Abby (book 1)Watty Award Fina...

By Tracyp

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Abby is a 16 year old girl whose life is turned upside down when her last living relative is killed in a car... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
title of your story or chapter
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fiffteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Twenty One

23.3K 481 23
By Tracyp

I would just like to thank everyone for the support, you have all been amazing, I tried to make this chapter a bit longer but it just didn't work, hopefully the next one lol. I wanted to thank Clandi,NaomiHenderson3,EmmaJaneGraves,Ramah,bookreadmacy and Killernini for all their great comments. Thanks for reading x


Calli stepped aside as Marcus moved further into the room. On closer inspection he looked exhausted, he bowed his head at the council members.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion,Zane had a visitor and Mr Carter asked me to bring him straight here for his protection. He would have liked to be here himself, but he needed to put a few things in order"

Selena rushed to his side.

"Follow me, you can fill us in after we take care of this poor child"

Selena led them out of the room and the guards dispersed. Leah stood comforting Calli, who seemed visibly shaken by Zane's presence.

Abby turned to Jarrod, Jacob and Aiden, none of which looked happy at the arrival of their guest.

"He probably did it himself" scoffed Jacob, the other boys nodded their heads in agreement. 

Abby saw red, what were they thinking, he couldn't possibly have inflicted those wounds himself, just because they didn't like him didn't mean he deserved to be torn up. Putting her hands on her hips she faced the boys, her eyes were throwing daggers at them.

"Shut up" she hissed "Cant you see Calli is upset"

They all turned to look at Calli, who was staring at them in horror.

"You guys have no respect" Abby continued " None of us have any idea what happened to Zane and I would appreciate it if you kept your mouths shut until we know the facts"

They all hung their heads in shame, Jarrod stepped forward and reached forward to grab her hand.

"Sorry Abby, your'e right, it's just you havn't known him as long as we have"

"I don't care" she said, shrugging his hand away.

"I'm going to see what's happening"

Abby stalked off despite Jarrod's crestfallen face. Having no idea where they would take Zane she headed up towards their rooms. Sure enough she heard a soft murmur coming from the room two doors down from hers.

Without hesitation she barged through the door, the sight that met her made her gasp, her hands flew to her mouth.

Zane lay in the bed, his face was covered in cuts and bruises, a long red gash ran from under his left eye down to the middle of his throat. His chest was bare, showing a deep gash that went from one end of his stomach to the other.

Abby had an urge to run to the bed and comfort this boy who had saved her life. Marcus was no where in sight, Selena stood at the foot of the bed while a man she had never seen before was examining Zane.

Selena nodded at the man and then moved quietly and gracefully towards Abby, ushering her out of the door.

"What happened?"

"We will find out" Selena said tersely

Abby followed her back to the dining room, where everyone now sat around the table. The council members all sat quiet, there faces impassive. Jarrod looked up at her, refusing to meet his gaze she sat by Calli and grabbed her hand, Leah was holding the other one.

Poor Calli, she had shown her true feelings for Zane, despite her protests it was now out there in the open. Abby was positive it was because of the boys that she didn't want to voice those feelings, it just made her more angrier.

Marcus re entered the room, he wore clean clothes but still looked exhausted, he silently took a seat. The council simply gazed at him, waiting for an explanation, they weren't going to ask.

"Last night Mr Carter called me to his chambers, when I got there he informed me one of his students had gone missing, Zane. He told me that earlier that day Zane had approached him, asking about the welfare of Abby, he said Zane looked troubled but he would'nt talk to him."

"I knew it" shouted Jacob, hitting the table with his palm. He immediately shrunk back into his seat as everyone around the table glared at him.

"Sorry" he said, waving his hand in a carry on gesture.

Marcus cleared his throat.

"Mr Carter was alerted by Dobbin that Zane had left the premises, and not willingly I might add. I was asked to track him down"

"Track him down how?" asked Leah

Marcus's eye's shone for a moment "It's my gift"

Abby stowed that information away, Marcus might be needed again.

"I followed the trail, and when I caught up to them, he was already on the floor, badly injured. There were two Demons attacking him. I dispatched one, tried to get the other one to talk, he woul'dnt say anything, so I got rid of him,called Mr Carter, who told me to bring him straight here"

Wow thought Abby, she haldn't met a Demon before but obviously they were bad news, what had poor Zane done to deserve being attacked by them, scratch that kidnapped and attacked by them, surely he wasn't associated with them.

"You learnt nothing of why they wanted they boy?" asked the Vampire

Marcus shook his head.

"Maybe Zane will be able to tell you, he was unconscious when I found him, he didn't stir once on the way here."

Selena shook her head.

"That could take a while"

"Why?" asked Calli "He's a Dampyhr, surely it should only be a matter of hours before his wounds heal"

"He is a strong Damphir, but he has chosen not to got through with the ceremony, he is not strong enough. The Demons laced their claws with poison, they didn't want to hurt him, they wanted him dead"

Calli gasped and ran from the room with Leah trailing behind her.

"Why would Demons go after him? I don't really know anything about them, do they normally attack random people?" Abby asked.

All the council members looked at each other, before the Vamp spoke.

"All Demons work for the Creator, it was his doing"

Abby felt anger rush through her, was he doing this to get to her, no, he couldn't be using Zane she hardly knew him. Deep down she knew he would go for those she cared about the most, that could mean only one thing.

The Creator had set himself not one but two targets, the question was why Zane?

There was nothing more to discuss until Zane woke, the group dispersed, Abby was about to join Calli and Leah when Jarrod stopped her.

"You still mad at me?" he asked

Abby looked at his beautiful face, his eyes pleading with her, they had just made up, she didn't want to lose him again.

"No" she sighed, grabbing his hand she dragged him to her room.

Once the door closed he drew her to him. He lowered his head so that their foreheads and noses touched, they both drew in a breath as electricity swirled within them, begging to be released. With a groan there lips met in the softest, sweetest kiss.

Within moments they were lost to each other, devouring each other. Jarrod's hands moved down her back slowly, stopping at her waist and squeezing gently.Abby felt like she was on fire, she moved her hands down to feel the hard contours of his chest.

They both let out a groan as a knock on the door broke them from their passionate embrace. Jacob and Aiden poked their heads around the door, before entering, dragging the girls with them. Abby's face was flushed and Jarrod was panting hard. 

"Did we miss the show?" Jacob pouted.

Without realizing Abby let out a soft growl. Jacob laughed until Jarrod swatted him across the head.

"Oww, what was that for?"

"For being you"

Everyone laughed except Calli who only let out a small smile. Abby's heart broke for the girl, remembering what she had felt when sh thought she had lost Jarrod. She walked up to her and enveloped her in a hug. 

"Don't worry, she whispered " Everything will be alright"

Calli pulled back and squeezed her hand in reassurance.

The girls moved to the bed, whilst the boys lay on the floor. Nobody really knew what to say, it was pretty quiet until the boys started a play fight on the floor. Abby gazed fondly at Jarrod as he held both Aiden and Jacob in a headlock, he would have won if Aiden hadn't sent a gust of wind through the room, sending Jarrod flying. The girls squealed in delight. Eventually both Aiden and Jacob pinned him to the ground laughing.

Calli turned on her back, softly she asked,

"You saw him didn't you? Was he bad?"

The room went quiet, all eyes were on Abby.

"I won't lie to you, he looked bad, he's covered in cuts and bruises and he had a big gash on his stomach. But he's got the best care here, I have faith they will heal him"

Calli closed her eyes and took a breath. 

"So....." said Leah

There was a knock on the door, Marcus entered.

" Hey, I was told to come and tell you to get some rest, training starts tomorrow"

They all thanked him and he left, saying they weren't the only ones needing rest. Everyone groaned at the prospect of work, but complying and heading off to bed. Jarrod gave Abby a quick kiss,promising to see her in the morning.

Abby got changed and climbed into bed, it wasn't long before both Calli and Leah came back in. Abby patted the bed, it was a good job it was a king size. They comforted each other with silence, just being there for each other, until they all drifted off.

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