Love The Game

By 4Masquerade4

469K 13K 1.7K

Avery has only ever loved to play basketball. It's all she thinks about, until it's not. What happens when lo... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Final Chapter 61
Please read

Chapter 39

6.2K 189 49
By 4Masquerade4

Have you ever been in such a deep sleep that you are so at peace that you even if someone slammed a door you wouldn't wake up? Thats how beautifully asleep I was. I was so blissfully asleep in Sara's bed that I didn't even hear the door slam. All I felt was Sara shaking me awake. It must be her favorite way to wake me up.

"What?" I asked running my fingers through my hairs. As I opened my eyes I saw Sara's mom standing in the room, the door behind her shut all the way. I suddenly realized that I had no clothes on. I also realized that I had forgotten to put a certain something back in its box and under the bed. Sara was sitting up on the bed with the blankets covering her body.

"Avery I think its time you leave." That was all Mrs. Lots said as she turned around and closed the door behind her.

"She hates me." I said still lying on the bed wanting to die in a very very deep hole. If I hadn't given her a reason to hate me before I just did. Sara was silent. She just put her clothes on. Her face was somewhat red.

"Babe are you okay?" I asked scrambling to pull up my legging. Sara just looked at me and started laughing.

"Oh my god your mom is never going to let me come over again." I said trying not to scream.

"It'll be fine. I'll work it out somehow." Sara said laughing.

As I finally got all my clothes on I walked to the door and just stood there with my hand on the door knob. I'd of rather gone out the damn window. Sara just walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. In my ear she whispered

"Stop being a pussy." I just laughed and playfully pushed her off of me. As I walked down the hall and to the living room Saras dad was sitting on a lazy boy recliner and Saras mom was washing the dished. Mr. Lots just smiled and waved like he always did. Mrs. Lots must not have told him what she walked in on. Thank god. I just awkwardly waved back and gave a small wave to Mrs. Lots. She just gave me a look and nodded her head ever so slightly. Sara walked me to the front door. I turned around to say just give her a hug but Sara put her lip on mine and started full on kissing me in front of her parents. I pushed her off as quickly as I could and practically ran out the door. If they didn't hate me before they're going to hate me now. I ran to my car and got in as quickly as I could. I wanted to jus run and never stop. Instead I drop straight home. I called Kris as soon as I thought about it.

"Hello?" She answered

"Oh my god Kris I'm so fucked."

"What happened Ave?"

"I fell asleep at Sara's after we kind of ya know. And when I woke up her mom was standing there in the room. And uhh there was umm something like uh on the bed." My voice kind of faded out with the last part. I realized I was swerving just a little bit.

"Oh my god Ave it wasn't what I think it was." Kris was screaming. She always knew what I was talking about even before I had to say anything.

"Fucking hell yes fuck my life Kris. Her mom is going to hit me with her car. And then Sara starts making out with me right as I'm about to leave. What is that about?"

"I have no idea Ave. All I know is that your fucked." Kris was laughing so hard that I could hear the phone shaking in her hand. I pulled up to my house and sat in the drive way talking to Kris for another 10 minutes before I went into the house.

When I got inside Mom and Lucas were sitting down eating something they had picked up. Lucas was in his baseball uniform which was weird because basketball still had a couple more games.

"You're already practicing for baseball?" I asked Lucas.

"Yeah coach said I need to start practicing because theres a good chance I might get moved up to varsity this year."

"Damn good job." I said. My mother just gave me a look because I said damn. I just rolled my eyes and started walking to my room.

"Why don't you sit down and eat with us?" My mom asked

"I'm not hungry. I'll just get something later." And with that I walked to my room. It was 10:30 at night and I felt like I had so much energy. After I couldn't take it anymore I text Sara to ask what the hell that kiss was about.

So your mom literally walks in on us and then you make out with me IN FRONT OF THEM? I didn't realize that I was actually kind of mad. Or maybe it was more just because was embarrassed. Sara text back within seconds.

Babe its fine. I promise.

How do you know? Your mom hates me now

No she doesn't. Plus already knew that we did stuff

At this I wanted to throw my phone at the wall. This was so fucking embarrassing. Her mom knew everything?!

Sara what the fuck? thats weird. I don't want your mom knowing about stuff we do

Babe its fine. Its not like I tell her everything. I just told her that were dating and she assumed the rest. I mean I've dated other girls before you ave. She and I talked about all of this a long time ago. So its not like I tell her everything we do. She just assumes.

I knew Sara had dated other girls before me but I just put that realization in the back of my mind. This whole situation was just embarrassing and annoying.

Fine. Fine. Whatever you say. I'll talk to you later.

Baby stop being weird.

By now I was thinking about her ex's. The only girl I knew for sure she had dated or talked to before me was Kris. That made my head hurt. I couldn't help it.

Did you and Kris ever do anything?

I typed it in and sent it before I had time to talk myself out of it.

Avery what? Why would you ask that?

Because I want to know.

Avery stop being like this.

I don't know why but I was mad. I know i have no right to be. Anything they did was in the past. And Sara was with me now but just the thought of Kris even touching my girlfriend made me mad. Even more I didn't even know the whole story. All I knew was that they had been talking or something and it ended. And neither one of them has liked the other very much since.

So you're not going to answer?

Babe wheres this coming from.

Nowhere. Gtg. Bye.

After I sent that text I actually did throw my phone at the wall, I didn't throw hard enough to break. But it did fall into my laundry basket. I decided to just leave it there. Now I kept thinking about Kris and Sara. I was fixating. I was obsessing, over nothing. I knew this. But it didn't stop me. I felt like I had so much nervous energy and it was making me angry. Since it was already dark I couldn't go shoot around at a park. Thats a good way to get killed. So I decided id go to the gym. I changed into some running clothes, grabbed my phone out of the hamper and got in my car to leave. Mom and Lucas were still talking at the kitchen table as I was leaving.

"Avery where are you going?" My mom asked with a little concern in her voice. I just ignored it.

"To the gym." I walked out the door, got in my car and drove off.

When I got to the gym I felt like I was going to implode. I kept thinking about Kris and Sara. I had no reason whatsoever to be mad but I was. I got on a treadmill and started running. I let the endorphins flood my body and tried to just let my mind stop moving. After about the second mile it finally started to work. At the end of the fifth mile I turned the treadmill up as high as it would go. My legs were burning and I couldn't breathe but I kept running for as long as I could. I ran as fast as I could until I finally felt like my legs would give out. I almost tripped trying to push the button to turn the speed down. When I finally managed to turn it down it took me another five minutes just to catch my breathe. As I wiped off the machine and threw away the paper towel I saw someone in the corner of my eye running at me. By the time turned around Ollie was already half tackling me. Kara was walking up behind him. The run didn't help. I still felt so freaking mad.

"Dude get the hell off me." I said pushing him off

"Woah Avery the hell is your problem?" Ollie asked. The hurt in his eyes made me feel bad.

"Nothing I just... I'm sorry. I'll see you later. " I just walked out. What the hell was my problem. I don't know I why was so mad. I knew Sara had come out and been dating girls. But she was my first official girlfriend. Before her no one even knew I was into girls. I don't have a reason to be mad or jealous but I was. I was so fucking mad.

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