow t-shirt, a light blue checkered dress, socks, and dark blue Velcro shoes. I jumped on the bed like a child and shook Matilda. She groaned. "hey, come on. You gotta get up so we can surprise Jen and Angel with the things we got." She nodded and sat up. I left the room and grabbed her bag and lunch-bag and waited by the door. She came running and I handed her, her bag and we left. Since we were running late we took the bus. Matilda ran of and yelled, "Miss Honey! You'll never believe what I got you!" She showed Lissy doll to Jen and she gasped. 

"I also brought you this. I ate mine last night." Matilda handed her one of the chocolates. I hit her shoulder. "No sweets that late ever again." She nodded. Angel came out and I smiled. When she reached me, I wrapped an arm around her waist and reached into bookworms backpack and pulled out Lany. I showed her to Angel and she gasped, grabbed the doll and hugged it. She got teary eyed and slammed into me, wrapping her arms around my neck. We heard a popping sound and I grabbed Lissy and stuffed her into Matilda's bag and wiped Angels eyes. Matilda grabbed the chocolate from Jen's hand and hid it behind her back, while Jen stood up from her crouched position and hid Lissy behind her back. Trunchbull got out of her car and slammed the door. She straightened up and strutted over to us. I glanced at Angel and saw her eyes slightly widen. I wrapped my arm around her and let my hand rest on her waist. She relaxed slightly. The Trunchbull's hair was slightly a mess. "I will be teaching your class today." She said. "Yes, Ma'am" I said like a soldier. She smiled at me then glanced at Matilda and walked inside. I looked at Matilda and she and I had a plan.

We walked inside the classroom. It was empty at the moment and Jen and I were putting everything away and hiding the decorations. Angel took both dolls and the chocolate as well as my purse and put them in a drawer in my desk."She is really raving mad." Jen said as she filled the water pitcher. "What did your father call you? Hummingbird?" Matilda asked. 

"He called Angel Hummingbird but called Jen Bumblebee." I answered for Jen. Angel came up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "She knows the doll is missing." Angel sighed. "I highly doubt it. She booked it out of the house so fast and this morning her hair was messed up. She may have only been back to the house to change and then leave to come here." I responded. "And he called her Trunchbull?"

"I suppose he called her Agatha." Jen responded walking to her desk and setting the now full water pitcher and empty cup on her desk. Angel and I followed and stood in front of her desk in the same position with Matilda on left of the desk. "She called him Magnus, right?" Matilda asked. "Maybe I could go back to the house put the dolls back while she's still at school." Jen said when she sat down. She then sighed. "Oh, no. I can't do that." Jen put her head in her hands. "Calm down, Jen. It's gonna be okay. I promise." I told her with a smile. "You promised you wouldn't go back, Matilda. And Melody, you went with her." Jen looked at me at the last part. I smirked. "We didn't go into the house Jen." I stated. "I was on the garage roof." Matilda continued. " We did it with our powers." "Ok, did with your powers. Yours aren't developed yet for that.All right. I need to think." Matilda glanced at me. I winked. 

She looked at the water pitcher and nodded up. The pitcher floated up off the desk. Jen, not paying attention, put her hand on it and lowered it back on the desktop. Angel and I smiled as well as Matilda. She repeated the motion. This time Jen looked to the right and saw the pitcher floating. She looked at Matilda then at me. "She's been practicing." "I think I got them down." Matilda stated pridefully. "Mmm, not completely. You still have to do either head or hand motions while I just have to think it and it happens." I stated. Matilda stuck her tongue out at me. Angel and and I chuckled. "Watch this." Matilda said. She pointed at all the things that needed to be hidden and they disappeared." No more Miss Nice Girl." Matilda and I said together. We smiled at each other. "Get inside, quickly! Run!" We heard from outside the room. It's go time.

(1004 words) 

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