Should There Be a Romance?

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Should I give Melody a romance? I've been thinking about it, but I don't know how to incorporate it into the story.

I want to see how you guys feel about it, but I kind of like the idea, but I kind of don't at the same time. Leave a comment if you think I should or shouldn't and help me figure out how to incorporate a relationship and it can be boy or girl doesn't matter.

And I don't think it should be Trunchbull's son or daughter, because she doesn't like kids.

Edit- ok, I just thought of this, what if miss honey had a younger brother or sister, cause she's like, what 21. He/She would be, I don't know 16 or 17 he/she like visits, miss honey, see how everything's going because he's/she's been at college.

Edit- you know what? I actually think it should be a girl and girl romance, because I kind of want it to be a little gay. 😂😂😂 People back in the time of when Matilda was made didn't exactly like people who weren't straight, so I kinda wanna see her go against her parents twice.

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