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We continuously practiced Matilda's powers until she got a good control over them. She still has to follow things with her eyes or use hand gestures but me, I just have to think of something doing what I want it to do and it does it. She'll get there though.

A couple of days later, I was at my dads shop working on an old used motorcycle I bought for cheap. I did have to fix it up and then paint it but I haven't decided on a color yet. I also need to buy a helmet but I used all the money I had saved up on the bike and some new parts from a pick-your-part yard or stole from dads shop. I had to replace most of the parts for the engine, get new tires that I bought from the store, a seat for the hidden compartment, new brake parts. I also need to buy brake fluid and oil then gas but that's later. I also have to finish the engine and the brakes, but right at the moment I was putting on the side mirrors. Get the easier and quicker things done then do the hard part last. 

~Time Skip~

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~Time Skip~

I had just finished putting on the final mirror and cleaned it when the principle of the school I would be working for walked in. I set down my tools and grabbed a oily towel and wiped my hands. "Ms. Trunchbull. Hello how may I help you."

"Ah, Ms.Melody. I need a car. Can you service me?" Double meaning but ok. "I am sorry, I cannot but my father can. Dad!" I turned around and yelled his name. "What do you want brat." "Customer dad." I walked back to my station and started working on the engine."Ah hello. Welcome to Wormwood Motors. Harry Wormwood, owner and founder."

"Agatha Trunchbull, Principal. I want a tight car, because I run a tight ship. My school is a model of discipline. Use the rod. beat the child. That's my motto." "Terrific motto." "Do you have brats?" "A boy, Mikey, That one(He pointed at me), and one mistake." I gripped the wrench but didn't say anything. The woman who hired me is in the room. I can't afford to make a mistake.
"They're all mistakes, children. I'm glad I never was one." OK, what?
"Well, since your an educator, I'm gonna make you a great deal."
"You had better."
"Thank you. Enjoy it." I walked out to the back next to my dad. "You do realize the minute that car breaks down she'll either beat Matilda or sue you, right?" He looked at me and waved his hand and then walked away. I sighed she might fire me though. Great. I went back and worked on the engine all day. Then we went home.

When we got home I took out some hidden money from the seat without dad seeing and started walking down the road to the store. "Where you going?" "Store." "Whatever."

When I got home I went to my and Matilda's room to see her rushing around looking for things. "Hey, bookworm." Matilda turned around and saw me gave me a quick hug and continued to rush around the room."What are you doing?"

"Looking for things to take to school."

"You mean the stuff I went and bought for you?" I lifted up the two bags I had filled with pencils, markers, paper, 2 notebooks, a backpack, and a folder. She squealed and I quickly put my free hand over her mouth tho quiet her. "Shhh, we don't want dad to hear you." I took my hand away and she hugged me continuously saying 'thank you' over and over again. She then looked at the clock we had in the room."Happy birthday." She said with a smile. I looked at the clock and It was midnight. I'm 17 now. Cool. One more year and I can adopt Matilda and take her from this place."Huh, thanks bookworm. I totally forgot. OK, you pack your school supplies and I'll pick out your dress." When we finished we went to bed. Matilda had always wanted to go to school. We used to play school sometimes. I woke up really early the next morning and got dressed for the school day. Today is the second week of the second semester and I start working today. How lucky am I to start working the day my sister starts school at the same place I work.

Matilda's older sisterWhere stories live. Discover now