The diary of Orona White

By FireworkVision

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I never asked to meet Peter, I never asked for anything from him, I never asked to fall in love, I dont regre... More

The diary of Orona White- Prologue
The diary of Orona White chapter1
The diary of Orona White chapter2
The diary of Orona White chapter3
The diary of Orona White chapter4
The diary of Orona White chapter5
The diary of Orona White chapter7
The diary of Orona White chapter8
The diary of Orona White chapter9
The diary of Orona White chapter10
The diary of Orona White chapter11
The diary of Orona White chapter12
The diary of Orona White chapter13

The diary of Orona White chapter6

108 4 0
By FireworkVision

Peter had left about an hour ago, I was in my room now, trying to complete the next level on mario kart, I actually suck balls at his game. I heard the door shut downstairs, Ihoped for it to be Peter, I got up and threw my nintendo across the room, running downstairs at full speed. I threw up mentally when I saw my Dad playing tonsil tennis with some hippy chick.

''Gross.'' I whined, as I walked past them and into the kitchen. The girl looked way younger than my Dad, she looked about 21. My Dad was in his 40's, but he looks about 60 to be quite honest, im not trying to be rude but his dyed grey hair doesn't help to look younger. He thinks it's 'groovy' I hardly think so. The girl he was with looked overly dramatic, with the purple bow in her hair and the yellow and orange striped dress.

''Jessica.'' He mumbled into her, forgetting all about my existence. I felt like throwing up on top of them both just to let them know I was there. I rolled my eyes as my Dad pushed her into the wall, I felt i'd be safer in the kitchen, away from the baby making. I walked over tot he counter, spotting the cereal left there an hour ago and smiling at the memory, I wonder if he actually does like me, he said he did but why would he? We barely know eachother. Im talking about Peter, not my Dad.

I heard footsteps go upstairs, I groaned as I realised what my Dad and the hippie were going to be doing. I stormefd upstairs, making sure I covered my ears fully so I wuldn't hear any live feed. I grabbed my phone from my room and ran back down stairs, I guessed my Dad wouldn't mind me going out for a bit since he was so busy with his whore for the night. I stepped outside into the cold air, slamming the door behind me. I didn't know where I was going to go but I walked at a quick pace nether the less, just incase my Dad called me back in which was highly unlikely.

I smiled to myself as an idea popped into my head.

'Where are u?' I texted Peter.

'Why?' He responded quickly.

'Bored.' I typed back, I just felt like talking to someone.

'Meet me @ mcd's' I recieved. I grinned at that, I hope I didn't seem too clingy, but then again he wouldn't text back if he thought I was acting clingy would he?

I began my treck to mcdonald's, thinking about Peter along the way, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Aimee Hail from my class at school.

''Hey Orona, I recognised your hair so I thought I'd come and talk to you.'' She sang enthusiastically, like she'd been high on crack.

''Hey.'' I replied, sounding tired.

''How are you? My Mum's on this whole beauty course thing so my brother's ben looking after me all weekend, I get to go to parties and everything how cool is that?'' She talked rather quickly.

''That's cool.'' I agreed ''And im pretty good thanks.'' I lied, I was actually annoyed from having to talk to her.

''Anyway me and a few friends are going to this party tonight so text me if you feel like coming.'' She offered, then skipped away happily.

Aimee was so beautiful, but in a crazy sort of way, she always wore clothes no-one else would ever thin to wear and she had this bright red hair and hazel eyes. She was actually very attactive, until you actually talked to her, then you'd feel lik murdering her (or yourself.)

I practially screamed when I saw Peter ouside mcdonald's, I felt butterflies in my stomach as he smiled sweetly at me. I walked over to him, careful not to trip and ruin the moment. I got to where he was standing and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. I could get used to this to be quite honest. He was about 6 ft in height which isn't actually that bad considering im quite tall myself so it's not like I look 10 compared to him or anything.

I actually wondered whether we were a couple now, I wasn't going to ask him incase I embarrass myself but all this kissing and stuff you don't do that to strangers right? ''My Dad's brought some whore to our house.'' I sighed, as we waited for our big mac's.

''He's a big boy Orona, im sure he'll be fine.'' Peter stated, fiddling about with his cola straw.

''Im not worried about him in the slightest.'' I said truthfully. Which I wasn't I just don't like picturing my Dad doing those things with girls so much younger than him.

''You know this is our first official date.'' Peter noted to me. I smiled at the thought of it.

''At mcdonald's, how romantic.'' I giggled.

''We can go back to my apartment after.'' He stated, leaning forward to kiss me.

''Sorry, no can do, going to a party tonight.'' I decided.

The thing is I didn't want to go back to his apartment with him, I was pretty certain he only wanted to go back there for sex, and I wanted more than that, I didn't want to be used for sex.

''You alright?'' Peter asked me as he drove me home, I nodded my head softly, I was deep in thought.

I was thinking about my Mum right now, Peter mentioned it earlier when w were eating, he started asking me where my Mum was and if I kept contact with her then he went all 'sympathy act' on my when I told him she was dead. I hated when people do that. I know you should feel sympathy for someone who's parent died but I get sick of the word sorry.

I felt Peter's warm lips against mine as we parked up, I was about to get out of the car when he got on top of me, he pushed the seat down and that's when I froze, the thing is I daren't tell him no, I was scared that he'd never want to see me again if I said no so I just let him. I wasn't in as much pain as my first time but being pressed against a seat for so long suprisingly kills your back.

So much for not being used for sex.

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