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Jen, Angel and I were at the back of the class watching Trunchbull pacing in front of the students who were standing in a straight line. Trunchbull ,in a pit of rage, pushed all of the desks to the back of the room.
"Did you know it was illegal to enter someone's home without permission?" Trunchbull asked.
"Yes. Miss Trunchbull." "Sir." I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. Trunchbull did not like that kid because she yelled.
"Stomach in! Shoulders back!" They did as told. "Do any of you recognize this?" My eyes widened at the site of Matilda's red bow. Angel and I shared a glance and she saw the worry in my eyes. She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I relaxed slightly and looked back at the children.
"Let's play a game." Trunchbull said. "Who was wearing a pretty, red hair ribbon yesterday, and isn't wearing one today?" She said in a sing songy voice you would use with a baby. When no one answered her, rage spread across her face. "Who does this disgusting," She started and she threw it on the ground and stepped on it. "Ribbon belong to?" She finished. I felt Angel squeeze my hand slightly.
"I shall personally see to it that the demented drooling little Lilliputian , who owns this ribbon will never see the light of day again!" Then she pointed right at Matilda. "You." I took in a sharp breath and Angel grabbed my arm with her free hand, the other still holding my hand. Jen took upon herself to say something. "Miss Trunchbull, I was at your house last night." She had put her hand on Trunchbull's arm. Trunchbull grabbed Jens hand tightly and twisted."I broke your arm once before. I can do it again Jenny." With her other hand, Jen grabbed her aunts and pulled it off.
"I'm not seven years old anymore, Aunt Trunchbull."All of the students gasped.
"Shut your holes!" She pointed to Matilda again and I was losing my patients.
"You'll be put away in a place where not even the crows can land their droppings on you. one will find." She then grabbed. Matilda's. Neck. I lightly pushed Angel to Jen's direction and she walked there. "Get your filthy hands off her." I said. Trunchbull took her hand off of her neck and slowly turned around. "What?" I took two steps toward her and got in her face. " I said, get your filthy hands off of my little sisters neck." Before she could say anything, everyone looked at the board.
"Look!" One of the kids said. We looked and saw the chalk floating. I walked to the side where Jen and Angel were. Angel moved to my side and I wrapped my arm around her waist. I noticed Matilda moving the chalk with her mind. I made the blinds open and close adding to the eeriness. She started to spell something. "Agatha..." all of the kids said together. "This is Magnus. Give my little Bumblebee and Hummingbird......their house and her money. Then get out of town. If you don't, I will get you. I will get you like you got me. That is a promise." They finished. She set the chalk down and made the erasers chase Trunchbull. She started screaming. They started hitting her leaving chalk marks. The students laughed and I tried to keep my laughter in. They hit her so much that she fainted. Matilda dropped the erasers and I pulled the blinds up, letting in the light. The students crowded around her. Soon her head turned, causing all the children to scream. She grabbed a boy by his plaid shirt. 

She lifted him up and got ready to throw him. Angel hid her face in my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist tightly.
"No, No! Miss Trunchbull, please don't throw him." Jen tried to reason. I quickly made the window she was aiming for open when she threw him. Everyone crowded the window watching as Matilda made him fly. Matilda made him fly back in, chase Miss Trunchbull, and push her stomach first onto the globe. Jen tapped me and motioned me to make it spin. I smirked, nuged Angel to look and nodded to the globe. She looked and I twirled my finger once and the globe started spinning. She started giggling and the class boomed with laughter. Trunchbull flew off and hit the wall. She started to get up and everyone, except me, gasped. When she got up, very dizzy might I add, and Trunchbull charged at Lavender who had moved in a different way when we all backed up. "Lavender!" Everyone yelled. Right before Trunchbull got to her, I made Lavender launch into the air and she grabbed onto a pipe above her and held on. The Trunchbull had ran full speed toward Lavender, that she went right thru the door. Matilda had made everyone's lunches fall to the ground. Some of the students in the other classes had opened the doors to see what the noise was about. "It's the Trunch!" I heard a girl say. All of the children in my class grabbed their lunches and started throwing them at The Trunchbull. All of the students who were in the halls had went back in their classes to grab their lunches. Jen, Angel, Matilda, and I were still in the room. We went over to Lavender. "Let go." I told her. She did and I let her down slowly. When she was safely on the floor, she looked at her hands then to Matilda.

Matilda's older sisterWhere stories live. Discover now