A Different Story, a Chimondo...

By teganlwolf

5.9K 173 38

We all know the story in the second chapter. Mondo murdered Chihiro out of a blind rage. But, what if that ne... More

Strong in the real way
It'll be ok
Guard Duty

Genocide Jill

939 25 7
By teganlwolf

 Mondo woke up late the next morning, rather drowsy. He looked up at the clock. 7:15. He assumed he had stayed up later than he thought, thus woke up late. The biker let out a sigh and sat up. He figured if he didn't go to the dining hall soon, Taka would throw a fit. Mondo, rather sluggish, made his way out of his room. He could already hear Taka's yelling. But, something seemed... off. Taka's voice didn't sound like it was coming from the dining hall. It sounded closer. Like it was behind him. He spun around and saw everyone, even Byakuya, gathered around Chihiro's door. "H-hey... what's going on!?" Mondo asked, pushing through the small crowd. Once he was through, he saw something he couldn't believe.

Chihiro Fujisaki's door was covered in slashes and gashes and right over his doorknob, there was a pair of razor sharp scissors. Mondo went pale. "W... what..." he was able to mumble out. "Were not completely sure.." Aoi spoke up. "All most of us know is that Byakuya found his door like this when he got up to go to the library." "Taka came out of his room a bit after I did and found me staring. When he saw it, he panicked and started banging on the door to see if he was still in there." Byakuya added.

"Chihiro! Please answer! Chihiro!" Taka yelled. Mondo was completely silent. 'N... no... there's no way!' he thought to himself before walking up to the door and knocking. "C-Chihiro!? I-its me! Mondo! Please tell me you're in there!" he yelled. There was no response. "C-Chihiro!" he knocked again. "H-hey..." Hifumi spoke up. "Y-you guys d-dont think... C-Chihiro might be-" "Shut... the fuck... up... Hifumi..." Mondo said. "M-Mondo..?" Taka looked at his friend. Mondo didn't look at anyone. He stared at the floor, fist on the door. "Chihiro... is not dead..." he said.

"H-how can you be so-" "HE ISN'T DEAD SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Mondo yelled. Everyone took a step back. Mondo clenched his still bandaged hands. He didn't want to believe Chihiro was gone. "Mondo could be correct." Sakura spoke up. "There is the chance, after whatever happened here, he went to look for somewhere more secure to hide." she said. "Hm.. she might have a point... after all, it doesn't look like whoever tried to get in did not in the end." Kyoko agreed. "It's probably best we search the school." the rest of the students agreed and went off to see if they could find him. But not Mondo.

Mondo stayed where he was, his clenched fist on the door, his eyes staring downward. "B-bro..?" Taka said, standing beside his friend. "H.... he's... he's not dead... he can't be..." Mondo mumbled. Taka slowly placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey..." Mondo looked up slightly. Taka was rather surprised to see Mondo was crying. "M-Mondo..." he said. "What?" the biker asked. His voice sounded quieter and sadder. "A-are you... crying?" Taka asked. "Huh?" Mondo brought a hand to his face, and looked surprised to feel tears streaming down his face.

"I... I guess.. I am.." he sighed, wiping his eyes. "Mondo..." Taka sighed. "It's gonna be ok. I promise. I'm sure... Chihiro is ok." he smiled. Mondo let out a sigh. ".... I hope so..." he felt his knees start to quake until he fell. "I... really... really hope so..." Mondo let out a sniffle and his tears fell to the floor. He still wasn't sure of his true feelings for Chihiro, but he knew he couldn't lose him. Not now. Not ever. He wouldn't let him die.

Could this be love? Could this determination to not let him die, this feeling of despair when the thought of losing him crosses his mind be his feelings towards him showing through his tough exterior? He did not know. But he didn't have time to worry about it now. Right now, he only wanted to find Chihiro. Make sure he's ok. "You know.." a familiar overly upbeat voice spoke up. Taka looked over and saw him. Not that he was too surprised. He was more annoyed that he had to turn up at all.

"If you ask nicely, I may be able to open the door for you." Monokuma smirked. "You have a key?" Taka questioned. "Spares of course. Figured one of you would end up losing them sooner or later." he smiled holding one up. "Well, specifically Yasuhiro, but I made one extra for everyone." Monokuma waddled up to the door and unlocked it. "There you-" Mondo bolted in before Monokuma could finish. "Bro!" Taka yelled, running in after him. ".............. YOU'RE WELCOME!" Monokuma yelled. "THANK YOU!" Taka yelled back.

Mondo looked frantically about the room. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. "Ugh.. where the fuck could he be!?" Mondo yelled. "M-maybe he did leave?" Taka said. No. There was no way. Mondo looked around one last time. Then, he finally noticed something. A piece of fabric sticking out from under the bed. He froze for a split second before walking over. "B-bro?" Taka questioned. Mondo didn't listen. He kneeled down and looked under the bed. His eyes widened by what he saw.

Chihiro was cowering in fear, wrapped up in his blanket and his cheeks were tearstained. "C-Chihiro!" Mondo said, reasonably surprised. "What!?" Taka yelled. Chihiro's eyes shot open. "M-mondo!" he looked surprised. "H-how did-" before Chihiro finished, Mondo pulled him from his hiding place and hugged him tightly. "Don't ever scare me like that again!" he yelled.

Chihiro stilled. "W-wha..." he felt Mondo tighten his grip slightly. "I-im sorry b-but... you... seriously scared me... please don't ever do that again..." he mumbled. Chihiro was a tad bit surprised. "M-mondo..." he mumbled. "Uh.. bro?" Taka spoke up. Mondo blushed profusely and let go. "S-SORRY!" Mondo yelled. "I-its alright.." Chihiro said, blushing lightly. "A-are you ok Chihiro?" Taka asked.

"Y-yes..." he nodded. "What on earth happened? The door was completely covered in scratches." Taka asked. "I-I... I'm not sure... l w-was just sleeping w-when I heard someone banging on the door or s-something. W-when I got up, I-I heard someone yelling 'cherry'..." "C-cherry?" Mondo questioned. "Y-yeah... I got s-so scared I grabbed my blanket and hid under the bed. T-they stopped eventually b-but I w-was too scared to leave. I-i've been incredibly jumpy since then a-and I haven't slept too much..." he said, rubbing an eye.

"Well... I'm just glad you're ok..." Mondo mumbled. "Clearly..." Taka chimed in. Mondo just let out a sigh. "Who... who on earth did this..." he muttered. "I-I don't know..." Chihiro said. "I... think I do..." Taka said. Mondo and Chihiro looked up at him. "Y-you do?" Chihiro asked. "Y-yeah... Toko..." he said. "T-toko..?" Chihiro questioned. "Toko?" Mondo arched an eyebrow. "Toko Fukawa? You seriously mean her?"

"Y-yeah... you guys... didn't hear her secret..." "Hey." a voice came from the doorway. The three looked and Byakuya was there. "I overheard you three talking about Toko and thought you might want to see what she slipped under her door." he said, holding up a dorm key. "A... key?" Chihiro questioned. "Specifically Toko's. She locked herself in."

"B-but... why would she do that?" Chihiro asked. "Is that seriously a question?" Byakuya asked. "Why do you think?" Chihiro looked down and let out a sigh. "Should we go check on her?" Taka asked. "That would be best." Byakuya nodded and left the room. Taka looked back at Mondo at Chihiro before following. "M-mondo?" Chihiro asked. "Stay here." he said standing up. "H-huh?" "I-ill be right back... just stay here..." Mondo said. "O-ok..." Chihiro knoded and wrapped the blanket around himself again.

Mondo walked over to Toko's door, seeing Byakuya unlock in. Seeing the inside however, all three boy's eyes widened. "B-BYAKUYA!" Toko yelled. She tied her wrists to the leg of the bed with ripped fabric, probably from her sheets, and razor sharp scissors stabbed into the wall furthest from her. "W-what the hell?" Byakuya yelled. "T-toko! W-what on earth!?" Taka yelled, taking a few steps forward. "S-STAY BACK! STAY AWAY!" Toko yelled.

"So... you were responsible for what happened. Of rather, she was responsible." Byakuya said. Toko looked down and nodded. "I-i tried to control her b-but..." "H-hold on!" Mondo yelled. "The fuck is happening!? What do you mean 'she'!?" "Ah. you still don't know." Byakuya said. "Well, I guess it's about time we told you." "Tell me what?" the biker arched an eyebrow. "Her secret."

Toko looked down. "You see, Toko Fukawa here.." Byakuya gestured to the girl. "Is the true identity of the serial killer, Genocide Jack." "W-what!?" Mondo took a step back and looked at Toko in sock. Toko looked at the ground, hiding her face. "We were all a bit sceptical when we heard this but... after seeing what happened..." Taka trailed off. Mondo was stunned. "So... you did do it... you tried to kill him!" "NO I DIDN'T!" Toko yelled. "A-at least... I didn't..." She muttered.

"W-what?" Mondo asked, a little stunned. "You see, Genocide Jack is Toko's split personality." Byakuya explained. "S-split personality?" the biker questioned. "Y-yeah...." Toko nodded. "So.... thats it... a split personality...." Mondo muttered. "I... t-tied myself up to keep her f-from killing." Toko mumbled. Mondo brought a had to his head and sighed. "I-i... i'm gonna check... on Chihiro..." he said, thumbling out of the room. "A-alright.." Taka nodded. As Mondo walked away from Toko's room, he faintly heard Taka say "So, what do we do about her?"

He sighed and walked into Chihiro's room. Chihiro sat on his bed, still wrapped in his blanket. "Hey.." Mondo sighed as he sat next to him. "Oh. Hey Mondo. Something wrong?" he asked. "No.... well... yeah... it's hard to explain..." the biker sighed. "O-oh... I see..." Chihiro mumbled before yawning. "Still tired?" Mondo asked? "Y-yeah..." he nodded, rubbing his eye.

"If you like, I could go for a bit and let you sleep..." the biker smiled. "N-no It's fine... I just.." he yawned again. "N-need a second... to... wake..." he started dozing off, resting his head on the biker's arm. Mondo blushed furiously, staring at the smaller boy. "C-chihiro!" He said. Chihiro flinched slightly. "Mgh... shh... quiet...." he mumbled. Mondo shut up, staring at him. "Mmm... good..." Chihiro smiled slightly.

Mondo blushed brighter. 'God he's cute...' he thought. 'Really cute...' Mondo slowly wrapped his arm around him, petting his head lightly. Chihiro nuzzled the biker's side and snored lightly. This only made him go redder. 'So cute..' "D-damn it..." he said under his breath. "Mond-Oh!" Mondo quickly turned his head upon hearing a voice. There in the doorway stood Taka, staring at him Mondo and Chihiro. "Uh..." "Don't.." Mondo sighed. "J-just don't..." Taka knodded. "I'll... I'll be out here..." he said, leaving the doorway and going into the hall.

Mondo sighed and stood up slowly, making sure not to disturb Chihiro. Then he placed a pillow under his head and slowly left the room. Taka was standing along the hall. "H-hey.." Mondo said. "Oh! Hey bro. Uh... just wanted to let you know, Byakuya and I decided that we'll let Toko stay in her room and we'll bring her meals. Sakura is gonna guard the room just in case." He said. "A-alright..." the two stayed quiet For a second. "Hey, bro.." Taka spoke up.

"When I was teasing you last night, I... reeeeally did not expect-" "I swear if you thought something was happening, it wasn't. He was just tired." Mondo cut in. "O-oh.. ok.." he nodded. Mondo was rather red and refused to make eye contact. He glanced at Chihiro's door a few times. "Hey..." Mondo spoke up. "C... can I guard with Sakura?" "Huh?" Taka looked up. "I-i just.. W-want to help out some..." Mondo muttered.

"Well, if you'd like to, I guess you two could stand guard in shifts... alright!" Taka smiled. "I'll tell Sakura right away." he said before walking off to find Sakura. "And we're still going to the dining hall!" Mondo sighed lightly before walking back to Chihiro's door, looking inside. Chihiro was asleep on his side, facing the door. 'Damn it...' he thought, slowly walking to his bedside. Chihiro snored quietly, sleeping peacefully. Mondo kneeled by his side.

Taka said they were still going to the dining hall, including Chihiro, but Mondo couldn't bring himself to wake the sleeping boy. He was to cute. Not to mention he had not slept all night and probably should. "Mm.. I'll just bring you food later.." he mumbled, slowly getting up again. The biker looked back at him as he walked out of his room, making his way to the dining hall. When he arrived Aoi, Makoto, and Taka were all already there. "Hey Mondo!" Aoi smiled. "We heard you found Chihiro. He ok?" Makoto added. "Y-yeah... he's just a bit on edge.." Mondo said, going to sit in his regular seat.

"Well, least he's not hurt..." Makoto mumbled. "Sooooo, you and Sakura will take turns guarding." Aoi smiled. "You wanna protect your-" "Hina." Mondo interrupted. "One more word, and I swear to god-" "Alright alright, calm down." Taka interjected. Makoto, who was just sitting in his normal spot, looked over and smiled. "Hm? What's up Makoto?" Aoi asked. "Hm? Oh nothin. Just thinking about stuff." the animator smiled. "What about?" She asked. "Mm... Leon... Sayaka... the trial, and..." she stopped there. "Aaaaaand?" Aoi tilted her head.

The luck boi shook his head. "No. Its nothing.. I'm.. gonna go to the storage room for a second. I'll be right back." he said, smiling weakly and leaving the room. "Hm. What's with him?" Aoi asked. "Probably getting something to drink. Like a soda." Mondo said. Taka had all but band sugary and non healthy food from the main fridge. Soon, the rest of the students arrived and had got themselves breakfast. Once Mondo finished, before most of the others, he went back to the kitchen.

"Hey, bro?" Taka asked, walking in. "What are you doing?" Mondo was making food and attempting to make tea. "Oh. Hey bro. Im.. just making Chihiro something. You know... since he..." "right..." Taka nodded. Mondo went to pick up the kettle from off the stove, then yelling in pain. "OW! FUCK!" the biker clutched his hand. "Ow... how the hell does Hifumi do this every fucking day!?" Taka sighed and took it off for him. "You know bro, part of the handle is covered for a reason." Mondo grumbled. "Mm.. whatever..."

"Mondo, if you need help-" "I got this." Mondo interrupted. Taka looked a bit surprised. "Huh? Uh... you sure bro?" "Y-yeah..." he nodded. "Well, if you say so." Taka nodded before leaving. Mondo let out a sigh. Honestly, he wasn't that good at cooking, but wanted to try. After finishing up, he let out a sigh. Hoping he would like it, the biker grabbed a tray and went to give it to Chihiro. He looked into his room. Chihiro was still asleep. Mondo placed the tray on the table and lightly shook him. "H-hey. Chihiro. Wake up."

Chihiro yawned lightly, rubbing his eye. "Mm.. wha?" Mondo smiled lightly. "Hey... I uh... I didn't want to wake you up to come to breakfast, so I made you something." he said bringing over the tray. "W-wow... th-thanks Mondo." Chihiro smiled lighty. "Heh... n-no problem... I uh, I hope you like it.." the biker rubbed the back of his neck. He smiled and started eating. "Mm." Chihiro smiled. "Uh... s-so uh... I-i uh... I'm gonna go.." Mondo stuttred his words as he slowly walked towards the door. "Oh... alright. I'll see you for training later then?"

"Hm?" Mondo turned around to look at him. Chihiro just smiled. "U-uh... r-right... only if you feel up to it though, ok!?" Mondo said. He nodded. "Yep." "A-alright..." he nodded before leaving the room. After closing the door, he let out a sigh. His cheeks were flushed light pink. "Whyyyy..." the biker groaned. "Why... why does he have to be so fucking cute..." Mondo blushed just by hearing his own words. "Well... guess... I should set things up..."


Hey everyone! Quick author's note, I hope you guys don't mind I'm adding my OC into this. also, if I made any mistakes or errors, please let me know. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Authors edit: decided to remove her

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