She is His

By True_Legend_

74.6K 1.9K 99

*Completed* No one takes what is the King's, especially his Queen. Being reckless and getting in trouble is k... More



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By True_Legend_

Ace's pov

I came back late, probably 1 am maybe 2. I didn't pay attention to the time. After shutting off the car lights I seen all the dogs laying on the steps cuddling together. Only if life was that simple and peaceful for me.

The house was quiet, the maids and Benjamin were no where in sight. You could hear a pencil drop and echo for eternity. I walked up to Heaven's room quietly my own eyes droopy.

I opened her light brown door to her sleeping on Hazel's chest. Hazel, the only women that can get me so angry but make me feel so warm too. God she just drives me crazy.

"So you're a mafia leader before a lover? Before a father?" Her words rang loudly in my head as I sat in the rocking chair. I just looked at them, both with some hair in their faces and eyes closed peacefully. God I'm so stuck right now. I let out a loud breath.

"You will wake her, it was hard enough to get her to sleep." I popped my head up as my Queen inched out of Heaven's bed laying her down slowly before pulling her purple blanket up. She kissed her forehead then headed for the door as I followed.

She headed down stairs grabbing her shoes before heading to the kitchen. I still followed her like a lost puppy wanting her attention. She slid her shoes on and got a bottle of water.

"What is it Ace? What is going on in your head?" She sat on the counter putting her long hair in a messy bun.

"What you said, well what you really asked. I'm a mafia leader and I can't change that Hazel. I can't rewrite my childhood, but I'm not a leader first. No I'm a father, I'm a lover, I'm a son, I'm a friend. I'm everything before a mafia leader. And you are the one who taught me that." I stood in front of her now, she paused mid sip as she listened to my words.

"Really?" She closed her bottle giving me her full attention.

"I know I'm fucked up trying to process all this. But I'm ready to work even harder on it. Just please don't give up on me. Everything else makes me a great leader, you make me a great leader." She kissed me slowly and with all her sweetness. I just rested my hands on the counter as she took all my stress away with her delicateness.

"I promised I wouldn't leave you, I'm not breaking that promise." She wrapped her arms around my neck giving me a hug as I picked her up carrying her to our bed.

We laid there just enjoying the silence that consumed us. Before I knew it her soft breathing and quiet little snores rang through my ears. I pulled her closer as I began to doze. I really don't know what would happen without her in my life...without these feelings. She is my everything.

10 am

I woke up to an empty bed. A plate of food was on my table with a green sticky note on top.

~You were so tired I didn't want to wake you. Heaven is at school she gets off at 4 today since it's Friday and so am I. Your mom called, your brother and his family are in town for your graduation. Be by her's at noon. I'll pick up Heaven and see you there <3 I love you - Your Queen~

I smiled at her simple jester, she is something else. I ate the delicious breakfast that she made and jumped in the shower. Blu and Angel were still here so I just took them and Aragon to mom's. With the gang no longer on her shoulders she has had a lot of free time.

I pulled up to the house no cars in front. I figured they would be at the stables since Emma is learning to jump, Kyle and his boys are so in love with horses it's not even funny. His poor wife Marilynn is such a city girl but she deals with it for them.

I walked up the path the dogs on my tail. There is a new grey one and it seems to be Emma's from it having its toenails painted, she must of been missing Aragon.

"Yes! Good job Em!! Okay Jake go ahead jump over the three feet now." Kyle shouted out as I walked up behind him.

"Jumping now huh? No more racing for the boy?" Kyle turned and hugged me. There was no denying our bond was better then with Ethan's, he just doesn't let us in.

"Little brother, how are you? Mom says your lady friend is quite beautiful." He slapped my shoulders as Harry ran into my arms. He is still to young to ride but loves to brush the horses.

"Hey buddy! I missed you! Jake! Come give me a hug ya squirt!" Kyle shook his head as Marilynn came to his side.

I spun the boys around while hugging them. They were going to be mighty fine guys when they grow up. Jake is a spitting image of Marilynn, the blonde hair and green eyes are to the T for them. Harry looks like our grandfather hence he is named after him. Besides having 1 green eye and 1 grey he is our grandfather just like Kyle.

After the kids finished we all walked back to the house. I whistled for the dogs and they all came running, poor Kyle had a heart attack seeing Blu come full force. After he calmed down and pet her she let Harry ride on her back which was adorable no doubt. Emma's dog is named Malcom since he and I quote from Emma "HE IS AN OLD MAN!", that girl lights up the room.

We walked into the house immediately getting yelled at for having our muddy shoes on Ma's clean white carpet. After having a good laugh we all just sat down and talked, and I mean all. Kyle, Marilynn, me, Ethan, Ma, and Father. It was nice to say the least. We haven't done it in a while so time flew by as we talked about everything that has happened. The smile just wouldn't leave my face.

"Hello? Anyone miss us?"

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